《Her Darkness, His Light (Book 1)》Chapter 24
Ms.Odelle looked away as I undressed. I did it without looking at my body. I knew I was all skin and bones. When I was done I stepped into the large bath.
The water temperature was perfect. I relished the soothing feeling as I lowered myself into the water. Slowly my muscles began to relax. I felt Ms.Odelle getting closer so I brought my knees to my chest and made myself go deeper.
"Eve it's okay dear. Let me wash you," she spoke softly.
"C....can I do it myself?"
"It would be better if I did it. I know you're not comfortable being touched but I promise not to hurt you. Let me do it and if I do hurt you just tell me to stop," her warm eyes confirmed her honest intention.
"O....okay but if I don't like it you will s...stop?"
With that she squeezed some liquid soap on a sponge and started bathing me. I was glad that she was true to her word. Her touch was gentle and it didn't hurt my skin. She even made sure I was relaxed and comfortable in the bath. As she washed me, Ms.Odelle also massaged my arms and feet.
I began to wonder why she was treating me like this. Did she treat the Dark Prince's previous personal servants the same way? I thought no one would care about whatever was happening to me. None of the personal servants are having it easy. Was she taking care of them too?
I don't think I'm supposed to get this special treatment. No matter what has happened to me. I sat there with all these doubts in my mind while Ms.Odelle washed my hair. It felt so good but I couldn't help but try and figure out the reasons behind all this.
Around twenty minutes later she rinsed me by simply pressing on a couple of buttons that was on the wall adjacent to the bath. Warm water from above came falling. I looked up and there was like a huge rectangular cut out from the ceiling. This part was much lower than the ceiling of course and water came out from the many tiny holes on the flat mettalic surface. It was an odd looking thing but the water coming out of it looked like rain. It even felt like rain but a lighter fall. The water felt nice.
I couldn't believe I never took notice of this during the countless times I cleaned the place. I guess it's because I never knew or cared about what it could be.
When all the foam was completely washed away Ms.Odelle turned off the rain thing and handed me a towel.
"Dry yourself Eve. There's fresh clothes on the counter for you. Quickly dress up and come out." With that she left me to dry and change.
It took me some difficulty in changing. My limbs were sore and my muscles hurt all over but I managed. I felt a slight sting on the side of my neck so I decided to look in the mirror. I wiped the mirror for a clearer look. Once I saw my neck I gasped. The was a reddish blotch. It looked like a rash but when I touched it, it felt smooth. As I looked closer, it had an irregular shape.
"Eve? You okay?" I didn't want to waste time so I thought nothing of it.
It would probably go away in a few days.
When I was done I limped out of the bathroom. My legs were still a bit weak.
"Oh I forgot! Come on," she put one arm around my waist and brought me to the table. "I...I don't think I'll be able t..to eat."
"Just a few mouths of porridge and that's it. Please try or we'll both be in trouble," she offered a sympathetic smile.
"W....why are you doing this?"
"Doing what?"
"Taking care of me, bathing me and now feeding me. Why? I don't think it's supposed to be like this at all," I blurted out. There was something seriously wrong with this picture. "I don't think you do this to all the other personal servants....d..do you?"
"No and you're right. This isn't how things are supposed to be around here.
For you.
What I'm doing to you is confusing and unheard of. I understand," she took a seat opposite me.
"But to me this is a whole new different aspect and thinking. I can't explain everything to you Eve, at least not now. You'll have to figure it out yourself. At first all of this was just orders but as time passed by, that began to change for me," she had a faraway look in her eyes.
I still couldn't understand a single word that was coming out of her mouth.
"He's changing," her words were softer than a whisper in the winds. "He's begining to change and it's a turmoil inside of him. A whirlwind of emotions that he's never had before. Some of them fighting against each other. That explains some of the destruction he's caused lately. He doesn't understand what he's doing or what he's feeling," her voice got softer and softer until I had to strain my ears to listen. I wanted her to go on. I wanted to know more.
"What he wants he gets. That's how it has always been but those of what he wanted, they were always some kind of material. A land, a place, an object you know. Something that you can take. He never thought he'd want......I mean he never thought that he'd need or crave for something....something like..
"This? What do you mean? I don't get it? My blood?"
She finally turned to look at me, staring into my eyes.
"He wants to make himself believe he wants only your blood and nothing else. But every being no matter what species or creature, they all have a heart."
"I don't know where you're going with this. Please explain, you're scaring me." I started breathing heavily. The way she spoke, with so much intensity. So much fire in her eyes. It did something to me. The feeling inside of me could not be described.
She looked at me again but this time she came out of her trance. "I....I'm sorry for upsetting you."
"I was the one who wanted to know more but....."
"And you will. Very, very soon. Now eat."
After twenty minutes of forcing myself, I finally finished the small bowl of porridge. It took longer than usual because my lips were cut and my jaw was bruised up.
I didn't know what a few mouths meant to Ms.Odelle but I obeyed anyway. She then handed me a glass of warm water.
When the meal was settled, she got up. We both stared at each other before I understood.
"I...I'm not allowed to go back".
