《Lies [✓]》14


You felt your phone buzz and you pulled out you phone, you were sitting on your bed. It was Neil!


Y/n I have to tell you something


What is it? owo


I'm madly in love with you!


... This isn't Neil. If it is,

you're pranking me.


No! I really love you, Y/n'!

Please accept my confession


I know this isn't Neil, drop the act.


How the hell did you even

know it wasn't Neil?


Neil wouldn't like me, plus he

wouldn't ever confess even

if he did


I'm surprised you're that smart,

It's Max btw.


Yeah that makes sense

You roll your eyes, you got ready early but now it was time to start walking. You hopped out for bed and walked down your steps, putting on your shoes you quickly open the door is close it behind you.

Making your way to school, Neil wasn't there. "He must be late... Or sick." You mumble.

You shake your head and make your way over to the school.


It was lunch! Making your way over to the cafeteria, you sat down. Even though you were mad at Max for what happened, your eyes looked over at him. He was sitting on a table across from you. He caught your eyes and you looked away.

Suddenly you felt something touch you head. Everyone on your table went silent as you touched it. "Mashed... Potatoes?" You mumble confused. You look up and see Max smirking at you. You grit your teeth. You storm over to him. "What the fuck, Max?!" You yell, catching the attention of other students.

"What do you mean?" He asked with a smirk,

you could tell he was trying not to yell.

You grit your teeth. "What do you mean, 'what do you mean'?! You through mashed potatoes at me!" You yell. He stands up. "No I didn't." "Yes you did!"


"No I didn't!"

You groan. "You son of a bitch! Just admit to it-" You yell.

"Atleast I am a son of a mother, who's still alive!" He yelled.

You froze

Max did too

You both stared at each other as tears welled up in your eyes. Max realized what he said. He saw how hurt you looked "Wait no Y/n-"

You push him and run away, you didn't care that everyone was staring at you. You couldn't stand looking at him.

Everyone went silent as Max stood there. He just stared at the place where you were standing, the scene played over and over inside his head.

Yeah he loved annoying her, but even he could admit he went too far.

The friends of her glared at Max.

Nerris was in panick. 'She's probably so heart broken" she mumbled. "Huh?" Preston asked, she shook her head. "Nothing. I'm going to go help her." Nerris states and stands up, running after her. "Fuck you Max!" She yells as she ran out of the cafeteria.

Everyone started whispering and Max sat back down. "Max what the fuck was that?" Neil asked with a glare. "Yeah! It was awesome-" Nikki was cut off by Neil. "No! It isn't awesome! Did you see how sad she looked? You crossed a line Max, you just made fun of her for her dad parent." Neil glared.

Max knew he crossed a line but didn't want to admit he was wrong. His pride was way to high up. But he really did feel bad for what he did... Seeing her sad shattered him. He didn't grow a soft spot for her, did he?

"W-Why do you care anyways? Do you like her?" Max asked. Neil's face went red. "And... And what if I did?" He says with some what confidents. "Wait- you actually do?" Max said.


He was trying to make it seem like he was laughing at Neil, but really he was... Mad. He felt a string at his heart.

"Well yeah- She's really pretty and nice. Sucks that you guys make me seem like a bad person." "Dude she's like madly in love with you."

If Neil got more red, if that was even possible.

"What?! No- you're joking." He states. "I know I lie but seriously- I heard her tell her friend group that she liked you." Max states.

"Oh my god." Neil put his face into his hands. "I- I need to go." He mumbled and runs over to the bathroom.

"Does she seriously like Neil?" Asked Nikki. "Mhm." Max says, which a slight hint of anger in his voice. He wasn't jealous... Right?

"The nerds are meant for each other." Nikki snickers


You sat on a bench on the park, it was still school hours. You were skipping. You were just sad.

Max was so stressed out during class that he just left, he felt so bad for what he said and couldn't deal with the feeling he had... Was it... Regret

So he went to his thinking place, the park.

Walking over to it he noticed a smaller figure sitting on the bench. "Is that..." He mumbled. "Y/n?" He said a bit too loud. He was only a couple feet away from the bench, so you heard him.

You looked up at him. "Huh?"

Your eyes were red and puffy. This tug at his heart, it hurt so bad. Was he seriously the reason why you were crying?

"What do you want?" You glare.

Max sighs, he sits beside you. "Y/n... I-" He paused. He looked up at her. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. "Sorry? That's seriously all you're going to say? Sorry isn't going to cut it, Max!" You yell looked at him.

You then froze, he looked hurt. Like he was actually sad, he seemed to really feel regret. You then sigh.

"Look- I know what I did was a bit far okay? I feel bad for it... I'm sorry for what I've been doing the pass few weeks..."

He looked at the ground while you looked up at him. You looked back at the ground. "How can I trust you? All you've ever done to me is lie." You mumble.

"Listen- I know all I did was lie but I... I promise I'm not lying now." He mumbled, looking at you

He looked so... Emotional.

"..." You we're silent. "F-Fine, I forgive you." You mumble. He looks up at you. "T...Thanks." He mumbled.

It was silent, not an uncomfortable one but... A nice silence.

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