
"You want to see my wolf?" I say anxiously as I look around to see if anyone is listening.

"Yeah Wonderland. Surprising as it might be for you, if you want to make it onto one of my squads you will actually have to fight in wolf form sometimes." Gamma Cole deadpans.

"I...umm...I think there's something I need to explain...maybe it's in my file..." I say, looking away, whilst shifting on my feet nervously. I knew this would come up sooner or later, but even though I've practised what I'd say in this situation I'm left totally tongue tied.

"I know you're a silver." Gamma Cole states flatly.

My eyes snap to Gamma Cole's in shock, my dad had always told me to keep the colour of my wolf a secret. Like it was something to be ashamed of.

"So, you know she's a bit uncontro...I mean she's listed as a category three...but I guess you know that already. Of course, you know that! I mean you're the Gamma, you know everything right..." I fumble and stumble out. God, someone somewhere please stop me from talking.

Gamma Cole puts his hands on his hips and stares at me with that normal bored look on his face waiting for me to shut up. "Are you done?"

"Yeah." I say grumbling, already knowing that the heat is rising once more across my face.

"Good and yes, I also know that you were registered as a category three." Gamma Cole says sternly, but for once he's the one that seems to avoid my eye contact as he rubs hand over his chin before clearing his throat.

Fuck, this must be bad if he doesn't even want to look at me. My wolf whines in my head as my heart drops, for some reason she hates the idea of the Gamma thinking badly of us. Even though he's a total dick half the time, even I can admit that he's an amazing teacher, I'm already on level two blade from working with him.

"...so, I've decided I'm gonna take you for a private run away from the complex and take a look at your wolf." Cole explains as he turns and starts to walk towards the woods.

"What? Just like me and you? You and me?" I shout after him as I start to jog to keep up with him.

He looks over his shoulder as he keeps walking towards the tree line and raises an eyebrow at me, the simple act alone telling me he thinks I'm a fucking idiot, so I snap my mouth shut and keep following.

After a few minutes we arrive at a clearing, Gamma Cole stops and looks around before he turns to me and folds his arms over. "Right Wonderland, I've mind linked the patrols to stay clear of this area for the next hour. We're gonna shift and run to Martha's Ridge then back here. Got it?"


I nod enthusiastically, my wolfs excited to be let out in the forest for a change instead of being constricted to our farmland.

"Do you know how to mind link in wolf form?" He questions, embarrassed I just shake my head whilst chewing my bottom lip. I know these are the basic taught at school, but I was never allowed to participate and always had to sit wolf training out.

"Right." Puffs out the Gamma as I look at my feet.

I watch as Gamma Cole turns and starts to head behind a tree to get ready for the shift when my wolf suddenly surges forwards annoyed. Hands on my hips I growl at him before I can stop myself. "Hey! What do you think you're doing Gamma?"

Gamma Cole stops in his tracks and turn back to look at me with his face like thunder. I really need to practice a more respectful tone around this wolf, but my mouth just won't shut up.

"Cadet?" He seethes, his Gamma aura making my skin prickle.

I should fear him, but this just pisses me and my wolf off more.

"Why are you hiding behind a tree for the shift? Aren't you just 'cock and balls'?" I say glaring at him, my hand pointing to his crotch.

Fuck me. As soon as the sassy words pass my lips, I regret every word. Why can't I keep my mouth shut. My father always said my mouth would be the death of me, by how pissed the Gamma looks right now, he might be proven right. But I can't back down now. So, all I can do is jut my chin up defiantly and wait for the fallout.

Gamma's Cole's eyes swirl and dilate. I wait for him to rip me a new one for my insolence when I see his lip actually twitch into a smile followed by a deep throaty chuckle that must be the sexiest noise I've ever heard. Biting his lip trying to cover up his smile, he walks slowly back towards until he's crowded right in my space and towering over me. I gulp nervously, my eyes fixed on his.

"I'm just cock and balls huh?" He muses in a raspy voice.

I clear my throat and slowly nod a little less confidently giving him a sheepish smile. "Well yeah, if I'm just tits and pussy."

Gamma Cole barks out a laugh shaking his head in disbelief. "Fuck me, you're a piece of work." He mutters to himself running a hand over his jaw before his eyes fix back on me.

"No problem, Wonderland." He smirks before he tosses his t-shirt off in one fluid motion and kicks off his shorts.

The air that was in my lungs completely leaves my body as Gamma Cole stands fully naked in front of me with a cocky grin on his face and hands on hips. I don't dare look down, my eyes look everywhere and anywhere but down.


