《Elemental Control: A DC Legends of Tomorrow Fanfiction》I Never Really Thought How I Would Die... and Actually Stay Dead
[Chapter 18]
Leonard and I sat in a spare compartment and played cards, trying to pass the time, when Mick walked in and threw a knife at the wall.
"I'm done!" Mick shouted annoyed.
"Don't mind him. He's still sore about having to leave 2046," Leonard muttered to me.
"I'm sore because I was recruited for my unique ability to light things on fire. And now, I'm locked in the one place where I can't light things on fire: a spaceship!" Mick snapped at him before starting to walk off.
"Where do you think you're going?" Leonard asked him, stopping him.
"Why? You gonna clock me in the head if I don't listen again?" Mick snapped.
"Actually I was the one who knocked you out, sunshine," I countered and Mick just glared at Leonard and stormed off.
"Everything okay with you two?" I asked.
"Yeah, peachy," Leonard sighed annoyed and I just roll my eyes.
"He does know that I am the one who knocked him out, right? He shouldn't be angry at you," I try to comfort him.
"I'm the one who brought him back onto the ship," Leonard explained before standing up and leaving.I sighed and tossed the cards to the floor annoyed. I watched them flutter and hit the ground softly.
I sat in my room, reading and rereading my old journal entries from when I was still me. When I loved life and never dreamed of hurting anyone. Suddenly, I was brought out of my thoughts by Rip speaking over the intercom.
"Everyone report to the main area please."
I made my way to the bridge and joined the rest of the team. I found them all watching a video.
"Systemic malfunction. I'm stranded, unable to jump. Controls unresponsive. This is Captain Eve Baxter of the timeship Acheron, requesting critical rescue," A brunette female saidthrough a distress signal.
"And we care about this chick why?" Mick asked.
"We don't, but the Acheron's computer will contain the current intel on Savage's whereabouts," Rip explained excitedly.
"Gideon set a course for the Acheron's position in deep space," Rip ordered.
"Yes, Captain," Gideon said before we felt the ship change direction.
"Deep space? I had no idea we had the ability to explore the unknown realms of the galaxy. Astonishing," Stein said excitedly as I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms and watching.
"No. What's astonishing is that we're acting as roadside assistance for the people whose chasing us," Jax stated.
"Doesn't it seem suspicious; this distress call just happened to reach us?" Leonard added.
"How do we know it's not a trap?" Kendra asked.
"We don't, but what we do know is that Savage's trail has run cold. And unless Gideon can upload the data from the Acheron's computer..." Rip started to explain before beinginterrupted.
"I'm in," Mick said surprising everyone.
"You are?" Leonard asked confused.
"The sooner we end Savage; the sooner I get back to where I belong," Mick replied coldly.
"Prison?" Stein retorted as I chuckled.
"Any prison on Earth's better than this one, Professor," Mick replied but glared at me as I rolled my eyes.
"Gideon," Rip said.
"Yes, sir," Gideon's voice rang through the ship.
"Engines to full throttle," Rip ordered
"Of course, Captain," Gideon replied and we felt the ship speed up.
"Professor Stein, Mr. Jackson, would you care to join the boarding party?" Rip asked Stein and Jax.
"A chance for an extra-vehicular docking maneuver? What could be more exciting?" Stein asked.
"Well, I could think of a few things," Jax replied but Stein just ignored him.
"Let's get this thing started," Mick replied as Leonard walked up to him.
"Hey, you think there's something worth stealing on that ship?" Leonard asked softly.
"I'm just looking for a change of scenery. If that's okay with you, boss," Mick replied coldly before walking past me.
"You know it wasn't his plan to knock you out, it was all me," I explained and Mick stepped towards me.
"It was his choice to bring me back onto this god damn ship, Isabelle," Mick replied coldly and kept walking.
"Dr. Palmer. I leave the ship in your hands while we're gone," Rip explained.
"Well we're doomed," I muttered sarcastically.
"And I leave him in yours," Rip added to Kendra.
"Still doomed," I added as Kendra and Ray glared at me and I smiled and waved mockingly while winking.
I sat on the floor, back against the wall, twirling a knife in my fingers will reading my diary once again, trying to be that innocent little girl again. Even if technically I wasn't a little girl.
"You know, I can't see what's so special in those little secret pages of yours," Leonard clarified, sliding down next to me but I remained silent.
