《Have We Met?: A Sherlock Fanfiction》Darkness


The blinds had been shut tightly and only a few rays of light managed to peek through and dance across the floor. The room was cold and drafty and it sent shivers down my spine. Lucy lay on the floor, swaddled in blankets like a baby. Her eyes were gently shut almost as if she were sleeping calmly. Her face was a soft white, almost ghostly. I sat in my arm chair pulling my legs tightly against me chest. My hair was in tangles and messy and my stomach churned from lack of food and pure sad, agony. Two lamps lay in shambles. Broken glass was scattered across the carpet creating a minefield for anyone daring to venture across the floor.

The door suddenly flew open and John stood in the doorway.

"Sherlock, you haven't answered-" John paused surveying the room.

"Jesus...." He dropped his jacket onto the floor and ran over to my chair. He put his hands on my shoulders and shook me back and forth. I didn't move. Nothing mattered.

John groaned and swung back, slapping me in the face. Pain spidered across my face and I glared up at John.

"What?" I growled at John.

"Sherlock, that woman.....she's dead....on the floor," John said turning to look at Lucy, flabbergasted.

"Thanks, John. I had no idea," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Sherlock, I'm going to take you to a hospital. Your skin is ice cold, but you're running a temperature," John said feeling Sherlock's forehead. I pushed his hand off of my forehead and shoved a shaky hand into my robe pocket. I pulled out a cigarette and shoved into my mouth. I took the lighter from my other pocket and tried to light the cigarette, but failed on multiple occasions are my hand shook violently. I finally managed to light the cigarette and I shoved the lighter back into my pocket. I pulled the cigarette out of my mouth letting the sickly, sweet smoke surround my head. I let out a deep sigh of relief.


"Jesus, Sherlock...." John said.

John stood up.

"Hospital, Sherlock,"

"No, John...." I said, angrily.

"I'm calling an ambulance," John decided.

I tossed my head back and groaned.

"Get out, John," I said.

"Fine. I'm still calling an ambulance. When I come back, I want an explanation for all of this," John said leaving the main room, shutting the door behind him.

I stood up and wobbled almost falling down. I steadied myself against the wall and took a long drag on the cigarette. I looked at Lucy and my heart swelled. I forced myself to look away from her. A few moments later I heard the whirring of the ambulance.

* * * * * *

Lucy shot awake and she gasped as air rushed into her lungs. Her head pounded against her skull and her vision was blurry. She was suddenly aware of every molecule in her body and each muscle was tight and sore. She tried sitting up, and a sharp pain shot through her temples and she cried out in pain.

"You shouldn't move. The needles will split you brain into little pieces. And we don't want that," A dark, voice said flatly.

"Ne-needles?" Lucy slurred. Her head felt like jelly.

"Mhmmm....." Lance said taking a step towards her.

Lucy's vision began to return to normal and she saw a man standing a few feet away from her. He wore a white button down shirt, a black tie, and black trousers. He had a very detailed face with stubble surrounding his mouth and chin. Her wore a sinister smile and he had his hands shoved casually into his pockets. He walked towards Lucy slowly and when he finally arrived next to her he put his hands up to each side of Lucy's temples and began pulling on something Lucy couldn't see that had been placed in my head. When he was done, Lucy saw him place two, tiny needles on a table that sat beside her. Attached to the needles were wires as thin as a human hair and the wires were attached to a large monitor that was now just showing static. Lucy looked around and saw that she was in a laboratory of some sort. The entire room was a clean, white and the sound of monitors beeping echoed throughout the room. Test tubes with a mysterious liquid in them were scattered on distant lab tables and several feet in front of my Lucy was a thick piece of glass. Behind the glass was another room, like a viewing room. Chairs were set up in front of the glass and computer monitors were mounted on the surrounding walls. Lucy continued scanning the surrounding room and then her eyes fell upon the one thing in the room that frightened her the most; Laying motionless on an examination table that was identical to the one Lucy currently lay at, was Sherlock. Lucy saw the two wires protruding from his temples and she watched as his chest would rise and fall in a perfect, almost inhuman pattern. Tears threatened to spill over her eyelids and she forced herself to take deep breaths and fear took over her entire body. She didn't know where she was and she had no idea what was happening. She felt powerless and that was what scared her the most: not knowing what she could do to save herself and Sherlock. Lucy looked over at the man who was watching as she went into complete panic mode and the man laughed.


"This always happens....the confusion and the paranoia. Rest assured that this will allllllll make sense in time, my dear. You'll be free and you won't have to worry about your pesky little boyfriend ever again. That's a guarantee," the man said reaching for something on the side table. Lucy struggled, trying to escape from the table but her arms were tied securely to the table.

"Where the hell am I?!" Lucy shouted. "Get me the hell out of here or I swear, I tear off your arms and beat you with them!!!"

"Tsk...tsk," the man tutted, falsely as he held up a needle filled with deep, blue liquid," You see, I'm the one with the needle, Ms. Grimm,"

Lucy struggled to get away from the man, but she was securely in place on the table. The man sunk the needle deep into her neck and moments later, the room went dark and the man disappeared from existence.

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