《Forbidden》chapter fourteen
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" I have a weird fetish for feet"
A voice spoke loudly snapping me out of my thoughts. Glancing upwards, it took me a moment to register what has been said, specifically who by.
" What?"
I asked flabbergasted looking upwards at the forest of green eyes seeing a smirk fall across the handsome man's face. Making me look away a little, feeling heat on my cheeks all of a sudden. He was absolutely crazy.
" At least that got you out of your thoughts. I've been calling you for the past ten minutes"
Kenan spoke. Unsure of what to say to him, I nodded a little before looking around the large room. Seeing colours of every kind fill it. Specifically dark Maroon being the exotic looking rug on the floor to the swords put on display on the walls.
Pictures of holy sites were framed on the walls as well as I glanced away. Knowing Kenan was observing me.
" I'm sorry I wasn't-"
" It's cool sweet cheeks be it whatever, but the presence of my great self has you losing your mind"
Kenan spoke as he sipped on his tea making me smile and shake my head. Feeling an overwhelming feeling in my chest. I felt relaxed around him. As crazy as that sounded.
Cold air from the window sipped inside the room and despite the fireplace burning with wood. I couldn't help but feel a shiver crawl down my spine. Looking upwards at the window, my gaze flickered towards Moustafa, standing with Amelia.
I could see the woman bat her eyelashes a little more as she ran a hand over his shoulder. Twirling her raven hairstrands. Moustafa being the man he was just stood there, his arms behind his back. His face emotionless and sometimes I wondered if he had any emotions.
" I wouldn't worry about her Farya. Amelia is like a sticky chewing gum on your shoes" He spoke shrugging his shoulders making me look towards him. At loss for words.
" I-I don't really care" I spoke seeing Kenan nod in almost mocking way before he took his phone out. Glancing at something.
A shocked look came across his face. Blowing a low whistle he shook his head making me stare at him weirdly. What was he on now.
" Drama drama mama. 'Emre Vidit marries his long term girlfriend in private ceremony-"
Kenan read out dramatically as I felt my heart dropping. A nauseating feeling suddenly suffocated me. Emre got married. That quick.
If the tabloids could get a hold of Emre's wedding. What's to say they haven't wrote anything about the drama that happened before.
" Kenan do you think they have wrote anything about my wed-"
" Don't worry sweet-cheeks Moustafa has already taken care of it and can I just say" He spoke and I somehow could feel a heavy weight being lifted off my shoulders. Looking towards the man, I raised my eyebrow for him to speak as he placed his arms on the armrest before leaning in. His green eyes darkening.
" I'm glad you're not married to him. You would have been miserable" He spoke placing the small glass on the table. The red tea now finished making me sigh. A clawing feeling gnawing at my insides.
" What's to say I'm not miserable here Kenan" I whispered slowly, the words too quiet for my own hearing. And in a way I wondered if I intended for him to hear it all, but the way his face tensed. I knew he had heard it.
" Farya-"
" I'm sorry I shouldn't have" I regretted the minute I spoke seeing the man give me a sad smile as he shook his head.
" Don't be. We all need someone to talk to" He continued and somehow just the sound of those words brought a little peace to my heart.
" So Farya what did you do before you got married?" The question came easily from him, and it sounded normal. To any other person it did but as soon as the question reached my ears. A flash of memories drenched me making me inhale sharply. Feeling shivers claw down my body.
" I-I er I was in university. I was doing Arts" I spoke, my voice cracking a little remembering Deniz and Guliez and how kind Professor Rachid was to me.
" You had a brother right. Roshan?" Kenan asked softly and I knew I couldn't form any words at the sound of Roshan's name so instead I nodded. Glancing down and blinking my tears away, I fiddled with my fingers trying to distract myself.
" Mhm"
" Siblings are crazy. I would know. Elif used to drive me crazy you know" Kenan spoke shaking his head at the memories as I felt my eyes widening.
" Wait Elif is your sister?" I asked cautiously seeing him nod and shrug his shoulder.
" Well technically she's my cousin but you know how it is. Anyhow her dad was my dad's brother" Kenan said making me nod knowing where the relation was from.
