《Her Given (Editing)》Chapter 19 - Kisses and an 'I Love You'
AN: This chapter goes from 0 to 100 real fast, but I know some people came here for the smut. So I decided to go ahead and write it already. Sooo, yeah. This was just a bit of a warning, because it all happened really fast. It might make some people feel uncomfortable. I've never written smut, so even I felt uncomfortable writing it. But the very last bit of the chapter is important, so make sure you read that at least.
After that phone call, the boys explained to me what happened. Supposedly, there are people after me for my blood. Not just any guardian angel, but me specifically. Do they have some sort of vendetta against me. No, there's no way they could, because I've barely even spoken to people. Much less offended them enough to try and kidnap me for my blood.
I don't get it. What's so special about me in particular? Either way, I'm scared shitless. And I begin to shake at the thought of being taken away from my boys. They notice and take action.
"Avelyn, babe, it's okay. You're going to be fine. There's no way anyone could get you. We wouldn't let them, and they can't get past us," Ash tries to reassure me. But still, the shaking continues. Cole shoves Ashton away and takes his place in front of me. He takes my face in his hands, leans in, and places his lips on mine.
Those familiar fireworks are emitted against my lips. The same ones I felt with Ashton arrise. My hyperventilating has stopped, and my lips begin to move against his. The kiss starts slow and gradually progresses into something more deep and passionate. His tongue gently caresses my bottom lip, asking for entrance, and I gladly accept.
The moment his tongue meets mine, tingles form, and sparks emit. I moan against his mouth, and he groans against mine in response. But before anything can get too far, a clearing of a throat breaks us apart. And slowly, we seperate, giddy smiles and jubilant eyes adorning our faces.
"Now I see what Ashton was talking about. That really was amazing," Cole admits, and I nod in agreement.
"So, um, Avelyn... Are you okay now?" Xavier asks. I blush at the realization that they just saw me have a makeout session with their bestfriend -- brother. But they did say they wanted to be in a relationship together, to share me, so I guess this might become the new normal.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Great, actually," I answer, looking at Cole and smiling suggestively. He sees and hears my suggestion, winks at me, and laughs. I join him.
"Wait, when do I get to kiss you?" Xavier inquires, and I shrug.
"Whenever you want to, I guess." What I didn't expect after saying that was for Xavier to suddenly thrust his lips onto mine. But here we are, lips attached and breaths mingled.
I don't know what my life has become, but I'm definitely not complaining. Our lips move in an undeniable sync. My gentle alpha is certainly coming into play. His lips are soft, and his caress is gentle. But he's unquestionably leading the kiss. He's controlling yet compassionate, and it's the best kind of rollercoaster imaginable.
They're all amazing kissers in their own right, and they're all equally amazing at it -- even though they each have completely different kissing styles.
I moan into his mouth, and he uses this opportunity to slip his tongue inside. It's warm and kindly. He slowly pulls away, and I'm left panting in need. I feel a sort of desire that I've never experienced before.
His eyes shine with endearment and devotion. He rests his forehead against mine, and I smile in content, a sigh slipping past my mouth.
"I know they said it would feel amazing, but I never would have expected that," he admits.
"Now that we've all had our fair share of Avelyn, can we please discuss how we're going to find these bloodsuckers and kill them?" Ashton questions.
"Yeah, that's what I'd like to know," Cole juts in.
"We just have to figure out who could possibly have any negative feelings toward Avelyn. Though I don't know how anyone could. Avelyn's not one to make any enemies. She's way too nice," Xavier conspires.
"Do you think my parents could have anything to do with it. I mean, they've always hated me, and they've never made it a secret either," I think aloud.
"Hmm, maybe. We'll have to take note of that, kitten."
"But right now, I think we should probably go to bed. It's somehow gotten very late, and so much has happened in the past couple of hours. Avelyn needs rest, and so do we if we want to find the fuckers who are out to get our angel."
We all take note of this, and I check the time. 10:00, it reads. Where the hell did all of the time go? I feel like we just got out of school.
