《Her Darkness, His Light (Book 1)》Chapter 19 (Part 1)
I woke up to the familiar surrounding of my room. The room I was actually supposed to be in. Once I was fully awake I realized I woke up at the right time. A few servants were already up. Not Beth and India though.
"India," I shook her awake gently. She grumbled and turned her back. "India you have to wake up now." I yanked the blanket off of her. "Two minutes!"
"Fine." I moved on to Beth next.
"You know if you let her sleep she won't take two minutes Eve." I heard a very familiar, motherly voice.
I turned around and there she was.
"Tonya!" I hugged her with all my strength. I couldn't contain the joy I felt after seeing her. We laughed and talked and I told her whatever she wanted to know. We also spoke while we were getting ready so that we wouldn't waste time. India woke up shortly after and said she'd take care of Beth. It took a lot of work to wake Beth up.
"So what's your job?" The question I dreaded most.
"Um...I work for...Prince Phoenix Valentine." I shrugged and ate the porridge before me. Tonya's reaction was exactly what I'd expect. She spat out her drink.
"The dark prince?! How are you?....I mean you're still.....Wait like. Oh gosh Eve!" A few heads turned our way. "Ssshhh! Yes I work for him and it's not easy but it's also not impossible. So I'm just doing my best." I gave her a reassuring smile.
"Eve Kheelan you have always been the worst liar I know. You may be able to fool everyone else but not me young lady!" She said and took a mouth full of porridge. All the while glaring at me while she chewed.
"Not much taste huh?" She said licking her lips and making a face. At least she assumed I fooled everyone while in reality I couldn't lie to an animal.
"Has anyone told you, you look pale? Because you look pale and that's the nicest thing I can say about you Eve. What's going on?"
"Everything is fine Tonya. It's not only me, many of the other personal servants go through the same thing." I argued. I'm tired of people worrying and constantly asking for answers.
Answers I couldn't risk giving.
"The thing is I met some of the others and none of them look as bad as you do." Tonya pressed on. "Actually she looks better today. Way better. You should have seen her two days ago." India chipped in.
Tonya raised a brow at me. "There's nothing you wanna tell me Eve?" she demanded.
"Tonya just stop okay. I'm fine. The work is heavy that's all. I'm not dying! You should ask India how gardening goes." I looked at India for help.
"Stop avoidi..."
"Maybe we should talk about something else." India firmly suggested.
Me and Tonya stared at each other. Tonya is my sister. I couldn't risk anything with her. There's no way I'm telling her anything.
"Look I don't want to argue with you. You just have to trust that everything is fine with me. And you can't keep worrying. We're not at home now and none of us are in charge of what happens here. That's something you need to understand fast." I said looking at Tonya. She seemed surprised at how serious I was. India remained silent as I spoke.
Moments past and we continued eating.
"I know no one's in charge here and I won't force you to tell me everything. But I can still worry about you if I want to. A part of me died when you and Alex were taken away. I know I've become a servant now, but seeing you again, that's enough." Tonya whispered staring at her bowl. Her words brought tears to my eyes. She has no idea how much I love her. "Oh Tonya," I got up to hug her. "I missed you too. You know I love you right?"
"Then why do you seem so distant?" Tears fell out of her eyes.
"Tonya I love you too much. Please, if I don't answer you, it means there's nothing you need to know."
"Fine. I'll trust you." She sighed heavily.
"That's just so....so sweet!"
She wasn't alone though. I wiped my eyes and saw my other sister.
She laughed. "The one and only."
We talked more after we embraced each other. "Is it okay that I'm so happy to see you guys but at the same time I'm also not because of our current situation?"
We all burst out laughing. Then continued to chat as there was fifteen minutes left.
"Oh, Kyle wanted to see you last night Eve. He said you looked sick but you're okay right?" Henri asked me.
"Yeah I'm fine now. You met him last night?" I asked. India and Tonya were in some deep conversation about gardening.
"Yes. Him, Alex and Beth here." Gosh I missed Alex.
I hope I could see him today. I just have to. It's been too long.
"Oh, tell him there's nothing to worry about." Henri nodded. "That's what I told him. I know you're a tough one."
"Did....did Alex say anything? Was he mad?"
