《Her Given (Editing)》Chapter 1 - Introductions
the text is for their mindlink. . .
Waking up this morning, I can't help but feel a little excited. My wolf, Crimson, is all jittery. I have no clue why, but I feel some sort of foreboding, like something life changing is going to happen today, and hell if I'm not nervous about it. This morning, after I wake, I begrudgingly get up out of the comfort of my warm bed and dressed, checking myself in the mirror.
Eh, good enough I guess.
I dressed myself in a red, plaid shirt with a black tank top underneath, dark jeans, and a pair of red sneakers. It goes well with my copper-colored, nearly-red, hair and green eyes, I suppose.
Afterwards, I brush my teeth and leave to go downstairs in to the kitchen.
Today is the first day of school. Oh joy! Sarcasm 100 percent intended. You see, I live with my best friends Cole and Ashton. We just moved from a small town in West Virginia. Our pack was overrun by a shit ton of rogues, so it's safe to say we left that shit hole and moved to a new one. Another really small town. Great. It's not like anything was keeping us there. Even in our old pack, we felt like outsiders. They never really cared about us. So we left. Which brings us here: Saint Hill, Pennsylvania.
When I make it downstairs, Ashton is there to greet me. He's wearing his normal go-to outfit. Black everything. Black shirt, black pants, black leather jacket, and black combat boots. His ensemble matches his charcoal black hair, and it makes his blue eyes pop.
This kid will never change.
You see, Ashton is the 'bad boy' in our little entourage. Though, he only uses it as a cover to hide his true feelings. Cole and I are the only ones who can get him to open up. He's had a hard past, but he likes to pretend he's okay. We know better, though. And we can see right through his tough-guy-act. He comes from a family with a lot of money, so he's pretty loaded. After his parents died, he was left with everything they had. He inherited all of their money, properties, and businesses.
Cole, Ashton, and I have been bestfriends since we were kids. I'm the oldest at eighteen. Next is Ashton; he's eighteen, too. And last, but certainly not least, is the fetus, Cole Sanders. He's seventeen. Just a babe.
Ashton has a piece of toast sticking out of his mouth, yet he still attempts conversation.
"Say, fan! Teddy door the thirst they of fool?" he tries to greet me, sounding more like an idiot than usual.
"Dude, how many times do I have to tell you to finish chewing before you speak?" I question out of annoyance.
Ashton finishes swallowing his food and replies, "Sorry, dude, I forgot. I said, 'Hey, man! Ready for the first day of school?'"
"I really don't want to have to go to this lame ass school with only so many kids. They'll all probably flock around us considering we're the new kids. They probably don't get many of those considering this is a small, boring-as-fuck town," I answer.
"True. Not to mention Cole's inflated ego and loud ass mouth," he replies.
It's at that very moment Cole decides to enter the room wearing nothing but his polka dot boxers. His hair is disheveled and he looks like he just rolled out of bed.
"That is so not true! My mouth is just fine, and my ego isn't that big. It's probably about the same size as my dick. Wait, that's a bad analogy. My dick is huge." Cole's glare is hilarious considering he just woke up and looks like he got hit by a bus. Ashton and I start laughing our asses off.
"What's so funny?" Cole asks, crossing his arms over his chest, confused and irritated. "My dick is probably bigger than both of yours combined."
"Alright, kid. Keep telling yourself that." I decide to make fun of him a little longer.
"We've talked about this, Xavier. I'm only 10 months younger than you, damn it! And I'll be eighteen in three months. I deserve and demand respect!" Ashton laughs a little harder at his reply.
But then he stops suddenly, appearing as if he's had a realization.
"Dude, where the fuck are your clothes? We have to leave in like 20 minutes for school," he asks.
Cole looks like he just shit his pants or something. "Wait, that was today? No wonder you guys are up already. I gotta go and get ready. It'll only be, like, 15 minutes," he answers, while running back upstairs to get ready.
"That kid really needs to sort out his priorities," Ashton mumbles.
"Hey! I heard that, asshole! And for the last time, I am not a kid!" Cole protests. Sometimes I forget about the super-werewolf hearing we possess.
15 minutes later Cole is running down the stairs, still pulling up his skinny jeans. His blue sneakers are untied and his blonde hair is still a mess, but it still manages to look good on him, like he did it on purpose. He's wearing a blue shirt, and his brown eyes are frantically looking around the room, as if searching for something.
"Have you seen my backpack anywhere?" He questions.
Oh, that's what he was looking for.