We get ready for bed, and we end up sleeping together again -- just as we have for the past week. We've all been revelling in the comfort and warmth of one another.
I'm sandwiched in between Coco and Ash, with Xavier at my feet. They've all been taking turns at who gets to sleep next to me, and tonight it was Xavier's turn to sleep at the foot of the bed. I fall asleep thinking of my boys, but my dreams are nowhere near as pleasant.
I'm trapped, stuck. My emotions are everlasting, crawling beneath my skin. Reminding me they're always there and will forever haunt me. Vigorously, I try to escape. I'm like a bird trapped in a cage, yearning for freedom. Except the cage is on fire, and I'm losing my will to live. I have nothing to live for, anyway. It's not as if anyone cares enough to notice that I'm suffocating in a smouldering and bleak existence.
And even if, by some miracle, I was set free and the flames subsided, it's not like I'd have anywhere to fly to. For my wings have been clipped, and I have no place of refuge or sanctuary. No one wants a bird with broken wings and a shattered heart. They're as futile as my cries for help.
I'm woken with a start, but I soon realize that my guys aren't in the bed with me, which causes me to become even more anxious.
'I wonder where they could be.'
But I don't have to dwell on that thought for too long because I can hear voices downstairs, and I'm pretty sure I can smell bacon. So I unravel myself from the sheets, and slowly make my way to the bathroom. There's no way I'm going down there looking the way I do. And my breath smells awful, so I decide to brush my teeth while in the bathroom.
Once I've made it to the bathroom, I enter and turn to see myself in the mirror. My silver hair is an unruly mess, and my clothes are all wrinkled, but I'm wearing a content and happy smile. Where my wrinkled shirt is beginning to ride up, I can make out the names on my hip. The designs aren't quite the same as before. They seem to be a little brighter, and where their names lie, vines seem to sprout out of each letter, connecting each name together.
The mark seems much more cohesive, and it's as if after I kissed each one of the boys, the tattoo has become more unified -- like we're even more connected then we were before I'd ever met them, and my smile only grows at this conclusion.
After I've conquered the beast that is my hair, brushed my teeth, peed, and fixed my clothes, I make my way down the stairs to the kitchen.
"Come on, hurry up guys. I want to get Ava's breakfast ready for her before she wakes up. What's the point of breakfast in bed if she's not in bed?" I hear Cole's voice question the others, and I giggle at their sweet gesture. Not wanting to spoil their plan, I make my way back up the stairs as quietly as I possibly can.
I softly tiptoe back into the bedroom, and crawl back into bed. Upon hearing their voices faintly coming up the stairs, I turn over and pretend to be asleep. Their voices get even closer until they eventually arrive at the foot of the bed.
"Shh, be quiet guys. The angel is sleeping," Ash chuckles, and I stifle the giggle that tries to escape.
"Come on, princess. Do you really think that we don't know you're awake? We heard you try to tiptoe back into the bedroom." The boys all laugh, and I groan whilst turning over.
"You assholes, I didn't want to ruin the moment." They all just bust a nut laughing even harder, and I send them all a glare.
"Don't worry, kitten. We know why, but we just think it's funny that you tried tiptoeing when you're in a house full of werewolves."
"You guys are mean," I whine, crossing my arms over my chest, but a smile begins to form on my face too, showing them that I'm not really mad.
'I guess that was pretty stupid.'
I turn my gaze down and find Cole gradually setting a tray of food on the bed in front of me. On it are pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, and orange juice. I look up at all of them and raise my left brow.
"Is someone else coming over? Because I'm pretty sure this is more of a feast than a meal," I joke.
"We didn't know what you'd want to eat, so we just made everything," Cole blushes.
"No, no, it's fine. I love it, thank you," I reassure them with a smile, and they visibly relax. They really are too good for me.
"But this is a lot of food. Can you please help me eat it?"
"Well if you insist." With that, Cole jumps onto the bed next to me and reaches over, grabbing a piece of bacon. I giggle at his antics.