"I'm sorry. Strict orders from the Prince," she spoke while cleaning up the table.
"Did y....you f...feed me so that he can drink from me again", I asked horrified. I suddenly felt like a fattened goat.
"No! My goodness Eve, I'm not like them and this you will not believe but the Prince isn't like the other vampires either. Where do you get these ideas from?!"
"T...they're not ideas, it has h..happened", I shot back. Her features immediately softened.
"Some unfortunate situations may be the effects of many other earlier incidents and emotions all tangled up. I apologize for the things that has happened to you Eve."
She did nothing to me. She doesn't need to apologize on behalf of Him.
"So you always knew? You knew what was happening with me and the Dark Prince?"
"I knew Prince Phoenix always kept you. I knew he fed off of you because he never went hunting and his thirst for blood lessened. He almost completely stopped drinking blood from any other source. You were the obvious reason to me," she explained while she went to prepare the bed. "That is all I knew. The prince somehow tried to make sure that we never crossed paths. I learned that you were getting hurt from Percival and I'm sorry for that. I should have observed you more."
"Oh," that was all I could manage to say. The only thing which made me curious was his preference for blood. When Tonya and Beth tried telling me that my blood was his favorite blood type I didn't believe them.
So he's not going to stop?
I paled. Ms.Odelle must have seen the fear that was plastered on my face because she immediately started walking towards me. "Eve, I'm only telling you all this because I can see that you want to know more."
"No, no it's okay," my voice sounded breathless. "A..and you have nothing to be sorry for Ms.Odelle. None of t...this is your doing. There are countless other slaves who are having it far worse than me," I assured her while gripping her hands.
She gave me a sad smile and nodded. "That doesn't make this right Eve."
"I...I know but it's not like y....you can stop it," I looked deeply into the odd but sweet lady's eyes.
What I said made her sad. She then straightened up and tugged my hand. "Come, you must sleep now." Before I could speak my thoughts she told me it was another strict order so she dragged me to the bed. Before she helped me lie down she gave me a drink saying it was herbal tea. Ms.Odelle insisted that it would help with the pain. I laid down after drinking it. I hated being in this room but I also couldn't fight back or even argue about anything so I did what I was told.
Fighting was useless in this place.
Ms.Odelle blew all the candles and just before walking out she turned towards me.
"Eve I know this is a lot to ask, but....please....please try to-" it was hard for her to bring the words out. She took a deep breath and looked at me. "Try to see it from his perspective."
At the time I didn't get what she was trying to say. My surroundings became blurry and her words sounded muffled.
There was also a bigger question running in my head.
Was that really herbal tea?
Minutes passed and my groggy mind noticed something.
The vase was empty.
"Ms.Odelle?" I didn't even know if she was listening or if she was even there. I just wanted back my tiny bubble of joy. "Flower," I mumbled half unconscious. "Flower, I want my Flower.....I want my Flower Ms.Odelle."
"Alright sleep first," a voice spoke getting closer. I was becoming sleepier by the second until I couldn't keep my eyes open. Just a second before I dozed off I felt a kiss on my forehead. Neither the voice nor the kiss seemed like they belonged to Ms.Odelle.
The creature stalked towards me. It's form slowly increasing in size as it got closer to where I stood.
I was cornered.
There was nowhere to run or hide. I was doomed. Is this how I am going to die? Devoured by this terrifying creature? It's eyes were the color of blood, the creature before me reeked of the dead. It's teeth long and sharp. It was three times my height and it hasn't stopped moving closer to me. Step by step it came nearer. It came so close, until we were centimeters apart. It then brought it's horrifying face infront of mine. It's breath on my face. I whimpered in fear. That's when it opened it's enormous mouth to devour me. I shut my eyes and let out a blood curdling scream.
I woke up in cold sweat. The back of my night dress was drenched in sweat. Beads of sweat covered my forehead too. My breaths came out heavy and labored. I tried controlling them but it wasn't easy. What I saw felt so real.
"It's just a bad dream." I jumped in surprise.
He was here.
I made no further movements. Now, the dream wasn't so bad compared to the person sitting next to me on the chair. I remained still, refusing to even look in his direction. His aura brought back everything I never wanted in this life. All the pain came rushing in. I couldn't stand being this close to him.
The nightmare was long forgotten.
He got up and came back a few minutes later. The Prince then extended his hand giving me a glass of water. I remained motionless.
"Take it." I made no move at his command. I refused to listen. I stayed still as a statue. It was a mix of fear and stubbornness.
"Fine! Don't take it!" With that he smashed the glass, throwing it on the ground. I tried to appear unaffected but I flinched at the sound. He stood close, before me. I slightly backed away.
"Why? Why can't you just do what I ask of you ?" he finally spoke after a long time.
What do I answer to that?
I tried so hard to follow whatever he said and yet here I am bruised up and in pain. Slowly losing my mind.
"I believe I asked you a question," his voice got more demanding with each word. "Why do you not listen?"
He came closer. Only when we were inches apart did I speak.