"Isabelle..." Leonard started to say but I interrupted him.
"I'm sorry," I say softly.
"Sorry for what?" Leonard asked confused.
"Knocking Mick unconscious and causing this fight between you two," I explained before standing up and walking over to Ray and Kendra.
"Captain's log. Stardate 837.9. We're awaiting word from the away team aboard the Acheron," Ray said from his captain's seat.
"I hate to break it to you, but you're no Captain Kirk. You're Picard," Kendra mocked.
"But Picard was cautious, pontificating, sort of sexless," Ray replied disgustedly.
"Well, tell that to Vash. And for the record, Picard was way hotter than Kirk," Kendra replied.
"Ooh, Mick had it wrong. This ship isn't a prison. It's a torture chamber," Leonard said walking over to me.
"Well, I don't think Mick's problem is with the ship," I replied.
"You think it's with you and me," Leonard replied.
"We did knock him out and force him to leave 2046 Star City, which is like Disneyland for felons," I explained.
"He'll get over it. Mick runs hot. He always has. Once he calms down, everything will be back to normal," Leonard replied half-heartedly.
"Yeah, I bet that one sounded more convincing in your head," I said amused.
"I'd like to speak to Acting Captain Raymond Palmer," A man said appearing on the screen.
"Ooh. Acting Captain. I like the sound of that," Ray muttered happily before walking up the screen.
"I'm Captain Palmer. Who are you?" Ray asked politely.
"I'm the man holding your crew hostage," The man said and Leonard and I shared a concerned look.
"Captain Palmer, I've informed Mr. Valor of the fiery retribution you'll rain down upon him if we are not released immediately," Rip shouted from the background before being grabbed andhis head being smashed on the screen.
"Mm. I'm gonna make this really simple. You surrender your ship, and I'll drop you off unharmed at a place and time of your choosing. You've got 10 seconds to decide," Mr. Valorexplained.
"Or else what? If you want the Waverider for yourself, there's no way you'll fire on us," Ray replied.
"Perhaps, but right now, I've got my sights set on your captain's head," Mr. Valor threatened.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay. Just give me a chance to negotiate," Ray said panicked.
"Ten... nine..." Mr. Valor started to count.
"Maybe he's bluffing," Ray said to us.
"Eight..." Mr. Valor continued counting.
"Doesn't feel like it," Leonard replied.
"You don't know Palmer, and how he survived the "Imperiex" onslaught," Rip said before the ship sounded an alarm and started moving by itself.
"Uh, Gideon?" Kendra asked confused.
"Captain Hunter programmed me to execute certain protocols in response to specific keywords," Gideon replied.
"Smart man," I said impressed.
"What does that mean in English?" Leonard snapped.
"Strap yourselves in. We are on the move and preparing to fire," I explained.
Leonard, Kendra, Ray and I all sat down and pulled down our harnesses as the ship.
"What are you doing, Gideon?" Leonard asked as the Waverider shot at the other ship.
"Just a warning shot to let them know we mean business," Gideon said.
"Is it just me or does Gideon sound amused?" I asked smirking.
"My partner's on that ship," Leonard snapped at Gideon.
"What a shame," I muttered sarcastically, my dark side rising but before Leonard could reply we were hit with one of their weapons.
"There's a hull breach in the aft portion of the ship, and the pirates have taken out the telemetry controls," Gideon explained.
"Gideon, switch to manual," Ray ordered and jumped into the captain's chair.
"What are you doing?" Kendra demanded.
"If this is anything like a video game, flying a space ship," Ray replied as Leonard and I stood up.
"Where are you guys going?" Kendra asked.
"To deal with the hole in the ship," I explained.
"Make sure Picard here doesn't get us all killed," Leonard added and followed me with his cold ray.
"Actually, I'm more like Sulu right now. Or Han Solo!" Ray said excitedly.
"I swear, I'm going to kill him myself," I muttered.
Leonard and I quickly found the hole in the ship and Leonard started to freeze it with his cold ray while I summoned my ice powers to help him. Something was wrong though. I felt as though something was restricting and draining my energy. I pushed it out but suddenly, it sprits out and stopped completely.
"How long can you keep that up for?" I asked.
"Not long. I'm gonna run out of charge," Leonard explained before the gun stopped working.