Once we all finished breakfast, we took showers and got ready for a day in. We decided it would be best just to stay home where it's safe. Which I wasn't upset about, seeing as I'd rather just stay home with my boys anyway.
I've been itching to tell the boys that I love them, and just about everytime I open my mouth to speak, it almost escapes my lips.
Soon it'll prevail, and I won't be able to take it back.
Right now we're sitting on the couch watching a movie: The Conjuring. I'm sitting on Ashton's lap, and Xavier and Cole are on either side of me. They're both holding my hands, and Ashton is rubbing my thigh. I don't know if they've even realized this, but I have shivers running up and down my spine.
During the movie, I can't help but laugh when the screen cuts to the witch on top of the wardrobe. Horror movies have always been more funny to me than scary, to be honest.
Once the movie ends, I ask the boys what the time is. Xavier answers me. "3:25," he says.
"What are we gonna do next?" I question.
"Whatever you want to, babygirl," Ash replies, his hot breath fanning the back of my neck, and I'm suddenly aroused. How can I not be when I'm constantly surrounded by three hot boys -- three hot boys that just so happen to be my boyfriends?
"Avelyn, I can smell your arousal." Xavier's voice is more deep and animalistic than usual.
"Touch me, please," I whimper.
"Avelyn, kitten, are you sure? We don't want to move too fast if you're not okay with it."
"I'm sure. Just please, touch me."
The hand that Ashton was trailing up my thigh slowly travels closer and closer to my heat. As it trails higher, Xavier and Cole lean in, each encasing either side of my neck between their lips. They begin to suck just as Ashton's hand finally reaches where I need him the most. He gently rubs me over my shorts.
"Mmm," I moan, biting my lip and thrusting my hips up further into his hand. Cole graps the ends of my shirt in his hands and begins to lift it up. But before he fully pulls it off, he asks, "Are you sure this is okay, Ava?" To which I nod vigorously to. But he still looks a little conflicted, even though I know that he wants this as badly as I do. So I decide to take the situation into my own hands, and I take the shirt off by myself, surprising them by my sudden action.
As soon as they see the black lacy bra that I decided to wear this morning, their eyes cloud completely over with lust, and I know there is no turning back. Low growls emit from deep within their throats, and Cole smashes his lips against mine, one of his hands finding my left breast and squeezing it over my bra.
I reach my hand behind my back and unclip it, and it slides down my chest slowly and sensually -- only adding to the lust and arousal that clouds their irises. I open my eyes to see Xavier slowly lean in, his eyes fixed on mine, and he encases my right nipple in his mouth. He begins nipping, licking, and sucking on it, and my eyes roll back in pleasure.
I moan against Cole's mouth as I feel Ashton's hand reach in my pants, under my panites, and to my aching core.
"You're so wet, baby. Who made you this wet? Was it me? Was it my brothers? Did we make you this wet, Avelyn?" He asks, and I nod my head vigorously.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, words Avelyn. I wanna hear you say it."
"Yes! Oh my God, yes! You made me this wet. All of you," I whine, ready for him to move his fingers.
"Good girl," he grunts into my ear.
He slowly runs his fingers up and down my folds, teasing me mercilessly. My hand finds his, and I direct his fingers onto my clit, forcing him to rub it in circular motions. He sucks on the back of my neck while his fingers continue to work on bud, no doubt leaving a mark.
Cole's mouth leaves mine, and he wraps it around my other nipple. He looks into my eyes as he bites it hard. The pain turns into an undeniable pleasure, and I lean my head back into the crook of Ashton's neck. The latter still doing terrible, amazing things to my bundle of nerves.
"Oh God! Yes, right there Ashton," I scream as he plunges his fingers into me, not even giving me a chance to stretch before he thrusts three fingers into me.
"That's right, babe. Scream my name," he grunts. "God, you're so tight. I can't wait to have you wrapped around me, writhing under me as I pound into you, and craving my touch as you scream my name."