" Are you related to Moustafa as well?" I asked seeing the man shake his head as he ran a hand through his hair. " No, actually the funny thing is. Elif was meant to marry Moustafa but then Hamza liked her so they got married"
The man spoke smiling at the memories but the smile faltered as he was brought back to reality. The sad bitter reality. That hamza was no longer here.
As if noticing the sudden change of mood and my facial expressions. He gave me a smile, unable to say anything.
" We've all lost the ones we love, Farya. Don't let Aunt Esma get to you"
Kenan said making me inhale sharply and look towards at him. Staring straight in his eyes.
"It's easier said than done" I finally said hearing a deep voice speak behind me making me tense. Glancing over my shoulders, I felt my eyes landing on Moustafa standing at doorway. His eyes glancing between Kenan and I.
" What's easier?" He spoke in a thick accent making me inhale sharply and glance upwards at the man. Seeing his dark eyes now trained on me.
" Pretending to be happy, Moustafa" I spoke slowly seeing his eyes flash with emotions, his face softening a little.
A heavy silence fell on us as I stood up, walking towards the doorway. Wanting to get away from here. Walking past the man, I could feel his arm reach towards mine, halting my movements.
" What are you doing?" He asked, his warm breath fanning across my neck. Turning my face towards him, I felt a little overwhelmed at how close his face was towards mine. Only inches away from me.
" Moustafa let go. I want to see Layla and Imaam Mebarak" I spoke remembering I needed to visit them.
" I've spoken to them. You need to get ready for Seven. Amelia is holding a winter party" Moustafa spoke making me glance upwards at the man seeing his grey eyes trained on mine.
" Then you go Moustafa. I'm not coming" I spoke pulling my arm out of his hold. Walking past the man, I could hear him growl in anger but the last thing I was going to do was go to a party with his family.
Walking down the hall and towards the stairs. I needed to find my coat and walk out of here. I felt suffocated. Just as I walked up the stairs I found myself bumping in to something, nearly knocking my balance.
" Watch where you're going. Are you bloody blind" A loud voice snapped making me look up to see Murat with an angry scowl on his face.
" I-I'm sorry" I spoke seeing the man glare at me. Walking past the man, I could feel him grab my arm. His hold tightening as he leaned. His eyes fuelling with anger.
" You've not scratched the surface of being sorry. Why did you come back?" He growled making me push the man away. Yet the act was useless as his deathly grip on my arm tightened making my breathing hitch.
" Murat stop. I've done you no wrong" I spoke trying to push his hold away from me as a dark look came across the man's face, before he let out an incredulous laugh. As if he couldn't believe what I just uttered.
" Are you fucking kidding me? Your father kills my brother, your family kills my forefathers and you're saying you've done no wrong" He growled making my heart drop. Tears blurring my vision, trying to back away from the man.
" You're lucky Moustafa married you. Or else your body would be in the black sea" He smiled sweetly as cold sweats formed down my spine. Releasing his hold on me, I staggered backwards. My eyes wide with utter horror at the man before me.
Giving me one last look he walked down the stairs as I tried regaining my breathing back to normal. My legs now utterly limp from fear, now walked towards the bedroom and the minute I walked inside. I felt a burst of tears rush down my cheeks.
Clasping a hand across my mouth. I muffled my sobs feeling my eyes travel towards the photo frame, seeing those striking blue eyes stare at me.
Darkness clawed around the room as I kept staring at the photo frame. Praying, if Roshan wasn't here that I'd go to him.
A sudden knock on the door had me tensing. Swallowing back a sob I quickly wiped my tears away hearing Elif from the other end.
" Farya, can I come in?" Her soft voice spoke making me clear my throat. Trying to compose myself, I walked towards the door and opened it seeing the beautiful woman on the other end.
" I'm sorry, I hope you weren't busy. It's just Moustafa asked me to give you this. We need to get ready for tonight. I was wondering if I can change here. My bathroom is leaking" She asked softly, a look of embarrassment on her face.
" Of course. Please come in" I spoke seeing a grateful look on the woman's face as she stepped inside the room. Moving away from the door, I turned my face away from the woman.
