《Bangtan 1- Jimin and Me ✓》Misunderstanding


I opened my eyes and I couldn't remember where I was. The couch underneath me was incredibly comfortable as was the fluffy pink blanket covering me. But where was I? As realization hit me, my entire body tensed up. I tried to sit up but I had a throbbing headache.

I reached up to grab my head and winced at the momentary pain.

"You didn't hit the floor when you passed out," that sexy voice started up again, "but I had to grab you pretty quick and I accidentally clocked you while catching you."

Oh, god. It all came flooding back to me. That voice. Those sexy abs and nipples. This couldn't be real.

This could not be real.

I wanted to sit up but I felt glued to my spot. Park Jimin. This could not be real.

"I'm gonna be honest with you," He began, "I don't have a lot of patience for this. I'm so sick of your type always thinking you can worm your way in."

Maybe I crashed the car on the way to the beach. Maybe this was a dream. Maybe I was in a coma.

"Look, the police are one phone call away." He started again, "I always try to be kind in these situations. I know you probably just got wrapped up in a fantasy. But you need to start talking."

He wasn't making sense. Police? Fantasy? I mean, he wasn't wrong there. If he was the one arresting me, that is.

"I, ugh" I couldn't even get one sentence out. My head was throbbing and nothing made sense.

"What is your name?" He asked, sitting back in the chair across from me. He looked deadly and sexy. His patience was wearing thin, but I didn't know what he wanted.

"I don't understand." I responded.

He chuckled deeply and it scared me and turned me on at the same time. I never would have pictured Jimin as being so dark.

"It's hilarious that you think that will work. Don't you know how many times this has happened before? You girls are all the same. How much money did you pay to find out where I am?" He snapped, "Dammit. I just wanted some peace and quiet. You're lucky Hobi wasn't the one you happened upon you. He's ruthless."

"Hobi? I rubbed my head and tried to piece things together, "Aren't I at Jess's place?"


The humor in his voice disappeared as Jimin leaned forward

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. You must have paid a fortune if you even know one of their names."


"One of their names?" I questioned as I slowly started to feel like I could sit up.

"One of the family members." Jimin spoke in a low voice as he raked his eyes up and down my body. A shiver wracked through me with his stare.

Jimin stood up and reached into his pocket for his phone to make a call. I could hear a deep voice answer on the other end, "Yes, Mr. Park. What can I do for you this evening?"

"I have another one of them here."

There was silence on the other end before the person spoke, "a Sasaeng?"

Sasaeng?!? Oh shit.

I jumped up from the couch with a determination to prove myself. I didn't know why he was here or how he knew Jess. But I had to prove my innocence.

"I promise you I'm not a Sasaeng." I said firmly as I dialed Jess's number and showed Jimin the phone as it rang. After several minutes, Jess finally picked up.

"Hey!! You finally made it? Why didn't you call me?" Jess started yelling into the phone without giving me a chance to respond.

Jimin eyed me with his phone still up to his ear as he listened to Jess go on and on.

"Jae-Ho, let me call you back" Jimin spoke to the person on the other end, "No, everything is okay for now. I'll call you back in a minute."

Jimin hung up his phone and grabbed mine out of my hand.

"Jess? It's Jimin." He said and I could hear the other end of the line get quiet, "Yeah....Uh, no, I'm supposed to have the house all summer. I worked it all out with your grandfather." He paced the floor while keeping my phone hostage. Secretly, I was dying at the thought that he was holding my phone to his ear. "Well, that's not my problem." He stopped pacing and his eyes cut to me. "This is your friend?" He turned so his back was to me and pulled at his hair in frustration. "Yeah. No, I'm not gonna do that. There's no reason to force her into a hotel tonight. We'll figure it out for tomorrow." Jimin turned back around to face me while continuing his conversation. "Alright. Yeah. Yeah, I'll see you next Saturday."


Jimin handed the phone back to me. "She wants to talk to you. You can stay for the night and we'll find you a hotel room tomorrow. Stay OUT of the first room on the right. Or I won't hesitate to call my bodyguard back." Without another word or allowing me to respond, he marched out of the room.

My heart sank. That wasn't the Park Jimin that I had come to know through all the music videos and interviews. The Jimin that I expected was soft and kind.

"hello? hello? You there?" I came to my senses and realized that Jess was still on the phone.

I raised the phone to my ear, "Jess?" I felt the tears building in my eyes as it hit me how dejected and frustrating this all was. "What the hell?"

"I'm so so sorry. I didn't know he was going to be there. My grandfather didn't tell me."

"I didn't even know you knew him! How could you not tell me that?"

"I don't really. He's a family friend and I haven't seen him or Hobi in years."

"You know JHope too???" Unbelievable.

"Um, listen. Let me call my grandfather in the morning and we will get it all straightened out. If you have to go to a hotel, I'll foot the bill since this is my fault. Just hang tight and try to stay out of his way. Okay?"


"serious, girl. It just never came up. You know I don't brag on my friends or family and I haven't seen either of them since they became famous. I'm surprised they are even still in touch with my grandfather. It wasn't intentional. I promise."

"Yeah, okay." At this point, I was just ready to get off the phone, "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

We hung up and I looked around the living room I was sitting in. Or sitting room? What do rich people call spaces like this?

I went out to my car to grab my bag and went back inside to figure out which room I'd be sleeping in tonight. I knew to avoid the first room on the right but other than that, I was confused. My emotions were getting the better of me.

I decided that after the impression that I had left, the furthest room from Jimin's was probably the best choice. I walked all the way down the hallway to the very last room on the left. As I opened the room and walked inside, the darkness and loneliness hit me. I sank to my knees next to the bed as the tears began to pour.

I seriously couldn't catch a break. All I wanted was a summer at the beach without having to worry about someone else's approval. Yet from the moment I had arrived, I had felt rejected and unwanted. And by my biggest idol too. There was no way this was really happening to me. This must be a dream.

The desire to swim was calling to me. I knew I had promised Jess I wouldn't swim at night but I desperately needed something to take my mind off that wretched encounter and calm my nerves. I desperately needed to make sense of all of this.

I looked out the sliding glass door to the patio outside my room and the swimming pool beyond. At least the pool had easy access and I wouldn't have to worry about running into him. Of all people. Park Jimin! It still felt like a dream. I had to pinch myself.

I quickly changed into my bathing suit before pushing the door open and walking out towards the pool area.

Swimming laps was refreshing.

It always managed to ease my mind when I was stressed or anxious. This evening was no exception.

I swam until I was out of energy from one end of the pool to the other. When I felt like my body couldn't handle any more, I floated across the water, staring up at the stars above.

A throat cleared from across the pool and I quickly put my feet down, startled by the noise.

"I'm sorry for being so harsh earlier." Jimin spoke in the same soft and sexy voice, "I was scared. You don't know how often we have to deal with that."

I felt frozen in place. I was pierced by his gorgeous eyes and he held me in place with just a look. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, him with that stark gaze that proved he was in control and me, unable to move as if he had me pinned down in the water.

"I really am sorry." He said as he started to move through the water towards me. "You never even told me your name."

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