《Forbidden》chapter eleven
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I could feel the world around me spin. Almost as if it was a rollercoaster, turning and turning but never stopping.
My knees turned weak and I found it hard to keep my eyes open. I was losing all sense. Almost as one would do when jumping in to a frozen lake; knowing the chances of survival are low but the thrill is everlasting.
Opening my eyes slowly I felt the man move away slowly. His stubble brushing against my skin as he placed passionate kiss on my forehead making it hard for me to breath.
In that split moment, with his arms around me and his lips pressed on my forehead. I almost found home. Till realisation dawned on me.
" Moustafa stop"
I murmured pushing the man back with every strength I had within me, which wasn't much. The man beside me tensed a little, his dark grey eyes landing on me. A certain look flashing before his eyes as he nodded.
Glancing at me one last time, he moved away, now sitting at the end of the bed. His large shadow filling the room. Running a hand through his raven locks, the man stared down at his hands. Almost as if he was drowning in a sea of thoughts.
" Farya-"
" I know, you've seen many more. You should go to them"
I spoke, my words not meant to be hurtful. Running a hand through my hair, I bit back on the wincing pain as I shuffled lightly. Moving away from the bed.
Standing upwards I felt his eyes land on me throughout the whole process as I rounded the bed and towards the large window.
Reaching towards it, I pulled it open feeling the cold breeze whiff past me and the moon light shine in our darkness.
Somehow the icy fingers of the cold breeze brushed through my hair allowing it to flow lightly. Glancing outwards at the sea of trees and the mountains surrounding us. I wondered where Roshan would be. If he'd ever come for me, had he been alive.
Instinctively tears rushed to my eyes yet I held them back. Not wanting the man to see cry more than he should.
I wasn't one to cry. I hated crying yet somehow, in the past three days I've cried more than I have since Roshan.
Reaching towards my neck. My fingers brushed easily across the crescent shape whilst my eyes flickered upwards at the moon before me. Wondering how many others were looking at it.
Sitting on the floor, my head leaned on to the edge of the bed. And all I did that night was stare at the moon light. Praying, somehow, from somewhere Roshan comes and takes me away from here. Like he always did.
The minute I closed my eyes I knew it was a dream. That it couldn't be physically possible I was back at home. In my old room. Even though my eyes were closed tightly I knew the breeze that reminded me of home.
" Farya"
A voice whispered. A soothing call reaching my ears. It was a distant call, but as the second ticked by. I felt it come nearer and nearer.
All I could see was sheer blackness painting my vision yet as the voice called out again. A spring of flutter floated through my heart. Almost like a rumour of peace floating through a soldiers ears, bringing them hope through the rain of bullets.
" Wake up, Farya. It's just a bad dream"
The voice murmured again as I felt a warm hand caress my hair. The touch reminding me of home. I knew that voice. I recognised it. Almost like a mad-woman, I blinked my eyes open feeling them land on the familiar striking blue.
The world around me stilled as my gaze remained on the handsome man before me. Seeing his light brown hair fall across his face and a large grin erupt through it. Showing his pearly white teeth.
" Roshan"
I murmured instinctively, the name itself squeezing my heart. Wiggling his eyebrows the man rolled his eyes before reaching towards both of my hands and pulling me upwards.
" I've been calling you for hours. Why can't you hear me"
He spoke sitting in front of me before reaching towards his black trainers as he pulled them on. Tying his shoelaces.
" How are you here?"
I whispered softly seeing his eyes glance upwards as he shook his head. Giving me a flabbergasted stare.
" I've never left. I'm always here"
He spoke as he stood upwards and walked towards me. I could feel my throat constructing. The rawness of it leaving me breathless. Tears blurred my vision as I reached forward. Wanting to hold him, to touch his face again. One last time.
" This is a dream" I murmured seeing him smile, a sad look playing across his face before he smiled again. A dimple appearing on his cheek.
" I'm going downstairs. Make sure you hurry and come. I'll wait"
He spoke making my heart race. Cold sweat breaking on my forehead not wanting Roshan to leave. He was leaving again.
" No Roshan. Please don't go. Don't leave me" I cried out seeing the man walk out of the room. Already gone. As if he had never been there.
" Please"
I whispered feeling my body shaking wanting to run after Roshan but it felt as though my legs were tied and my hands strapped tightly. Holding me back.
"Roshan, don't go"
" Farya"
" Farya wake up"
A voice murmured. I could feel my body being shaken as my eyes fluttered open landing on light ones before me. Staring at the woman, it took me a moment to realise it was Elif.
Giving me a soft smile, I felt the woman stare at me as I looked around finding myself on the bed again with blankets all around me. Cold sweat broke on my forehead as the woman stared at me worriedly.
" Farya there is a young man waiting for you downstairs"
She spoke softly and I felt the world still for that split second. My heart slamming against my chest as I stared at the beautiful woman before me. Processing her words.
