《Free Bird - Morgan Wallen》Six


"Hey y'all." The waitress greets the three, setting menus on the table. "How're y'all doin' today?"

"Real good." Hardy answers, his eyes trained on her face. "How're you?"

"I'm real good." She blushes. "Welcome on in to Charsey's, my name is Paisley and I'm gonna be y'all's waitress today. Can I start y'all off with some drinks?"

"Water for me, please." Dani says, looking at her menu.

"I'll take an iced tea." Morgan says quietly, the booth feeling small as he tries to keep distance between him and Dani. "Thanks."

"Of course, and for you?"

"I'll take a Bud Light." He says as he gets his wallet out for his ID, she checks it then walks away. "Wow, is she beautiful for what?" He gushes when she's left the table.

"Go for it, baby!" Dani grins, patting his arm. "Why not, y'know?"

"Life's too short to not do really stupid things." Morgan comments, glancing over at Dani.

"You guys are right- here she comes." He tries to look cool as he's looking over the menu.

"Ready to order?" Paisley asks, smiling at Hardy.

"I will take a burger with fries." Dani orders first.

"Can I have the special of the day please? The one that's on the board."

"Sure." She writes it down. "And you, honey?"

"Hmm," he drawls out, Dani has to bite her lip to keep from laughing, turning her attention to the parking lot as she rubs the back of her neck. "Are you on the menu?" Morgan looks out to the view of the mountains through the window, biting his tongue.


"You. Are you on the menu?"

Paisley rolls her eyes but can't help but smile. "Are you flirtin' with me hun?" She asks as she pops her notepad holdin hand on her hip, her left hand holding onto her pen.

"Is it not obvious?" He asks nervously. "Is this weird? Sorry." He shakes his head. "I'll just have the, uh, same as her." His face is bright red. "Thanks." She chuckles quietly as she walks away.

"Wow." Dani says.

"Shut up. I was nervous!"

"You totally bombed that, yikes." Morgan giggles. "I thought you'd be so smooth but you failed."

"I know!" He huffs. "I need to get some air." He stands and heads outside. Paisley drops their drinks off before heading back to the kitchen.

Dani and Morgan look at each other before laughing loudly, the sound echoing off the walls. "I have never seen him do that bad before, oh my god." Dani laughs, shaking her head. "Looks like she gave him a little extra beer, huh?" She nods at the glass, grabs it, then takes a few swallows from it.

"He's comin'." Morgan whispers to her, nudging her to put it back down. She does quickly, looking around the diner to act natural. "You okay, bud?"

"I'm great." He exhales. "What the hell happened to my beer?" He glares at the nearly empty glass. "Daniella?" She shakes her head, refusing to look at him. "You have foam on your lip."


"Shit." She wipes her mouth on Morgan's shoulder. He groans and pulls away, giggling. "You can have some of my water if you want."

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Morgan gets Paisleys attention. "There seems to be a hole in his glass."

"No there isn't. She drank all my beer." His face gets red again. "I'm so sorry, ma'am."

"Don't worry about it, hun, it's on the house."

She winks, walking back to the kitchen to pick up their orders.

"She winked at me."

"She winked at you. Your stupid pick up like must've worked." Dani says, sneaking the rest of his beer.

"Dani, c'mon now, he's having a rough time." Morgan says, putting his arm on the back of the booth behind Dani. "Ma'am, can he please have another beer?"

"Sure." She returns with another beer and their food. "Enjoy y'all."

"Thank you." Dani smiles, her eyes fluttering to Morgan who's glancing back at her. "What?"

"You're beautiful." He simply says, his mouth full. "That's all." She blushes, looking down at her burger. She scoots a little closer to him, he drops his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against his side.

"Stop it." Hardy huffs. "I'm tryna eat here."

Dani smiles to herself as she picks at her fries, leaning into him, feeling comfortable and like she belongs there under his arm.

By the end of lunch, Hardy tries to flirt with Paisley again, it goes much smoother when she goes along with it. He ends up with her phone number and a wink after they pay their bills. "Check it out!" He borderline squeals. "I got them digits!" He hangs the napkin in front of their faces.

"Yes, congrats baby." She pushes him. "You redeemed yourself."

"Or she felt bad for you." Morgan teases, earning a playful punch on the arm from his buddy.

"So are you two back together?" Hardy asks, a smile on his lips.

The two look at each other before nodding. "I guess so." Dani shrugs, looking at her best friend.

"Well that's good." He says, distracted by the napkin with the girls name and number on it written in cursive. "I got her number." He giggles to himself.

"You're kinda loosing your cool, Mike." Dani whispers as she and Morgan lean against her Bronco.

"Are you still down for more songwritin'?" Morgan asks Hardy, he nods quickly. "Great! We'll meet you back my house then." Morgan hops in the passenger seat of her car.

"Just follow us, these Tennessee roads can be kinda tricky for a Mississippi boy." Dani teases as she steps on the lift into her car.

"Am I not living in Knoxville with you?" He shoots back, climbing into his car.

Dani reverses and speeds off, making sure Hardy is following them. "Have you cleaned your car out in the last three years?"

"Are you callin' me a pig?"

"No not at all. I just remembered that I put a guitar in here, it's in the trunk under the spare."

"How- why am I just now finding out?" She asks as she takes a curve on the road.


