《Tennessee Tipsy - Morgan Wallen》Nineteen


Haley takes a sharp breath in as she looks over her notebook, checking and crossing things off as she reads over her list.

"Haley Mae!" Louisa May shouts from the porch. Her daughter is standing with her brothers while they're setting chairs out. "C'mon baby, I gotta do your hair!"

"Comin' momma!" She shouts back, handing her notebook to Wes before she rushes to the master bedroom's bathroom.

Haley sits on the edge of the tub while Caleigh steams her dress and her mom puts her hair in a long simple braid over her shoulder. "You nervous?" The taller brunette asks.

"Very." Haley breathes back. "Worried that I'm gon' trip on my way down or- or say the wrong name or somethin' dumb."

"Y'know, Morgan's flippin' out too."

"Doubt it. I've never seen him nervous."

Louisa May puts her hands on her daughters shoulders with tears in her eyes. "Your daddy would be a mess if he was here today." She whispers.

"I miss him, momma."

"Everyone does." She smiles back, brushing her cheek with her thumb. "C'mon now, let's get you in that dress."

While the girls are getting ready, Morgan, Michael and the Mack brothers are throwing a couple shots back. "My man, you feelin' okay?" Sam asks, tucking his button up into his unbelted slacks.

"Hell yeah, I am." Morgan grins, setting his empty shot glass down on the kitchen table. "I'm so excited- oh my god." He takes a deep breath. "Man, do you think Haley's nervous? I've never seen her nervous."

"I'm sure she's feelin' the same way you are." Michael laughs. "You look great, man."

"Here." Sam hands him a couple small pins; An army branch pin and an FFA pin.

"Oh no, I- I couldn't-"

"C'mon, Pops isn't here for her weddin' day."

Morgan shakes his head and hands the pins back. "Y'all should wear 'em when you walk her down the aisle."

Sam and Wes nod to each other before popping them into their shirts. "Okay fine." Sam heads upstairs to grab a tie for Morgan to borrow; one of his fathers.

He knocks on the door to the master bedroom. "Can I come in?"

"No." Caleigh answers, cracking the door open. "What's up?"

"I need to grab a tie."

"Is that Sam?" Haley asks from the bathroom.

Sam's face splits into a smile when he hears her. "I won't look, I can be quick. I just need a tie." Caleigh shuts the bathroom door before opening the bedroom door, letting Sam in. He makes his way to the closet. "Hey, it's quarter til. Weddin's in fifteen minutes!" He says before shutting the door behind him.


Haley takes in a shaky breath. "Oh my god."

Louisa May wraps her daughter in a tight hug, tears in her eyes. "Let's go get you married."


After an extremely emotional ceremony, Haley and Morgan are now husband and wife. Sam and Wes surprised their sister by walking her down the aisle in place of their father and instead of her walking by herself; that got everyone's tears going.

The newlyweds are currently in her old bedroom to get changed before the reception.

"Morgan, can you help me?" Haley asks, pulling her braid over her shoulder to give him better access to the zipper.

He bites his lip as he tugs the zipper down, his hands dropping to her hips. "You look so beautiful." He whispers against her shoulder after he pulls the sleeves down her arms. He presses his lips slowly against her skin and up her neck, his hands still pushing her dress off.

Her head falls back against his shoulder as his fingers go to the waistband of her panties. "How much time do we have?"

"It's our party. We can be fashionably late." He responds, dipping his hand in between her thighs. She lets out a breathy moan, her hand wrapping around his wrist while the other reach back and twists in his long hair.

"Fuck." Haley turns and starts working on his shirt and tie then tugs on the huge belt buckle. "Take 'em off." She orders, stepping out of her panties as her husband shoves his dress pants and underwear off.

Haley pushes him to the bed and climbs on top, leaning down to press wet kisses against his neck and chest, leaving hickies and love bites in a few places.

As soon as Haley's hips are flush with Morgan's, there's a knock on the door. "C'mon kids! You don't wanna be late for your own reception!" Michael shouts.

"Fuck off." Haley breathes, rocking her hips slightly, smirking at the sharp moan Morgan lets out.

"What're- y'all're fuckin'? C'mon, everyone's waitin'!" He says, knocking on the door again.

"We'll be down in fifteen minutes-"

"Twenty." Morgan pants, trying to keep himself from pounding into his wife.

