《Forbidden | ✓》Chapter 11



07/04/2022or not.

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Birthday Part I


I was awoken by a breath tickling my neck. I could also hear the sounds of plates and glasses clattering from downstairs.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and hissed as the light in the room blinded me. I looked around. The room walls were navy and the closet was black. Those were among the first things I noticed.

I looked at the floor and found Nathan's suit and my dress. So, I was in Nathan's room. It did look boyish. I tried sitting up, but hands clasped my nightdress as if their owner's life depended on it.

I looked down and found the little girl from last night–Felicia. She was sleeping soundly next to me. I smiled at the sight of her.

She had ombre hair. A mixture of brown and blonde, just like her brother. I hadn't seen her eyes though.

My gaze shifted to where Nathan was supposed to be sleeping but he wasn't there. My eyebrows knitted in confusion.

Where was he?

Even though I did want to go and look for him, I was too scared because of the unfamiliar place. Plus, there was no way I was getting out of his room without him.

I laid my head back down on the pillow and hugged Felicia. Speaking of his room, when did I get there? I probably was asleep.

But wait...how is my dress on the floor and my nightdress on me? Did he undress me?! I gasped at the thought.

Felicia squirmed a little in her sleep and I quickly rubbed her back.

I mean, it was the only way. A blush found its way to my cheeks at the thought of him looking at my body. I still could feel my bra on.

That's why I felt so uncomfortable. He didn't know that women don't sleep with their bras, I guess. I mentally groaned.

I wanted to get out of this bed but Felicia's hands still were grabbing the top of my nighdress. I sighed in frustration.

I couldn't even check the time. At that moment, the door opened and a shirtless Nathan walked in. He was only in his boxers.

He turned around and I looked at what was in his hands. There were two granola bars. One was opened and one wasn't. He noticed I was awake and he smiled.

"Good morning, baby," he greeted. I bit my lip at his new nickname for me. "Morning," I whispered. "Here's a granola bar," he said handing it to me.

I whispered a thanks to him as I took it. "My sister is clinging to you," he whispered with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes. "I know, right? And I want to sit up but I can't."

"Wake her up," he simply suggested, shrugging nochalantly.

I widened my eyes. "Wake her up? I don't want to do that. I'm not cruel, Blue Eyes. I know not to disturb a girl's sleep," I told him.

He laughed. "Trust me, Princess. She isn't like that. Plus, it's like ten o'clock now." I sighed, thinking it was the only way.

"Hold here," I said to Nathan, giving him my unopened granola bar. He took it and I started sitting up. I scooped Felicia up and sat down fully.

She was fairly light. I placed her on my lap. After that, I shook her shoulder softly. "Hey. Wake up, Licia," I whispered.

She slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them. She was soooo cute. I heard her clear her throat. "Morning," she whispered.


"Morning, Felicia. How did you sleep?" She suddenly jumped from my lap at the question and her face beamed with a smile.

She landed on her feet on the black carpet. "Amazing!" She squealed. I smiled at her cheerfulness. "Thank you, Nessa. But I think I have to go. I will see you later," she said and ran for the door.

She stood on her tiptoes and opened it before waving at us and leaving. She softly closed the door and then it was just Nathan and me.

My gaze shifted from the door to him. He was busy munching on his bar. I smiled at him. I took mine from his hand and opened it.

I leant on the headboard and he followed suit. "When did you wake up?" I asked him, taking a bite. "Around nine. I had to go and check on things in the hall," he told me.

How could I forget to wish him happy birthday!

I instantly sat on his lap and straddled him. He looked shocked. "What are you doing?" He asked, startled. I placed my bar on the bed, while he threw his wrap on the floor.

He then placed his hands on my hips. He still had a confused look. I licked my lips and leaned in. I felt his body tense. I didn't even care about morning breath at that moment.

His hands tightened on my hips. I licked my lips, one more time before they connected with his. I made sure to take the lead this time.

This kiss was really fast and hot. His hands roamed around my body. They finally landed on my butt. He squeezed it a little, making me gasp.

He used that to his advantage as his tongue slid inside my mouth. I moaned when his tongue started exploring my mouth.

He pulled away and we lay on the bed. He turned us around so that it was him on top of me. I was panting. He smashed his lips on mine again. This time, he was leading.

