《Love at First Fight》Dreams and Memories


(Y/n)'s POV

Thankfully I was fast asleep when Gally came to bed last night, I knew it would lead to another argument. Yet as I sit on the edge of our bed I debate whether to leave before he wakes up, I looked at myself in the mirror across from me. It would be the first time Gally hadn't braided my hair... I was mad at him, and I couldn't just keep letting him blow up at me pass. But I didn't want to miss out on our moments. Like I told Teresa last night Gally and I were different with each other than with the rest of the glade.

The way his fingers gently went through my hair and the light kisses he left on my forehead. I look at his sleeping form and sign, not today though, he needed to understand I'm not the person he can blow up on when he's mad. I don't care if he was scared or upset, it's not something I want to continue. Before I leave I kiss his cheek, he won't remember I did it, but I do still love Gally even though we've never said it. I hurry out and go to work, today will be normal, I try to convince myself. 

I know it's a lie though, because Thomas is a runner, and Gally and I are fighting about it. 

~Time Skip Brought to You by Gally's Eyebrows~

I sat with Chuck while we waited for Thomas and Minho to get out of the maze. Today is the first day they've been in since finding that device in the griever, and I hope it helps them find us a way out. "(Y/n), do you have any dreams?" Chuck asks randomly out of our silence causing me to raise an eyebrow at him "What do you mean Chuck, like when I sleep?" I ask him. He nods "almost like memories," he explains and I think back and I shake my head "no, do you?" I quiz. "Yeah, it's not anything big but from what I can tell they're happy. I think I had a sister," he tells me and looks at me.


The look in his eyes says everything, he thinks I could be his sister, and it makes me smile at him. "You think I'm your sister Chuck? Are you sure or is it because I'm the only girl you've ever known?" I ask smiling at him "I'm sure. We look similar," he tells me causing my smile to brighten a little, and I begin to compare our features in my head. Chuck and I both have freckles that pepper our faces and arms, and I do notice that the shape of our faces are both round. 

"I don't know if I am Chuck, but I would be happy to have a little brother like you," I tell him putting my arm around him and pulling him into a hug. He smiles back at me before turning his attention back to the Maze door excitedly to see Thomas and Minho finally charging out as he'd been expecting. I watch Chuck and for a minute I believe it too, that he could be my little brother...

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