《THE DEMON KINGS SURROGATE : The Witches Hour》★CHAPTER 21:Ava montaz


November 22nd 2019

Damon POV:

My head was pounding. Everyone from all over the lands came to liaison. It soon started to over pack. But we'll get them situated I'd rather have them here then out there. I could best protect them here. The army is also growing.

Things were going according to plan. The healers are doing their best to help out. Everything's changing But one thing I couldn't change was the way I felt about nahara.

She was shocked when I told her we had to stop even at my true form I could tell that much. She might just be the one in the prophecy.

"She who which the king falls in love with."

I rubbed my face when a shocking burn came from my arm.

I rolled up my sleeve to see a line from the star is missing.

Immediately I mindlinked nahara.

Nahara? Answer me nahara?

I got up from my chair ,

Talia came into the room

"Nahara's in trouble. Three guards were found dead outside the house."

"I know come with me." She nodded

I open a portal to the safe house.

"Nahara !!" Talia yelled .The kitchen looked a mess like someone just had a bae fight.


Talia ran towards nahara unconscious body.

"She losing a lot of blood....... her arm it's all black?" Talia looked confused.

"Shadow touch, I only know one person with that ability."

"I'm sure you do." A shadow blade was thrown my way but Talia caught it with her bare hands.

"Ethan And Evan ?" Talia asked

I cleaned my jaw.

"The waren brothers."

Heels clicked against the floor. A familiar presence surpassed me.

Her wicked stench consumed my nose.

"Hello Damon baby you missed me?"

"Well that really explains how Ava got out from tartarus" Talia said. Ethan use to be one of my commanders while his younger brother Evan was a soldier trust me one of the best at that. They both betrayed me to help her but why? Why would they turn their backs on me for the woman that ruined my lands?


"Your the last person I ever expected to see."

"Honey I'm sure you did after all you did leave me locked up in Tartarus for a century."

Her eyes glowed green.

"I see you replaced me, no worries she won't be here for long."

She soon disappeared into them air.

Ava... My first love , my first to everything. She who killed my first born.

Ava POV: August 12th 1919

My stomach felt flat. There were no baby bump. I couldn't feel no life growing in me. My chest grew heavy as powers of dark energy came from me. I cried knowing that our child wasn't here anymore.

"Damon ? DAMON?" I yelled but still in pitch black. Chained up like an animal for almost a century.

"Well well would you look at what the king casted out."


"The slums become you."

"Help me escape please."

"Help a person who would murder their own child?"

"It was DAMON who killed her not me."

"Either way I cannot disobey my king." Ethan began to walk away from me.

"Even though he's the reason your parents were murdered."

He stopped half way from opening the door.

"Witch what are you talking about?"

"It was Damon who killed to royals lucky he held a soft spot for you and your brother. If anything he pitted you. A filthy warlock who can't do magic. Might as well be a human.Your fate was decided long ago."

"And you know this how ?" Anger consumed his face.

"I'm the kings witch, his ex wife of course. You help me I'll help you. Well both get revenge for our loved ones he killed." Manipulation was one of my many powers being the rightful heir of Stygian.


"What do you have in mind?"

"The witches hour prophecy ever heard of it?"

Ethan nodded.

""Two witches , one born from royalty other a mere commoner. One witch he would fall in love with and she would bare his children.This witch could be our salvation or our destruction. A witch of dark and light. Good and evil could save us from-"

"But there's a missing piece I'm telling you she's not who everyone think she is.."

"What does that have to do with me and my brother?"

"She will become the witch of destruction causing every supernatural and non supernaturals lives. Do you or do you not want your rightful place on the thrown when everything turns into chaos? You can have your own army just think of it you won't be Damon's little commander. Save you and your brother the royal trouble."

Minutes past as he thought carefully before betraying his king.

"We move in the shadows until I find out more information."

"You have my word."

He broke the chains setting me free. I couldn't wait to put Damon six feet under or perhaps he'll do just fine in Tartarus once I'm queen again.

"We'll need my Brothers help in over throwing Damon Lowe."


I accidentally added chapter 22 before 21 but hey shit happens 😚.


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