《Chasing Bygones》EPILOGUE
The atmosphere was dense with an unmasked tension rising between the two males sitting across the dining table in Ian’s apartment.
I cleared my throat softly, afraid an invisible time-bomb was going to explode at the slightest of disturbance. Chloe shot me a concerned look as she passed the plate of salad from Ian to Michael.
Michael briefly glanced at her, eyes softening for just that lingering second as he muttered a "thank you" to Chloe, before resuming his staring battle with Ian.
After weeks of counselling (from me) and weeks of disapprovals (from Ian), Chloe had finally said fuck it and asked out Michael one night, in front of the whole family at dinner.
And Michael being…well, Michael, had gone blank over the sudden confession. Chloe being Chloe, had taken it as a yes.
But Ian was not exactly happy with the love affair and had been avoiding seeing them together for the past many days. That was, of course, until I invited the love birds over for dinner tonight, without Ian’s knowledge.
He had shot me a warning look when he had come hoke from clinic and spotted Chloe cuddled against Michael on the couch. But I had brushed him off, because for fuck's sake, Chloe was the matchmaker in Ian and my story. She was the one who pushed me into the right direction. She was the one who played cupid around me and Ian that had finally led us to where we were now. I was not leaving her side when she was in the same situation.
It was my turn to play cupid for them.
After an achingly long and awkwardly quiet dinner, Chloe and I decided it was dangerous leaving the two men out on the couch, alone. So, I called for Ian to help me with the dishes, while Chloe tried to unwind a tensed Michael.
Ian was standing with his arms crossed against his chest, leaning sideways on the fridge. I could feel his burning stare on the side of my face but I kept my attention focused on the dishes in my hand.
“You know I am not going to combust if you keep staring at me, right?” I threw a glance at him.
Ian snorted. “Was worth a shot.”
I rolled my eyes and slid the dishes back into the sink, before turning to face him. “What’s got you so riled up, hm?”
“You know what.”
“On the contrary, I don’t. At least not from your perspective. Care to enlighten me?”
Ian continued staring at me for a few seconds before huffing out a breath and looking away. His fingers twitched against his elbow, clearly holding back whatever was on the tip of his tongue. And I did not like it. Not one bit.
A soft sigh escaped my lips. Wiping my hands on the apron, I moved closer to him, running my hands through his hand until he brought his breath-taking eyes back on me.
“You’re overthinking it,” I cupped his face and pulled him closer. “They’ll be fine.”
His arms untangled from across his chest and snaked around my waist. “It’s not about they. It’s about her.”
Of course it was. I could understand his concern for his sister. But I also acknowledged that she was an adult who had the liberty to choose herself a partner.
And holy cow, what a difficult choice she'd made.
“What are you so afraid of?” I tilted my head to search for his eyes as Ian sighed and dropped his head against my shoulder, his breath against my neck sending tingles dancing across my skin.
Actually, I had a hint of where his worry was arising from. But it was a fifty-fifty chance I was wrong.
I brushed his hair back from his forehead before placing a soft kiss there. “You’re afraid he won’t be able to reciprocate her feelings?” My voice was soft, uncertain.
“I know he won’t be able to reciprocate her feeling.” Ian raised his head and looked at me in the eye. “He didn’t to you.”
There. I knew he was worried about that.
A little smile twitched at my lips. “It was different then.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
“Yes, it was.” I slightly drew back but Ian’s arms kept me pressed to him. “I was a crackhead girl he picked from a strip club to be his contractual wife.” I shrugged.
A little frown drew Ian eyebrows together as his hands around my waist tightened.
I had quit my job at Blue heaven on New Year's Eve—a gift my gorgeous boyfriend did not ask for— as Gretchen's Kitchen upgraded from a small bistro to a double floor restaurant. Thanks to Michael's help in securing Gretchen a business loan. And christ, if her business hadn't flourished ever since. And an upgrade in business meant upgrade in pay-scale. So my needs were taken care of.
But even now, whenever I brought up Blue Heaven, Ian was not comfortable with the topic.
I cleared my throat. “Chloe, on the other hand, is Michael's best friend’s little sister with whom he has practically grown up. There,” I poked a finger at his chest, “lies the difference.”
Ian seemed like he was processing the information for a long moment, then shook his head. “That doesn’t put my worries to rest. I am her brother and no matter how you put it, my best friend and my sister don’t sit right in my head.”
“Why not?”
“It’s weird.”
“You wouldn’t get it.”