His hands rested on my thighs. I snaked my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer. It was a full on make out now.

I felt the whole zoo in my stomach and electricity flowed throughout my whole body. He slid his tongue in my mouth again.

I moaned once again. He pulled away, biting on my bottom lip. He let it go and started attacking my neck.

He kissed it everywhere and he started to go up to my ear and my jawline. He reached the corner of my lips and stopped.

He raised his head and looked at me. We gazed at each other's eyes, panting while doing so. His eyes were clouded with lust and desire.

Knowing he felt that about me, made my heart jump out of utter joy.

For the last time, he connected his lips with mine. This one was more slower, much like our first kiss. He was showing me how much he liked me through the kiss.

How much he needed me.

He pulled away and flipped us around. I was now on top of him. I pecked his swollen lips and then laid my head on his chest.

His hearbeat was going in an incredibly fast rate. I understood why. I then remembered why I even initiated this.

I looked up at him and he was looking at the ceiling. I sat up, sitting on his lower waist. "Happy birthday, sweetheart," I wished him.

His blue eyes snapped to me and he sat up, too. Our faces now inches from each other. I tried to keep my eyes glued to his.


"That's why you kissed me?" He asked, breathlessly. I nodded and bit my lip. His eyes fell to my lips. "Best gift ever. Thank you, baby."

"Pleasure," I said. I removed my bottom lip from my mouth and looked towards the door. A hand on my chin turned me back and a pair of lips met mine instantaneously.

I closed my eyes and rolled them. He just can't get enough.

I kissed him back and the kiss went on for a short while. Of course, I'm the one who pulled away. "Okay, enough of that we have to get ready," I told him and got off his lap.

He held my wrist, stopping me from walking away. He had a pout on his lips. "But I haven't had enough of your delicious lips, baby," he whined.

I snickered. "You'll get them later. I have to go shower," I said and pulled my wrist out of this grip. I turned around and walked to what I assumed was his closet.

I guessed he put my things there.

I walked in and saw my things on the floor. I only grabbed my backpack and got out. "Where is your bathroom?" I questioned.

He was laying on the bed as he pointed to the door on the right of me. I walked to it, opened the door and closed it behind me.

It was very nice inside. There was a jacuzzi and a really wide shower. I chose the shower, just for today. I placed my backpack near the shower and took off my nightie, followed by my bra and my wig.

I took a shower cap from the counter to cover my cornrows.

I stepped inside the shower and turned on the tap. It was cold, at first but then the water turned to the right temperature.

I didn't bring any shower gel, so I used Nathan's. I started washing my body, the water falling down my body.

I finished soon, and stepped out of the shower. I wiped myself with a navy towel I found and then wrapped it around my body.

I strolled to the mirror in the middle of the bathroom. I took my backpack from the floor and placed it on the counter.

I first lotioned my whole body, before applying light make up. I was not really a fan of make up but I used it when going to certain events.

I finished with a matte red lipstick. I had to say, I look fancy. I mean, I did want to blend in.

I collected my things and put them in my backpack again. I threw it over my shoulder and walked out of the shower.

I didn't expect to see Nathan with a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. I was feeling some dejá vu right then.

His back was turned to me. I managed to tore my eyes away from him and walked to the closet. I placed my backpack near the shopping bag and then took it.

I walked back to the room and placed the things on the bed. "Where did you shower?" I asked him. He turned around to look at me.

His eyes roamed around my body and I saw his eyes darken. He dropped the hair spray he was using on the dresser. I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Eyes up here, Blue Eyes," I told him. His eyes lifted and he looked at me. He started walking towards me and I didn't move.

"Wow. You look...amazing, baby. You know you didn't have to put make up on. You're fine without it," he commented.

"Yeah, I know. I just use it when going to events," I told him. He looked at my body one more time. "I'm sorry you just look so ravishing right now, Princess. If I could kiss you, I would never stop," he whispered, getting closer.

"Then just don't kiss me at all," I told him playfully, with a shrug. He sighed and turned around, walking back to the dresser.

I took the dress from the bag, placing it neatly on the bed. I took out my heels and placed them on the dress.

I bit my lip. I was going to look amazing!

I removed the shoes and took the dress. Knowing Nathan wouldn't see me, I let my towel fall. "Don't look, Nathan. I'm warning you."