Just the sight of her made my stomach turn. Guilt rolling down my body. If Abi hadn't- shaking my head. I didn't know what to believe. Would Abi really do this.
I hadn't realised I was standing there lost in space till I heard the bathroom door open. Looking upwards my eyes widened at the sight of the woman before me, seeing her dressed in an elegant maroon dress. Her arms were covered with the fabric as she fiddled with it. Giving me a nervous look.
" You look amazing" I spoke truthfully seeing Elif give me a kind smile. I hadn't realised there was a gift bag on the bed making me look at it in confusion.
" Oh that's for you. Moustafa got it for you" Elif gave me a grin as I stared at the bag feeling my eyes widen.
" It's shame. I'm not coming" I spoke and this time Elif gave me a surprised look. Walking towards me, the woman crossed her arms giving me a disappointed look.
" It'd be nice if you came, but it's up to you" Elif spoke understanding making me nod and sit down on the bed. My arm flickering with pain.
" Don't let anyone have the satisfaction of your pain Farya. You're a smart girl, if I were you. I'd go" Elif spoke and I remained utterly surprised at her words. Giving me one last look the woman walked out of the room. Closing the door behind her.
Silence prolonged the room as I stared around. Elif's words ringing in my ears. Glancing over towards the photo frame, I stared at a smiling Roshan knowing he never backed away from a fight. Like a lion, he stared at his enemies right in the eyes and give them a smug look. That was Roshan. And I wasn't him. I wasn't brave like him.
" I'll disown you if you don't break her teeth"
He had once said when a girl in my grade broke my pencils. I didn't want to fight, I hated fighting but that day Roshan made me walk towards that girl, and punch her straight in her nose. Walking back to him, he had given me the biggest smile pulling me on his shoulder even if I was ten.
And somehow staring at the photo before me. I knew Roshan would want me to go, by purpose. A sudden surge of adrenaline rushed through me wanting to go to the party. To see Murat and Amelia's face. So that's what I did.
Grabbing the gift bag I opened it, seeing a long black dress. It was simple yet elegant. It was perfect.
Walking towards the bathroom. I found myself discarding my other clothes and putting the dress on, feeling it fall easily on my body.
Applying a thin layer of make up and dark eye liner. I applied dark maroon lipstick. Leaving my hair open, my eyes stared at the woman in the reflection. She looked beautiful. She looked happy.
Stepping out of the bathroom I knew Nourie had sent some of my jewellery and I opted for some raindrop earrings and a matching necklace.
Glancing up at the clock I knew being winter time flies, and I wasn't surprised to find it was already half six. Slipping in to some heels I grabbed a maroon shawl hearing commotion from downstairs.
Elif voice reached my ears as she yelled for Mirya to put her coat on. Wrapping the shawl around my exposed arms, I walked down the stairs hearing my heels echoing all around.
Holding my breath I walked further down the stairs my eyes downcast. Hearing silence all of a sudden. Sucking in a breath I finally looked upwards seeing eyes on me. A mixture of emotions across the people's face before me.
" You look beautiful"
Elif spoke beside me making me smile kindly towards the woman. Looking upwards I could see Kenan walk out of the room wearing a black suit, his hair brushed backwards and his green eyes trained on me. Sending me a wink I felt a blush as the man walked towards me.
" Am I dead or something because I see an angel before me" Kenan grinned at me and I knew all his flirting was harmless and despite myself I smiled at the man, shaking my head.
I could feel the hair at the back of my neck rise, seeing the large figure before me. Swallowing, I stared at the man before me seeing his eyes trained on me. Dressed in a black tuxedo, Moustafa's hair was tied back as he walked towards me. His eyes trained on me.
I could see a skull ring on his thumb as he now stood before me. Leaving me breathless. His stubble had grown a little as well adding a dark aura around him.
" She's coming too?" A voice suddenly snapped me out of my trance as, I glanced upwards at Esma seeing a horrified look on her face.
Elif and Kenan who once stood beside me now walked away to find Mirya. Standing next to me, I felt Moustafa's built figure stand in front of me. Blocking his mother's view. His strong hand suddenly reached towards mine as he held on to it tightly.
