《Forbidden | ✓》-Chapter 21-



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Chapter Twenty-One

Slumber Birthday Party, Part III

We were in the living room, eating cake. I was sitting comfortably on Nathan's lap while Reese was busy fixing the karaoke stuff.

Suddenly, Nate pecked my cheek. I smiled and gazed at him. "What?" I asked, with a small laugh. "Who would've thought?"

My eyebrows knitted in confusion. "About what?" I questioned. That big smile on his face made the situation even weirder. "Who would've thought, I would end up with a black woman?"

I frowned and backed away a little. "What does that mean?" I asked, again. His eyes widened and he replied,"Definitely not what you're thinking."

"Really? What am I thinking?" He sighed. "Look, Princess, I didn't mean it that way. I guess this topic is still sensitive to you. I was just saying."

"That not once in my life have I imagined I would fall in love with a girl. Let alone, a black one. But, I don't regret anything. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

I squinted my eyes. "There's no way I could top that," I told him. He smiled at me. "Saying those three little words is enough for me," he said.

"Well then, I love you." He pecked my lips. "Good. Because I love you, too," he said back. "Okay, guys! Time for some karaoke. Who's up first?" Reese asked, ruining our moment.

"It would be me, Ree," Danny answered, lifting up his hand. "Then come on stage," Reese said and went to sit down on Danny's spot as he took the stage.

It's just in front of the T.V.

"Okay, I am going to sing 'I really like you' by Carly Rae Jepsen," he started. I sighed, already knowing this wasn't going to be good.

If you know Danny, you probably know that him and Carly Rae Jepsen songs don't mix. To be more precise, he's going to sing badly.

We all watched as he started singing. At first, it was okay. But then he reached the chorus...


"I really really really really really really like you! And I want you. Do you want me? Do you want me too?"

I winced at how unnecessarily high he was singing some parts. Gosh. He's going to end up hurting his throat if he keeps on going like this. I wouldn't be able to cope, honestly.

My voice is too small and low. It's not that loud. I'm scared they won't even hear me.

Anyway, Danny finished the song and slowly walked to Isabella. Wait, what?! I watched with wide eyes as Dan-Dan knelt in front of a blushing Bella.

He's actually being romantic?! Oh wow. I never expected this from him.

"I like you, Izzy. And I want to go on a date with you. I want to be your sugar in your coffee. I want to be your jelly in your peanut butter sandwich. I want to be your cheese in your pizza. Will you let me?"

Spoke to soon. It's his own version of being romantic. It still was a nice gesture to me, even though it all started with his cringy singing.

"Yes. I want to go on a date with you and yeah. I'll let you be all those things," Bella whispered, not even missing a beat. She clearly has been waiting for this moment for her whole life.

I swear, tears were brimming her eyes.

"Really?!" Danny exclaimed, most likely disbelieving. Bella nodded in response and he instantly wrapped her in a hug.

"Aww," I cooed,"It's my turn to sing, now." I stood up from Nate's lap and walked to the stage. I looked at my lovely friends.

"I'm going to sing 'Strong' by One Direction," I told them all. I took a deep breath before starting...

"My hands, your hands tied up like two ships drifting weightless, waves try to break it. I'd do anything to save it. Why is it so hard to save it?"

So far, they were giving me surprised looks. I have no idea why because for all I know, I do not know how to sing. Though, I like singing. Very much.

"I'm sorry if I say I need you. But I don't care I'm not scared of lo-o-o-ove. 'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker. Is that so wrong? Is it so wrong? 'Cause you make me strong."


A few lines later, I was finished and my friends were clapping like crazy. I was afraid the neighbors would wake up.

I sat down on Nathan again and he kissed my cheek. "That was amazing, Princess," he complimented. I rolled my eyes. "Don't flatter me, Blue Eyes."

"No, seriously. That was really good! I didn't know you could sing like that," Bella gushed. I waved their compliments off. "Thanks. Now, let's just carry on."

Reese sang an NF song, and let me tell you, he could rap that guy. I give him a thumbs up.

Nathan was next and he was singing 'They don't know about us' by One Direction. Seems like we're both fans. I'm still hoping for their reunion.

"Our parents say, we shouldn't be together. We're too different to even start dating. But I say, they don't know what they talk talk talking about..."

Oh. I see what he did there. It made me laugh, honestly.

"I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl. They don't know about the things we do. They don't know about the I love you's but I bet you if they only knew, they would just be jealous of us."

"They don't know about the up all nights. They don't know I've waited all my life. Just to find a love that feels this right. Baby, they don't know about–they don't know about us."

Oh my gosh, that was so beautiful. Of course, I clapped for him. Majority of the reason being, he was singing to me. Telling me a message through a song. Especially when it's totally relatable.

As he sat down, I gave him a peck on the lips. "How did I do?" He asked. "Amazing," was my answer. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him.

"Okay, peeps. Next order of business is board games. We have 30 Seconds, Snakes and Ladders, Scrabble, some poker cards, Time Flies, Monopoly and 30-piece puzzles," Bella informed us.

"Let's start with the puzzle. We could have a competition. Who is going to finish the puzzle first? Nathan and I versus you and Danny. Reese could be the coach or something like that," I suggested.

They all nodded. "It seems good. Let's do it!" Dan-Dan shouted, enthusiastically. We sat in our positions, facing each other.

The puzzles were laid out in front of us. All we have to do, is finish it as fast as we can. I trust Nate and I. We can do this.

"Okay, guys. In five, four, three, two, one!"


Turns out, Danny and Bella won. Only because Nate kept getting distracted. He would watch me as I tried to connect the pieces, most times.

It got me a little angry, but I managed to control myself. It was just a puzzle.

After that, we continued playing a few more boardgames. The apartment was filled with laughter and weird comments as we played.

It was nice bonding with them, though. I could tell that things will be way more fun and better now. We collected the boardgames and settled in our sleeping bags.

Since Bella won the gift hunt, she decided we should watch 'Before I Fall', first. I had watched the movie once, and I liked it.

I snuggled more into my sleeping bag as the movie started. Halfway through, the guys were asleep. Bella and I were still staring at the screen.

We share the same quality.

We just can't sleep in the middle of the movie, no matter how sleepy we get. We always finish it, even if we're the only ones left awake.

That was one of those cases. I was laying next to her and I found myself smiling at her, as she kept her eyes trained on the T.V screen.

I looked back at the T.V and we continued on with the movie. 'Before I Fall' came to an end, and we watched the next movie, followed by another one.

But on the fourth one, I don't know when, but I found myself drifting to peaceful sleep...




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