It couldn't be. It's impossible.
I thought yet blindness became a master as I pulled the blanket off me seeing a shocked reaction from the woman. Not giving her a chance to speak, it was as though my legs had a mind of its own as I ran past her and out of the door.
I could hear my name being called distinctively, yet all I wanted was to run away. Towards the person that was waiting for me.
It was Roshan. He was here after all this time. He promised he was waiting for me downstairs.
I rambled like a madwoman as I took the last step from the stairs seeing eyes on me. Low murmuring reaching my ears. Yet I could care less.
Running through the kitchen and towards the main hall. I could see from the corner of my eyes a few men lingering in the room accompanied by Murat, who now stared at me as if I had grown two heads.
It felt as though time was slowing down as I ran towards the double doors and out in to the large courtyard.
My eyes scanned at the group of men surrounding the courtyard, their large figures circling around someone. Pushing past the bodies, I felt mixed reaction come from them as I stared ahead. My eyes landing on a tall figure in the middle, dressed in black jacekt and the sight of the familiar brown hair.
My heart dropped in that moment as I felt the people around me tense. Their voices lowering but all I wanted to do was reach forward. To hold those familiar shoulders again. Praying this wasn't a dream.
As if sensing someone was behind him, the man slowly turned around. His piercing blue eyes landing on me. Staggering backwards I felt my body turn utterly limp seeing his eyes flicker across my face. A frown falling on it before a small smile came across it.
" Farya"
He whispered causing a low sob to rip from my mouth. Without thinking straight I felt my arms wrap around the man feeling him hold me tightly. His arms wrapping around my back making me wince.
" You're home. I knew you'd come back Roshan" I murmured feeling the man tense. The hold he had slowly loosened as he moved me away from him.
" Farya, it's me Deniz" The voice murmured again as I blinked rapidly. Seeing the man's features morphe away. The striking blue eyes were now replaced with honeycomb and his features changed back to the ones I knew of Deniz.
It felt as though someone had slapped me across the face as the man cupped my cheeks. His face pained.
" I thought Roshan was back"
I whispered feeling the man shake his head. Pulling me in to his embrace I felt someone pull me back from the man all of a sudden, making me gasp seeing a dark look fall across Deniz face.
" What are you doing here. Dressed like this?" A dark voice muttered beside me as my gaze flickered towards the familiar pair of grey eyes seeing Moustafa tower over me.
Glancing down at my attire, I realised I was still in my white night gown and even though it covered all over my body parts. I knew for a fact it was see through in someone areas making me tense. My face paling.
Standing before me, almost like a shield the man reached towards his jacket. Pulling it off him, he placed it around my shoulders as he stared down at me before glaring at every single person around him.
The look sent chills down my spine as he gripped on to my hand, pulling me away from Deniz. Who stood there utterly dumbfounded.
" Moustafa let go. Goddamit I'm not your doll" I yelled pulling at his hand, yet it seemed his hold tightened by the passing second. And he was deaf to my pleas.
" Don't make a scene"
" Or what! I'll get hot tea poured on me again. Go on. I dare you"
I muttered like a madwoman hearing utter silence surround the courtyard. A pin drop silence.
I felt Moustafa halt in his tracks as his hold loosened on me. Pushing me forward, my eyes flickered towards his face feeling cold dread shudder down my body. It was as though someone had pierced me with needles as I stared at the murderous look on the man's face.
Oh god!
" I'll take her inside"
A soft voice murmured from the doorway as I felt someone reach towards my hand and pull me inside. My eyes where glued on the man's cold ones, as they stared at me. Almost as if he could see in to my soul. Leaving me utterly breathless in that moment.
" What have you done Farya?"
Elif haunted voice reached my ears as the woman turned me towards her.
" Why Elif? Did I lie"
I spoke bitterly and I knew she didn't deserve it but what did they know. I could see the woman nod and look down before she glanced upwards.
" I know Farya, but Moustafa already sorted it and now you said it in front all of them"
She spoke softly, making me inhale sharply. Knowing there was no point in arguing with her. I walked up the stairs. Reaching the familiar room, I pushed the door open seeing clothes laid on the bed making my stomach turn. Feeling bad for snapping at Elif.
Throwing the jacekt on to the floor I wanted to scream at life. At fate for its cruel tale. Why me?
An hour must have passed or maybe two. I didn't quite know. But for some strange reason I was all dressed, the black stretchy dress reaching my knees accompanied by black leggings.
My hair was pulled in to a loose bun as a few strands fell down. Silence now haunted around me and I wondered where Deniz was. Whether he had gone back or he was still here.
The knock on the door suddenly had me looking upwards seeing Moustafa step inside. Leaving me breathless.
" Moustafa"
I whispered seeing him look upwards. His dark eyes staring down at me and my clothes before he looked up at me again.
" Your friend is waiting for you " He spoke his eyes flickering away from me as I nodded, confused.