"Be advised, the breach is only partially contained," Gideon explained when suddenly the doors started to shut. Leonard and I raced over but the doors shut with us inside.
"Guess we know the bulkhead doors are working," Leonard stated.
"Too bad we're on the wrong side of them," I addedLeonard and I paced the room trying to keep warm as the temperature rapidly decreased.
I'm growing weaker by the second and Leonard can sense it.
"Something's wrong," I state.
"Other than us about to freeze to death?" Leonard said sarcastically.
I ignored him and walked over to one of the boxes that were in the corner of the room. I unclasped the clasps and it whooshed open. I cried out in pain and fell to the ground. Leonard raced over and grabbed me but I tried to push him away.
"Close the box. Please. NOW!" I cry, curling up into a ball and feeling my skin burn all over. Leonard immediately closed the box and then cradled me in his arms.
Since I am now weaker than a human, the cold is affecting me a lot more and the hum of the rhodium inside of the box still weakened me further.
"R-r-r-rho-oo-di--i-i-um," I chatter and Leonard drags me as far as he can away from the box.
"Uh oh," Ray, Sara, and Kendra said running up to us and tried to open the doors.
"Thanks for s-s-s-s-stopping by-y-y-y," I said casually. Well as casually as I could.
"We're gonna get you out of here. Just hang tight," Ray said.
"Is there another option?" I asked sarcastically.
"Don't mean to rush you, Raymond, but it's getting cold in here. Normally I wouldn't complain, but there's rhodium in here and it's killing Isabelle," Leonard said urgently.
"Can't you just open the doors, Gideon?" Sara asked.
"The bulkhead is designed to remain shut until the breach is sealed," Gideon replied.
"Well, that's not happening from in here," Leonard snapped. 'How much time do we have until..." Kendra started to say but trailed off.
"We're dead," I finished for her.Leonard and I sat side by side, shivering as Kendra and Ray left.
"Here," Leonard said and went to give me his jacket. I tried to refuse but Leonard wouldn't let me.
"I suppose this feels like a day at the beach for you?" I joked.
"If I had to pick a way to die, freezing wouldn't be the worst," Leonard explained.
"What is it like?" Leonard asked me suddenly.
"Dying?" I asked and Leonard nodded.
"You know, it's funny. I mean, everyone expects it to be terrifying, just panic and fear," I said snuggling up next to Leonard.
"What's it really like?" Leonard asked.
"I guess lonely," I said, looking up at Leonard and staring into his eyes. "But I'm so used to being alone, I guess it's just time for myself without always being on the run."
"But at least, I'm not alone... not anymore," I whispered leaning my head on Leonard's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him.
"Closest I ever came to dying was, uh...the day I met Mick," Leonard confessed.
"Why does that not surprise me?" I asked.
"It wasn't like that. It was my first day in juvie. I was 14, and as you know, I was the smallest kid in there by far. Some of the older kids wanted to make sure I knew it. So they jumpedme. I fought back, but one of them had a shiv and I figured that was it until Mick stepped in. And they didn't mess with me after that. He's been standing up for me ever since," Leonardexplained as I took Leonards hand in mine and our fingers entwined perfectly.
"Let's just hope he's standing up for Rip and Jax now," I say softly, using up every ounce of energy to stay focused on this conversation.
"Who else is gonna take on those pirates?" Leonard joked but I couldn't laugh.
"Nothing quite like dying to make you think about all the mistakes, all the wrong choices," Leonard said suddenly.
"Is this Leonard Snart coming to God in his final moments?" I joked, snuggling up into his side.
"Hardly. Just wishing I could take a few things back. I should've left Mick in future Star City," Leonard confessed.
"Why didn't you?" I asked softly, my body numb from the coldness.
"Without me to keep him in check, Mick can be a scary guy," Leonard explained and I chuckled.
"I am aware of this but I hate to break it to you, even if we make it out of here alive, you're still gonna have a problem on your hands. And I've seen enough to know that Mick's in adark place. He's not coming back," I explained as Leonard remained silent.
"I never thought about death... I mean dying and not ever coming back again," I muttered softly, licking my blue lips. My hair was frozen stiff and my eyes started to drift close.
"Isabelle... if... if this is it, if we die right now... I need you to know something, even if you probably already guessed it... I..." Leonard started to say but I didn't hear the end before I passed out.
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