《Forbidden | ✓》Chapter 7



After our moment, we took the food in his car boot and went back to the others. We just ate the delicious pizza and drank our sodas. After that, we decided we should go for a swim.

"Are...are you sure about this guys?" Bella asked us unsurely as we stood aligned on the edge of the cliff. We were about to jump but Bella was being a little skeptical and scared.

All of us were in our swimming costumes. Nathan being the hottest, of course.

Joe rolled his eyes. "Yes, we're sure. Now stop being a scaredy cat, darling. Who's going in first?" He inquired. We all looked at each other until all our eyes landed on one person-Nathan.

He widened his eyes. "Why are you all looking at me?" We just kept quiet and gave him a pointed look. He sighed, giving in. "Fine. But only if Vanessa jumps with me," he said with his signature smirk.

"Sure. Fine with us," Bella agreed. "What?! It's not fine with me!" I protested. Nathan took my hand in his and said,"Jump!" I barely got the chance to get ready before he jumped.

Pulling me with him.

I screamed as he suddenly let go of my hand. It was far-too far-down. I was screaming in terror the whole way down. I thought I was going to lose my voice after that.

I landed with a splash in the cold water. Goosebumps arose on my skin. I resurfaced and immediately looked for Blue Eyes.

He was going to pay for this.

My eyes kept searching for him as I rubbed my arms, trying to at least get heated. It didn't work, by the way. Unexpectedly, someone wrapped their strong arms around me, making me scream again.

Nathan laughed at how jumpy I was being. He let go of me and I turned around, giving him the most deadly glare I could master. "You," I emphasized, pointing at him.

He raised his hands. "Sorry, Princess," he apologized but I didn't buy it. I instantly launched myself on him. He started sinking. I was trying to punch him but he was holding my hands so...

I internally groaned and pulled my hands to my side. I tried swimming up to the surface but hands on my feet stopped me. I turned my head to look at Nathan.

I tried kicking his hands off but he was just laughing. I crossed my arms, slowly running out of air. I needed to get out of there before I got declared as a dead body. I pointed to my mouth, indicating I was losing air but he didn't get it.

I slapped a hand on my forehead.

And then I felt like I was really running out of air. I started panicking and thrashing around. Nathan-finally understanding the situation-let me go and I immediately swam to the surface.

It felt like it was hours. I finally resurfaced and was panting like hell. It felt like I haven't breathed in ages. All because of Nathan. I could've drowned down there and all he did was laugh.


He emerged from the water a few seconds after me and saw the state I was in. The others starting swimming towards me too. As Nate tried to come closer, I held out my hand.

I coughed for a while and they just watched. Reese opened his mouth to speak, but I held out my pointer finger, stopping him. He closed his mouth and whispered something to the others.

After that, they swam away. When I was breathing properly, I looked up and glared at Nathan. His eyes held a lot of emotions. Sadness, regret, anger and many more negative emotions.

He should be regretful.

"I'm sorry, Princess. I-"

I scoffed. "Whatever, Nathan. I could've drowned down there. And it's all because of you and your silly little joking around." I was pretty calm for an angry person.

"I'm sorry, okay? I honestly have no reason or explanation. I was just playing around and I didn't know you would run out of air that fast," he apologized again.

There was a moment of silence before I suddenly laughed out loud, startling him. I'm sorry I just couldn't help it. Seeing him like that just cracked me up sometimes. I loved playing with him.

He had confusion written all over his face now and a hint of amusement. "I'm sorry. You were just too hard not to laugh at. You're forgiven, by the way. Let's go to my friends," I said, clearing my throat.

He chuckled and let out a sigh of relief. "At least I'm forgiven. I don't like it when you're angry at me, Princess," he shared. I just shrugged and smiled before swimming to my friends.

As soon as I reached them, they bombarded me with questions but I just flipped them off, thinking I'd tell them later. After that, we started having fun in the water.

We would splash each other and have a race. It was just plain fun. When we were done we started leaving. We swam towards land. Just as I was about to take my first step, Nathan tugged at my hand.

I looked at him and smiled, like I usually do. "What's up?" I questioned. "Can I...talk to you?" He asked, sounding kind of nervous. I nodded. We swam a little bit further in the water before we stopped.

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out...tomorrow?" I grinned,"Of course. With the group right?"

His face fell. "Um...no. Just you and uh...me," he replied.

I internally ran a hand down my face for what I said. It was stupid, I knew that.

"Well eh...that's okay. Yes. We can hang out," I answered properly.

He smiled, relieved,"That's good then. I just...have something that I want to tell you. In private, though."