I whimper, feeling a knot forming in my stomach.
"I-I'm so close," I all but scream, and Ashton stops his beautiful torture. I immediately become worried.
"What is it? D-did I do something wrong?"
"No, princess. You did nothing wrong. I just made Ashton stop because I didn't want you to cum yet. Not on his fingers, at least," Xavier says as he releases my nipple, creating a popping noise.
"What do you mean?" I quiz him, my eyebrows scrunching together in confusion.
"He wants you to cum on his mouth, kitten."
"Oh," I blush, but I don't have any time to process Cole's words before my shorts are being torn off. Literally, Cole tore them off.
My panties were ripped off too, so I'm left completely naked and exposed. I blush, too insecure to let them see me, and I try to cover myself up. But Xavier and Ashton holt my movements.
"You don't have to cover yourself, Avelyn. There's nothing to be selfconsious about. You're absolutely fucking gorgeous," Ash's voice is full of so much raw adoration and lust, and it's enough to have me dripping down my leg and onto the couch. But I'm too overcome with lust to be even the slightest bit embarrassed about it.
Xavier pulls me closer to him by my legs, and says, "If your pussy tastes anywhere near as sweet as it smells, then you truly are an angel." I've always hated that word, but it sounds so sexy coming from him that I begin to find it one of my new favorite words.
Gradually, his face gets closer and closer to my heat, and I look down at him with hooded eyes. He holds our eye contact as his face slowly descends onto my aching core.
He licks a stripe up my folds and groans, causing immensely pleasurable vibrations to shoot through me. This has me moaning like a mad woman.
"Avelyn, princess, you're so fucking sweet. Come here brothers. Doesn't she taste amazing?" He slides over as Cole's tongue finds my core, and he groans as well.
"That's my new favorite taste, sweeter than candy," he says, the fire in his eyes now a flaming sun.
"Move over, I want to taste her," Ashton grunts, shoving Cole over as his lips encompass my throbbing clit.
He leans back, sits up on his knees, tilts his head back, and sighs. "I'd prefer to have that for every meal from now on."
I blush but don't really mind the attention -- or being passed around. I quite like it, actually, but I am getting really hot. I want my release. Correction, I need it.
"Please, just do it already. I need you," I whine, and Xavier smirks.
"What do you need, Avelyn?" He asks.
"Please don't make me say it. It's embarassing," I pout.
"I can't give you what you want if you don't tell me what it is that you need," he taunts, and I groan in embarrassment.
"Come on Ava, tell us what you want," Cole joins.
"Your tongue," I give up. "Give me your tongue." They emit deep, guttural growls.
"Fuck, Avelyn. You're so hot," Ashton grunts, and Xavier's mouth meets my waiting and aching pussy once again. Ashton and Cole's lips wrap around each of my hard nipples and bite down.
My hips jerk up, meeting Xavier's wet tongue, and each of my hands tangle in my other two boys' hair, pushing their faces harder against my chest. I rock my hips against Xavier face as his tongue attacks my clit mercilessly. His fingers begin pumping in and out of me, and the pleasure has me seeing stars.
"Yes! Oh God! I'm so close," I scream.
Xavier's face lifts off of my heat, but his fingers don't relent. His emerald eyes meet mine, and I come undone at his response.
"Cum," he commands, biting down on my clit. With that, my eyes roll back into my head -- the stars shining ten times brighter, and my body shakes as my first orgasm hits me full force. In a state of euphoria and complete bliss, I release all over his face, and he doesn't fail in lapping up every last drop. Once I've rode out my high, and he's finished cleaning me, he lifts his head back up and his lips meet mine. I can taste myself on his lips, and the moment his mouth leaves mine, I say the first thing that comes to mind.
"I love you."
Um... I don't know what to say after all of that. I'll just leave it at thanks for reading, and I hope you... liked it? I may be feeling a little uncomfortable after writing that, but I did say there was going to be smut. And there's no going back now. So, I guess... until next time...
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