《រឿង: ព្រោះនាង》ភាគ៣:ធ្វើបាបមនុស្សស្រីរបស់យើងឬ!
រ៉ូឃី រៀបចំអាហារពេលព្រឹកសម្រាប់គេដូចរាល់ដងអ៊ីចឹង ខណៈពេលនោះផងដែរ គេក៏មកដល់តុបាយល្មម នាងក៏ឱនមុខចុះមិនហ៊ានសម្លឹងចំឡើយ ក៏ខ្មាសរឿងកាលពីយប់មិញដូចគ្នា។
ថេយ៉ុងចូលអង្គុយនៅកន្លែងគេ ដូចសព្វដង នាងក៏លើកកាហ្វេមកបន្ថែមដាក់ក្បែរដៃគេ។
"ថ្ងៃនេះយើងចូលផ្ទះវិញយប់ជ្រៅ មិនបាច់រៀបបាយទុកឲ្យយើងទេ" និយាយជាមួយនាង បែរមកសម្លឹងនាង ប៉ុន្តែក៏នឹកឃើញរឿងនាងដួលនោះទៀតហើយ ទើបក្តាប់មាត់ សម្លក់មុខនាង ដែលភ្លីភ្លើធ្វើខ្លួនដូចក្មេងទើបរៀនចេះដើរ។
"ឃើញមុខនាងហើយ យើងនឹកឃើញតែនាងដួលចំតិតដាក់យើងទេ" រ៉ូឃី ខ្មាសចង់ដើរគេច រត់ចូលឡាន ពុះជ្រែកដីឲ្យផុតពីមុខពីមាត់គេទេ រំលឹកធ្វើអី នាងក៏ចេះខ្មាសដែរណា៎។
"ខ្ញុំគ្មានចេតនានោះទេ ប៉ុន្តែវារអិលសាប៊ូ ខ្ញុំក៏មិនចង់ដែរ"
"យើងថានាងចង់ទាក់ទាញយើងច្រើនជាង" គេលើកកាហ្វេមកផឹក ធ្វើចិត្តឈប់នឹកគិតពីរឿងនោះ ប៉ុន្តែក៏នៅគិតមិនឈប់សោះ ។
រ៉ូឃី បម្រុងដើរចូលមកក្បែរគេ ចង់សុំអង្វរឲ្យគេឈប់និយាយពីរឿងនេះទៀត ប៉ុនែ្តបែរជាត្រូវនរណាម្នាក់រុញឲ្យដួលអុកគូទមុនចូលដល់កំលោះគីមថេយ៉ុងនោះហើយ។
"ជេស៊ី" ថេយ៉ុងសង្កត់សំឡេងហៅឈ្មោះអ្នកដែលរុញច្រានមនុស្សរបស់គេឲ្យដួលនោះទាំងចងចិញ្ចើមចូលគ្នា សម្លឹងមុខអ្នកដែលចូលមកក្នុងផ្ទះគេ ហើយក៏ធ្វើឫកពាដូច្នេះ។
"ខ្ញុំឃើញនាងឈរទើសផ្លូវ តែគ្មានចេតនាទេ នាងដួលដោយខ្លួនឯង" ជេស៊ី ដើរមកឱបកគេពីក្រោយ ព្រមទាំងថើបថ្ពាល់គេ បែរសម្លឹង រ៉ូឃី ដែលទើបនឹងក្រោករួច នាងមិនសូវជាមានកម្លាំងកំហែងនោះទេ ព្រោះត្រូវគេស្រូបយកសឹងតែរាល់ថ្ងៃទៅហើយ។
"ផ្តេសផ្តាស" គេហារមាត់ថាឲ្យជេស៊ី តែភ្នែកក៏តាមសម្លេង រ៉ូឃី ដែលមានទឹកមុខស្លេកស្លាំង ដូចជាខ្មោចឆៅឯណោះទេ។
"ខ្ញុំក៏ចង់ញ៉ាំអាហារពេលព្រឹកនៅទីនេះដែរ ជួយរៀបចំឲ្យផងណា៎" ជេស៊ី ចូលអង្គុយក្បែរថេយ៉ុង ដោយងាកមកស្រែកប្រាប់ រ៉ូឃី ទើបនាងរហ័សទៅដួសបបរដាក់ចានលើកយកមកឲ្យ ភ្ញៀវរបស់គេ ទាំងទឹកមុខមិនសូវជាល្អ អ្នកជាម្ចាស់ផ្ទះក៏លែងហារស្តី គេលែងខ្វល់ពីស្រីៗហើយ ឈឺក្បាលណាស់ ធុញថប់។
"អរគុណ" រ៉ូឃី លើកបបរយកមកក្បែរដោយបម្រុងដាក់នៅចំពីមុខនាងទៅហើយ នាងក៏ងាកមកនិយាយអរគុណ តែក៏ទ្រគូទចានរុញបបរនោះធ្វើឲ្យកំពប់ចាប់ពីលើខ្លួនរ៉ូឃីតែម្តង។
"អ្ហាយ៎!" បបរក៏ក្តៅរ៉ូបដែលនាងពាក់ក៏ជាសាច់ស៊ីរ៉ួទៀត ថេយ៉ុង ស្ទុះក្រោកពីកន្លែងមក ដោយទាញជេស៊ីចេញពីមនុស្សរបស់គេ សម្លឹងមើលរ៉ូឃីដោយកែវភ្នែកក្រហមងាំង។
"អ្ហឹក!ក្តៅណាស់" ថេយ៉ុងហែករ៉ូបនាងកម្ទេចចោល ដែលធ្វើឲ្យនាងសម្លឹងគេទាំងយំគ្រវីក្បាល គេក៏ដោះអាវមកក្រសោបរុំពីលើខ្លួននាង រួចក៏លើកបីដោយស្រែកប្រាប់មនុស្សក្រោមបង្គាប់ទៀតឲ្យចេញចេញឡាន។
"ឆាប់ចេញឡានឥឡូវនេះ នាំរ៉ូឃីទៅពេទ្យ ពួកឯងទៅណាអស់ហើយ"
"បាទ៎ៗ" មនុស្សជំនិតឆ្លើយទាំងញ័រមាត់ពេលឃើញឫកពារបស់ចៅហ្វាយខ្លួនបែបនេះ លើកទីមួយហើយដែលគេធ្វើដូច្នេះ ។ ជេស៊ីឈរមើលឱបដៃញញឹមព្រោះនាងក៏គុំរឿងកាលពីយប់មិញដូចគ្នាដែលនាងកាត់មុខកាត់មាត់ខ្លួន។
យករ៉ូឃីមកដល់មន្ទីរពេទ្យហើយ ឲ្យពេទ្យពិនិតមើលនឹងលាបរបួសដែលត្រូវបបរក្តៅជះមកលើខ្លួន ក៏គេឲ្យពិនិត្យមើលឲ្យល្អិតល្អន់ដែរ។