I nodded in understanding. "Okay." With that said we went to the others. I was really curious about what he was going to tell me tomorrow. I wondered what...


When we arrived at the top, the others were already clothed and ready to go. "What took you so long?" Reese asked us. Joe wiggled his eyebrows at us and Bella just smirked.

I rolled my eyes. They're probably assuming the opposite of what we were doing.

"Not going to answer that," Nathan simply said and started wearing his clothes. The others looked at me expectantly and I shrugged and wore my dress.

"Oh! I forgot, I'm writing an exam today. Blue Eyes, drop me off at school, first," I told him as we boarded the car. He nodded and started driving.

I was riding shotgun, just so you know.

I had fun hanging out with my friends, today. Well, it was never boring actually. It was quiet in the car as Nathan drove me to school. It was not the awkward silence. No.

It was actually comfortable.

We reached the university and I said goodbye to my friends. A few students were there. It was a little bit late, anyway. I got inside and went to my exam room.

I was a little late and the only available seat was at the front. Meh. I didn't have a problem with that. I sat there and placed my bag on the floor. The invigilator gave me the question paper and the answer sheet.

After that, I started writing.

-three hours later-

Four o'clock, I was out of that exam room. The exam was easy, just like the others. I walked outside humming one of my favorite songs.

I was just about ready to walk home-even though it would take a really long time-when I saw a black Mercedes. There's only one person I'd seen drive it, Nathan.

Confused, I walked over to the car. I knocked on the driver's window. I saw it slide down, until Nathan inside the car was revealed.

Still confused, I asked him,"What are you doing here?" He flashed me a grin. "I came to pick you up."

"Pick me up? Where are we going?" I questioned again. He chuckled at my clueless self. "To your home, silly," he answered.

My mouth formed an 'o' shape, finally understanding. "Ohhh," I dragged. "So, you've been sitting here for hours, waiting for me to come out?" I asked again.

"Yes, Princess. Now get in." I walked around the car and got in on the passenger side. I sat down and buckled my seatbelt. "Well, thanks for waiting for me. I really didn't have any other ride. You're a lifesaver, you know? I would've walked home," I thanked him.

His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets. "Walk?! Do you know how far away your home is from here? Plus, you wouldn't even last, considering how unfit you are."

I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Just so you know, I've started exercising now," I informed him. "If you say so," he said with a shrug.

"You're welcome, by the way. I wasn't going to do anything interesting at home, anyway," he added. I just nodded my head.

Suddenly, I thought about what he said earlier. That we should hang out the next day. I decided to ask him about it.

"When are you picking me up, tomorrow? And what exactly should I wear? You know we have to go shopping for clothes for your birthday tomorrow, right? Is it formal, again?" I bombarded him with questions.

I saw his lips tug up. "I'm picking you up at ten. Just wear casual or any clothes you're comfortable in. Yes, I do know. And it is formal," he replied to each of them.

"Okay. Is it going to be at your house? The birthday, that is."

He nodded,"Yeah."

I pursed my lips, pondering it over. I just couldn't seem to even guess what he wanted to tell me tomorrow.

I just couldn't wait to hear it.

"Do you want me to promise you something?" I asked him, with a genuine smile. "Depends on the promise," he said, with a smile of his own.

"Well, I want promise that if you don't enjoy your 22nd birthday-or let's say we-then I'll plan something else to make up for it," I told him.

He bit his lip in thought for moment.

After a few seconds he smiled. "Yes. I do want you to promise that," he replied to my question earlier. "Then, I promise, Blue Eyes," I said to him.

"Pinky promise?" He asked, lifting his pinky finger. I laughed at him and held out mine. "Promise." I linked both of our pinkies and after a few seconds, I pulled my pinky away.

I sighed at how tired I was. It was a really long day today. My butt hurt real bad. Probably from sitting on that stiff plastic chair for three hours.

I'd gone through worse.

Soon, we reached my house. I unbuckled my seatbelt and just as I was about to get out, a hand clasped around my arm stopped me.

I turned my head and looked at Nathan, to see he was pointing at his cheek. I giggled. I leaned in and kissed his cheek, lingering longer than I usually do, before pulling away.

I smiled at the stupid grin on his face. Caused by me. "Bye, Blue Eyes. I'll see you tomorrow morning," I said and got out of the car.

I closed the door and looked at him through the window. His grin fell, and was replaced with a very small and worried smile. "Bye, Princess."

I nodded and walked towards my all-to-familar home. I stepped inside and then heard his car speed off. I closed the gate and walked through the yard to my front door with only one thought in mind.

What was he worried about?


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