
Summer is just starting but a heat wave has hit our area making training harder than normal. I'm a winter wolf, always have been. I prefer the snow and the rain to the unrelenting heat of the sun. However, that will not stop me pushing the new cadets any harder than normal. As Gamma of the pack, it's my responsibility to train the warriors and guard our perimeter just like my father did before me. I take my role and rank seriously, it's all I ever wanted when I was a kid, to grow up and be like my dad, no scratch that, to be better than my dad ever was.

I stepped up as Gamma to the Grey Crescent Pack when I was nineteen, four years on I feel like I've really found my feet. In short, I fucking love my job. I dedicate my whole life to it. I'm the first one in and the last one to leave each day. No one makes it on my squad unless they deserve the slot, there can be no weak links. Weak links can get people killed.

I barely use my truck, I have it more to shift training equipment around so most the time I prefer just to jog or run to the training centres from home, it's a good way to warm up and this morning is no different. It's just after five thirty and the sun is rising through the trees as I sprint through the empty forest floor, apart from the patrolling warriors, I see no one else. This is probably why it's my favourite part of the day, the peace and the calm before the chaos of the day.

As I approach the training centre, I slow my pace before pushing through the doors that are never locked. As always, I'm early. My intention is to do some boxing before the cadets starts to arrive in the next hour. This place is like my personal gym at this time of day, no one is ever...

"Shit." Hisses a quiet voice that has me halting in my tracks. The sound of metal clinking on the floor has me intrigued.


Slowly and soundlessly, I edge my way into the training centre. I hear another curse before I turn the corner and see Wonderland in the target cages attempting to throw the training knives at the board. To say I'm a little surprised to see her here is an understatement. We're a week into grad school and so far she hasn't shown a huge amount of potential in her combat training. However, I've got to hand it to her, she's hard working and fearless. She digs into every task I've given her and she never backs down. What's more, she's not afraid of me. I mean I could make a seasoned warrior shit their pants if I really wanted to...but Alice...nothing. I have zero effect on her. I've not worked out if I like that yet or not about her.

As I watch Alice attempt to throw another blade and totally miss the board, I can't help a snicker pass my lips making her whip around with that usual scowl on her face. She'd be kind of cute if she wasn't always throwing me death stares.

"You made me miss." Alice hisses.

I walk forward, scoffing at her remark. "Bullshit. You didn't know I was even here." I look down at the floor near the target board and see multiply blades everywhere and only two that have stuck in the board. I turn around smirking. "And what's your excuses to miss all these?"

When I look back at Alice, I see her eyes are scanning over my shirtless torso as I jogged here in just my shorts. The look in her eye makes my smirk grow even bigger. "Eyes up here Wonderland." My voice coming out lower and huskier than usual.

Alice's eyes shoot up to mine, like a deer caught in the headlights, her face burns up with embarrassment. Fuck, she is cute.

"Your knives are off balance. They don't throw right." Alice snaps back, but still avoiding my eyes.

I grab a couple of blades off the floor and feel the balance in my hands. I raise a brow at her then walk over to where she's stood. Swiftly turning, I throw three knives in concession and hit the board on target, the impact of my blades making the wooden splinter and creak. I look down at Alice whose mouth is hanging wide open, and I have to stifle a laugh at her.


"You're right, they are off balance." I admit, as I cross my arms over my chest.

"But...but you got them to hit...I don't understand..." Starts Alice, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"How do you know they were unbalanced?" I question.

Alice puffs out some air then looks at me. "I used to practice all the time with my mom's old set in the barn when my dad wasn't around. I got pretty good with them. I was kind of hoping to show case them this week..." Alice kicks the ground with her trainer looking glum.

I bite my lip, trying not to smile. Not often do cadets surprise me and she just has.

"Grab a blade." I say to her and flick my head towards the ones on the ground. Alice does another puff of air before she goes and collects a couple off the floor then looks at me expectantly.

"Turn them over in your hand. See on the handle they have a cross on them?" I instruct.

Alice does as I say and nods when she sees the little crosses on them.

"You've picked up the training blades that have weights in the handles. I teach these to warriors once they've mastered balanced ones. I'm impressed you noticed the difference to be honest."

"Why would you have unbalanced ones?" Alice asks in confusion.

"Because when you're in combat you never know what weapon you're going to be left with when it counts. Rogue weapons are often clumsy and badly crafted, but if you had to use one to save your life or that of others then so be it. Hence, the unbalanced blade training." I answer honestly.

Alice looks to the target board at the three knifes I've buried deep into the wood. "Smart." She mutters to herself, and I have to fight back a laugh.

"Well, I'm glad my training curriculum pleases you Wonderland." I say amused.

"Will you teach me?" Alice says, her huge brown doe eyes pleading with me. Fuck this girl has some balls. No one talks to me like this usually.

Bemused, I turn to the cabinet behind me and grab a level one balanced blade and hand it to her. "Prove to me you can actually throw and I'll think about it."

Alice's eyes flash silver for a split second, her wolf shining through with excitement as she flips the blade over in her hand showing that she's more comfortable with the weight. She takes her stance; face furrowed with concentration and pulls back her arm and powerfully plants the blade with ease into the wooden target board straight between my own knives. It's a great throw.

Triumphantly she spins on her heels, her eyes gleaming with victory waiting for my praise like a pup at school who's just aced an exam. Biting the inside of mouth to stop myself grinning back at her, I give her a small nod then turn and start to walk away towards the boxing arena.

"Hey...wait! Gamma Cole! Well?!...will you? Will you teach me?" Alice shouts after me.

"I'll think about it Wonderland." I shout back to her over my shoulder, shaking my head at her boldness. I hear her puff out yet another frustrated sigh and yet again I have to hold back a smile. For some reason that even I don't understand I get a real kick out of winding this girl up.

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