" You're letting me see him?"
" You're not a prisoner Farya"
Was all he said as I stared at him gobsmacked but nonetheless stand up and rush out of the room. Just as I was about to walk down the stairs I felt a strong arm wrap around me as Moustafa pulled me towards him.
His hand slowly reached towards my jaw as he held on to it tightly, making me wince.
" Don't you ever embarrass me like that again Farya" He muttered darkly. His warm breath fanning across my face. And in that moment, I knew exactly what fear was. Fear was having Moustafa Aydin stare at you as if he could snap your soul within a second.
Nodding numbly, he released his hold and I walked down the stairs with Moustafa behind me. I could feel my feet pad against the cold floor. The silence now haunting each corner. Looking upwards my eyes landed on Murat leaning against the doorway. His cold eyes glaring at me.
Glancing over my shoulders I could see Elif brushing Mirya's hair whilst they sat next to the elderly man.
Looking away from them, I walked through the kitchen and in to the hallway and towards the guest room.
Swallowing in sharply, my gaze flickered towards Deniz sitting down awkwardly as he sipped on some tea. Cleary out of place.
The minute he saw me. He relaxed a little as he stood up making me smile. He was always the gentleman.
" Hi Deniz" I spoke walking towards him, but immediately stopped a few feet away knowing if I was to embrace him again. Things wouldn't go down well.
" Farya" He spoke yet there was a hint of sadness in his words as he greeted me. Sitting opposite the man, I felt him stare at me for the longest of times.
How crazy life is, a person I called my best friend was now like a stranger to me in this home.
" How's Guliez? And Nourie? Have you seen Nourie?" I rambled seeing Moustafa leaning near the doorway.
" She's good and Noursheen. She erh- she's gone. To Canada I mean"
He elaborated making me nod yet there was a stinging pain at the bottom of my heart. Noursheen left, already?
" I've bought your stuff. Your clothes and some other stuff. Nourie packed it, she wanted to come but your Dad-"
" It's okay. Thank you for bringing it" I spoke causing silence to fall around us. A soft sigh escaped the man's lips making me glance upwards. At loss for words.
" I- we miss you "
" I miss you too "
I spoke seeing Deniz smile as he glanced down at his wristwatch. It was as though there was a hundred of things the man wanted to say but refused to say them. Maybe because Moustafa's men were crawling all over the place.
" If you need anything Farya. I'm always here" He spoke as he stood up and I knew it was time for him to go. Yet it felt as though it had only been a minute since he came. Walking towards him, I felt Deniz reach towards his pocket as he pulled out a small gift bag, before nearing me.
" I'm going to help you escape. Just give me time"
He whispered in my ear as he embraced me quickly making me tense. The room atmosphere seemed to tighten as I stared at Deniz, taking a step back. Ignoring the murderous look Moustafa shot his way whilst he walked out of the room. Accompanied by Murat whilst Moustafa stood in the room. His dark eyes trained on me.
Oh No!
Glancing down at my shaky hands, I slowly walked towards the door. I felt a shadow loom over me allowing me to glance upwards, seeing Moustafa step in front of me.
Leaning in, his face was inches away from mine as he spoke.His dark voice reaching my ears.
" You let another man touch you;
yet not your husband"
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Gwen Bradbury has seen the end. Gwen Bradbury has learned fighting again. ******Gwen Bradbury's life is torture to her. She is floating above everyone else. Her existence is like a void, eating her up from the inside, little by little every day. Gwen wants freedom. She wants to escape. But she is not one to give up. The darkness and demons can't do anything to her, not again. She will fight till she can't take it anymore.Oliver Carlson isn't your typical boy next door. He isn't the popular bad boy with a dark past you will find in every book. Oliver is not cocky, not famous, not one with eight pack abs. He is quiet, silent, hiding in shadows, away from everyone else, on his own. He has learned to keep to himself, build his suits of armors up, and shut everyone out. Nobody really knows him. He doesn't care. What hurts is that when his popular brother Owen Carlson gets everything he wants, leaving Oliver nothing.So when Gwen Bradbury unintentionally unexpectedly crashes into Oliver Carlson's life, she tries to convince him that life is beautiful with her broad smile and crazy endeavors. Oliver does quite the opposite by shutting her out on the outside but maybe secretly slowly letting her own a piece of his heart.But what happens when both Oliver and Gwen are faced with disasters that make their second skin fall apart in front of their eyes abandoning only the truth?Completed.@girlofthetrees is the editor of this book."How is it possible for someone already have written such an amazing book and on top of it write another one," - @Nani2096, A reader of 'In Too Deep' about Floating."I love you and your books so muchh. The recent Floating chapter almost made me cry because it was so beautiful. I hope one day your books will get published and I'll be sure to buy them." - @sel__hHighest Ranking:#1 in depression#1 in hot#1 in slowburn#1 in friends#1 in sarcasm#1 in sad#1 in loneliness
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