
My hands slam onto a wooden post of the perimeter fence of my father's farm making the wood snap in two on impact as I come crashing to a halt. I can't even really fathom how fast I was just going; all I can focus on is coming home to have it out with my dad.

The sky is almost pitch black now, droplets of water start to patter over my skin which is a welcoming feeling after the air being so hot from the recent heat wave. Bending over, I put my hands on my knees and heave heavy breaths to try and calm down my racing heart, but it's not working. I'm trying to get a grip on my emotions, but they're swirling like a tornado within me, my wolf is out for blood.

Looking down, I see that my once beautiful navy dress of my mums is now tattered, frayed, and covered in mud. Another thing I've lost. Slowly I raise to my full height, push through the broken wooden barrier sending the wooden post flying across the field with ease and stride through the long wheat towards the dimmed lights of the farm in the near distance.

"Dad!" I roar as I approach the back door that leads into the kitchen. I see the kitchen curtains twitch before the door swings open, my dad frowns as he looks me over in my dishevelled state. The rain has started to lash down, soaking me through, but I just can't move.

"Alice, what the hell has happened? Come in out of the rain!" he barks to me.

Baring my teeth, I growl at him, and I see his brows furrow in confusion. "How could you? How could you fucking lie to me!" I seethe.

"Alice?" My dad says once more, still trying to act dumfounded by my behaviour, but this just pisses me off more.

"So, I'm a category three, right? A danger to the fucking pack?" I growl at him, and I see him shift on his feet nervously in the doorway. For a man so big, he suddenly looks so weak.

"Oh Alice." He begins to say gently, but my wolf see's red. Channelling my wolf strength, I pick up a nearby wheelbarrow and launch it towards the kitchen window. It careers right through the glass and into the kitchen where it smashes through everything in its path. The whole house seems to tremble from the force.

"How could you? How fucking could you betray me like this?" I scream at him, tears stinging at my eyes.


"Just come in the house and we'll talk...." He tries to reason but my wolf is beyond reason right now.

"Shift old man. Shift and I'll show you just how dangerous I truly am!" I snarl. My eyes blazing silver as my claws extend.

My father drops to his knees, the rain lashing down on his old face. The face I used to love so much but now all it does is bring me pain to look at. "I will never fight you baby girl. Forgive me. I did it to protect you. I can't lose you too." He begs.

"Fight me!" I seethe as I stalk closer to him, my rage running through me like lava as I raise my hand ready to strike him with my sharpened claws.

"Never." He says firmly.

A large howl to my left pulls my attention away from my father as a huge charcoal wolf with deep blue eyes darts out of the darkness and blocks my path to my father, stopping my attack.

"Move Gamma!" I hiss.

But Coles wolf refuses to step aside, he gives out a low chesty grumble that seems to call to my wolf for calm and I hear her whine in my mind with sadness. My heart shifts from being full of anger to full of sorrow. Hot tears start running down my face once more mixing with the coldness of the rain on my face.

"Don't you dare shift; I don't want to see your face. You lied to me too!" I yell at him.

Cole's wolf sits down accepting my terms to stay before he lets out a low soulful whimper which catches me off guard and I drop my hand that was poised for attack. His wolf cares for me, he's here to protect me and stop me doing anything stupid.

My eyes flick back to my dad who's till knelt on the floor in a puddle of rainwater.

"I'll never forgive you. I will never forgive you! Mum would have been ashamed of you." I say barely higher than a whisper, but I know even with the heavy rain and wind howling around us, he hears my every word as he now breaks down crying also.

For a moment there is a silence between us, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, until I hear Cole's wolf start to growl and snarl. I snap my eyes back open to see that his wolf has moved to be at my side and is looking towards the lights on a truck that's winding down our road to the house.


I scrunch my eyes to try and make out who it is, but the darkness and the rain make it hard to see. Cole's wolf growls even louder and he bares his teeth in challenge to whoever is coming down to our house making me think he knows who it is already. My father slowly raises to his feet also, he's eyes now flashing blue with anger to whoever this unwelcome visitor is.

As the truck pulls up, I smell his scent before I see him.

Beta Jay jumps out of his truck and walks calming over towards us, scanning the area with his keen wolf eyes. His usual jovial facial expression has gone as he stalks over like the full predator he really is. He is not the Beta for nothing. Cole's wolf snarls loudly at him once more, he's now so close to me his fur is tickling my bare legs. Jay stops in his tracks looking at Cole with interest then looks to my father before his eyes fall onto me.

"Alice, you're making quite the scene tonight. I told you we'd talk about this another day." He chides as if I'm a child.

"Fuck you." I spit out.

"Leave, you're not welcome here Beta." My Fathers says coldly.

"Not without Alice." Beta Jay says sternly resulting in me taking a step back away from him in disgust. Coles wolf roars at him with rage which makes my heart flutter at how protective of me he is. I naturally find myself running my hands into his fur to calm him as he stands at my side growling. He looks up at me, his dark blue eyes swirling with emotions, before he sits back down at my side but still on high alert.

"Alice." Beta Jay calls to me. I look away from Cole back to him. "Please listen, my father agreed to put you as a category three on Mitches request when he was still the Beta, he only agreed to it because your mum saved my life that day." He starts to explain.

"They ripped her apart! She was torn to pieces protecting you!" My father rages.

"She was doing her job! To protect the pack. I was just a pup Mitch." Jay counters.

"Why didn't you change the register? When you took over as Beta why didn't you do something?" I yell at Jay.

Jay runs a hand through his wet hair, moving it out of his eyes so I can properly see his face. "...because that wasn't part of the deal your father made with my dad. My dad took a risk forging that register...he expected something in return."

"What deal?" I bark.

"Lies! Ezra forced me to take that deal! He left me no choice!" Snarls my father then suddenly runs at full force at Beta Jay in a challenge. Jay counters his attack easily and throws him to a large puddle on floor with a large thud leaving him whimpering and barely moving in the mud.

"Dad!" I whisper in shock.

Cole's wolf is back on his feet snarling and growling as Jay steps forward once more. Cole paces forward and back between us showing to Jay that there's no way he can come any closer to me, so Jay stops in his tracks. His wolf eyes flash at Cole with irritation before he looks back at me.

"The deal was that when you came of age, I had the first right on a claim to you. To mix a silver and Beta lineage would be truly something, don't you think? Listen Alice, I know we could be happy together. We had to hide you away to protect you. Do you have an idea how many unmated male wolves would want you if they knew what you really are? I can keep you safe."

"Never. Never!" I cry out with disbelief making Jay bare his teeth in anger at my rejection.

His words make me feel sick.

The lies and the betrayal taking its toll on me and my wolf.

I'm starting to feel dizzy as it all gets too much to take in.

I see Cole's wolf losing it, pacing faster as if to strike Jay, his snarls and growls are so loud the glass in the windows tremble and shake.

I watch as Jay gets into an attack stance to strike at Cole.

Overwhelmed, I stumble to Cole's wolf who instantly stops snarling to look at me when I sink to my knees and throw my arms around his huge neck snuggling deeply into his fur. "You're the only one I trust." I whisper to him before my vision goes blurry, then I finally pass out holding onto the Gamma with everything I've got.

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