《Sonic the hedgehog ships oneshot [CANCELED BOOK]》💛A Demon's love💙-Fleetexe


This literally has gore but keep reading at your own risk

I was in a city busy killing mobians,They are so pathetic and weak plus they don't know how to use that thing that they sometimes carry around with them nor shoot me well plus I can kill them in 1 second!,All those screaming mobians is like music in my ears.I got a little bit bored but I spotted a gun.It looks like someone committed suicide because I saw a dead body next to the gun,I never used a gun before so I got the gun and it surprisingly still had amo.I saw a family of Mobians running away from me but I wouldn't let that happened so what I did is point the gun and shooted,I was going for the parents but it turns out I shooted the little kid and I surprisingly did a head shot,the little kid was bleeding a lot from the head meanwhile his parents were screaming and crying a lot.I decided to shoot both of them so they can shut up with their whining but at the same time I ran out of amo,well at least I killed a family aka the last victims there,I got bored since I already killed everyone that lived in the city that I was attacking so I teleported to my house and got some rest since I also felt a little bit sleepy.

Sonic.EXE woke up and instead of doing his routine that he always does in the morning he teleported to another city just because he was in the mood to kill and destroy instead of doing his routine that he always do in the morning.Once he got there he started to attack and kill mobians,All the useless and pathetic weak mobius.

After that EXE took a little break,when he was no longer on his brake he noticed that almost all the living mobians were all gone.he was confused on why almost all the living mobians were disappearing But then Sonic.EXE spotted a group of mobians running away from something,EXE wouldn't let that happened so he flew to them as fast as he could but then a yellow blur appear and killed them,What the- what the heck was that?! Said the confused blue demon staring at the dead mobians.


Well is that Sonic.EXE? said the yellow mobian,Oh well it's you Fleetway said Sonic.EXE,You know it also why are you keep on looking at the dead mobians? Asked Fleetway,Wait- That yellow blur that killed my victims was you?!? Said Sonic.EXE confused,Well yes that was me also sorry for killing your victims I was in a mood to kill said the yellow hedgehog smiling at the blue demon,Oh actually I'm not sorry said Fleetway.

Sonic.EXE was furious at Fleetway so he teleported to his house without saying anything to him but at the same time he felt a warm feeling inside of him,EXE ignored it and decided to go to greenhills to kill tiny animals that were there.

I was bored and had nothing else to do so I went to a city that was surprisingly already destroyed but I didn't care about the city more like the mobians that we're there,I killed everyone that were still alive but there wasn't that many until I met up with EXE he was furious when I told him that I wasn't sorry killing his victims! but at the same time he looked cute being furious,I actually don't know why but I also felt a warm feeling inside of me,Until EXE teleported or sum and at the same time I didn't had the warm feeling anymore!,Is this love? EW no it's not love Demons can't have feelings for someone or can they? I flew to the sky to go to green hills but at the same time I was thinking why did I had that feeling earlier?,Can Demons actually have feelings for someone? I was so confused.I got to green hills and sat on a tree that was there and think about it even more but once I was thinking about it I feel asleep in the tree that I was in,I hope no one saw me sleeping.

EXE was killing other tiny animals by ribbing out their heads,get their heart out and getting their ribs,Once he was finished he wanted to jump to the tree that he always sits in but he saw Fleetway.Oh no not that Idiot again said EXE to himself,EXE jumped to the tree to get Fleetway off there.Hey you yellow Idiot get of- what? you're sleeping oh great now how can I get you off! said EXE angry to himself but looking at him more he looks cute when he sleeps and he got the warm feeling again even Fleetway felt it but he ignored it and kept sleeping.


Oh god the warm feeling again!? what a disgrace said EXE to himself,but he saw Fleetway once again he decided to do something that he would never do to anyone else,he lifted Fleetway's head and put it on his lap so he can feel comfortable like a pillow.Ugh I regret doing this but at least I'm letting him sleep in my lap like if he has a pillow to sleep on said EXE to himself but then he looked at Fleetway's quills and thought how will his quills feel like? and he decided to touch his quills,Woah! his quills are so soft said EXE to himself,but at the same time Fleetway woke up to see EXE touching his quills while him laying down on his lap!,He blushed a little bit and he asked himself why is EXE touching his quills and why am I laying my head down on his lap? until EXE saw him awake.

OH SHI- Sonic.EXE fell off the tree and landed on a bush that was next to it,Fleetway got off the tree and helped EXE get up,Ugh my head plus what's up with you? asked Sonic.EXE,OH well sorry but I should be asking you that! why were you touching my quills and why was my head in your lap? I-I DON'T KNOW I just wanted to do something nice for you I guess? said Sonic.EXE,Fleetway was shocked why would EXE do something like that? EXE why would you do that? asked Fleetway,I don't know this warm feeling is literally getting over me and I actually don't know why but it happens when I'm with you,Fleetway blushed but tried to cover it up and he saw EXE walking away from him.

Woah! EXE where are you going? asked Fleetway,I'm going to a city to destroy since I'm in a mood for it,it was nice seeing ya again see you next time Fleetway said Sonic.EXE,WOAH EXE! before you go can I tell you something? asked Fleetway,Um ok? but I don't have that much time so make it fast answered Sonic.EXE,Fleetway was kinda nervous but he kissed EXE on the lips,EXE was shocked but he decided to melt in the kiss,They broke the kiss for air,I love you EXE said Fleetway,I love you too Fleetway,EXE pecked Fleetway's lips and Fleetway grabbed EXE by his waist and grabbed his tail,EXE blushed and kissed Fleetway once more,you know what you aren't bad as I thought plus I would have killed you by know said EXE,Heh well I was thinking the same thing but I decided not to anyways since it'll be too easy and why won't we go to a city and destroy it together? asked Fleetway,OF COURSE YOU IDIOT I would love to destroy another city with you answered EXE,Great! um... Do you mind if I carry you? asked Fleetway in a really embarrassed tone.

Feel free to carry me Fleet,I won't mind at all answered the Blue demon getting on to the yellow demon's arms,Fleetway took off from the ground to the sky looking to a city to destroy for the two demons to destroy.

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