"Whatcha you looking at, what's up there? You looking at some birds? You a secret bird watcher Wonderland?" Cole taunts me as he follows my upward gaze to the top of the trees.

"Umm...well yeah. Actually... I love birds. I thought I saw an... Owl." I fumble out.

Oh my god, I wish he'd just clawed me to death than us having this actual conversation.

"Owl huh? Yeah, that's a pretty rare sighting for the middle of the day. Must've flown off, cause I don't shit." I drop my eyes back to his face to see a massive smirk on his lips and a gleam in his eye. Who knew the Gamma had a playful side?

Pursing my lips, I roll my eyes at him as his grin widens.

"Well, if you're done bird watching, get the fuck ready for the shift will ya?" He says, raising his eyebrows at me waiting for my next move.

This is on me and my stupid mouth. I challenged him first on this. His words from the first day filter back in my mind. Strip and shift or fail the first test.

My wolf growls in my head, encouraging me just to get the fuck on with it already.

Well alright then, let's do this.

Still refusing to look downwards, I yank off my t-shirt and unclasp my sports bra then throw them to the floor as confidently as I can muster, surprised to see Cole's grin falter. I shiver as goosebumps form all over my skin, my nipples forming hard peaks under the intense eyes of the Gamma.

Taking a deep breath, I then kick off my trainers before pulling down my leggings and pants in one go and step out of them. Still focusing hard to look literally anywhere but at Coles lower torso, I slowly stand up tall and release a breath I didn't know I was holding before my eyes fix back onto his.

Gamma Coles eyes bore into mine as we both stand naked across from each other in silence. Cole has an indecipherable look on his face which makes it hard to get a read on what he's thinking. I'd almost say he looked impressed, proud even, but in a blink of any eye that looks disappears and his usual bored look is back.

"To Martha's Ridge then back. Got it?" The Gamma repeats to me seriously and I give him a nervous nod.

I call to my wolf, but she whines in my head this time. She's nervous too, desperate to be let out but also scared. I rarely get to let her out and often she will force the shift rather than me calling for her. I chew on my bottom lip and try to concentrate, but my emotions seem to be all over the place suddenly and my wolf becomes stubborn refusing to listen. I huff out a breath and clench my eyes together, I can feel my whole trembling and tensing up. Embarrassment creeping up my neck.

"Alice." Gamma Cole whispers to me, so gently I almost don't recognise his voice.

I blink my eyes open to look at him, my eyes sting as I fight back tears of frustration. I wait for Cole to shout at me, to tell me that I'm wasting his time, but his eyes look at me softly with understanding.

"Breathe Alice. Then close your eyes and call to your wolf to shift." He says quietly and slowly. His voice instantly soothing me.

I do as he says inhaling then exhaling gradually before closing my eyes and calling my wolf forward. My whole-body tingles and comes to life, stretching and changing shape in a blink of an eye before my paws hit the soil and my wolf lets out a joyous howl. I laugh to myself as my wolf dances and darts about in the clearing enjoying the smells of the forest and the grass under her paws.

"Alice." Gamma Coles deep raspy voice breaks my wolf from her playtime, she whips around to see the Gamma squat down with one elbow on his knee and his other hand outstretched beckoning me over.

Slowly she pads forward, ever so often her belly hits the ground as she stops and lies down before her confidence grows and she moves closer until she comes to stand right in front of Gamma Cole.

"Jesus." Cole murmurs under his breath as he looks over my wolf with awe. His usual cold face suddenly looks warm and friendly for once as his eyes look over every inch of my wolf.

Boldly, my wolf nuzzles into his outstretched hand, practically purring as his fingers run through her fur. Then without warning, my wolf licks Gamma Coles face which seems to shock the shit out of him and in all honesty me also. Cole drops his hand almost instantly and clears his throat.

Oh my god, did my wolf just kiss the Gamma?

Mortified I pull my wolf away, begging for her to stop acting so inappropriately with our packs third in command. Reluctantly she pulls away from Cole and darts back around the clearing once more, distracted by the sounds and the smells of the forest until an authoritative short howl pulls her back to where is Cole is now stood in wolf form watching us closely.

He's huge. At least double our size and only slightly smaller than the Alpha's wolf. I should be terrified of him, I mean he could easily rip us apart with one his powerful paws, but I just feel safe under his watchful eyes. Every limb is so strong and muscular, his dark charcoal fur is thick and glossy, his eyes are a stormy blue ocean.

He's the perfect wolf.

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