He shrugged. I rolled my eyes, knowing he got the message. I unzipped the back of the dress and put it on the floor.

I stepped in it and raised it up. It was huge! Just the way I liked it. I turned around and saw Nate in his boxers, now.

"Um...sweetheart? Can you help me with the zip?" I asked him. He turned around and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"You are full of surprises, Princess. I have no words to describe how utterly beautiful you look," he complimented while walking towards me.

I blushed. "Thank you," I thanked him. He nodded and walked behind me. He held the zip and as it rose, I felt his hands brush my skin.

I shivered at the touch. When he was done, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder. "I like you. More than you think, baby," he told me.

I smiled. "I like you, too. Now go and get ready! I have hair to take care of," I told him. I took my shower cap off.

"Woah. Wha–what happened to your–" I cut him off,"That was a wig, sweetheart. My real hair is an afro. You'll see it in less than thirty minutes," I informed him and walked back to the bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror and started undoing my hair from the cornrows. Fifteen minutes later, I was done.

My hair was longer than the last time I saw it. I smiled, loving it. I realized I forgot my styling gel, comb and hair pins in the backpack.

I went back to the room to find Nathan by the dresser. He had his royal blue suit on. I walked in the closet and took my stuff from the backpack.

I went back to the bathroom without being noticed. I styled my hair. It was easy, really. It didn't take much longer. Ensuring the pins were tight, I let my arms drop to my sides.

I was more than satisfied with my looks. For once, I felt beautiful. No more wigs for me. I suddenly felt more beautiful in my own natural afro.

I should embrace that more.

I left my things on the counter and entered the room. Nathan was sitting on the bed, wearing his shoes. He looked ready.

I sat down next to him and reached for my shoes behind me. I took them and threw them on the floor in front of me.

I tried to put them on myself but I couldn't. The dress was just too big. "Can you help me put on my shoes, sweetheart?" I asked him for help.

He smiled at me and nodded. I placed my feet on his lap and he helped me with my shoes. When he was done, he glanced at my hair.

"It's beautiful. And unique. I don't want you to wear wigs again, Princess," he shared, making me laugh. "I won't. I promise."

I dropped my feet on the floor and stood up. I finally was able to check him out. "You look handsome as always, sweetheart," I commented.

He pecked me on the lips. "Thanks, baby. And I like the new nickname for me. It's quite different from Blue Eyes," he said.

"Well, I like the new nickname for me too." He grinned and stepped back, taking my hand. We walked towards the door.

"Are you ready?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded in response with a smile. "Ready," I told him. He nodded and opened the door.

I took one last breath before stepping of the room.

This is it, Vanessa. You're going to walk down those steps gracefully with your sweetheart by your side. He is with you. Don't feel scared.

I tried telling myself and it helped, shockingly. I was still a little bit scared about meeting his parents and also the glares I'm going to get.

We were now approaching the steps. As we stood on top of them I watched the amount of people lurking around. They were a few, so I guessed others were in the hall.

We walked down the stairs and I recognized Bella, Danny, Reese and Joe just at the last step. "Hey, guys!" I greeted them, waving my hand in the air.

Their heads turned to me and they smiled. Nate and I finally reached them and I firstly hugged Bella. I hugged Danny next and then the rest of them.

"Girl, you look beautiful! I love the 'fro!" Joe complimented. "Aww. Thanks, Joe," I said to him. "Bella you look amazing!" I gushed.

She blushed. "Who's your date?" I questioned as I stood next to her. "It's me," Danny spoke up. My gaze lifted to him and my jaw dropped.

"Him?" Nathan asked, disbelief clear in his tone. Danny wrapped his arm around a blushing Isabella. "Yes. It is I, cuz," he answered, jutting his chin out.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, this was unexpected," I thought out loud. "Tell me about it," Nathan said, sarcastically and held my hand again.

"And you two? What's happening?" Bella teased us. "We'll explain, later. There's no time. Let's go, guys," I said to all of them and started walking down a corridor.

Down it, there was an open door and inside it seemed blue. I wondered how it looked like. We approached that place and walked inside.

It was beautiful.

"Well, let the party begin!" Danny chirped.



i just finished my homework and thought "Hey! There's a book i haven't finished editing, why don't i go work on that?" and here i am.

cringing countlessly once again.


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thanks for sticking around.♡

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