"If you're not down there in twenty minutes, I'm sendin' Sam up here."

"Fuck- fine! We'll be down in twenty. Now, please fuck off, Hardy!" Haley snaps, biting her lip as Morgan runs his hands over her torso and breasts.

A couple moments of uninterrupted sex has passed when there's another knock on the door. "Fuck- what!?" Haley snaps, her chest heaving as she kneels back against Morgan's thighs.


"Haley Mae, get your ass out to the yard now! We've been waiting for half an hour!" Sam shouts, jiggling the doorknob.

Haley almost immediately climbs off of her husband and starts to get dressed. Morgan sits up, confused for a second before the fact that Sam is close to busting down the door sets in. He hops up and pulls his pants back on followed by a baggy t-shirt.

"Hold your damn horses, Clayton!" Haley snaps back, obviously irritated that she can't get a single moment alone with Morgan and upset that she never got to finish. "Fuckin' hell, man." She huffs when she swings the bedroom door open.

"It's about damn time!" Sam shouts, giving the newlyweds a dirty look. "Momma's been swearin' up a storm. Y'all're lucky I got up here before she did."

Haley takes a deep breath as she heads down the staircase and dips into the kitchen to pour herself and Morgan a drink before they join their family and friends outside.


Haley sighs to herself as she rolls on her side. She feels a pain in her chest as tears form in her eyes and slip down her nose and cheek. She quickly wipes her face when she hears the door open.

"You feelin' better?" Morgan asks quietly, laying behind her.

She nods, sniffling softly. "Sorry."

He presses a kiss to her shoulder before pulling her to her other side, holding her close against his chest. She tears up again, tears dripping off her nose and onto his t-shirt, leaving small wet dots on the gray fabric.

"What's wrong?" He whispers, rubbing her back.

"I don't know." She chuckles sadly, wiping her eyes. "I've just been feelin' crazy emotional."

"What's botherin' you?"

"Hard tellin'." She mumbles, sitting up. "Sorry."

"Hey." He takes her hand and pulls her back. "Let me make you some lunch."

"No, I'm not hungry." She sighs, rubbing her eyes.

"You haven't eaten anything all day, baby. C'mon." Morgan stands and pulls her up, taking her hand to lead her to the kitchen.

"Morgan, what're you doing? I'm not hungry."

He sighs and nudges her to sit at the table before he starts making them a small lunch. Haley groans as she leans back against the chair, her body throbbing and aching.

"Talk to me, darlin'." Morgan says, setting a plate down in front of her.


"You've been off for a couple days."

"Fine. My tits hurt, I'm exhausted, and I feel too sick to my stomach to eat anything." She rubs her forehead. "I just feel awful."

"Anything I can do to help?" She shakes her head, her stomach twisting at the smell of what used to be her favorite lunch.

"I gotta lay down." She whispers, making her way back to bed.

Morgan picks up his phone and calls Caleigh, maybe she knows what this could be.


Caleigh talked Haley into taking a bath to see if that would help soothe her aching body. As soon as she's down in that hot, bubbly water, she starts crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Caleigh asks softly from outside the bathroom door.

"There's something wrong with me." She whimpers back, wiping her face. "I've never felt this emotional before."

"Sit tight, I'll be right back, okay?" Haley huffs in response, trying to relax.

Shortly after she's left alone, Caleigh rejoins her with a paper bag in her hand. "I ran to the drugstore and got you some pregnancy tests."

Haley wipes her face and nods, starting to get out of the tub. "I'll go make you some tea or something." She whispers before slipping out of the bathroom to give her privacy.

Haley sighs as she sets the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter, her head spinning as her heart is pounding.

Her phone timer goes off.

Haley cracks one eye open to peek at the results then her face splits into a tired grin. She grabs the robe hanging from the back of the door and pulls it on before she rushes out to the kitchen. "Caleigh, it's positive." She says, holding up a test. "It's- oh my god."

"Oh my god!" She grins back, wrapping the shorter woman in a tight hug. "You're gonna be a mom!"

"You're gonna be an auntie!" Haley laughs, brushing away stray tears. "Where's Morgan?"

"I don't know." She looks around then shrugs.

"I gotta call my doctor to get in for a check up or whatever." Haley smiles. "Holy shit, I'm gonna be a momma."

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