《Eureka》↟ True End ↟
You scratched up and down your arms as last period begun to roll around. Some nervous bug was crawling in your stomach, it didn't let you feel at ease all day. You were going to let your friends die today with the true knowledge that you could have stopped it. You are only soothed by the assurance that the two men you love, the two men that have helped you, are going to use this to get you three a happy ending.
Billy was smart and capable of anything, you knew that well. Hell, that's how he got you as a friend. And although Stu was nowhere near as smart, he was definitely loyal and his emotional availability made him an unlikely murder suspect. The two boys seem like exact opposites together, and that's probably why you worried so much about how this plan was going to play out. For once, the unpredictability of the two and their antics didn't bring you any comfort.
You didn't know what to feel, your first high school party and kids are going to wind up bloody and dead all because of two boyfriends and a convoluted break up plot. You could stop it, but the idea if losing Billy and Stu was a lot to you. You've never really had this type of relationship with anyone before, so the idea of putting them in jail when they trusted you like that is a lot to take. Actually, you've never had any relationship before. This was all kind of a lot.
You felt as though the reality of the murder that would be happening hasn't set in yet. It's something else to hear about the murders, it's another thing to see them happen. A completely different thing to know your first boyfriends ever were going to be responsible for all of them. The only thing that brought you peace was the concept of you getting knocked out. That in of itself is disturbing. The idea of waking up with a head ache and an entire home of dead people- not just people- dead friends, is a terrifying concept that hasn't completely sunk in yet.
You hardly spoke a word to anyone today. It was already typical of you but normally your motive is just that you lack a major understanding in social queues. Not your worry of coming off as shady right before your friends pull off a mass murder. You couldn't even focus on your classwork, regardless of how simple it was today. You half-assed most of it knowing that the teachers were going easy on everyone because of recent events.
You loved horror movies a lot as a kid. After your dad left your mom with you and your sister, you kinda latched on to the one thing you guys shared in common. He didn't leave you anything behind, anyway to make the sudden loss easy on you. But you had horror movies in common. He showed you all kinds of scary movies when you were growing up, even taking you to theaters despite your mom's disapproval. And you loved the movies, even when they would scare the life out of you.
As you grew up, you loved slashers like Michael Myers or Billy Lenz. You found yourself cheering for the young women who fought them and lived, but now you're actively helping the killers - even if you're doing so in the minor way of knowing and not doing anything. It's funny, a popular question Randy used to bring up a lot when you two worked together was;
'What stereotype are you in a horror film?'
The answer you used to always give was the same; the virgin that just wasn't hot enough to be the final girl, and instead gets killed in the first 30 mins as a filler to make the movie feature length. Somehow, the true outcome of a horror movie brought to life was less expected. Guess you should of given yourself more credit. Not many people can rope in the killer was a boyfriend- especially when there's two of them.
The real world was so strange. You would have never pinned the killer as the troubled dorks who've gone out of their way to be so kind to you. Who taught you to take time and enjoy life while actively taking away the lives of other people. Maybe you need to learn how to read people a bit better.
Your introspection meant very little as you started to approach Stu's home. The weather outside was nice, the breeze was cool and the sun was warm. And it felt like the perfect day. A great evening, a party all at Stu's parent's home. Once you stepped in the final act of this all would begin. Wherever you, Billy and Stu went from here wasn't really up to you. It was a plan already set in stone, and you had no idea how long ago it was put into action.
You invite yourself in and find the two sitting on the sofa in the living room, going through a small stack of rented horror films and taking bets on which one would cause Randy to go into a rant on how it had the best final girl and why. You grin kissing both of them on the back of the head.
"Already planning Randy's movie breakdowns? Dang, you guys are good." You say glancing around "Is anyone else home?"
Billy shakes his heads "Just you, me, and Stu." He says turning back to grin at you "You look good."
You shake your head chuckling "Billy, this is the same outfit I wore when I saw you in study hall about three hours ago."
