《Only For You》28


This shit is my fault if ian wanna be a hothead and fight at this party Demetrius would be good right now...I shoulda just left the whole situation alone.

But I couldn't have just let her get away with what she did towards me..I could've just took it somewhere else.

Then I fucked up Jaymars window. I hope he isn't mad at me about that.

"Riah...Riah!" I came back into reality.

"You okay" Preius asked sitting neck to me putting her head on my shoulder.

I looked around the waiting room seeing James just looking out into space with a blank expression on his face, Tanya was laying on his lap sleeping, Adriens layed out on the chairs sleeping, but I didn't see Jaymar.

"Umm where's Jaymar" I asked right before hearing about three people dying a couple hours ago on the tv.

"Today for breaking news three males were found dead in a home in Oakland city, with a female currently in critical condition. The males were found with multiple bullet wounds in their body. All being the age of 21,18,19 and the female being at the age of 20. There have been no arrest as of yet but if anyone has any information please call this number"

Right after it went off Jaymar bust in the doors wiping sweat off his forehead and a buffalo wild wings box in his hand.

"Where were you at?" I ask him as he comes and sits next to me.

"Had ta handle sum" he replies grabbing a wing out of the box.

Preius just looks at me and smirks then walks into the hospital bathroom.

"Family of Demetrius Holmes" A nurse walks into the waiting room and we all face our attention on her.

"Is he okay?" James askes standing up from his sit, waking Tanya up.

"Yes he's fine but it was a close call if you would've gotten here any later he would've been a goner" We all let put a sign of relief.


"He's in critical condition at the moment but well just keep him here for a few days and he should be as good as he was before" She reassures us smiling.

"Thank you so much" I say towards her.

"Anytime" She responds walking back through the hospital doors.

"Ion wanna go home tonight can I stay with you?" I ask Jaymar as I bite into one of the wings.

He nods his head at me while sipping some of his bottled water.

"We is too" Preius said grabbing a wing.

"Thats coo I got enough rooms fa yall ta stay in fa da night" Jaymar says.

He really do too. His ass got a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house and he the only person who living there.

"And you was gon be coming anyways I was just finna have you go back to my place without me" I said towards Preius.

"Imma need to go get some close from your house really quick tho" she replied.

"Me too" Tanya said walking over towards us to grab her a wing as well.

"K" I replied to both of them.

"James you coming back ta my shit too?" Jay askes James as he got up and walked towards the lady at the front desk.

"Nah imma stay anotha night here wit Demetrius"

"Dats coo" Jaymar replies grabbing one more wing before closing the box.

"Aye adrien wake up..is you coming back to my house after dis?" Jay shakes Adriens leg causing him to jolt up.

"What?" Adrien asked Jay while rubbing his eyes.

"Nigga is you coming back ta my crib?"

"Nah I got work" Adrien responds stretching his arms and yawning.

"Is Demetrius coo?"

"Yea" I replied and he let out a sign.

"Ouuu shit yall got sum food" Adrien eyes widen as he reaches his hands in the box to grab him a wing.

"Aye can we see him now?" James askes the receptionist.


"Yea let me just call someone to escort you guys" she replies dialing a number on the landline.

"Family for Mr.Holmes" A docter comes in and we stand up.

"Follow me please"

We all start following him down the hall and then we stop right outside Demetrius door.

"He's still sleep from the pain pills we gace him earlier but he is well I promise" he says openibg the door for us before leaving out.

James and I walk into the room at the same time and James immediately sits next to Demetrius and grabs his hand. I just stand there looking at his body seeing all these needles in him and just walk out.

"He okay Riah" Tanya says following behind me with her hand on my shoulder.

"OH MY GOD WHERES MY BABY" I hear a lady scream and then run towards Demetrius room.

Making me feel even more guilty.

"He okay ma" James says standing up hugging his mother crying.

"Can we go down?" I walk back into the room and tug Jays arm.

"Inna li bit" he answers back to me in a calm tone.

"Are you mad at me?" I whisper to him as he still looks at Demetrius sleeping body.

He doesn't answer so that gives me the answer I was looking.

he has every right to be mad

But he knew I was mad so why the fuck would he put me in that car

"Wasshanin li nigga" I heard James say as Demetrius opens his eyes a little bit.

"Yo lips bout crusty as hell" Preius said shaking giggling.

"Gi- gimme su-" he points towards the water across the table and I hurry and grab it, passing it to him. Watching him drink it like he ain had nothing to drink in centuries.

"Yall ugly" he is said mugging at all of us.

Wow thats the first thing that wanna come out his mouth

We all just laugh at him, happy he's alive.

"Here go sum wings I know youn wanna eat that nasty ass hospital food" Jay says putting the box down onna desk next to his hospital bed.

"Ok momma bye I love you imma be back later on today after we drop Tanya and Preius off at the airport" I said to my momma as Preius and Tanya grabbed their belongings so we could stay at Jays house for the rest of the day.

"Ok I love yall too baby" my momma says huddling us together in a group hug before we walked back outside and towards Jays car.

"What time yall catching da flight again?" I ask them as we get in the car.

"8pm" Preius answers as Tanya lays her head in her lap.

"K" I respond as Jay drives out of the apartments and I just look through the window, putting my headphones in.

It was a long, quiet car ride back to Jaymars house. We all just got out the car not saying a word to each other and walked into his house.

"Its a bedroom right down the hall to the left and another one right across from that one" he directed them as I walked upstairs towards his bedroom.

I enter his room and walk towards his bathroom to get ready to take a shower.

I get out the shower and walk into his room, grabbing one of his tshirts and drawls, putting them on.

I realized he still wasn't in his room yet but I didn't want to bother him so I just turned off the lights, charged my phone, and dozed off to sleep.

I woke up feeling him finally get into bed and I just stayed in the same position I was already in. He didn't cuddle me or anything.

Then after a couple of minutes I went right back to sleep.

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