《》When He's Mad


You know what they say, when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Let's take a canonical "What they'd do" vs. "What I personally think they'd do" comparative look at our buddies in those charming times when they are raging pissed off.

Canonically: Loses his shit, singlehandedly punches an explosive crater into some big hard surface

More likely: Balls his hands, stamps, screams into a pillow, calls Aunt Mito for a bitch session once he's chilled out a bit.

Canonically: Destroys the place with 100 million volts of electricity, falls on the floor dramatically sobbing and beating the floor with his fists

More likely: Just dramatically sobs, and sinks into a self-indulgent funk thinking about how much he hates Illumi and how he'd like to yank out every single fucking hair on his head, and how much he can't stand his stupid-ass ugly face and his dumb pins and his...you get the picture.

Canonically: Punches you square in the face, eyes blazing red, then jams the judgement chain into your heart

More likely: Forces himself to drink a glass of water and tells himself sternly to get it the fuck together, already

Canonically: Loses his shit and screams. If you make him really pissed off, he'll knock you right the fuck out even if it's in a very public and inappropriate locale

More likely: I hate to say it, but in his case, I really can't change the narrative

Canonically: Does Hisoka ever actually get mad canonically? Or does he simply waltz around the entire anime/manga with a smile and a hard-on?

More likely: Oh yeah. He got kicked out of the hunter exam one year for killing an examiner or something like that. (Shrug) Sounds valid enough.

Canonically: Kills someone ("She pissed me off.")

More likely: Does nothing. Gives himself a manicure. If it has to do with a family member he might trouble himself to get a little hot under the collar


Canonically: Does Chrollo ever actually get mad canonically? He cried when Uvo died. Sat there like a dead fish while Kurapika beat the shit out of him. Conducted a fake orchestra while the Phantom Troupe destroyed Yorknew City. Calmly read out of his little book and explained a step-by-step process while fighting Hisoka...I could go on and on...

More likely: I'm going to throw Chrollo a bone and say that the poor guy has to lose his shit sometimes.But he does it in private. Then smokes a pack of cigarettes and curses about how he gave up nicotine a year ago, for Christ's sake

Canonically: Cooks whatever/whoever pissed him off alive in a fireball

More likely: Disappears for a few days

Canonically: I can't imagine this nice boy getting angry, can you?

More likely: I can't imagine this nice boy getting angry, can you?

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