《The Lies and the Lives of the Taken》Frank 22
I slowly stir in my bed, the gentle knocking disturbing me. "Frank?"
Soft light pours into my room from the living room. "Jen, give me a few," I say, turning over and dropping my head back on my pillow.
"Frank?" she whispers again, stepping in.
She starts shaking my shoulder. "Huh?" I sit up, looking at her.
"There's a man asking to see you," she says, pursing her lips together.
"Who?" She shakes her hand. I sigh, sitting up. I'm wearing the same clothes from yesterday, I forgot to change so I'm not entirely unpresentable. Although, I can tell my hair is sticking up in all directions.
I step out of my room with Jenna, glancing over and seeing a man in the foyer area. He's a few inches taller than me with dark, brunet hair and a clean shave. His features are sharp and he looks rather attractive, a few years older than me. He's dressed nicely as well. Black jacket over the crisp, white shirt. He glances at me and a small smile plays on his face, remembrance in his eyes. "Frank," he says as if he recognizes me.
"Yeah, hi," I say, slightly confused while walking toward him. "Do I know you?"
"Um, I don't think so," he says. He glances at Jenna and smiles at her politely. She glances between the to of us before she steps out and in her room. "My name is Brendon. I'm an...associate of Gerard." My eyes widen and I look at him. "I'm aware you two know each other."
"Yeah, I mean, yeah, you-we were supposed to meet up yesterday but he never showed...is everything okay?" I ask. Brendon looks at me grimly. "I take it no if you came here to see me." I do my best to keep my voice steady but I know something bad's happened.
"He's...alive," he says uneasily.
My heart starts beating faster. Of course, I started thinking of the worse since he came here to see me in person and so early in the morning. But the need to clarify that he's alive worries me even more. "What do you mean? What happened?"
"He's been in a car accident," he says slowly. I look at him frozen. "He was working late Saturday night and was supposed to check in with the office in the morning but he never came. He was found Sunday evening."
He was in a car accident? He was missing for so long. What could have happened for him to be missing for so long? How did no one find him sooner? It's a miracle he's still alive. He is alive. "He's okay, then?" I ask, my throat dry.
"He's a bit delirious still," Brendon adds, "but physically, he's...okay." I nod my head, trying to process this. "He's asked to see you."
"He was panicking earlier when he came out of surgery, saying he messed up and needed to see you." My eyes drift down to the floor. God, I'm such an idiot for thinking he didn't care about me for not showing up. What's wrong with me? He was out Saturday night and then didn't find him until Sunday evening. He's been alone, lying in the wreckage for nearly a whole day. And I just assume it was because he didn't care. "If you're wanting to see him-"
"Yes, anything," I say, looking up at him.
Brendon is a bit surprised at my eagerness but I don't care. "I can take you to visit him."
"If you'd like," he says.
I quickly go tell Jenna, enough to explain that I'm heading out to the car. It's a dark grey sedan, looks like a company car as of how sleek and clean it is. We get in, Brendon starts driving.
"How long have you known Gerard?" I ask, trying to keep the tension low.
"Oh, we go way back," he says. "We've done internships together, worked around the D.C. metropolitan area occasionally. But we've always been better friends."
"Oh, okay. Are you in the same company now?" I ask.
"Yeah, he finally joined with us almost three years ago. The company finally gave him an offer he couldn't refuse."
"So you're both financial advisors?"
"No, um, that's Gerard," he says, turning around the corner. The hospital is up ahead and I stiffen up. "He calculates the data and then predicts the best outcome for us. I'm the marketing analysis."
"What's the difference?" I ask.
Brendon sighs, thinking of how to word it. "Basically, I figure out patterns and sales. We do work together though."
"We're you at the meetings with him?"
"Um, no, I had reports I needed to finish," he says. There's a bit of regret in his voice, an edge of bitterness. We approach the parking lot and I unbuckle. "What are you doing?" he asks, glancing at me.
"Aren't we-" Brendon shakes his head, glancing back up. "But this-"
"He's at a different one," he says. "They took him to the closest one where he was that also had a trauma center. It's a bit further."
Hearing trauma center puts me on edge. I click the seatbelt back in and sit back. "How long has he been in?" I ask.
"Um, he was found in the evening, but the process of getting him...out was...it took a while to get to him. It's been maybe 9 hours. He's had a couple surgeries and he finally woke up early this morning."
I nod along, trying to wrap my head around this. It doesn't seem real. This isn't something that just happens. "But he's okay now?"
"He should be," he says. Brendon does his best to keep a neutral face.
"Should be...is he not?" I ask, nervousness creeping inside.
"I don't know," he mutters, shaking his head. "Just a feeling. The doctors are saying he's delirious and on a lot of medicines. But it seems like something was off about him when I left."
"Like what?"
"I don't know," he says. "I may be just overthinking and sleep deprived though."
I don't ask anything else as Brendon sighs. Brendon knows Gerard better than I do and he was there. Why would he think something's wrong with Gerard? What happened? He's going to be okay though. He has to be. He's alive so it's okay. I don't like Brendon's hesitation but that doesn't mean he's going to die.
