《How it all began》The angry steve


The police left and I was still at the door way but I know I was in more trouble then I was two hours ago,in way more trouble


M-ok let me explain tho before you tell me off

S-I'm sick of this since you have get here you haven't behaved once. Go sit on the couch

You could tell that he was angry,so angry but I didn't know what to say so I sat on the couch and literally everyone was looking at me with angry faces like I have just lit there house on fire or something

S- what do you think you were doing sneaking out of a window, stealing from a shop and what did you steal because i know it was food because your to lazy to eat so please tell me why you thought that was a good idea!?

M- I...I... I was thinking ok, also I'm not lazy I was born with an eating disorder and that's why I go to the doctors about it, also I climbed out of a window because of what your kids said about me.

K- I know darling but we have dealt with that and they are grounded with no devices now we aren't talking about them we are talking about you.

S- ok from now and the rest of the month you will do everything we say and you will wear pull ups every where you go even to school and baby nappies to bed with no fuss and you will sit in your high chair when we say so with no arguments and as you are acting like a child you will be treated like one, also you wont be taking the tests to stay in yr nine because I'm gonna tell them that they should just move you down, from now which is September 8th to September 30th your room is the nursery and I'll be speaking to your doctor to see if they can take you off the pump and we just give you bottles instead


M- yes

S- right then go to the diner room and wait there for one of us to put you into your high chair

M- ok

I know this was gonna be the worse month of my life and that's saying something but I didn't want to fight back because I knew if I did I would of got another month added onto it and that means going into October and that's my birthday month. So I stud next to my high chair and waited for Kirsty to put me in it.

K-right now after this I'll be taking you upstairs to go to bed and Bella I need you to do your hw and then bring your dirty clothes stairs and James and Shannon coz you have no devices you to can wash the dishes,bring and dirty clothes down, do your hw and do the laundry 🧺 after that it will time to go to bed .

I was really annoyed sat here but I couldn't do anything about it.so I but my hands on the high chair tray and put my head on top on them.i still had another 10 minutes until the all the food from the food bag was inside of me but before I know it I won't have to this but I'll have to be drinking out of a baby bottle like a one year old

It was finished and so was everyone else.

M- Kirsty once your done putting the cups away can you please get me out of the chair

K-yeah sure and thank you for using your manors as well

M- it's ok

About two minutes later she was done and she get me out of the chair and carried me to the nursery and laying down on the changing table, she tuke off my bottoms and undid my pull up what hadn't been used (because I wasn't gonna use it ) and picked up another Disney printed nappy and put it on, then she went to the baby closet and pulled out a teen size baby grow. She come over to me and put me in it, I looked like a two year it was embarrassing.she carried me into the cot and put a pacifier in my mouth it had minie mouse on it, I spat it out


K-Millie you are gonna use your pacifier or I'll add another week ok

M-fine but it's stupid I'm fourteen not a child I don't get why you can't just spank my bum and ground me like you did with James and Shannon

K- because Millie they don't act like a child like you and this is the first we have ever had to tell them off

Kirsty put the pacifier back in my mouths and for some reason I started to suck on it .Kirsty tuke my nose cannula off me and lifted up the crib wall and said goodnight while turning the light off on her way out

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