《What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ? [Levi x Reader]》3


Thanks to Levi, ten years of working for him and going to many important events, (Y/n)'s cupboard has various dresses in it. She doesn't see the need to buy a new dress for tomorrow's event.

Hence, tonight, Levi's credit card remains untouched.

"I can't believe Ms. Zoe is getting married tomorrow. It was like yesterday she was still single and carefree.. Not that she isn't carefree anymore now." (Y/n) sighs as she settles herself inside her small and tidy apartment.

After changing her work clothes into a comfy shirt and shorts, the woman scampered off to the kitchen, eager to have a bowl of instant ramen, "Aaaaah.. Cheese flavoured spicy ramen is the best to eat after you just had a long ass day~ Oh ! With sausages toppings ! Heheh.." (Y/n) takes out instant ramen from the kitchen cabinet and soon her fingers are busy opening the plastic packaging.

"Ah-" She stops fiddling with it, "That's right.. I have to be in a dress tomorrow, I guess there's no ramen for me tonight." Her shoulders slump down in disappointment as she puts back the instant ramen to its previous place.

She plants herself on the bed and run her fingers through her disheveled locks, "I wonder if someday I can have that day.. Being married and not having to work overnight every damn day." (Y/n) sighs.

(L/n) (Y/n). A woman who has a clean and professional image in the office, is actually an easy going and friendly person. She's also kind. But aside from that personality, she can be sarcastic, scary, and stern at the same time.

"I hope everything goes well for Ms. Hanji and her groom tomorrow.." With that, she drifts off to the dreamland.

She wailed and wailed. Her tiny hands were covering her ears from the clamorous sound of the thunder. Tears were streaming down her soft chubby cheeks. The boy beside her didn't know what to do, for he was used to this kind of cruel weather.

"D-don't cry.." He said in a hoarse and raspy voice.

But the girl seemed to be ignoring his words as she continued to cry her eyes out of fear, "I..." she hiccuped, "I don't have m-my blanket with me. I usually use it t-to.." the girl sobbed, "to shield myself from the evil thunder.." Her small body trembled due to cold and fear.


Tilting his head, the soiled boy was clueless. The sight of the little girl in front of him made his heart clench.

Slowly, his pale bony hands reached out to her. Those hands pulled the girl close to his meager figure and held her close as he caressed her hair softly. His mother always did this to him whenever he was in the same state as her, so he tried copying his mother's actions.

To his luck, her cries slowly ceased down a bit as she found comfort in his arms.

"I never had a blanket.. but I'll try my best to be one. So please, don't cry.." The boy calmed her down. Her tiny fingers clenching on his filthy and worn out clothes. And the boy, for once, felt happy that she put her trust in him. She trusted him that he'll protect her from the thunder.

Despite the cold weather and his thin body, she found warmth in him.

And so, she nestled her tiny body into him.

(E/c) eyes fluttered open.

The apricity has found its way through the window and woke the woman.

She sits up, yawning in the process, "That dream again.." Then she cracks her back and neck, "I wonder who he was.."

"Who are you really..?" Her hands reach the bedside table, grabbing a thin, childish looking book from the drawer. She flips open the first page. It's a diary she wrote right the day after she met that mysterious boy. The sluggish and messy handwriting makes her smile, recalling those days where she was missing the boy's presence.


Dear diary,

Mr. Blanket ! How are you ? I bring my mom to visit the place I met you, but you weren't there. I'm really sad now. I hope I can meet you again !"


Not even bothering to see other pages, (Y/n) returns the book, "Mr. Blanket.. huh ?" She steals a glance at the clock, "Three hours left until Ms. Zoe's wedding. Gotta go to Mr. Ackerman's house an hour before, then drive him there."

"Alright ! Time to get dressed !"


"Shall we head to the edifice, Mr. Ackerman ?" (Y/n) puts on a smile on her face as she waits for her boss to clean his wristwatch and put on a pair of elegant white gloves that match his tuxedo.


She went all the way to Levi's house using a taxi, since it's quite uncomfortable to ride a bus with a formal dress on.

(A/N : You're free to choose what your dress, shoes, or hairstyle look like)

Finally, Levi has finished wearing his gloves, "Let's go."