I haven't seen him in so long. This isn't the reunion I wanted. I wanted him to come into the cafe and we'd be sitting together. He'd tell me how busy and boring everything was. He'd end it with him telling me that he missed me but after everything, they've finished and he gets to go home. Sure, I thought about seeing him again a lot and I daydreamed a lot. But the only thing that truly mattered was seeing him again. Just talking and be there with him. Now, it seems too much to ask for him to be okay. I don't want to lose him. It wasn't long enough. We didn't get enough time.
We eventually arrive around 6:45 a.m. Brendon leads me in, heading to the elevators and on the fourth floor. The white atmosphere in the hallways is blinding compared to the sun rising outside. It's rather quiet, fewer people present and less activity going on.
A woman walks toward us in my peripheral vision and I glance at her. Her ashy, blonde hair is pushed back with a headband and her hair falls above her shoulders. I think she's wearing makeup but it's subtle. She's a very beautiful woman so she doesn't really need much. And she's dressed really professionally, wearing a pants suit with flat shoes.
Brendon slows his walk as she approaches us, standing slightly in between him and I. "You came back sooner than expected," she says. Brendon doesn't say anything. The woman looks at me and I falter, unsure if I should smile or just be still. "You're Frank?"
I nod my head. "And you...?"
"Cassidy," she says dismissively. "Way's been asking about you. You two had arranged a meeting?" she asks.
I pause, my brain not used to hearing someone refer to Gerard by his surname. "Um, yeah, we ran into each other on Thursday but it was a bad time for us. Sunday was the earlier we both could meet up."
"What was it about?" she asks. She isn't exactly staring me down in a threatening manner but more so analytical.
"Oh, um, he just-he wanted to talk with me."
"Mace," Brendon whispers. Cassidy eases up. "They're just friends." Her eyes warm up, a softer expression spreads over her face. I get an odd feeling, something isn't adding up here. Brendon came to my place and took me here. Gerard and I, as much as I wish, aren't that close. We are friends, friends who haven't seen each other in months. It doesn't make sense for him to take me to see him. And Cassidy seems suspicious of me but I don't know what I did. Or maybe this is just how his company is. If so, I understand why he's so stressed
"Gerard's still awake," Cassidy says gently. "I think it'd calm him down if you saw him."
She gestures to the room behind her. "Thank you," I say, walking past them. I can feel the two of them watching me as I head over, waiting to resume talking when I'm gone. I stare at the wooden door, reaching up and turning the handle. The room is quieter with less white noise. There's a softer glow as the fluorescent lights are turned off and the natural, morning light streams in.
My hand lets go of the door when I see him and I barely hear my name called but I see him move his lips. "Gerard," I whisper, going over to his side. His eyes are bloodshot and nearly swollen shut from black and purple and yellow welts. Cuts along his temple are stitched up, his lips split open and cracked. My eyes well up with tears seeing him so hurt. Before, it broke my heart seeing him so worn down and sick looking but seeing him hurt and in so much pain, so frail and week, it kills me.
He weakly reaches over and I give him my hand. He can barely close around my fingers. His hands are icy but also sweating, surprising me a bit. He looks like he's really hot but his skin is so cold to the touch. "Frank," he squeaks, looking at me in awe. "I'm...s-rry." His voice his gone. He closes his eyes, wheezing slightly.
"Shh, shh, you're okay, don't be sorry," I say. His voice is raw as if he's been screaming. How long was he alone in the car just screaming for help? "What's happened to you?"
"I don't...know," he whispers, "can't reme-ber any-ing." He takes a heavy breath, staring upwards at the ceiling. His eyes are blank, aimlessly looking around.
"It's okay," I tell him, running my thumb against the back of his hand. "It's okay, I'm here now. I'm with you." He's fixated on the ceiling, the sunlight shimmering on his face.
"I don-t...know." He takes a breath, his speech exhausting him.
"You're okay now," I reassure him. I reach up with my other hand and gently touch his cheek. He closes his eyes, leaning into my palm, his face pressing against my hand. His skin is burning up and clammy. I notice his hair is slightly sticking to his forehead. "Are you hot?" I ask.
"I dunno," he mumbles.
I stare at him, seeing he's shivering. I don't think I should uncover him if he's still cold. It's like he's sick but he was in a car accident. I don't know why he's shivering. I glance down, taking a breath. "Do you remember when we met?" I ask softly. Gerard opens his eyes and looks at me sadly. "I was lying in the hospital bed and you were next to me. Holding my hand." A faint smile forms on his lips. "How times have changed."
The sadness creeps back in his eyes. "Pl-ease, don-t leave," he manages.
"I'm not, I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here," I tell him.
I pause, my mouth parted and unsure of what words to say. "I'm not leaving just yet. I'm staying with you." He looks frantic, paranoid. "Gerard, it'll be okay, we can still talk." He stares at me with big eyes when suddenly his face falls and he starts wincing. "What is it?"
"Head hu-rts."
"I know, but it'll be okay, they can give you something." He closes his eyes, trying to keep it together. God, he's so broken. What happened to him? Seeing him laying like this, all banged up, it kills me. He closes his eyes and I notice his jaw quivering. "Gerard, it's okay." He keeps his eyes closed, probably drifting off.