រួចរាល់ហើយគេក៏ចូលមកមើលនាងបាន ដោយនាងត្រូវស្លៀកឈុតអ្នកជំងឺដេកនៅពេទ្យទៀត គេចង់ធ្វើស្អី មិនឲ្យនាងទៅផ្ទះបន្ទាប់ពីលាបថ្នាំនឹងពិនិត្យរួចនោះទេ។
"ឈឺខ្លាំងឬអត់?" គេចូលមកសួរនាំនាង ដោយលាត់អាវមើលរាងកាយរបស់នាង ឃើញស្នាមក្រហមតាំងតែពីក្រោមទ្រូងមកម៉្លេះ កើតឆ្កួតអី ជេស៊ី ម្តេចក៏មកធ្វើឲ្យមនុស្សរបស់គេក្លាយជាបែបនេះ។
"វាក្តៅហើយក៏ក្រហាយផ្សាតិចៗ មិនដូចពេលនៅផ្ទះនោះទេ" នាងរៀបរាប់ប្រាប់ទាំងអួលដើមក ត្រូវស្រីរបស់គេមកធ្វើបាបដល់ផ្ទះ ភ្នែកក៏រលីងរលោងរកកលចង់យំ ពេលនឹកឃើញដល់រឿងនោះ នាងគ្រាន់តែត្រូវគេបញ្ជាឲ្យដេកជាមួយ ម្តេចក៏មកធ្វើបាបនាងបែបហ្នឹង។
"ចង់សងសឹកវិញទេ?" គេសួរដោយមុខស្មើ នាងក៏ភ័យ គ្រវីក្បាល សុំមិនធ្វើបែបហ្នឹងវិញឡើយ នាងយល់អារម្មណ៍ថាពេលត្រូវរបស់ក្តៅស្រោចមកលើខ្លួនវាបែបណា នាងក៏មិនចង់បង្ករឿងឲ្យអ្នកណាមកចងគំនុំជាមួយនោះទេ។
"តាមសំណូមពរ" គេងក់ក្បាល ដោយបែរទៅមើលមុខមនុស្សជំនិត ហើយអ្នកក្រោមបង្គាប់ក៏ឱនគំនាប ចេញពីក្នុងបន្ទប់តែម្តង យល់សាច់ការច្បាស់។
"មិនបាច់ចង់ដឹង សម្រាកឲ្យឆាប់ជានឹងបានដួលចំតិតឲ្យយើងមើលទៀត" រ៉ូឃី ស្រក់ទឹកភ្នែកប៉ក់ៗព្រោះតែខ្មាស គេនៅមិនទាន់បំភ្លេច នាងក៏យំដូចត្រូវគេវៃអ៊ីចឹង ថេយ៉ុង ខាំបបូរមាត់ លាក់សំណើច ក្មេងនេះឆ្កួតឬក៏យ៉ាងណាឲ្យប្រាកដ គ្រាន់តែបែបហ្នឹងក៏យំកើតដែរ។
Virtual Reality does not even exist in this period of time, how come Ling Ru is able to play a game, that feels so real? Upset about his family undermining his gaming habits, again and again, Ling Ru's mental fire begins to rage as he rushes out into the night on a rainy day. He likes MMORPGs and RPGs, why does he have to study hard? For his second time, he failed his University Exams, which means he would have to repeat another year. While fuming and bitching to himself, he seeks out a new comrade, a rather cute one. Actually, he found a cute cat standing on the road while walking on the sidewalk, maybe not a real comrade, but at least something living he could bitch about his family with, or rather to. Surprisingly this cat stood on the road and obediently listened to everything he said, it carried on for quite a few minutes before he noticed something weird. The cat was stone, or rather it had not moved for quite a long time. He tried making sounds and scaring it, nothing works. He decides to check why it is acting so weird, as he approaches the cat, it does not even fret, it's still. When he comes in near proximity to the cat, something weird happens. A blinding light and a loud honking noise. Written by Matt / Xazin from Team YunekThis is a personal story of mine, but if you like my work you can find more of Team Yunek by looking at our other story 'A Nerd's Wuxia Tales' There is a huge genre difference, but it's worth reading!