"Not too much, he would just like to see you. Why would he be mad?"
"Haven't seen him in a while." I said softly. At least I knew he wasn't mad.
"Urgghh he needs to understand other people are busy with other things! Next time I'll explain it to him. Don't worry." She doesn't understand that it's been more than two weeks since we met.
"It's not like that Henri, he's worried." I looked at Beth and for a second something flashed in her eyes when she looked at Henri.
I disregarded it.
"Alright then. Me and Tonya will go first," India announced looking at me. "Eve? Coming?"
"Yeah." I said my goodbyes to Beth and Henri. "I'd better get going guys. I'll see you later tonight." I looked at Beth and she didn't seem to be herself today. I made a mental note to talk to her soon.
I also told India to get me another white rose.
Upon entering his room I placed the rose inside the vase and started to clean up. This time I started with the numerous number of shirts. I figured the other tasks were lighter and could be done at a shorter time.
"I know I shouldn't be asking you this question but should I be worried? About Eve?" I glanced at India while we swept the leaves on the ground.
I never expected the garden to cover so much land. It was so vast. Almost like a never ending site of greenery with hundreds of species of flowering and non-flowering plants.
"That's not for me to say Tonya."
"I know, I know. But how else am I supposed to act? She's like my sister. Scratch that, she is my sister!"
"I get it trust me I do. But what can we do? What are we to expect? She works for the Dark Prince." The way she said it caused an unsettling feeling in me. I knew Eve was hurting in the inside.
"Tonya listen to me, us digging for answers, forcing words out of her or interfering in any way is only going to make things ten times worse. For us and for her but the effect will be more on Eve. Let's just trust her for now."
She was asking me to stand by and do nothing. Should I?
It was seven sharp when I brought in his dinner. I've decided to brace myself for whatever was to happen.
He came in before I completely finished setting up his meal. I quickly took a step back and bowed. This time however he didn't immediately take his seat. Instead he pulled out a chair next to him then took his seat at the head of the table.
I gaped facing him. I couldn't sit with a Royal Pure Blood Prince!
His command took me off guard. "Right, I always have to tell you twice don't I, I forgot. My bad," sarcasm dripped his every word.
"Sit now or I make you." He said icily all of a sudden.
One other thing I've learned about the Dark Prince. His emotions could change in a split second. One of the reasons why he couldn't control his powers.
I didn't want to get hurt so I sat. I had hoped that things would go smoothly so I could see Alex for a few minutes. Looks like I couldn't predict anything this time.
He then looked at his meal, there was rice, baked beans, and meat. Plus different kinds of cut fruit. He took the plate which was supposed to be for him and put a little bit of everything in it then placed it before me.
"Eat. Now."
What? No!
"I....I can't Your Highness, we....we're not allow...." I stopped when I heard a laugh. Not the happy kind. More of a cruel sadistic one.
"For a servant who has absolutely no power or rights of any sort, you just don't obey. I already have to tell you everything twice, you speak when you are not allowed to and now you deny me. What am I to do with you, Little Flower? How do I punish a troublesome servant like you?" Each word cut through me. They were cold and harsh. No matter what I do, I always manage to anger him. I always mess things up.
On the other hand, I don't immediately act out his commands because they're not normal. I don't want to sit and eat because a servant shouldn't do these things! We're actually just slaves! We are always below them! That is what Ms. Odelle taught us.
Was this allowed to happen?
I looked down afraid to reply.
"Let's make a deal." He said abruptly, sounding amused. "If you do not eat everything on your plate, I'll bring in another plate filled with food and force it down your throat. If you throw up, you'll be fed again twice as much and tomorrow when I take your blood I'll make sure you feel real anguish and show you just how sorry you should be."
I gasped aloud. How was that even a deal?! How much more did he want from me? Was this how he killed his other servants?
Appalled by his ugly threat, I started to breathe heavily. There was suddenly not enough air in the room. I could feel my hands getting clammy.
"So I suggest you get started Little Flower. I don't have all night." I looked at the food. It wasn't as heavy as yesterday's breakfast but the food wasn't light either. To make matters worse, my stomach was still weak meaning I couldn't eat much. This is what happens to everyone here. We're not given full healthy meals so there was a limit to how much our stomachs could take. Most of us can't eat much.