"I h...hate yo...you." It was barely a whisper but I know he could hear me clearly. "I hate you and I've n...never h...hated anyone as much as I hate you now," I said, my voice trembling. At that moment I already began to hyperventilate. I said it out without thinking. It was the bitter truth that was embedded deep inside of me for a while now but I never ever planned on saying it out loud.
Where did that come from??! He's going to kill me. Slowly and painfully.
Before I could say anything further he left the room slamming the doors in the process. Sleep did not come to me after that.
Prince Phoenix's POV
I sat solemnly on the balcony of one of my many rooms on the top floor. This place was located on the other side of the castle. It was a private room where I come to be alone. I tried to clear my mind and concentrate on the stars above but it was useless this time.
The words she spoke kept repeating in my head. It wasn't exactly what she said that was bothering me but rather how she said it.
I felt her words.
They pierced me.
Her small form was trembling and her voice shook as she spoke. I knew she meant every word.
She hated me.
I never knew she was capable of hating. To me it seemed like she never did hate anything or anyone before this. My Little Flower is too pure for hating. I brought it out of her.
Why must she hate me?
I did try to fix things and even while fixing I managed to cause more damage.
I guess it was raw talent.
I did try taking care of her and I was terrible at it.
I did try forgetting her and that was even worse. The more I distanced myself away from her the more I would crave her very existence.
Nothing worked!!! Nothing is ever going to turn out right!!!
I got hold of the nearest object and threw it across the room. It turned out to be a small marble statue and it broke into pieces.
"Hey! Watch it!" I heard a high pitched voice. I sighed.
"What are you doing here?"
"I come here sometimes to draw."
"Don't you have your own room? This is my room and it's supposed to be my private room."
"Everything about you is private," he mocked while picking up the broken pieces of the marble statue.
"Don't hurt yourself." I said as I walked back to the balcony. I sat on the floor and rested my back on the brick wall.
Not long after, my little brother joined me. "Tell me big brother, what's happened now?" he asked studying me. My brother might be young but no one should be fooled by his age or his outward appearance. He has always been socially matured. He is also extremely good when it comes to studying people.
His gift in telepathy and psychokinesis contributed a lot as well.
"Nothing, how was your day Angel?"
"Good, I managed to move father's favourite car today and I scared the crap out of my personal servant," he said excitedly then burst out laughing.
"I hope you didn't destroy it. You know you'll have hell to pay." I warned him. The King loves his car collection. He started collecting them hundreds of years ago. They came it many different models. If the King ever found out my little brother experimented his gifts on them, Angel would be grounded for the next hundred years of his life.
"I know what you're thinking, I didn't cause any damage okay." He assured me. I ruffled up his hair.
We were quiet for a moment before he opened his annoying mouth again.
"Hey bro?"
"Be quiet."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"No. Shut up for five minutes."
"Okay....is it a girl?"
"Don't do that!" I gritted out. I knew he could read me but I'm much older and much more powerful so I can easily block him out. However, this moron always took advantage whenever I tried to relax my mind.
Now he's done it.
Just knowing it's about a girl, his face became brighter than Christmas lights.
"Oooooohhhhh this I have to know! I'm not going anywhere until I get the details out dear brother so tell me! Who is she?!" He squealed like a typical teenager. He was making me even more frustrated than before.
"Why do you think I would ever tell you anything?" that got him thinking but as usual he came up with something.
"Oh come on, maybe I can help." I snorted at that. Then continued to close my eyes. Angel did not like that so he decided to shake my shoulders.
"If this girl got you feeling this sentimental, then she must be extremely important to you so tell me what you did!"
"What do you mean what I did?"
"Your face big brother, I don't need to read your mind. It's written all over your face. You did something horrible and you messed things up with her, am I wrong?" I turned towards him wanting to shout some response to his statement but after a few seconds I realized that I had nothing to say.
He was right.
So instead of saying anything else I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. When I looked up at the sky again, the stars were slowly disappearing behind thick clouds which had started to gather.
"I've made her hate me....just like I've made everyone else hate me." I sighed. The words felt like sharp thorns coming out of my mouth.
"Your family doesn't hate you, you know. And I don't hate you."
He's too young to understand what I went through.
"Sure", I whispered.
"You know, at least she feels something towards you."
"You mean the hatred? You make it sound like a good thing." I said staring at him.
"It's not a good thing but it's better than nothing. What I'm trying to say is, it's better than her not feeling anything at all towards you. Now that she's feeling something negative, you can change it into something positive. You could always turn the bad into good," he slowly said. While he was talking I forgot how old he really is. I didn't know if whatever he said was out of innocence or maturity.
"But why does it bother me so damn much? I shouldn't even care about what she thinks of me. Why the hell am I so effected by her words?" just then it started to rain heavily. We were getting wet but none of us made any move to go inside. I felt Angel rest his head on my shoulder. "I know why, anyone would. You don't know the answers because this is the first time you actually like someone and you're not used to it. So you'll figure it out soon."
"I would very much like to meet this special lady."
Hell no.
"Not anytime soon but....you'll.....like her."
He smiled up at me as I said that. "All you have to do is open up to her and try. Let her know the real you and everything else will take it's place."
"You know...."
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