He grins taking your hand and pulling you onto the sofa next to him "Yeah? Well, I guess the change of scenery did a lot for you. You're just glowing." He says running his fingers through your hair as you relax into him.
You giggle a bit and send Stu a grin, him returning it and reaching over to grab your hand and trace his thumb around your palm "Are you nervous at all?" Stu asked "You don't have to be, don't worry, we'll keep you far away from all the action. You just have to wait it out."
You sigh a small bit "I can't help being nervous. Killing your friends and moving cities isn't exactly a normal party game, you know?"
He chuckles "I understand that but don't worry, we've got a really good plan. When you wake up you're going to be a survivor. Poor girl tied up by the killer, left for dead in a closet while your best friends bleed out downstairs. We'll all be survivors of a horrible tragedy. It'll make us stars in a way. People love tragedy."
You nod a bit "Where are you guys going to go though? You do have a plan for that don't you?"
Billy nods "We are going to make ourselves look like victims, the same as you. But we are going to a little bit more of an extreme."
Stu nods in agreement and you sigh a bit shaking your head at them "Please don't do anything too stupid. I want to wake up and see you guys again."
They both pull you into a hug quickly.
"Of course you're going to see us again, don't be stupid. You're stressing yourself over something you can't control either way." Stu says quietly.
"Yeah, for such a smart kid you're acting pretty dumb. We've gone this far and have done everything right, nothing's gonna stop us now. We're gonna get out of this dumb town and make something of ourselves." Billy adds on as he ruffles your hair with his free hand, the other hand wrapped tightly around you.
"And what if things go wrong? And I wake up and I'm alone and I'll never see you guys again?" You asked staring them down with worry and concern.
Billy frowns a bit and takes both of your hands tightly, staring you down with confidence "If we get hurt somehow, or if we get caught. You're still going to play a lovely survivor for us, okay? You'll go so far and you'll get out of this town without us. You were always going to be okay in this plan."
You shake your head quickly "No, I won't be okay without you guys! I don't even know what I want to do with myself, I don't know how I'm going to be able to go on without you two." You respond gripping his hands tightly "You and Stu are everything to me, what am I going to make of myself with you guys gone or in jail?"
Billy only grips your hands tighter "You're talking crazy. (Y/n) you're more than enough of a person without us. I promise that you'll find something great if things go wrong. Because you're great, even without me and Stu there."
You sniffle a bit "You really think that?"
"I know that." He says pecking your cheek "That's why we loved you so much to begin with. You're fascinating."
You find yourself grinning a small bit, leaning over to give Billy a kiss on the cheek "I hope I see you again, when everything is over. We should move somewhere really nice. A smaller town or something where we can just relax together."
Stu grins hugging you from behind "We can get a big house where we can watch all the scary movies we want, and snuggle every night without any worries."
You giggle a bit leaning more into him "Yeah? And what kinda job do you wanna get over there?"
He grins "A job? Can't I be a stay at home mom or something?"
You cackle at this and nod excitedly "You'd make a wonderful stay at home mom, you just have to brush up on your cooking skills a bit."
"You're supposed to be skilled at it?" He whines playfully "Isn't boiling noodles enough?"
"You both are absolute idiots, you better be lucky that I love you guys." Billy says leaning over and kissing lightly at your neck "You especially, you are lucky you're so cute."
Chuckling you drag your fingers through his hair "I don't know where you got that idea from, but I'm thankful you think it. Landed me with two amazing boyfriends."
Stu grins kissing at your ear lightly "You know you're cute as fuck, stop trying to avoid the idea. Do you know how many boys have tried to talk to you and you just cut them off because you were too busy with classwork?"
"Us included. You hated me and Stu at the beginning of this school year." Billy chimes in with a smug grin.
You shake your head "I didn't hate you guys! I just thought you both were up to something- and I was completely right by the way! I just didn't think it was mass murder."