" Are you planning on embarrassing us. Why do you do this to us Moustafa?" The woman screeched walking towards her son. I could feel my body shake seeing the murderous look in Esma's eyes.
" Mother stop-"
" If she is going then I'm not going. That's final" She spoke bitterly as she crossed her arms. All the whilst glaring at me.
From the corner of my eyes, I glanced at Elif and Kenan walking out of the house with Mirya. The three getting in the car.
" Don't do this Mom. Get in the car"
" I'd rather stay here then introduce this foreigner as your wife or better yet Hamza's murderer" She spat as I felt my heart drop. Reaching my hand towards Moustafa's arm, I touched it lightly seeing the man turn around.
" I'll stay at home. You go"
" Farya"
Moustafa spoke, his jaw clenched tightly as he looked between his mother and I. Shaking my head a little, I gave the man a smile seeing his eyes flash with pain. Pulling my hand away from his. His eyes darkened as he turned his head in a circular motion. Closing his eyes.
" I'm not coming either. Murat will come with you" He spoke as his mother glared at him.
" Don't be ridiculous. You need to go or how the hell do you think Razaq will sell his shares?" Murat voice spoke from the door way making Moustafa tense. His hands bawling in to fists.
" Mother we need to leave. Moustafa come on we'll get stuck in traffic"
Murat's voice came agai and Esma walked towards her son happily, trotting away. Moustafa turned towards me. His dark grey eyes boring in to mine.
Glancing down at me, I felt the man bring his hand upwards slowly. His fingers lightly stroking my cheeks. As if he was lost in a trance making me close my eyes tightly.
" You look breathtaking" He murmured as he leaned down. His lips pressing on to my forehead in a passionate kiss.
" Moustafa?" I spoke, glancing upwards at the man seeing his eyes dark with emotions.
" Come on we need to go Moustafa" A voice yelled from behind and I could see the inner battle in his eyes.
" I'll be back soon, in an hour okay?" He spoke softly making me nod seeing the man inhaling a deep breath. He gave me one last look before walking out of the house and closing the door behind him.
A heavy silence fell around me. Each corner sang with silence as I glanced around. Feeling my heart heavy.
I needed to get out of here. I needed to leave. Looking around the hallway, I found myself rushing up towards the bedroom. Almost like a madwoman, I opened Moustafa's cupboard finding his car keys.
A part of me yelled to stop this foolishness. That I needed to think. Yet another part of me urged to go, to leave. It was ironic, I had no home yet I was in search for one.
Running down the stairs again. I pulled the door open before locking it. Walking towards the garage, my eyes landed on the Mercedes-Benz parked at the very back. Pressing on to the buttons the car lit up in response and I found myself getting inside the drivers seat.
A surge of adrenaline rushed through me as the car started and I drove off the driveway and towards the road. Not bothering to place my seatbelt on.
I found myself speeding through the deserted roads. Inhaling sharply, I felt Moustafa's cologne drift through my nose. Making my heart heavy.
Tears blurred my vision as I remembered the day we got married. Only last week. There was such pain and sadness. Images of my scarred back played before me, how my own mother deemed it fit to wip it. As if I was some untamed animal.
If Roshan was here. They wouldn't have touched me, no one would have touched me. Blinking the tears, I felt my eyes glancing upwards seeing a black car behind me. As if it had been following me all this way. Shrugging the though away. I continued driving, the events of today flashing before me.
" You're lucky Moustafa married you. Or else your body would be in the black sea"
Murat's voice echoed in my ears. Almost like a mantra, ringing again and again.
" Your father kills my brother"
" Hamza's murderer"
Esma's voice spoke. Ringing against my ears making tears blur my vision. The car suddenly jerked forward making me tense, my hands gripping on to the wheels.
A bright light flashed before me as I glanced upwards seeing a motorbike approaching me at a fast rate. Pressing on to the breaks, the car came to an abrupt stop as I stared at the motorbike, seeing it stop as well and the rider hop off, reaching towards their bandana.
Blinking rapidly from the bright headlights, I could feel my stomach drop seeing familiar pair of blue eyes stare at me as the man now looked at me.
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