
Akshara couldn't help, but laugh silently as she looked at her boss, the mighty Abhimanyu Birla's scared expressions.

He was dreaded.

Looking everywhere to release his tension, but at his PA Akshara Goenka with whom he always had some problem. He very well knew that she was really happy seeing him anxious over very little thing.

Well for him it was not at all.

If he could have, he would have thrown her out of his office, alas! He couldn't do so. She was at his office only on his own father Harsh Birla's request.

 And no, he had no authority to fire her for making fun of his fear.


His legs were fidgeting, his hands were shaking.

"How long this hell nurse gonna take to come?" he shouted angrily.

Akshara didn't say anything as she pretended she wasn't listening him.

However, she was busy laughing as she had hidden her face behind the file that she was reading.

Abhimanyu looked at her not paying attention, he got even more irked. But he said nothing to her.

'Never I was afraid of doing bungee jump but this. Where the heck I am trapped?'

He tapped his fingers on the arm rest of the chair.

"Mr. Birla, I am your PA not a care taker or a wife, I had come here on your father's request, but nothing more," Akshara said to herself although she wanted to say right on his face. "So, don't even expect me to try to calm you. At office you shout at every person you come across, so think this is just a punishment for that."

"Excuse me, did you say something?" he asked, as he furrowed his eyebrows.

Akshara got scared. She thought how did he really hear her when she was speaking in her mind. "Oh God this Angry grumpy bird can hear mind talks too?"


Abhimanyu waited for her answer.

"No, sir!" she simply answered.

"You know what? This is happening because of you. Neither you had told dad that I was sick, nor dad had asked me to come here for this freaking blood test."

'Yes, yes, blame it all on me. I care, that is why I am getting punishment.'

"You don't have to care for me!" he said furiously, as he had read Akshara's mind.

Akshara simply chose not to answer him but she was shocked. She decided to not to say anything.

Well, after long minutes of waiting, nurse had finally arrived.

"Mr. Birla, I am so sorry you had to wait."

"Can you just please make it fast? I am already so..." he got hold of his tongue and completed his sentence, "tired of waiting."

"Attitude, all the time.Won't admit that he is afraid," Akshara said as she rolled her eyes.

"Sir, please take off your coat, and roll your shirt sleeve up."

Abhimanyu so wanted to teach the nurse a lesson of making him wait plus increase his worry but he stayed quite.

"Sir, it will not hurt, don't worry!" Akshara said in a mocking tone.

"What the...?" he growled. "I am not scared, alright?!" he yelled.

"Poke syringe hard in his veins!" Akshara muttered to nurse.

Nurse looked at Akshara.

"Mam, he will sue me and this hospital."

"What the heck you both are talking about?"

"Nothing sir!" Akshara said.

Seeing the injection in nurse's hand he gulped the big, breath choking lump down his throat.

Akshara's laugh slowly changed to a sad smile and then in another moment it wasn't there.

She hadn't realized until now how much he was scared as he faced the syringe. Pain was all written on his face as the nurse injected syringe in his vein. His hand flew and Akshara tucked her hand underneath his hand.


Abhimanyu squeezed it tightly, his eyes were shut.

Being extra sensitive a single tear slipped from Akshara's eyes. Not only seeing Abhimanyu's pain, but in general as well, she couldn't see anyone in pain. However; with Abhimanyu she did share a different story.

They were enemies but still they cared for each other.

Once he had thrown cockroach in the dustbin that got on her desk. She felt bad for a reason now that never he had made fun of her fear.

"I am sorry," she silently apologized.

She opened her own eyes when nurse said she was done taking blood sample of Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu too opened his eyes. As his eyes fell of him holding her hand; he looked up at Akshara.

For a few moments, they just looked into each other's eyes.

"Sir, your blood reports will be back in three days and will be mailed to your general practitioner," nurse said.

Abhimanyu and Akshara's glare broke and they moved their hands back.

"I am sorry!" he said.

He suddenly rolled his sleeve down and left from there.

Akshara simply watched him go.

"Mr. Birla, your coat," nurse said.

"I take it for him!" Akshara said and took his coat from the chair.

She looked at her hand, which had red marks from his hand hold. She remembered the moment and little smile was tugged on the side of her lips.

Abhimanyu stopped and slowly he turned back to have a look at Akshara remembering the little moment of care that she showed to him.

For some unknown reason he smiled as he saw Akshara looking at him.

Her heart beat was going wild as for the very first time he smiled looking at her. Her hand flew to her chest. She could feel her every single beat.

Without thinking she returned the same smile.

Was it a start of something…?!

They didn’t know…

(I will the rest to your imaginations…)

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