"Yeah, it's right by the front door," I answer.
"Thanks," he picks up his bag from beside the door, "let's go."
We all nod our heads and grab our bags to leave. Exiting the house, we make sure to lock all the doors, hop in our car: a matte black BMW Nazca m12--like I said, Ashton is rich--and we make our way to school.
Just as I'm settling down in my seat--I'm in the passenger seat, Cole's in the back, and Ashton is driving--I start to get that jittery feeling again, and my wolf is restless. I ask him what's wrong through our bonded mindlink, and he explains that he feels like something big is going to happen today--something he believes will be good. I'm not surprised, as I've felt the exact same all morning.
As we near the school, I ask the guys, "Hey guys, are your wolves anxious too?"
"What do you mean?" Ashton answers my question with his own.
"My wolf feels like something big is going to happen today, and he's pretty jittery right now. He doesn't think it's going to be bad, though," I answer.
"Yeah, Comet is kind of wary, too. I asked him why and he said the same thing," Cole replies.
"You're right. Dusk has been acting a little strange this morning. Though, when I asked why, he just said he had a feeling about today. He didn't say what kind, just that he had a feeling about today," Ashton comments, brows a little furrowed as he tries concentrating on the road ahead.
"Even though Crimson said he has a good feeling about today, I still think we should be careful, just in case," I rebuttal.
Cole and Ashton both nod, agreeing with my statement. Not that they had much of a choice. Because, well, I'm sort of the alpha to our group. The leader, if you will. Each pack has one. But ever since we left ours, I kind of became the alpha to our little group, as I'm the eldest, and I've always had more of a superiority complex.
A few minutes later we arrive at our destination: hell. Better known as school. As we pull into the parking lot, I notice all of the kids standing outside stop to gawk at our car. Well, Ashton's car. Same difference.
Not that I can really blame them. It is one sexy car, and there are only a few in existence.
We pull into an available parking space. Right before exiting the car, I look over at my two best friends--brothers, more like--one last time. We all share a fleeting glance and nod at each other, as if silently asking each other 'Ready?' and answering, 'Come on. We can do this.' Then we exit the car, grabbing our backpacks before shutting the doors.
All around we can hear the girls gasp, and the guys grumble. The girls stare at us with open mouths, gawking. And the guys curse in exasperation, most likely angry that their girlfriends are no longer paying attention to them, and instead staring longingly at us. If that doesn't boost our egos, I don't know what else could. No wonder Cole is always so cocky. What a bastard. Though, we're all pretty used to this reaction. I don't like to brag, but I'm pretty hot, if I do say so myself. And I sure as hell do. But, unlike Cole, I don't let it go to my head. I'm a pretty humble guy, honestly. Most of the time. . .
Suddenly, another car starts to pull into the parking lot. The stares and curses faulter for a moment. And we all stop to turn our attention to the sexy ass black Bugatti Veyron 16.4 with orange rims. Once parked, an even sexier piece exits the vehicle. A girl with all the right curves in all the right places opens the back door to grab her bag. She's got long platinum blonde hair, so light it's practically liquid silver. She leans down to grab her back, and I can feel my pants tighten looking at her fine ass. Her jeans fit her so perfectly; they look as if they're a second skin. She's literally the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And I can tell my best friends agree, if the bulges in their pants are anything to go by.
I hear all of the guys start to wolfwistle, and I literally want to tear all of their heads off. I don't know why I'm being so possessive right now, but I do know that she will be mine. I can feel Crimson stirring inside me. He completely agrees. Now, it's all the girls' turns to get pissed. They're annoyed their boyfriends are no longer paying attention to them. The only thing they can do is look at, hands down, the most beautiful girl to ever walk this planet.
My dick is so hard right now, watching her bend back up with her bag now in her tiny hands. I see a group of guys start to approach the gorgeous specimen, and that's all it takes to snap my brothers and I out of our trance. Without having to communicate, we automatically know we have to protect her. With my great hearing, I can hear the guys giving her shitty pick up lines, asking her if she wants to hang out after school. She refuses them, in the softest, purest, and most angelic and melodic voice I have ever heard. One guy with blonde hair and baggy clothes starts to get a little too close. My brothers and I are there in a flash.
"Leave the girl alone," Ashton practically growls out.
"Who are you to tell me what to do? I'm sure the lady can speak for herself," says the guy with the blond hair and baggy clothes.
"She told you no. So back the fuck off," Cole orders, his voice laced with more venom than I had ever heard, so unlike his normal, lighthearted voice.
