《Lies [✓]》9


A couple months have passed, and it's now April. Max had been annoying you every single day, stealing your things, pushing you, and lying about it.

You hated so much about how he lied about it

Right now you were walking home from school. "Are you busy today?" You asked Neil. He sighed. "Yeah.. I wish I wasn't though." He sighed. "Really? That sucks... I was planning to go laser tagging and wanted to invite you." You sighed, but laughed sadly afterwards.

"Aww.. I wish I could come. Well, I'll cya later." Neil says, as we reached your house. I smile. "Cya!"

Walking over to your house you took out your house keys, and put them into the door. You unlocked it and took your keys out, putting them back in your pockets you close the door behind you.

You take off your shoes and take off your beanie that you wore to school.

Putting your bag down you walked up your stairs and into your room. You jumped on your bed and smiled.

Taking out your phone you messaged your best friends on your group chat

Best-Friend Chat 💭


Hey guys!! Are you guys free today?? If so, come to my place ASAP. I have something SUPER cool planned!


I'm free from 3-7. Afterwards I'll be taking my beauty sleep

Nerris the cute:

Ya I'm free, coming rn

Magic boy:

I'm free

Magic boy:

wait where's ur house ?? I've

never been ;-;


[Insert your address]

Magic boy:


You put down your phone and smiled, Harrison had never came to your house before. Preston and Nerris have though.

You suddenly heard a knock at your door, Nerris didn't live far, but far enough that she didn't walk to school. Opening your door you ran down your stairs and to the front door.


You opened it and saw Nerris. "You were fast!" You laughed. "Let's just wait for Harrison and Preston..."


As you expected, Harrison was last. He came 5 minutes after Preston came.

The four of you were all in your living room. "So, what do ya have planned?" Asked Harrison. "Well.. I saved up a bit of cash and.. I got enough money for laser tag!" You giggled.

The three cheered. "Afterwards we can stop at Olive garden and get food, let's go~!"


Preston had won the game, he just barely beat Nerris. By only 6 points. Nerris huffed as the made their way into olive garden. "I should have won, it's not fair! Hmph!" She huffed once again. You giggled. "I won fair and square!" He grinned.

You got the four of you's a table, when you suddenly noticed that Max and Nikki got a table.. Right behind yours? "What are you guys doing here?" Max said, noticing your presence.

"I could ask the same for you." You state. Nikki stood up and smiled. "Max and I are on a date!" She announced. "What—? Nikki, I thought we were just hanging out? We were going to go with Neil but he was busy??" Max states, looking back at Nikki. Nikki roller her eyes. "Whatever.." She sat back down.



You had just finished your food, you were quite a fast eater. And apparently so was Preston. "So, Y/n, do you like anyone?" He smirked. "I mean.. I don't think think so, N-No.." You stutter.

"If you like someone you can tell us, trust us!" Nerris smiled with her mouth full of food. You sighed. "Well.. Promise you won't to tell anyone." You mutter. They nod their heads.

You had completely forgot about Max's presence. He had over heard your conversation and started to listen in, he could use this as black mail. He start to sip his drink.

"I like... Neil"

Max spit out his drink. "WHAT!?" He gasped. "Max— What the heck?!" Yelled Nikki, with juice on her outfit.

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