"Yeah but how many boys do you know our age can tackle a relationship and homicide? Think about it babe, you scored with us." He jokes pecking your lips.
"Oh god, whatever." You retort flicking his forehead playfully and glancing over at the clock "The party is going to start soon, isn't it? Sidney and Tatum should be here really soon..."
They both nod pulling away from you hesitantly "I guess so," Stu mumbled "I hope you really enjoy the party (Y/n). We'll do our best to make it really fun."
You kiss his cheek "I'll have a lot of fun, especially with you guys as host. I guess you guys are going to hang out with Sid and Tatum for a bit of the party, huh?" You grumble "Man, I wish I didn't make things between me and Randy super weird."
Billy chuckles getting up from the sofa "Oh don't worry about that, it will hardly matter much longer anyways."
Stu follows him off the sofa and almost directly after there's a knock on the door. Stu and Billy grin "It's showtime," Stu chuckled "Billy, wanna go hide out and wait for Sidney to show?"
Billy nods a bit "Keep the party entertaining until we kick off, right?" He turns over to you and sends you a small smile "And (Y/n), don't stress yourself out it will all be fine. You'll know when everything is going to happen, and even if you're scared that's okay."
Stu grins patting your head "Yeah don't worry, we'd never let you get hurt."
You move over to Billy and give him a small kiss before stepping back "Right... Okay, I think I'm ready. I really am."
Billy grins patting your head "That's my girl." He mumbles before kissing your cheek and moving away from you, heading out the backdoor and leaving you with Stu, who moved out of the room a moment later to answer the door for guest.
You moved to the kitchen and grabbed a solo cup from the stack, filling it with a mix of berry flavored vodka and Dr Pepper. This was going to be a long night, you reminded yourself. You chugged it down fast and filled the cup with water. It would be enough alcohol for now. You only needed enough to raise your confidence.
You didn't even know some of the first few people that showed up to the party, other than a small handful of peers you've had in either classes or clubs. But you weren't really close enough to these people to hold a conversation with them.
You settled for spending time on the sofa, watching some movie that Stu put on before the party was starting. It only had about 20 minutes left. You're sure that Randy would be here with his own collection of movies to watch very soon. And he will insist to tell you 100 tiny details about that movie, and you'd happily listen- because Randy doesn't have all that knowledge in his head for nothing.
Speaking of the devil, he didn't even knock on the way in. I don't think anyone saw him coming until he threw a stack of DvD's on the living room coffee table and gathered a small crowd so he could start taking votes on the movie.
He seemed to be ignoring you. Which didn't shock you in the slightest giving your last interaction with the boy didn't go so well. Still, you wanted to apologize to him before the night ended. You'd have to confront him at some point during this party.
Other than John Carpenter's 1978 classic Halloween, the night was uneventful. Something about high school parties being so hyped up in every film ever made it seem like there was so much more to look forward too. But nope, just kids in a room. The only thing that makes this different from hanging with friends normally is the alcohol and sex. Which wasn't that appealing when you knew the night would end with a few funerals at the very least.
"Hey, do you go to Woodsboro? I've never seen you around before." A boy asked walking up to you, sitting besides you on the sofa.
You nod your head "Yeah, I graduate this year." You said "How about you?"
"Oh I'm a senior, too! So strange how I haven't seen you around. I mean, you're super pretty." He says grinning at you "How about we go get a drink?"
You feel your body tense a bit and you get up "Oh, sorry, you have the wrong idea- I'm uh, with someone right now."
He narrows his eyes a bit "Oh, okay. Where are they? You seem pretty lonely out here, did they not come?"
"They're just late," You chime in quickly "They're having some trouble getting out of the house with the curfew. Strict parents."
He gets up and moves closer to you "How long do you think until he gets here?"
"Oh, um... I don't know..?" You asked moving away.
He grabs your arm "Why not hang out with me until they get here?"
"S-Sorry but-"
"Hey, don't bother her, her boyfriend won't be so happy with that." You hear someone chime in as they walk up and push the dude's chest so he lets go of your arm.
