《ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ • ᴋᴏᴋɪᴄʜɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ》Chapter 22


The next morning, everyone headed to Maki's lab on the 3rd floor. Which just confirms that she is definitely..an assassin.

"Wh-What the heck is this?" Kaito panicked

"It's like...weapon warehouse." Gonta stated

"See, I told you she's not the Ultimate Child Caregiver... She's the Ultimate Assassin" Kokichi smiled

"You learned that from the motive video, right? Monokuma said everyone's ultimate talent at the beginning of their video—" Shuichi asked

"Hm? I knew the whole time. Given my position, I'd obviously know before any of you, right?"

"Your "position"? " Shuichi questioned

"It's another lie, don't worry about it." I said quietly.

In a way, I was kinda scared to even speak up after what happened yesterday. Everyone is so careful when they're around me now. As if I'll just snap at any given moment. I wonder if this is how Kokichi always feels... everybody distances themselves from him too. And yet, he still manages to act like his normal self.

"Anyway, her reaction yesterday pretty much gave away that she's the Ultimate Assassin." Said Kokichi

"But whyever did she lie about being the Ultimate Child Caregiver?" Kiyo asked

"Cuz assassins hide to do all their killing! If people find out they're assassins, they get all cautious and they can't kill anyone!" Miu shouted

"Did she hide her real identity because... she was planning to kill us?" Tsumugi questioned

"But then, why hasn't she killed anyone yet? She has had so many opportunities to do so." Keebo said

"Geez, robots can't even understand human feelings, let alone a girl's heart." Kokichi commented

"Please take back what you just said. I can too understand human feelings. But I'm still in the process of collecting data."

"If you're so worried, why don't you ask her? She's been holed up in her room all day. But I can't promise that she won't try to kill you like she tried to do to me..and Y/n. Nishishi, good thing everyone was there to stop her, but what about next time?" Said Kokichi

"The talent of a killer... That is the biggest threat to all of us who wish to survive." Kiyo said


"Let's just lock her up somewhere so she can't kill anyone." Miu suggested

"I'll leave that to you, Gonta.." Himiko said

"I'll help, too! I don't want another killing to happen." Tenko agreed

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" I yelled out and caught everyone's attention. The words left my mouth before I could even stop and think, everyone stared at me. "...Maki's not even trying to kill us? That's way too far—"

"A sneak attack is the way to go! We have to strike before she does! Hit her from behind!" Tenko cut me off

"No! At the end of the day, Maki is still human. With the wrong intention, any one of us could use our talent for murder. It's.. not right. Sure Maki specializes in killing, but doesn't mean she's been planning to kill one of us! She was lying about her talent because she knew that this is how you guys would react. She knew that you would all be suspicious of her once you found out." I explained. Even if I might not like Maki that much after what happened, the idea of locking her up somewhere was just...wrong.

"Exactly! Just leave Maki to me, I'll take down that mask of hers." Kaito said

"O-Kay! Let's leave everything to Kaito! Gonta, you should stand back. Nothing good ever happens when you try to help." Said Kokichi

"Hm? Oh yeah...sorry." Gonta apologized, and just then Monokuma appeared.

"Oh! I don't need everyone's usual reactions! Time's a bit of a factor here! Anyway, since you guys overcame the class trial, I figured I'd give you all a wonderful prize!"

The Monokubs also appeared and apparently they are in charge of everything now..? (I'm too lazy to write all the dialogue)

"U-Um... let's see what the prize is this time.." Monophanie said. "We're giving away a Golden Hammer, a Magic Key, and a Ninja Scroll as a prize bundle!"

"Aw maaan... we didn't need more junk. We had way too much anyway. And it's name is Keebo." Kokichi joked

"Now you've gone too far! Everyone, we can't allow this kind of intolerant language!" Keebo shouted


"Also, we've hidden another Flashback Light somewhere, too." After Monophanie said that, the cubs left.

"..So what are we going to do? If we use this junk, we can open up new places, but..." Kaito was cut off by Angie

"Yayy! A new area means we can all have lots more fun."

"I don't know if we'll have that much fun..." I replied

"I find myself more interested in the Flashback light. Perhaps we'll recall the school's secret." Kiyo said

"If that's the case, then we'll deal with murder girl later." Kokichi said, and everyone left the room.


The first building I happened to come across seemed like an Ultimate Research Lab.

"It's the Ultimate Aikido Master's lab! I'm sure of it!" Tenko shouted from behind me. With her was Himiko and Shuichi. "Alright, let's go inside! Don't be shy, Y/n and Himiko! Ladies first!"

Stepping inside, the place was.. Huge. And that's not an exaggeration. It smelt nice and everything looked so new.

"See, this is my lab, you jerk!" Tenko shouted

"Wh-Why are you angry?" Shuichi panicked

"I'm so happy, I just can't contain my emotions!" Tenko seemed very energetic. "This is such a nice dojo! I'm sure sparring will be incredible here!"

"But, without a sparring partner—" Shuichi was cut off by Tenko, who had thrown him to the ground.


"AAUGH! Wh-what was that for!?" Shuichi yelled, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Neo-Aikido is a super serious martial art! Instead of training, we just fight head-on! Now, Y/n! Aim for the heart!"

"Wh-huh?!? You're going to start with that!?" I panicked

"Hahaha! I'm just kidding!"

"This is just kidding? Why did we go straight into actual fighting—" Shuichi said

"You don't have a lot of confidence in yourself, do you, Shuichi?" Tenko's energetic energy went away, and she became...more serious as she stared directly at Shuichi.


"You lack self-esteem...and because of that, you doubt your strength. You seem more confident than before, but I can tell you still question yourself." Tenko's serious face became slightly softened. "...Well!? I'm right, aren't I!? I can tell when my sparring partner is burdened by doubt!"

"...you might be right." I saw Shuichi look to the floor in disappointment.

"You know what works real good at lifting all that doubt!? Neo-Aikido! Because Aikido itself is a Japanese martial art, that treasures a pure heart above all else! So, how about you guys?" Tenko's turned to Himiko and I. "If we combine your magic and fire dance with my Neo-aikido, then we'd be able to solve things by force!"

"Nyeeeh... I don't wanna do any exercise. It's too much of a—" next thing you know, Himiko is being thrown too! I'm probably next..



"I see.. it seems you are still too shy to show your emotions, Himiko. You should do Neo-Aikido, Himiko! Training your body will help you express your emotions." Tenko explained.. then, she turned to me.

"Alright, Y/n! It's your turn, ready?" Tenko said excitedly. But I was very hesitant, if she could read her sparring partner... what is she gonna say about me..?

"Uh.. yeah.." and before I could even blink, I was being thrown by Tenko, it did hurt but I'm used to getting lots of injuries during dance anyways. Once I got up, Tenko looked at me with a sad expression.. and pulled me into a hug.

"You have a kind heart, Y/n. But I could sense that you have a lot of built up anger and sadness. You're also not very confident either, even though you try to act like you are." Her voice was soft and kind, I couldn't help but hug her a little tighter. "I'm always here for you! It's good to let it out once in a while. I promise I'm not going anywhere, so don't be scared!"

Hearing Tenko say that..almost made me tear up. But I couldn't cry now, I need to stay strong. Pulling away from the hug, Tenko gave a comforting smile and asked if I could stay with her for a bit so she could teach me some of her aikido. Of course I accepted, Shuichi went to explore for a little bit and agreed to come back to Tenko's lab after so him and I could continue exploring together.


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