Nevertheless, I could still feel his gaze on me. I had to finish this meal. So, I took the spoon and fork and began eating.
I slowed down when I was almost done. I couldn't take in anymore. Swallowing hard, I tried pushing everything in. "I want the plate empty. Only then you leave." It was already eight forty-five. I had to go back. I needed to see Alex.
That thought alone gave me enough strength and made me force everything down. When I was done, I sat not knowing how to ask if I could leave. In that moment I saw him stretch out his hand towards me. I flinched thinking he was either going to grab me or hit me.
Instead of doing either of the two, he gently placed a loose strand of hair behind my ear. His movements were so gentle I didn't think he was capable of it. "Good girl. You may leave." With that I cleaned the table and ran out.
I went straight to the kitchen. All the way my stomach hurt more and more. I guess it couldn't take that much food. But I had to see him. What if I don't make it tomorrow?
I keep telling everyone that I'm doing the best I can, that I'm going to try and survive for as long as possible. But in reality I didn't know how much longer I could go. I'm already loosing blood and he's going to take more tomorrow. What if he takes more than he should? What if I don't wake up this time? That thought made me want to see Alex really badly.
"A..Alex? Are you in here?" I placed the tray on one of the counters. The kitchen seemed quiet, almost half the servants were gone. Thinking Alex had gone back to his quarters, I turned to leave. As I turned I yelped in surprise. He stood still, staring at me. That wasn't why I yelped though.
He was almost covered in flour. I didn't want to know what he tried to bake. It was a quarter past nine so the area was already dark. Imagine him standing in the middle looking like a ghost.
"Alex you're still here?" I asked stupidly. I didn't know how to start.
"Oh, look who decided to show up?" I flinched at his words. His eyes burned through me. "So you are mad. I'm so sorry, I really wanted to come...."
"So why didn't you?! If you really wanted to meet me why didn't you?! I had been worried sick Eve! The only reason I don't come to you is because Beth always talks me out of it!"
"I told her not to let you come, I..I knew if you saw me you'd get worr.."
"Enough of that bullshit!! If you didn't want me to come then fine but couldn't you have come meet me once and say something to me so I wouldn't feel anxious all the time? Was it so freaking hard for you?! It's been what? Almost three weeks! How could you be so selfish?!"
"No! I wasn't, you don't unders...."
"Of course I don't understand! So make me understand!!" I blinked at him. This wasn't the reaction I had expected. I knew he'd be disappointed but not this angry.
What have I done?
To make matters worse I couldn't tell him anything.
"I....I couldn't see you....b..because I worked longer than usu..."
"That's your excuse?! You work extra?!! You really are a horrible liar. You know what? If you can't give a good enough explanation even to me, then leave."
"Alex don't say that please. I didn't mean to make you worry. I'm so so sorry." I was on the verge of bursting into tears. I did not expect this at all. I've never seen him this angry.
"Oh stop it. Enough with the please and your pathetic excuses. I don't think you care about me as much as I care for you!! I just don't feel like talking to you right now so leave." I took a step closer to him
"Damn it Eve just leave!!!"
I ran all the way to the quarters then locked myself in the storage room. I couldn't hold it in any longer. The tears just poured out. My lungs felt like they were about to explode. My heart was burning with hatred for myself. The tears wouldn't stop and I allowed myself to cry freely. I wanted to let it out. I hugged myself as I bawled my eyes out.
Alex was the one person I made myself strong for. Whenever I felt hopeless, whenever I felt like I couldn't go on anymore, he's the one I thought of. And now, now everything is just falling apart. There was only one person to blame.
I tried to protect him and now I've lost him. He wasn't even interested in any explanation. Everything was my fault.
I don't know how long I sat in that storage room. It felt like hours. Once the tears dried up, my body felt so weak and my stomach was upset.
It hurt so bad.
I knew this was going to happen. I rushed out of the room and went into one of the bathrooms. Then I threw up in the toilet bowl. Everything came out. I knew I woke up some of the servants but I couldn't stop throwing up. Then I was sobbing due to the pain.
A moment later I heard the door open.