My eyebrows drew together at the last remark. Ian being so stubborn about something was still new to me, but that didn’t mean I was anything less. In fact, I was a little guilty for how easily I could manipulate him into giving in.
And he always gave in.
“You’re right. I won’t get it.” I released myself from his grip and resumed cleaning the dishes.
Ian stood motionless in his spot, again, just staring at me. Usually, I would flush under his gaze, but right now I was team Chloe and my score was still zero.
After a minute or two, when I didn’t prompt another question or look up at him with puppy eyes, Ian moved from his place with a resigned sigh and came up behind me. His arms wrapped around my middle and nose buried in my neck.
“I’m sorry. I’m being an asshole again.”
“You sure are.” I didn’t try to soften my voice.
Because if I couldn’t convince, I would threaten. That was my go-to plan whenever it came to Ian. And nine times out of ten, it worked.
Hang in there, Chloe. I got this.
Ian’s hand loosened from around my middle and moved down to skim the seam of my skirt, fingers wandering upward. Successfully suppressing a shiver, I pressed my thighs together, denying him access.
His groan travelled through my body, straight to my core. “Please.”
A wicked smile twisted my face as I reveled in the tone of his voice. Ian begging to touch me was nothing new to me. But every time he did it, it was as fresh as the first time. As if he could not help himself.
I finished the last plate, and rinsed off my hands. “No.”
“Why not?”
I turned around and Ian hovered over me, face dark, eyes darker, staring down at me with a hunger which —I was pleased— was never satiated.
“Because first, you’re going to walk out with a welcoming smile on your face and congratulate the couple outside.” I said. Ian frowned, the dark look spreading across his face. “Second, you will not call off any meet-ups with them, ever, just because they’re dating.” Something flashed in his eyes, and he leaned down, lips hovering over mine.
"Uh-huh, what else do you want, sweetheart?" his hand moved down again, to the back of my thigh and squeezed. Hard enough to leave a burning afterward.
I stood my ground despite the way my toes curled against the floor and core throbbed with need. I wanted him. Right now. Right here. “And you will…”
"Mm?" His fingers skimmed the curve of my ass, trailing to the center—
“Woah, what’s happening here?” Chloe’s voice, followed by a chuckle, echoed in the kitchen as she peered in from the door with a glint in her eyes.
Oh good. I almost gave in.
Letting out a flustered chuckle I pushed at Ian’s chest but he didn’t budge, still staring at me with that look. I was afraid he would do something, with Chloe standing right there and watching us.
“I swear to God once they leave…” he whispered, successfully setting my face on fire, before brushing a fleeting kiss across my temple and leaving me a hot mess behind. He walked past Chloe, ruffling her hair.
As soon as Ian left Chloe hurried to me, the playful look morphing into a worried expression. “Is he still mad? What did he say?”
I slumped back against the kitchen island, trying to get my heart to slow down. “I tried my best.”
Chloe’s face fell. She came up beside me and leaned against the island. “I don’t think he’ll ever approve of us.”
My lips pressed into a tight line as I nudged her with my shoulder. “He just wants the best for you. Give him some time. He’ll get used to it.”
Chloe flashed me a small smile. I could tell her I would convince Ian, but I didn’t want to give her false hope. Or even in that case, false impression that she needed anyone’s approval. I had observed the way she looked at Michael and he at her. And I had never seen Michael look at anybody like that. Not even at me. Ian would get around in a while but that didn’t mean Chloe had to depend on his decision to move ahead with her life.
"I heard step-bro villain's business suffered a huge loss." Chloe said, referring to my Devin, looking deep in thought. "Michael was saying Devin has a shit ton of debt over his head now. Might have to sell his company to pay everything back." Her eyes shifted to me. "But how does Michael know so much about Devin's business?"
I shrugged, feigning innocence. There was a hundred and fifty percent chance that Michael had something to do with Devin's downfall. But I wasn't certain Chloe would enjoy that piece of information as much as I did.
Devin never played fair; not in life, maybe neither in business. And considering our lifelong bond of hate, I had zero sympathy for him.
"How is Mrs. Adams?" Chloe asked, drawing my attention back to her. "She ready to move in with you?"
My lips pressed into a tight smile. "Not yet."
Even after Ian's thorough disapproval, I had actually bought the house from him, with the money Frank's will had left me. It truly felt nice to own a house. My first ever asset. My mother, however, had bonded deeply with the other ladies at the shelter home over the years, and couldn't immediately move in with me into our house. Although she'd promised she'd think about it, I was yet to hear from her.
