
As I carry Alice in my arms, I sigh with relief as I finally make it home. This has been the longest fucking walk home of my life. She weighs nothing, I lied to her when I said she was heavy, I just need to put her the fuck down and get some distance from her.

For the last twenty minutes I've been walking back with a huge fucking hard on courtesy of Wonderland kissing and sucking on my neck in her dazed state. I should've stopped her as soon as she started but her little moans and mews and featherlight touch on my pulse were intoxicating as soon as she started. Plus, her lustful whispers of how good my scent was too her as she ran her hands through my hair tugging me closer to her juicy lips made my eyes roll back to my head in pleasure. It was like an electric shockwave straight to my dick.

She thinks I smell good!

Fuck. Me.

She has no idea how potent her scent is up close, it's like walking through an orchard of sweet apples whilst eating cherries at the same time. Such a weird fucking mix, but it's harmony that seems to get my wolf really fucking going, he's never had such a strong reaction before to a female. I had to pull her up higher onto my chest, so she didn't get nudged in the hip by hard as steel erection, but all that did was bring her soft hair closer to my face and I've been fighting the urge to run my nose through it for the last leg of the journey back.

What is it about this fucking girl?

As I walk through my lodge, I can feel Alice tense up again, her heartbeat quickening in pace. It's like music to my ears, knowing how much I affect her. However, I don't fuck cadets especially one that's looking likely to be the next Beta Female. So, I bite the inside of mouth to stop myself doing something stupid and drop her down on top of my kitchen work bench like she's a sack of potatoes and finally step away from her. The scowl on her pretty face makes me smirk. She's so easy to wind up.

Grabbing a chair from the dining room table I pull it over and sit down in front of her and go to take a hold of her bust foot.

"I'm fine, I don't need you to do anymore." Alice shifts away from my touch in alarm, I can hear the tremble in her voice. She's scared I'll hurt her again resulting in my wolf starting to pace around in my head, pushing me to comfort her.

"Trust me." I say quietly as I slowly reach for her foot again and take it gently in my hands to examine how I've set the wound. I run my fingertip down the large purple bruise on her ankle, her skin is so soft it's like silk. I slowly raise my eyes to look up at Alice, her huge brown doe eyes staring back at me nervously...and I'm a fucking gonna. I'm kidding myself to think I'm not attracted to her.


"Well? Is it OK? Will I be able to run on it soon?" Alice questions, her voice thick with worry.

"You're gonna be fine Wonderland. The bones set well." And for the first time I give her a genuine smile that makes her cheeks burn up and her eyes dart away from mine in an instant. Fuck she's adorable, she's obviously never spent much time around male wolves, she can't even handle a smile.

A big knock on my door pulls me out of thoughts and I look over my shoulder to see Beta Jay stride into my home like he owns the fucking place, I can see that his truck is parked outside before my door swings shut. Fuck, Alice is truly messing with my senses because I should've heard him coming down my driveway minutes ago before he even parked up. I sit back on my dining room chair casually as I feel Alice squirm her foot out of my hands.

"Sup Jay, come on in why don't you?" I say with a bemused look on my face, I'm feigning my relaxed state, cause deep down I'm pissed with the interruption, I was kind of enjoying making Wonderland blush.

Jay's eyes flash between me and Alice and I see his jaw clench, ignoring my words he scans Alice over, his eyes grow wide as he spots the huge bruise on her foot.

"What the fuck is that?" He growls.

"It's my fault, I fell whilst running drills." Alice replies quietly.

Jay growls as he waltzes into my kitchen. "You're pushing her too much." He throws at me from over his shoulder as he yanks open my freezer and grabs a bag of ice.

I shoot to my feet pissed. "She's doing fine, she's already healing. I fixed it."

Jay scoffs at me as he sits in the chair I'd just been sat in and reaches for Alices bruised foot. My wolf snarls in my head as we watch Jay tenderly take Alices' foot and soothes the bruise with the ice. A little satisfied hum escapes from Alice's lips which makes me pissed off that I'd not iced her foot sooner. For me to be the one to make her feel better. For me to make her make that sexy little moan. My dick twitches in my pants again so I turn away from them to run a glass of cold water and chug it down to try and cool myself off.