"Oh," The stranger quickly says "Sorry, then. Musta' misread the situation."
"No, you read it right. But you know that. You just tried to take advantage of it." Randy said gesturing for you to move over to him, which you quickly did. You were completely shocked to see him so serious. He was hardly this way with anyone.
The stranger just sends him a glare and quickly leaves. Randy turns to you and sighs a bit "Sorry about butting it but I had a feeling you weren't really happy about him."
You shake your head quickly "Don't apologize- thank you, really." You say grabbing his arm lightly "Hey, is there any way I can talk to you in private?" You ask quietly.
"Sure," He says quietly "I've already seen the movie playing in the living room 100 times."
You grin softly and pull him to the side, farther away from the crowds that were forming in Stu's home. You lean in closer to him so you can talk quietly with him. He was staring you down intently, like he had no idea where this was going but he had a million different wishes.
You knew that Randy didn't have much longer. You're the only one who knew what would be happening tonight. What would be happening to Randy once Billy and Stu decided to play dress up and knock you out. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to give the boy a little hope. So you two didn't end on a sour note. He didn't deserve that.
"I wanted to apologize for how I acted with you, Randy. I was rude, I just didn't know how to react at all. Truth is you're not a bad dude. As socially awkward as you are, I think you're a great boy. I didn't mean to crush you like that." You say taking his hand and squeezing it a bit.
He nods "It's fine, I guess I shouldn't have dumped all that information on you. I was just so caught up in everything going on lately, I just didn't see the harm in going for it. Real life isn't like the movies, I guess. Geeks like me will never get the girl."
"No, Randy, don't think like that, please," You say "I... I wanted to ask... I mean, if it doesn't bother you... Would you like to go out with me next week? Bailey's ice cream parlor? Just us two." You asked hesitantly, watching for his response.
His eyes widen and his mouth drops open "A... Are you serious? What about Billy? Stu? Didn't you love them?"
You nod your head nervously "Y-Yeah, but I've been thinking about it and there's no way I could live a life like I want with them. Either of them. They're just friends when it's all said in done. They've never even showed interest in me." You forced yourself to lie. You expected guilt to well up in your stomach, but Randy looked so happy as you finished talking.
"Oh, you're serious- I'd love to go on a date with you! I've never really been on one so this will be so much fun. Don't worry, I'll make you forget all about your heartbreak." He says grabbing your hands quickly before flinging himself against you and hugging you tightly.
You hug back weakly. It felt horrible to be the one that knew that this date would never come. That Randy would most likely be dead by the end of the night. That the idea of it was just something you made to cheer Randy up. But it worked. He was overjoyed. Any sorrow he felt towards you melted away.
He pulls away from you grinning like an idiot "You won't regret it, (Y/n)! Promise." He says quickly.
"I know I won't, Randy." You say grinning a bit at him "It will be fun."
He was about to open his mouth and say something else, when someone upstairs called your name. You turned to see Stu, who waved at the two of you and gave you a gesture for you to follow him. Your stomach sank a bit- this was it, you thought. It was time.
You send a small grin to Randy "I guess Stu needs me." you said quietly patting his shoulder "Go give those party goers a lecture on horror movies for me, won't you? They don't understand the art like you do."
Randy grins at you "You bet, maybe after you're back we can watch the movie together?"
You nod smiling "That sounds nice. I'd like that."
He smiles and walks off, back to the living room. You reluctantly pull your eyes from the boy. If all went well tonight, that would be the last you'd see of him. You follow Stu up the staircase and flash him a nervous grin, one that he returns and gives you a thumbs up. You follow him down the hall to a bedroom.
Billy sits on the bed. This is the first time you've seen him in that shitty costume. He's messing with the knife in his hand as he looks up at you "Hey, (Y/n)."
You smile at him "Hey, Billy. Fancy meeting you here."
He nods "I could say the same." He retorts gesturing you over "Come here."
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