"Oh gosh! Eve!!" Just then I heaved again and threw up the last of it. I was completely out of strength then but Tonya continued to rub my back.
Looking to see that I was done, I flushed the toilet and cleaned myself up while she waited outside the door. I bathed, washed my mouth and then wore our only other clothing. A plain, white night gown. Tonya helped me to my mattress.
"You want to talk? That was a lot of vomit and your face is red and blotchy." I let out a weak laugh.
"He forced me to eat. Probably didn't want his personal servant to die yet." I mumbled into my pillow. Tonya was probably confused but I didn't have the strength to explain.
I knew the real reason why I was being fed. It was obvious that he's strengthening me so he could take more of my blood. The question is why my blood? And now since everything came out, what are the chances of me surviving?
"Hey, hey are you listening? Don't faint yet." Tonya waved her hand in front of me. "Where's..the rest?" I breathe. I felt myself drifting off.
"India's dead tired. The other two, washing themselves up." She answered stroking my hair. That's when I knocked out.
My last thoughts were of Alex.
The next day I woke up extra early. I cleaned myself up and went towards India's sleeping form. I shouldn't wake her, there was still time but I could inform her and she'd tell the rest. If I woke Tonya up, she'd shoot me with more questions. India was definitely a better choice.
After doing so, I went to have breakfast alone. Why? I didn't want to face anyone. When I went to the bathroom earlier, I saw that my face was ten times worse. My nose and ears were a deep red. There were also tear streaked lines going down my cheeks. They were light but still visible. Dull, lifeless eyes stared back at me. It was as if I couldn't recognize the girl in the mirror. She wasn't the bright, jovial Eve she had always been. I looked pathetic and couldn't bare to look at myself anymore.
My encounter with Alex brought me down even deeper. I wish I could make it up to him. I wish we could go back to being normal but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. So, I continued eating my breakfast which was porridge again. Once I was done I left for work.
I set the tray on the table and looked around. My movements were robotic. The room was cold making me tighten my cloak around my small frame. I waited a while longer then decided he wasn't going to show up. I closed the tray and walked towards the only tolerable being in the room.
My flower.
It looked normal and more importantly alive. However, it did nothing to me. I wasn't happy nor thankful. Neither was I unhappy. I was simply emotionless that day.
Unconsciously, I brought my hand up and stroked it's petals.
As my fingers and the petals met, fluffy white turned to dead brown. Flower slowly bent downwards, then it's leaves became brown eventually falling off. One by one until only the stem remained. It did not stop there. The brown began to turn black then to dust.
Flower did not wilt that day, it disintegrated.
Somehow I wasn't surprised at all. It's like Flower mirrored what I felt at that moment. I guess I wasn't surprised because I always knew that somehow there was an unexplainable connection between us.
Another secret I had to keep to myself.
Not a second later I heard heavy footsteps. He is coming for breakfast?
I quickly wiped out the remains of the rose and kept the cloth aside. The doors opened revealing the Dark Prince in slacks, a white shirt and a black coat. What's going on today?
I ignored my curious self and set up his breakfast. All that time I kept my head down hoping he wouldn't see my reddish, still blotchy face. He took his time walking to his seat. I wondered what was taking him so long and realized that he had stopped right beside me.
Noticing that he's just standing there, I wondered what I did wrong this time.
- In Serial240 Chapters
USA TODAY Bestselling Author Holly S Roberts likes to gloss over her exciting past as a homicide detective and make you think she sits at a computer all day writing. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You’ll find Holly in the mountains on a long hike or at the gym pounding barbells with the boys. She’s a health coach and nutritionist as well as being vegan and proving muscles come from hard work and plant-based foods. When the weather’s too cold for outdoor play, she sneaks into her dark cave and writes until her fingers ache. She’s also followed around by a hundred-pound Rottweiler with anxiety issues and constant need for affection. Each finished chapter gets a dog lick when Holly stays on course.
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Corin Kane has never really found home. In all her 22 years, she moved from place to place, country to country, trying to belong. But when she finds her father, A Motorcycle Club President in Ireland, Corin realizes this may be the only place she feels at home. As Corin constantly butts heads with the ever-brooding Ripper, she wonders if this will be the place to settle down-and possibly love. Or will it be another bust on her long list of heartache?
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