Looking over my shoulder I see Alice blushing once more but this time at Jay as he stares deeply into her eyes with a soft smile on his lips. Rage floods through me at an alarming rate. I turn away from them again and rub a hand over my face to try and get my shit together.

What the fuck is going on with my wolf?


He's never possessive like this. I've tried to keep my distance from her these last two weeks and got one of my warriors to lead her training instead of been so hands on, but it's done jack shit to calm my wolf down. If anything, he's just becoming more stubborn and angsty.

I run another glass of cold water and slam it down next to Alice. "Drink this." I mutter, before I head outside and sit on my porch to get some air. Slumping down on the step, I run my hands through my hair then over my face again before taking some deep breathes. I close my eyes to listen to the forest, that has always calmed my wolf, unfortunately my keen wolf ears pick up more than I wanna hear.

"Clumsy as ever, huh?" I hear Jay chuckle and my back tenses up straight away. I don't want to eaves drop, but my wolf hearing makes it kind of hard not to. "I remember the time you broke your arm falling out of that tree when I was playing down at the pond with your brother...spying on us I think, wasn't it?" He continues with a playful tone that makes my eyes roll.

"I was not, you wouldn't let me play! So, I had to entertain myself." Snaps Alice.

"Sure, you weren't. Little Alice Green, always getting into some sort of mischief." I hear Jay say with such fondness in his tone it sets my teeth on edge.

"I'm not little." Alice bites back. I can just imagine that defiant look in her eye as she says it. The look she's been shooting my way for the last two weeks every time I've pushed her to try harder.

"No, no you're not." Jay says quietly.

"I didn't think you remembered me." Alice replies just as quiet, I hear an emotion in voice that I just don't like. Shit, she likes him too.

"Of course I remember you. I've thought about you a lot actually." Admits Jay.

Everything goes silent in my cabin, and that's even more torture to listen to then Jay's flirting. Why does everything he say make me want to punch him again recently? I'm about to shoot to my feet to go back inside to break up whatever the fuck is happening in there when Jay continues.

"So, you think you'll be able to dance on that foot?"

"Umm...I dunno...why?" Replies Alice nervously, but I can tell she's smiling.

"We've the first of the Summer balls coming up. I was kind of hoping you'd come with me."

I look down at my fingernails, my claws extended as my wolf thrashes like crazy yet again in my mind, desperate for me to shift. Jay is my friend, more than that he's like a brother to me, but right now my wolf wants nothing more than to challenge his ass and take Alice as mine.

Fucking hell, get your shit together.

This is not like me.

I never care about she wolves like this. I like to fuck then move on. I don't believe in soulmates and I'm certainly not in any hurry to take a mate. Attraction. That is all this is. Probably because I can't have her.

I don't even hear Alices' response, however I do recognise Jay's light footsteps pad against my wooden floor so I turn to look over my shoulder just as my door swings open with Jay holding Alice in his arms. He gives me a solemn nod. Clenching my teeth, I nod back to him as I watch him carry her down the steps then over to his truck where he sits her down gently in the passenger seat.

Jay saunters back over and I straighten my back up on instinct with a bored expression on my face. Jay stops right in front of me and puts his hands on his hips. I see his wolf peer down at me, Jay is pissed but trying real fucking hard not show it.

"Listen man, your Cadet Clark told me you were up here alone with Alice when I questioned him why she'd not returned with the rest of your team. I didn't mean to barge in and all, but I didn't know what to fucking think. Alice Green is off limits. You know that right? You're OK with that?" Jay says seriously.

I lean back on my hands and push my wolf right down and take back full control. "She means nothing to me; she was never on my radar." I lie, the words come out like poison in my mouth. My wolf snarls in my head.

Jay puffs out a breath he must've been holding, relief seems to wash over his face. His lips twitch up into a small smile before he gives me another nod and I manage a nonchalant nod back before he turns and jumps in his truck and fires up the engine.

As the truck turns to leave my eyes fixes on Alice's huge doe eyes staring back at me and I catch a look of hurt across that beautiful face of hers telling me she heard every word of that last exchange.

That she means nothing to me, that I'm fine to stand aside for Jay.

She was unhappy about what I said.

What's more, I'm unhappy about what I said too.

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