I turn around, seeing Brendon stepping into the doorway. "Hi," I say, leaning back in the chair. I still hold onto Gerard's hand, propping it up on the rail on the side of the bed. He still keeps a loose grip around my fingers.
He walks over, taking a seat next to me. He glances at Gerard, pausing to smile. "Your company's calming him down."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
Brendon gives his head a sad shake. "He's been rambling before, couldn't get him to lay still or catch his breath. He kept saying he missed meeting with you."
"I'm sorry," I whisper, glancing at Gerard. His breathing is light and it looks like he's fallen asleep.
"It's nobody fault," Brendon says.
"Who was the other woman?"
"Macy?" he asks. I narrow my eyes at him. He did call her that but she said her name was Cassidy. "She tends to favor the usage of last names," he explains.
"Oh, that makes sense," I mumble.
"Yeah, she's our boss. She's the one that asked to get you."
"Which I've been meaning to ask," I say. "I appreciate everything but why did you go out of your way to find me?"
Brendon cracks a smile at me, glancing at the floor. "Gerard's mentioned you before to me. He keeps to himself mostly, not much for small talk. But he talks to me. And a few hours ago, this...oh, this drama queen was rambling on how it was a matter of life and death and the world was at stake."
"What?" I mutter, awkwardly laughing in surprise.
Brendon smiles. "Yeah, he was really out of. Macy took him literally and wanted you to come in to make sure everything was fine. I tried reassuring her it wasn't the case but..." Brendon trails off, chuckling. "Which is also why she was grilling you in the hall."
"It's okay," I say. "Well, sorry for all the trouble then."
"Hardly," he says.
I smile back at him. "Yeah, I mean, it was just catching up, hardly life and death-" Gerard drops his hand and he starts sputtering. I turn around, seeing him choking. "Gerard?"
Brendon gets up, briskly stepping over at his side and carefully puts a hand on his shoulder. Gerard opens eyes, staring out confused and he grabs his chest wheezing. "You're okay," he says to him, trying to get him to sit up. "Easy, man." Gerard digs his nails into his neck, scratching up his skin. "Hey, hey, hey, don't do that," Brendon says, trying to pull his hands down. Gerard keeps spitting up and coughs deeply, a raspy crackle coming from his lungs. He's still shivering but it's turned more into shaking violently.
"Is he okay?" I ask, not sure what to do.
The door opens and two doctors come in, rushing overly calmly. I step back to the foot of the bed, glancing up at them. They knew to come in now. The machines had to of notified them to come in because something's wrong. He's not just choking. Something's wrong. I stare at him, unable to breathe. His whole body is convulsing. He's having a seizure.
"BP is dropping," the female doctor says, going over to one of the monitors and changing something on the tubes.
"Frank?" I turn around, seeing Cassidy in the hall. She looks at me sympathetically, gesturing for me to step out. I don't want to leave him. I don't want to go. But I know other people are going to be coming in and I'll have to step out.
My feet drag on the floor, feeling a lot heavier as I step away from him. I turn back, looking at him again. Gerard's gritting his teeth, saliva frothing out of his mouth and his eyes rolling back. "Come on, breathe, Gee. Breathe," Brendon whispers desperately. I watch Gerard's body fall limp and Brendon's face freeze. I step out of the room, not in control of my body as I walk away with Cassidy.
My face gets hot with tears. I don't want to cry in front of her but I'm scared. "What's happening to him?" I whimper, covering my mouth with the back of my hand.
"I wish I could tell you," she says, her voice soft and broken as she takes breathes in between. The two of us keep walking as a group of doctors wheel carts into the room. The two of us stand at the end of the hall, not speaking. There aren't any words to say. We only have questions the other person can't answer.
Brendon steps out of the room, gripping his hair in his fists. He stands behind the threshold, staring in as the door closes. The golden morning light vanishes and he's only standing in the blaring, white, artificial lights. His face is red and fuming. He doesn't look as upset as much as he does pissed. His body is rigid and tense, locking up and straining. He looks like he's out for blood.
"Urie," Cassidy calls out, taking a few strides toward him. He snaps in our direction, easing up a bit. He lets go of his hair and he takes a sharp breath, storming towards us.
"They're taking him into another surgery," he says, his voice very low and abrasive. He stands oddly close to her and right in her face. For being his boss, he's coming off very aggressively on her right now. "Where's Akari?" he asks through his teeth. He's keeping his voice down but I can still hear him well. Cassidy doesn't say anything, giving him a look before turning around and stepping away from the two of us. Brendon eases up and then looks at me, coming closer to me. "He's going to be out for several hours again," Brendon says much easier. He's still pissed but he eases up to speak to me.
"What happened?" I ask, straining to stop crying. When it's just Brendon with me, it's not as easy. I frantically wipe my eyes with my sleeve as nonchalantly as I can. "Is he..."
"Something's wrong with his stomach," he says. "He was...retching up stomach acid before-" He cuts himself off, shifting his jaw to the side.
"What?" I mutter. "What? Did he eat something or-"
Brendon shakes his head, sighing out distressed. "I don't know," he mutters.
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