"Just go to that spot off the river." She sighs and does just that, using the Brodie Knob on the bottom of her steering wheel, it's illegal for her to have one of those, they're usually for tractors but she lifted it from one of an ex-boyfriend's dad when she helped them out on their farm. They gave her the okay to drive a tractor. Bad choice.

She turns off the road suddenly, totally confusing Hardy who's still following them. He grabs his phone and calls Morgan. "Where the hell are y'all taken me?"

"Shh!" He responds then hangs up. She whips her Bronco through a dirt path, glad that she's finally driving through this, Morgan always drives. She swings her car into a dirt spot, laughing wildly. "This is why I always drive!" He exhales, white knuckling the Oh Shit handle as he looks over at her, his heart thumping in his chest. He reaches over and grabs the back of her neck, pulling her in for a hot kiss. She gasps as he pulls over to his lap, her fingers twisting in his long hair as he holds her close.

There's a knock on the window. "Hey! We're losing time!"

"Fuck off Hardy." The two get out of her car, Morgan goes to the back, drops the hatchback down and opens the small compartment that's pretty well hidden. He lifts the spare tire out, Dani watches and bites her lip, he looks so good right now, then Morgan pops the piece of fabric out, revealing a bottle of Jack Daniels and a guitar case carefully stored. "See?"

She grabs the bottle and heads to the riverbank, two folding chairs over her shoulder as Morgan follows behind with the guitar and an empty cooler. "Here you go." She says, handing Hardy a chair as she sets hers up, Morgan sits himself on the cooler, getting his guitar tuned up. "So what're y'all writin now?"

"Final touches on the one from earlier today, I think, unless your lover's got some other ideas."

"Let's see." Morgan says, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his front pocket. "Whatcha know about thumpin skeeters with your fingers-"

"Teach ya how to y'all with a southern drawl." Dani says suddenly. "Get you fallin 'fore the night is through-"

"And we'll park it in the boons and catch a little moon tan-" Hardy continues. "By the time you go back..."

"And you'll be city girl buzzin' over country boy lovin' tellin' everybody that you know, whatcha know 'bout that." Morgan looks up from the paper, that cute smile on his face. "Y'all, I think we got it."

"That's the chorus. That's the best chorus I've ever written." Hardy says, earning a playful smack on the shoulder. "We've written."

"You could use what we do here." Dani says to Morgan. "What we do on Saturdays in the summer sun."

"You sure?" She nods. "Whatcha know 'bout that Saturday summer heat."

"Deep creek creepin' down around a bend-" Hardy mutters.

"And whatcha know 'bout taken off whatcha bought at the mall, hang it all on a sycamore limb." Morgan writes it down. "Hell yeah." He stands, tossing the guitar strap over his shoulder, strumming some chords loudly. He takes the bottle of Jack Daniels and takes a big gulp, some liquid spilling from the bottle, rolling down his chin.

"Now what?" She asks, taking the bottle from Morgan. The two guys share a look before looking at the river. They have the same idea. Dani sits, taking a swig from the bottle before the guys all of a sudden grab her and jump in the lake together, fully clothed. "Why?" She shouts as she takes a deep breath, laughing.

"It's good luck." Hardy shrugs, pushing her playfully, making her lose her balance and fall against Morgan who catches her with an arm around her waist.

"I can get a party started, real quick." She says, looking at the guys. "Give me like twenty minutes." She makes her way to her car, hopping in and starting it up.

"Where is she going?" Hardy asks, tossing his hat to the riverbank. "She's soaking wet."

"Probably going to get wood and more beer." Morgan says, going to the cooler to take his soaking wet boots. "That girl knows how to get a party goin'."

"That she does." Hardy nods, sitting back in the lawn chair. "She was the life of the party at the frat houses in Knoxville."


"Yeah, all the guys knew who she was." Morgan's face goes blank. "She didn't hooked up with any of 'em. She's not like that."

"Didn't think she was a partier." He mutters.

"She wasn't until we met."

"You're a bad influence, Hardy." He chuckles, taking a gulp of the whiskey. "That little lady is gonna be the death of me."

"Little lady? Dude, I called her that once and she kinda flipped. Yeah, she got real worked up." Morgan laughs. "Seriously!"

"I guess I'm the only one that calls her that."

"Must be."


Dani returns with a bundle of firewood, two twelve packs of Shiner Blonde, ice and bunch of blankets and towels. "Here y'all go." She pushes Morgan off the cooler as she hands him a bag of ice and she drops the blankets on the ground to hand Hardy the firewood the heads back to her Bronco. "I also grabbed your guitar from his house." She returns with Hardy's acoustic. "Y'know, incase inspiration strikes y'all again." She sits down next to Morgan.

Hardy gets a fire going as Morgan passes beer around. "So what do y'all usually do out here?"

"This." Dani answers. "Mostly." She blushes as she looks down at the can in her hand. Morgan smiles as he looks over at her, his hand on her thigh.

"Sometimes skinny dippin', sometimes hookin' up."

"Guess that isn't happenin' for y'all." Hardy comments.

"We can still swim." She stands and strips her t-shirt and jeans off, standing in her bra and underwear, showing off her beautiful figure, Morgan follows her, encouraging Hardy to join.

"Y'all are crazy." Hardy mutters, standing in his boxers. "Can't believe I'm doin' this with y'all." He takes his glasses off and puts them in the cup holder of the chair.

The three run to the river and jump in, laughing loudly as the sun sets, enjoying the summer together.

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