《What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ? [Levi x Reader]》5


"When did you learn how to dance ?"

They're on their way back to Levi's mansion. Of course, with Reiner as their driver. It's nighttime already and it seems like Levi intends to start a conversation.

"Dance ?"

"You were dancing for a long time with our company rival who was trying to flirt with you." Levi answered.

(Y/n) made an 'o' shape with her mouth, understanding what he's talking about, "Oh, that ?" She smiles, "I only barely managed to learn foreign languages thanks to you, so like I'd have time to learn how to dance. I was just reading and observing people's gestures and movements."

"Reading them ?" This piques Levi's interest.

"Yes. When Mr. Jaeger puts his hands on my waist, it means I had to put mine on his shoulders. Then, about the movement of dance, I just copied what others do and remember the steps he made. And when he tried to flirt with me, I just played with my earrings with my left hand."

He cocked an eyebrow, “Why left ?”

"This." (Y/n) lifts up her left hand, showing off a shiny silver band around her ring finger, "Just show him the ring, and it's taken care of. It's a fake ring I got from an event."

"I like your strategy, splendid."

'Did he just...'

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as her mouth gaped a little, "I never knew this day would come, being complimented by you." Of course his compliment caught her off guard since he RARELY say positive things about people, let alone complimenting them.

"Anyways, good work tonight."

'Damn he praises me again, what got into his cereal..?'

"Thank you sir." She smiles politely, turning a little to face him.

Levi nods, "New clothes or bags, just tell me the brand. Sometimes you need carrots to bring me results."

"Ah, Mr. Ackerman-"

"And I won't take 'no' for an answer." He cuts her off, waving his hand in the air in a swift motion.

(Y/n) clears her throat nervously, setting her eyes on him, "It's not about that, I actually have something to tell you." An uneasy feeling swells inside her.


But before she has a chance to talk further, Levi cuts her off again, "Don't even think of confessing your feelings to your boss. It's strictly business between us." He said this because he had this kind of conversation before with some female employees and they ended up confessing to him.

"Don't worry about that." The secretary sweatdropped.

"Then what is it ?"

She purses her lips, averting her eyes to the scenery outside the window, "Well.." (Y/n) slowly turns to face Levi again, "You'll have to get a new secretary, sir."

No reply.

Levi's face remains emotionless as ever, but (Y/n) could swear she saw his eyes widened a bit. He's facing forward, not even sparing her a single glance or so.


And that's when he cocks his head to her direction, seeing her smiling nervously, seeming afraid or cautious of what Levi's reaction will be, "Why, all of a sudden ?"

"Personal reasons, sir." (Y/n) replies politely.

The vice president heaves an unnoticed deep sigh, "Alright. Do what you want."

"Thank you sir." She lowered her head a little before going back to the previous position and enjoying the car ride.

---- THE NEXT DAY ----

"Guys !! I got big news !"

"Did you finally reunite with your horse ancestors ?" Eren snickered.

Jean scoffed, "Shut the hell up Jaeger, no it's not."

"It's not a big news then.."

"Oh my god ! Would y'all at least listen to me ??!" Jean neighed, earning annoyed glances from the planning division team.

It is early in the morning and a certain horseface already caused a big headache. The planning division team consists :

Eren Jaeger

Mikasa Ackerman

Armin Arlert

Connie Springer

Sasha Braus

And the five of them are quite.. accustomed to Jean's annoying behaviour.

"I'm not in the mood to hear your gossip or some random story of you going on a date. Just start working already."

"It's about (Y/n)." He informed. But none of his friends pay attention.

A very pissed Jean inhales deeply, before slamming hands against his desk and scream,

“She's quitting !!"

Connie almost spilled his coffee, Sasha stops drooling over a picture of dessert on Google, Mikasa and Armin stops typing on their keyboard, Armin stops reading a document, and Eren drops his pencil. Several gasps were heard before Connie claps his hands sarcastically and goes back to his work.


Jean stands there, dumbfounded, "What ? Don't you believe me ?"