"How would you know? You were all the way over there. It's not like you could hear us, douchebags," another guy from the group comments.
"I believe my friend told you to back the fuck off. So I would advise you to do just that. Unless you want your asses kicked," I finally decide to step in.
"Please, just leave me alone," the melodic voice pleads once more. God, she is so perfect. I can feel my dick twitch just thinking about her moaning my na--
No, stop. This is not the time to get horny, Xavier. Snap out of it!
The group of guys realize they've lost this battle. Finally giving up, the guy with the blonde hair says, "Fine, but this conversation isn't over."
"Come on guys. Let's get to class," he directs towards his friends and turns to leave.
After they've left, the girl decides to speak up.
"Thanks," she says in a weak voice. She's too shy to look up at us, so I take her chin in between my thumb and forefinger, lifting it up. Her eyes meet mine, and now that I'm up close, I can finally make out the color of her eyes. They're a captivating ocean blue. You can almost see the waves clash against the shore behind her mesmerizing eyes. They're infinite. I can tell she is also searching my eyes as well. It looks as if she recognizes me. Like she's seen me before. But that's impossible. I'm sure if I ever saw someone as beautiful as her, I couldn't possibly forget. I probably would have never looked away if it wasn't for Cole clearing his throat. That seems to get us both out of our strange trance.
I let go of her chin and she looks down bashfully. She's blushing a bright shade of pink, and hell, if it's not the most adorable thing I've ever seen.
Ashton decides that this is the moment to fill the silence and reply to her.
"No problem. What's your name?" He asks.
"Avelyn. But you can call me Ava. If you want to, that is. I'm not saying you have to. You can call me whatever you want. Anything is fine, really," she starts to ramble, embarrassed. Again, that melodic voice hits me like a truck, and her rambling is too cute. And I know it has an effect on my friends as well.
" Cole mindlinks.
"My name is Cole," he says aloud.
"Ashton," the 'bad boy' gives a curt nod in her direction. You can tell he's uncomfortable with the tent in his pants.
Little, horny bastard.
It's not like I'm not on the same boat, though. The ache in my pants is still there, too.
She looks up and gives them a small, gentle smile, which in turn makes us all smile even brighter.
Damn, can she get any more gorgeous?
She looks at me as if she was expecting something from me. It's then that I realize I've been standing there, smiling at her like a complete idiot.
"Xavier," I tell her. She shivers at the lustful look I'm giving her.
I can smell her arousal, and I let out a low growl. And if the growls my friends let out is any indication, I'd say they can smell it too.
I tell my friends through our mindlink.
Cole replies.
Ashton comments in awe.
Cole, thankfully, points out.
"Are you new here, princess?" I decide to ask her aloud. She blushes at the new nickname.
"Yes," she answers in her angelic voice.
"Us too," Cole interrupts.
"Really? Cool," she says, smiling like we just made her day.
"Hey guys, sorry to end this conversation early, but we really should be heading to class," Ashton comments. Right then, the warning bell decides to ring, as if it agrees with him.
"Damnit, come on, kitten--you're coming with us. Since we're all new, we have to get our schedules. We'll still be late. But, hopefully, since it's our first day, they'll excuse it," Cole says. Again, she blushes at the new nickname, but nods none the less. I grab her hand and we make our way inside. Happy at these turn of events, I can't help but feel this was the good thing that was going to happen today. The only thing that would make this day any better was if she were my mate. But alas, I won't be able to tell unless she is eighteen. Which reminds me. . .
"Princess, how old are you?" I ask her.
"17," she answers.
As if sensing why I'm asking, Ashton pipes up.
"What's your birthday?" he questions.
"November 18th," she replies.
"No way! Your birthday is only two days after mine," Cole practically screams. Mind you, we're still in the hallway making our way to the office for our schedules.
"Seriously? That's so cool!" she says with just as much enthusiasm, which only brightens our smiles.
"So, your birthday is in three months? Good to know," Ashton drawls.
I can see the confusion etched onto her face. She doesn't realize that she has all of us wrapped around her little finger already. And the reason why we're all so curious and excited is because we want her to be our mate. Even Cole, the player, and Ashton, the 'bad boy', closed off one with trust issues, who is emotionally unavailable. No, she doesn't realize it yet. But she belongs to us. She is ours, and we don't ever plan on sharing or letting her go.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please feel free to correct any mistakes I made in the comments. I'm sure there are a few. Until next time...
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