It was never lonely though. Ian was over most of the days after work. Making me realize and get used to what a real home actually felt like.
After chit-chatting for a few minutes, Chloe and I made our way into the living room, and our jaws almost hit the floor when we took in the view before us.
Ian and Michael were pulling away from —what looked like— a hug.
Not a fistfight. But a hug.
Chloe and I exchanged concerned glances as we approached them with an alarm. What had shifted in a span of hardly ten minutes?
Ian and Chloe bid farewell, while I returned Michael’s hug.
“Please tell me you two weren’t wresting and actually hugging?” I whispered to him as I pulled away.
Michael's lips twitched. “Might surprise you, but it was.”
My eyebrows shot up. Did he—Michael Black— just crack a joke? Sun must have risen from north today. Or maybe I was forgetting his sun always rose from the other side of the bed. And was nicknamed Chloe.
Chloe came up to me and hugged me tight. “Thank you for everything.”
“I haven’t done anything,” I pulled back with a grin and a hungry look toward her brother. “yet.”
Chloe looked at me, puzzled, before realization visibly sank into her brain, and she blushed, shooting a quick glance at Ian herself. “Jeez, you two bunnies.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” I winked at her.
Other than having mind-blowing sex in toe-curling positions, bunnies were also cute and mostly in a pair. So, why not?
After seeing off Chloe and Michael, I just managed to lock the door before two arms scooped me up into a hard chest. My hands flew around his neck with a squeal as Ian carried me upstairs.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I buried my face in his neck and nibbled at his skin.
Ian groaned in response. “I kept my end of the deal, it’s your turn now.”
I jumped down from his arms as soon as we entered his bedroom, and he locked the door. “What deal?”
“You asked me for two things,” Ian turned and held up a finger. “First to smile and congratulate them. Which I did.” Another finger came up. “Second, I won’t call off any meeting because they’re dating. Just to make my intention clear, I have invited them for dinner next weekend.”
My mouth hung open as he strolled toward me with a predatory glint in his eyes.
“You did all that?”
He cocked his head to one side. “You asked me, so of course I did. Plus,” the corners of his lip twitched. “The reward in return was quite tempting." He reached up for the collar of his shirt. “Now about your end of the deal…”
I stepped back, feeling the bed at the back of my knees. “I don’t remember making a deal.” I said, eyeing his fingers as they unbuttoned his shirt. I wanted to do it.
Fuck, I wanted to tackle him to the floor and ride us off to heaven.
His shirt came undone and dropped to the floor. “Seems like you’re running low on memory, sweetheart.”
I did not know why that made me laugh. But it did. I tried to muffle the remaining laugh with a hand against my mouth.
Ian didn’t look amused at all as he towered over me, then dropped to his knees, eyes burning up into mine.
“As much as I love the sound of you laughing,” his fingers started at my ankle and travelled north. “Nothing can make up for the sound of you moaning for me.”
His hand sneaked under my skirt, pushing it up on the way until it was hiked around my hips. Blood sang in my ears and my pulse quickened as Ian leaned forward and buried his nose in the apex of my thigh.
I sucked in a breath, wanting to press my legs together, but his fingers dig into my upper thighs and spread me apart for his relentless tongue which was probing at the crotch of my panties.
"Ian…” his name left my lips into a soft moan, my fingers threading into his hair, tugging him closer.
“Lay down for me, sweetheart.” His hands came up to my sides as I lowered myself on to the bed, knees already widening on their own. It was like my body spoke a language only he could understand. And whenever he demanded something, my body responded.
As I sank into the bed his face leveled with mine, lips parted, eyes alight with an unending desire I was so used to seeing but could never get enough of. A familiar ache spread across my body, fingers twitching against his shoulder, panties damp with anticipation.
He cupped my face, lips brushing against mine as he slowly leaned me back over the bed.
“Do you love me?” he whispered.
The mattress sank with my weight and his hand trailed up my thigh, settling between my legs. "So much..."
“Then you won’t deprive me of my favorite sound, would you?”
Before I could reply with a no, he moved down, breath fanning and heating every patch of skin until it settled between my legs. My hips buckled when my panties were moved aside and a hot muscle separated my moistened folds, making strings of his favorite sound to erupt from me and weave into the air between us. Two fingers slid inside, while his tongue probed and traced and tasted me.
Wave after waves of pleasure washed through me, making my toes curl and core tighten as I lost myself to the rhythm of his love making.
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