Mikasa shoots Jean her infamous cold glare, "Of course not. Horses always lie, are you expecting us to believe you ?"

"Yeah, especially when she's got the vice president doting on her." Sasha added.

Sasha piped in, "She has been working for vice president Ackerman for 10 years anyways, she wouldn't easily leave just like that unless Mr. Ackerman fires her himself."

"Uh huh, you heard that Jean. there's no way." The food lover snorts.

"Yes way."

Speaking of the devil, the person they're talking about shows up as she enters towards the planning room. Her shoes clanking against the floor, "Because I'm really quitting." (Y/n) smiles at her friends.

Eren securried off from his seat, even Armin brutally stands up to take a batter look of (Y/n) from his cubicle to see if her face shows any signs of lying or joking, "Really ?" The blonde boy breathed out, still not believing her.

"You're really quitting, (Y/n) ?" Mikasa glances up from her desk, a glimpse of sadness is visible in her grey eyes.

The secretary nods, "Yeah, it looks like it."


Jean huffed, pointing his finger at everyone except (Y/n).

"But why all of a sudden ?" Connie intergues, "Are you getting married ?" His guess earns a gasp from Eren and his friends.

Sasha puts her fingers under her chin, "Is it a new job ?"

"Or to study abroad ?" One by one, everyone attempts to guess the reason (Y/n) is quitting, but unfortunately none of them are correct.

(Y/n) shook her head, still smiling sheepishly at her friends who are dying to know the truth.

"Your guesses are incorrect."

"Then.." Mikasa stands up from her chair behind the desk, "Is it because of that pipsqueak bullying you ?" Her face turns scary as deathly aura surrounds the black haired girl, ready to fight Levi if he's indeed the real reason why (Y/n)'s quitting.

(Y/n) laughs, "Calm down, Mikasa. It's not that either."

"Then whyy ?" Sasha whines from her seat.

"For personal reasons, really." The secretary assures her friends, "Come on, why the long face ? It's nothing that you should-"

"The vice president Ackerman is here."

Upon hearing Reiner's voice booming, everyone in the planning room, including (Y/n), bow in respect as Levi passes their room and heads to his office. As soon as he's out of reach, the planning team begins to raise their heads again. (Y/n) then excuses herself and head to the pantry, preparing Levi's daily morning tea.

Unknown to (Y/n), Sasha and Armin followed the secretary. They're secretly up to something.

And that's when their conversation starts inside the pantry.

"I can't imagine not seeing you by Mr. Ackerman's side, (Y/n)." Sasha said, standing on (Y/n)'s left as she eyed the secretary stirring a steaming hot black tea.

Armin, who stands on (Y/n)'s right, nods in agreement, "Me too."

"I still can't believe it myself, but I guess it'll become a reality soon. You will have to get used to it, Armin, Sasha."

Sasha faked a sigh, "I'm so sad to hear you go.." then her eyes trailed to a silver tray that contains a cup of tea and a small snack, "soooo... I'll just have to prepare the tea around this time, right ? The black tea must be served in this cup, along with three small cookies from the Shiganshina Hotel.

"Uh.. yes-"

"But why do you ask, Sasha ?" Armin cuts off (Y/n) before she has a chance to answer the food lover woman.

A big grin is plastered on Sasha's face, "Why else ? Because I want to be the one who replaces (Y/n)'s position as the vice president's secretary."

"Eh ?"

It's unusual to see Sasha getting hyped about working, let alone facing Levi.

"If I can be vice president's secretary.. then.." the light brown eyes woman in a ponytail begins to drool, "I can steal and have a taste of his premium cookies everyday... Hehehehehhh.."

Ah.. there she goes again.. Foodgasm..

"No can do, Sasha," Armin reasoned out, "The only one that can be vice president's secretary is a candidate that can pass the interview and training. And the candidates are chosen by (Y/n) herself, right ?"

(Y/n) nods in approval, "As expected from you, Armin. I'm glad you understand." she smiles.

With that, the secretary leaves the two in the pantry, heading to Levi's office with a silver tray of tea and snacks on her hands.

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