8 134Epoch: A Berserker's Rise
Reincarnation always seem to go well, so what would happen in the case of a reverse reincarnation?If you are curious, then come along for this adventure in which Adam, a young man desperate for money, will find himself with the memories of a 50 years old martial artist. I am cohosting with Webnovel, where the main novel is. It is free there too, don't worry, I'm just posting this here to get more viewers since I refused their contract.
8 183Re:Skyrim
In the world of Nirn, on one of the continents, Tamriel, at the northernmost province of the continent, Skyrim, there was peace. But storms are a brewing, with signs of war peaking and the people of Skyrim anxious, peace might not last for so long. With dragons coming back from the dead, vampires going out of their caves, assassins and thieves running wild, how can Skyrim have her peace when even her own children are bickering amongst themselves? But this is not a tale about Skyrim, this is a tale spun for something else. Something, not quite from Nirn, or even from this Kalpa. _____________________________ *All copyrights belong to Bethesda, I just want to add a little character of my own into the mix. *Title, synopsis, chapters, and cover picture are subjected to changes, at anytime *Like with the lore and the Elder Scrolls series, I don't own the picture, if the owner wants it taken down, please message me I take some lore, and then I twist it a bit, or I don't at all. I try to add the meanings to the strange words you find in this fiction at the end of the chapters. Thanks for reading.
8 198Grazing the Sky
Aspiring musician Lance awakes one night to hear a voice. Someone warning him of danger to come. Someone telling him to start running, now. Lance has no choice but to shrug off the event as something of his own imagination, but upon falling unconscious, he is kidnapped and injected with deadly cells from a race kept hidden from humans, a race kept secret. Zidane is a crossbreed of Razalek and Spiro, a breathing hybrid that shouldn't exist. There's too much hatred between the races; there's too much bad blood in his veins. But he needs to save Lance's life. He has too much death on his hands already. However, Lance isn't so easy to trust him. So, with a question, he's teleported into Zidane's mind and introduced to a world of magic, racism, and everlasting love. Memory by memory plays, giving Lance answers to his question. Giving him every reason to trust.He has no choice, after all. [THIS NOVEL CONTAINS SWEARING, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE] [Written from 2010 - 2017]
8 185(Re)Install
After his death, Garry, AKA Gaz, is summoned by a nameless goddess to another world and tasked with a very important mission, the main characters sets out to travel around in search of a way to accomplish his objectives and live happily ever after.The catch? The mission is to save the same goddess, who've been sealed away for all eternity in who knows where. Having little to no energy left, she was unable to create a decent blessing, so Gaz is left with a weak body in a savage world that he knows nothing about.Also, did i mention he wasn't reincarnated as a human? Neither as a beast? Well...His actual body might actually not be that bad. As long as he survives the first day, of course.-------------Okay, some of you might know from Insania Online, some don't, so might as well explain it here. This is a Re: (ish) style story, with a Scifi (ish) setting and some fantasy (ish) assets (precision is overrated). This is kind of a side project I will work while I take a break from insania.This is a crazy idea i had thanks to a certain game's trailer, and decided to write it. Even if it starts fairly serious, it will probably have a lot of wacky comedy, so don't say you haven't been warned and don't try to take it too seriously. Really. If you are expecting a dramatic and heavy story, this is very probably not what you want(who knows? I'm just starting it...).
8 144With You [Cannon Kuroo x reader]
You are a manager for the Karasuno the volleyball team, along with Kiyoko. When you met the captain of the Nekoma, Kuroo Tetsuro, at a practice game, life became more interesting. Read to see what happens when you two meet again at a training camp.(Absolutely no angst because only happy thoughts. Cannon Kuroo, because fandom Kuroo is sorta toxic. Please read, comment, share, and vote for no reason.)P.S: Y/N does not play a sport, not at all. (The reason why is that I hate sports and I've seen to much of the sporty girl x Kuroo. I wanted something different and everyone seems to think that Y/N is a fit person with some attitude, especially with those Kuroo x readers. I wanted Y/N to be normal and nice with no attitude and no sass. Thanks for listening to me rant. Oh and sorry if you're fit this fanfic works for you too and you're beautiful too.)
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