《One Night; tk》✨21- santa and mistletoes


"you guys almost kissed?!" 

"Jimin do you mind?" Taehyung screamed to the boy who in turn was also screaming,

after Jungkook left, after being forced to, the older soon heard Jimin knocking on his window. That's when he knew that Jungkook called Jimin to stay with him,

"but you never told you liked him!" Jimin said pouting and Taehyung frowned cupping his cheeks,

"I don't think I-I like h-him that way" Taehyung stuttered and Jimin rolled his eyes,

the poor boy was afraid, he just came out as Bisexual a day ago and he already began catching feeling, he was terrified

"the fuck?" Jimin asked and then continued

"what do you think of Jungkook?" Taehyung smiled at the question and turned away from Jimin giving his answer

"he is a really sweet guy, also the most beautiful, his smile is, mesmerizing and have you noticed his nose scrunches? they are adorable! and oh lord his eyes, a literal star like it shines every now and then-----"

"and yet you say you don't like him, are you even sane?" Taehyung looked down at what he said and mumbled something that Jimin could not decipher,

"what did you say tae?" Jimin asked softly and Taehyung sighed looking up at him,

"he doesn't like m---"

"he leaned in to---"

"only because he was heartbroken, this guy he liked did something terrible"

Taehyung knew that clearly, Jungkook never liked him like that, and nowadays he felt like Jungkook was being forced to hang out with the elder, he always thought of the latter as a friend nothing more, nothing less

when Taehyung said that Jungkook liked someone, Jimin's expression immediately softened

"but still Taehyung-ah" Jimin said his eyes soft, 

Jimin was terrified, his best friend who had been straight for his entire life, turned bi because of a guy who didn't like him back. Taehyung was one the guys who everyone took advantage of, he had many relationships but only Heejin ever lasted, why? because all either dated him for his looks or for his vulnerability.


two of the girls were found cheating by Taehyung himself and that hurt him a lot, he was terrified with Heejin too, but Heejin till now was the biggest gift that he had received and to tell the boys trusted Heejin a lot,

"it's fine Jimin, well then I am gonna sleep, wanna cuddle?" and with that said Jimin jumped on Taehyung and he laughed at that,

"don't squish me, my butt hurts a bit" Jimin said, his voice muffled against Taehyung's chest

"why what happen--EW GET AWAY FROM ME"


"I had a feeling from the start that that Eunwoo guy was not good, he gave me fake vibes" Heejin said in her deep-ass voice, her hair tied in a bun

"i should maybe just listen to you" Jungkook said slurping on his noodles, and Heejin proudly smirking,

"i know right" Jungkook looked at her weirdly and she smiled at him, Jungkook then remembered what he wanted to ask



"are you hiding anything from me?" Jungkook asked and Heejin squinted her eyes, shaking her head confidently

"other than that what I had for Sooyoung is long gone, not really"

"oh--wait what" Jungkook was shocked, this girl was literally fantasizing on the other girl for almost three weeks


21 days ago

"oppa! yves called me pretty today"

"who is yves?"

"sooyoung, its her english name"

16 days ago

"yves, told that she got something for me from the US"

"oh really?"


14 days ago

"it's been two weeks since Sooyoung has left, i miss her"

"you've been saying his for the past four hours"

end of flashback

"yeah, I mean I had to, she liked Seulgi a lot and it goes the other way too" she said smiling and Jungkook hugged her, nose scrunching at the 'foul' smell of the latter's hair


he then proceeded to ask

"d-did you know about Taehyung getting abused?" 

Heejin paused her movements, soup smeared across her puffy lips, she looked at him wide-eyed pulling away from the hug

"h-how did you know?" she asked, scared whether she spat that out when she was drunk or something,

"so you did! and you didn't tell me?" Jungkook exclaimed getting up from the sofa exaggerated,

"no! i mean yes but w-why should I tell? he should tell no!" Heejin said looking away from Jungkook,

Jungkook sighed and looked at her huffing, 

"seriously? you could have tol----"

"why are you talking as if you guys are dating?" Heejin asked frustrated, she finally blurted out the thing that had been bothering her since two weeks, before Jungkook could speak she continued

"you guys hang out every single hour and when you guys don't, you both get moody and sulky, you both cry for each other and heck you are fighting with your family for him! you even let him dye your hair for godsake. don't you dare tell me that this is what friends do, because they don't fucking cry over each other at night because they miss each other!" Heejin finished breathing deeply in and out, while Jungkook was shocked, his eyes now teary and him speechless

"y-you are telling me that, i like him?"

stupid, yes it is, for yourself to be oblivious of your own feelings but you couldn't blame Jungkook, he never liked someone in his entire life, sure he was infatuated but he never had the audacity to like someone, he was scared, clueless for certain. 


"okay ladies and gays no---"

"lesbians" Seokjin's eyes widened as he cleared his throat and proceeded, gulping at the tone Sooyoung was using,

oh, Sooyoung arrived yesterday for her Christmas holidays, and all then decided to have a get together for the sake of her presence

"l-lesbians and gays, on this auspicious day, I, Kim Seokjin, has come with a marvelous plan"

all sighed at that, let's be honest, it was Seokjin

"i swear to sweet lord if he recommends an orgy---" Yoongi was shut by Taehyung who shushed him, gesturing to look at seokjin, who was beyond pissed

"okay anyways, let's have secret santa!" after Soekjin revealed his marvelous plan, there was a splur of silence, so he decided to explain why

"it is too much for me, a clerk, to get presents for 10 people, so pardon me" and with that said all quickly agreed, throwing shouts on how smart he was,

Seokjin smiled at that and pulled out a bowl which contained chits,

"you prepared already? how were you sure that we'll say yes?" Namjoon -who was squished by Jimin- asked

"i wouldn't let you guys say no" Seokjin said sassily and all rolled their eyes,

"well then come and take your chits guys" all ran to him and took the bowl, many pushes and smacking, and at last Seulgi was the first one to get a chit,

when everyone at last got their chits, suddenly, Seulgi screamed pointed at a certain direction, her hands pointed to the up of a pair


who the fuck puts a mistletoe now


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