《Poems》Playtime Before Dark


Leaves waving in the wind

The sky a crystal blue, no clouds in sight

The sun beating down on the hot summer day

Creating shadows that dance on the grass covered ground

Birds swoop through the big oak trees

Speaking a language all their own

A frayed rope ladder hangs down, swaying gently

Hitting the scratchy bark with a soft thump

A summer breeze wrapping around the treehouse

Making the leaves in the forest sway

Rough wood planks sit high on the branches

The wind making them whistle

Sunlight peeks through the cracks

Of the discolored wood

Made by years of battling the elements

And the many creatures of the forest scampering through

The lonely tree sits there, unmoving

Memories of a time before

Flow through the air

Spinning faster and faster

Children played there, hours of endless fun

Traveling all over the world, through time and space

Hope and courage grew there

Importance in this world

Inspiring children to follow their dreams

That anything is possible

But children grow up, memories forgotten

Artisan magic traded for bleak acceptance

There lies the past

Abandoned and still

Absolutely still.

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