《Her Given (Editing)》Prologue Part 1 - A Little Background


Today, I was woken up to a screaming match coming from two doors down--and to the sound of Mommy and Daddy fighting, again. What's new? This has been happening a lot lately. We used to be a happy family. We used to go to the park and have family picnics together. I remember when Mommy used to braid my hair while singing me a soft lullaby to lull me. I remember the times when Daddy would chase me around the house trying to catch me. He would yell, "The tickle monster is coming! I'm gonna get you!" It seems like just yesterday we were having pillow fights and laughing at dumb jokes Daddy would tell us.

But now, they barely even speak a word to me. Now, whenever Mommy looks at me, she looks disappointed. Like she doesn't even recognize me. When Daddy gets home from work, he'll ask me how my day was, and then he'll leave before I have the chance to answer. Like he doesn't actually care what I have to say.

I never really know what they're arguing about anymore. It makes no sense to my 7-year-old brain. So, to get some sort of clue, I tiptoe my way into the hallway to hear a little better. Then, I lean against the corner behind their bedroom door, out of sight.

"Why couldn't you just keep it in your pants!" Mommy's yelling is really loud, but I don't know what she means by 'keep it in your pants'.

"Because you just weren't enough for me, and I had to get it somewhere. Besides, it was just one time! No big deal," Daddy replies.

"No big deal?! You cheated on me, you bastard! I loved you!" Mommy's screams only grow louder. But again, I don't know what the word 'bastard' means, so it's safe to say I'm a little confused. All I know is, apparently, Daddy cheated. And cheating is bad. Games are supposed to be played fairly; cheaters don't deserve to win. That's what Mommy has always said to me.


"Janet, it'll be fine. We'll figure this out,"

Daddy tries to reason, but it's hard to reason with Mommy when she is angry. I'm now beginning to see that more than ever.

"No, we can't. You had to go and put your dick in places they didn't belong, and now look where that got us."

It's at that moment my stupid hand, that was supporting me, decides to slip. I trip and fall right in front of Mommy and Daddy's feet. Mommy looks so angry, and Daddy's face doesnt't look too different. And I'm scared.

They've never looked at me like that.

"Avelyn, what do you think you're doing?" It's Mommy that decides to speak up first.

"Um...um I was just... about to go to the kitchen to get some milk?" I come up with the best excuse that I can under the pressure; the weight of their glares are starting to make me feel heavy and even more afraid. Though, it sounds more like a question than an answer. And by the looks on their faces, I can tell they know I was lying, too.

"I don't believe you, Avelyn. I hope you're not lying. Only bad girls lie. And you know what bad girls get?" Daddy questions.

"What?" It rolls off my tongue before I can stop myself, but I cringe at the frightened tone my voice had been laced with.

"Punished," Mommy finishes for him.

"B-b-but I-I was telling the t-t-truth. I promise," I argue. Oh no. They seem mad.

Very, very mad.

"What did I say about lying? Now guess what. You get a punishment."

That was the first time Mother and Father ever hit me, but it certainly wouldn't be the last.


I know the prologue is a little depressing, but it's important to the plot. Either way, I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time...


The Annoying Author Lady

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