"Yes, sir."

During the ride to where the wedding is held, the two exchange zero words. Levi only crosses his arms and checks his phone once in a while to reply to some message. On the other hand, (Y/n) is busy keeping her eyes on the road since she's in charge of driving.

Without looking at his secretary, he speaks, "Did you bring the wedding gift ?"

"Yes sir, it's in the backseat since I'm certain it'll break if I put it inside the trunk."


For the next 30 minutes, they both went back to being silent until the car made a turn and arrived at the destination. A hotel to be exact, “We've arrived, sir." (Y/n) parked the car perfectly. The two got out of the car, but then..


The mentioned lady flinches, immediately turning on her heels to see.. Hanji ???

Levi raises one of his eyebrows, "I won't be surprised if she suddenly cancels her marriage or something. Unexpected shits always happen to her-"

"Ah.. Mr. Ackerman, please refrain yourself from saying such things, today is supposed to be Ms. Hanji's most memorable day.." (Y/n) trails off, smiling nervously at her boss' remark. Sometimes she feels the need to put him in place but now isn't the perfect time.

Hanji, dressed in a beautiful white gown, runs straight to (Y/n) and yanks her away from Levi, "Sorry to steal your partner, shorty !! I promise I'll return her soon ! This is ladies' business, byeeee !" (Y/n) immediately gets dragged by the brown haired bride, running. She sees Levi getting further and further from her. The man only shoves his hands in his pockets, looking unfazed.

(Y/n) nudges her head in the direction of the car, her eyes locking with his.

'Don't forget the wedding gift in the car !'

And it seems like Levi gets the message, as he gives her a slight nod.

'Mhm. Just go.'

A few minutes after that, Hanji has successfully dragged (Y/n) to the dressing room, the soon to be bride panted. (Y/n) looks confused as hell but tries her best to look calm, "Uh, Ms. Zoe ? Is there an emergency ? What do you need my help with ?"

"(Y/n).." Hanji says lowly.

"..yes, Ms. Zoe ?"

"Help me do my hair pleaseee !! I only have 15 minutes left and the stylist said that she feels constipated so she left me just like this. Help meee !!" Hanji clings into (Y/n)'s arm. The confused woman fights the urge to laugh out loud. Really ? Constipated ? Even Levi would be laughing his ass off.

(Y/n) puts a hand on Hanji's back softly, "Ms. Zoe, please remain calm and let me do the work. I'll see what I can do to help you. Now please take a seat so I can start doing your hair."

Her calm and soothing voice makes Hanji calm in an instant. '(Y/n) must've been through a lot.. She manages to remain calm in a situation like this..' she thought. Hanji obeyed (Y/n)'s instructions and sat herself on a chair. With that, the secretary begins pouring all of her efforts into doing Hanji's hair. It's a wedding day after all.. It has got to be an elegant style.

13 minutes later...

"What are your thoughts, Ms. Zoe ? Does it need more fixing ? Is the style already to your liking ?" (Y/n) is done with Hanji's hair.

Hanji let out a gasp upon her reflection in the mirror, "How the hell did you do this..?"


"It's so frickin gorgeous !! I'm ready to appear like a queen now !!" Hanji stands from her chair and puts her hands on her hips, "I owe you, sweetheart. Thank you very much." She then hugs (Y/n) tightly, in which (Y/n) returns the hug.

"It's nothing, Ms. Zoe. I'm glad I can be useful to you on this memorable day." She smiles.

The door opened,

"Ah, I think it's time for you to go." (Y/n) pulls away from the hug and leads Hanji towards the door to get ready for the wedding ceremony.

The secretary watches her boss' energetic friend being led to the other room. She then makes her way to where the main ceremony event will be held. Rows of chairs are filled with guests, and she quickly spotted Levi sitting on the front row, since he's considered as an important guest.

'I better choose a seat in the back..'

She's just a secretary after all.

After plopping herself on a random seat among unfamiliar guests, she makes herself comfortable. The woman spends a good one minute examining her surroundings, trying to identify the guests..

Until a certain orange haired lady caught her attention.

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