



"What?!?" Sammy who was standing next to me reacted, that made Fluke stopped in his tracks and looked back at us, eyes questioning her about what she said. "Oops, sorry. Bye, Fluke! See you!"

Fluke just chuckled and went out of the conference hall. As soon as Sammy and I sat down, she gave me a questioning look.

"What?" I asked.

"What?!?" she said, "What was that, Ohm? I heard that." I really couldn't understand what she was saying. She saw my confused look and continued. "You said, I love you, too." she said with a soft laugh. "Hey, you do know he was pertaining to your acting that he loved, right? Then, you replied 'I love you, too.' Wow! Seriously, love at first sight?"

"Shocks! Did I say that out loud?"

"Don't worry, I think I was the only one who heard it." she chuckled and looked around us. "Oh my God! We've been friends and co-workers for so long, this is the first time I've seen you like this." this time, she couldn't control herself anymore and she burst out in laughter. I motioned her to keep quiet, and fortunately, she did. "If you had just seen your face a while ago, you look really funny."

I couldn't believe I said that out loud, and Sammy was there to witness it. I knew she would tease me every time she had a chance. I covered my face with my hands to hid my embarrassment as I heard her say,


Two weeks after that script reading when I first saw Fluke had passed, and I was very anxious to see him again.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey." Sammy said as she pointed her finger at me.


"What is it this time, Sammy?" I asked curiously.

"You're waiting for him, right?"

"Huh? Who?"

"Eh? Being the best actor again? You cannot fool me. I know you so well. We've been best friends for so long."

"What is it?"

"You're waiting for Fluke? Am I right, or I am right?"

"Of course not."

"Of course not, huh? You cannot fool me. You look to the door every time it opens." Sammy explained. We were doing our workshop in preparation for our movie shoot in two weeks.

I sighed, "It's been two weeks already, Sammy. And I haven't seen him since then. I don't have any news about him. I can't ask P' New about him because he might wonder why I'm asking him about Fluke."

"Well. . . he would really be curious. First, you and Fluke are not close for you to ask him about his whereabouts. Sorry, Ohm. I got busy for this movie, I wasn't able to ask him as well. So I don't know anything. He doesn't update his social media accounts often."

"It's okay."

"Really, huh? It's okay? I'm sure you've already stalked his social media accounts. . ." She teased, "But you didn't get any because all of them are in private." And then she laughed.

I covered her mouth with my hand to stop her from laughing, but she bit my hand for me to let go of her. "Ouch! You're such a barbaric woman. I'll strangle you."

"Then do it. I won't help you with Fluke." She threatened him.

"I'm okay."

"Okay? Your neck almost breaks every time you look at the door because you're thinking that it must be Fluke entering that door. You don't even know where to find the person. How would it be? At least me. . ." She said pointing her finger to herself. "I have connections with him - social media, mobile number, even his personal e-mail, I have all of them. What about you? Nothing. . . Aww. . .such a pity."


"You know what, Sammy? I'm already irritated at you right now." I was about to pull her hair when the door opened, and I automatically looked at the person about to enter. I sighed again when I saw that it was just another staff.

"Do you really miss him?" I just nodded and looked down. She gave me a side hug and said, "You're lucky, I love you, or else I won't help you. Just promise me that you won't hurt him."

I looked at her with wide eyes and hugged her back really tight. "Thank you, bestfriend. That's why I love you so much."

"Hmp. . . You love someone else now."

Then I gave a hearty laugh. "That's different. Yours is a friendly love. His is something with malice."

We both laughed our hearts out until our acting coach stopped us.

"Okay, that's enough. You can flirt with each other later. You've already had a long break."


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