《Tropical Depression》Saturn


/This was a Jazz song I wrote from the height of Pandemic since Milo is an old soul, an anti-suicide of some sorts./

Lover come with me

Spend a Saturday in Saturn

I'll be having all its rings when we return.

I'll put one ring on your finger

And another on your head

The last two would be on each of your wrists.

Because you gave me...

Change in four days,

A whole world from three words,

A whole heart for two people,

And a lifetime for a night.

You gave soul to my songs,

And love under the moon,

And shame on the sun,

Whenever you smile.

Stay for a while...

For Friday we'll adjourn to

Spend a Saturday in Saturn,

I'll be having all its rings when we return.

I'll put one ring on your finger,

And another on your head,

The last two would be on each of your wrists.

To show how I commit to you,

To show how I'm your Kingdom,

And to show that I'll never let you hurt yourself again...

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