《Camping Home. (CC Shortfic.)》(1.) Analyzation.


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The wall are painted and they aren't about to be broken down. A boy has learned to leave no dent, no crack, no way for anyone to break it.

His name is Max.

He doesn't let anyone in. For people are the ones who take advantage and backstab the moment you aren't useful to them no more.


He grimaced, body shuddering. New voices arising equals more annoyances. Though, he felt like if he figured out people, it's more easier breaking then.

"Hey, Nikki." He mumbled, hands in his hoodie. "You wanna go on another adventures or something?"

Nikki's weakness is obliviousness. When she adventures, it's Max and others who protect her from the bad, the good, and even the worse.

Max doesn't like the worse.

When he's at the worse, everything's fucked up. Someone or something's always out to kill 'em. The fact it happens every weeks is a bloody curse.

"Don't know, Nikki. Don't want anything to fucking kill us-...Try killing us again." Max answered softly, hands fiddling in the pockets. "Just..not today."

Today's one of the off days.

There are day as an entity tries taking over his mind and body. As if another spirit resides in the base of his mind. Max wanted to be alone on these days.

Nikki's expression saddens leaving Max guilty.

"O...okay.." She drawled, pausing a moment. She reached a hand, copping his arm. "Just know we're here. Me and Neil."

Your not.

He dares not voice his thoughts.

"Yeah, whatever." Max's usual scowl returned. "Go bother David or some shit. "

Max saw through his own eyes. His mind detached itself from his own eyes letting him watch what he said and did and oddly enough, there wasn't any guilt in the end.


What's the point if they leave?

Never letting his walls crack, the carefully crafted structure did now allow people, any people in nor out. Secrets be damned if it costs too much.

Max unconsciously sneered.


Why was Nikki still here? Standing there, arms folded tight and nervously staring down the boy she liked calling a friend. And someday...

Maybe even more.

Max internally asked the walls if she's allowed to be acknowledged in knowing he's not okay. How he desperately wants to shout no.



He knows she knows he knows it's bullshit. Yet, in the end, she kept her mouth and walked off to leave him in the camp alone.


Camp camp is a fucking stupid camp.

Campers are playing, role playing, some fucking in another shed as one screamed-

"Oh God!"

During their finish. And Max heard another shouting which possibly is the boyfriend inevitably finding and thinking they aren't good enough for the girl cheating on them beforehand.

"You son of a bitch!"

"Oh yes, she was bitch."

It reminded Max of the time he caught his father cheating in his mom and the fight ensuing after resulting in new and old scars presenting on his back.

It's why he wears the hoodie...mostly.

His parents never loved him. His friends never liked him. His teachers never taught him. His extended relatives even called him worthless.

So much it even became a nickname.

Am I truly worthless?

Max's thoughts bury his mind so deep he almost didn't scream in pain as something knocked into his side sending the two scrawling to the ground.

"What the fuck, Max?!"

Nurf abruptly picked the kid up by the hood hanging off the ground by mere inches. Max looked into the eyes of the known bully camper. Honestly, he's not afraid and questions why he should be.


If Nurf killed him, he'd do everyone else and him a favour. Max wouldn't go to hell for suicide. Maybe even make it into heaven.

He imagined the angels greeting his spirit.

"Listen here, Kid." Nurf waggled a finger, a smirk forming. "Don't think your tiny stature won't stop beating from the bone and breaking even the weakest femur to the humourous. Your arms to you knees. Your head to feet."

If the threat isn't hanging enough, then someone's gotta be an idiot to not spot the thinly veiled promise of a breaking of those were to happen again.

Max honestly wished it did. He wanted to punch Neil in the freaking face. Make him grovel and beg for the least mercy he'd provide.

"Whatever, fuckface." He sneered as Nurf chucked him on the grass. "Next time you go a beating makes sure there isn't a counsellor watching."

Nurf's cheeks paled and the timing is glorious. Gwen stands right behind the older teen, scowling at the present bullying. She may not care at all about the kids, but rules are a different story.

Max whistler innocent as Neil practically cries in front of authority. His past might have something to do with his current behaviour.

Right now, Max doesn't give a shit.


Thoughts bury him so deep.

Max knew he said this before. However, the phrase applies to his everyday life. When he walks, talks, chats or smiles. It's fake of course.

Why don't anyone like me?

Is my life wasteful?

His bed is a comfy place to sleep in. Pillows fluffed by Neil because the bastard insists everything in the damn room is supposed to be neat. Mattress not too hard-

Hehe, hard.

-Nor soft. The warmth summer breeze lulling him into a light doze as he speculated the days and the nights he lived before arriving at Camp Campbell.

Where he met Nikki and Neil. And somehow those two budging their way into his personal space and rules of having no friends or personal family.

"You don't deserve neither."

As his mother repeated one time too many. It's enough to drill into Max's mind what he's treated at home. No cares and no one will help.

He came to camp expecting the same. Not humans breaking down his walls. It doesn't help Neil's his damn roommate and knows him to know when to ask if he's okay.

Max wanted to cry. He's okay.

Clutching his wrists, thumbs tracing the scars visible to his only naked eye. Max is sure to wake up before most campers least his secret is questioned.

His wall communicated. An entity he mentally instructed long ago to keep him from getting hurt. It's worked so far and it can't fail now.

Max has nothing to lean on if it broke. No friends, no family. His walls are too high up for him to see people are there.

Neil watched Max tracing some lines. He doesn't say anything to keep the peace. Max would certainly throw a hissy fit if he were to question.

What's wrong with you?

He laid in bed pretend sleeping. Feigning his eyes sleeping closed as he kept a close eye on Max. He acted so differently these days...

Max ignored them watched feeling. Burned into his back, seething as if lasers were fired. His eyes sting, lump forced back in his throat.

He can't let anyone in.

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