《Eureka》⇜ Chapter Six ⇝
Stu sat in front of you, on your bed. You, however, couldn't sit still, moving around the room quickly.
"Why would they think that of Billy? He's not even that troubled of a kid!" You whisper shouted, not wanting to make a huge scene out of an already pretty tense moment.
Stu just shrugged a bit, giving you a worried look "Please, don't freak out. I'm sure they'll find that he's not the killer and everything will be fine..." the boy stopped you and had you turn to face him so he could take your hands and rub them a small bit in attempt to comfort you "He just got caught at the wrong place at the wrong time."
You shake your head a bit "B-But they don't care, they're just going to see if Billy fits the idea of what they want to be the culprit and jail him! Remember what the cops said to me a few days ago? They already have a bias out for you two..."
Stu pulls you onto the bed and makes you rest your head into his chest so he can pet your head "Billy is going to be fine, okay? I promise that."
You nodded a small bit relaxing into him "Stu... Please don't leave me tonight, please? I feel horrible, like there's a weight sinking in my stomach. You know, that feeling you get when something really bad is going on but you don't know what..."
"(Y/n), please don't panic. Things are going to be okay. The police are just worried is all, they'll let Billy go once they realize that he couldn't have been the killer. I'll stay with you tonight, if it makes you feel better..." He said with a tiny little smile, which made you feel a little more relaxed.
He practically picks you up and pulls you more onto the bed, laying you back on the pillow and laying besides you, throwing the blanket over both of you. He pulls you closer into his chest and lets you relax into him.
"Wouldn't your girlfriend get upset at you doing this?" You asked quietly resting your head on his chest.
"I don't really care, she seems to get mad at everything I do." He sighs "Besides, she's at a sleepover with Sidney. They are probably both talking shit about Billy after having him thrown in jail for a few nights."
You sigh a bit "You should really just dump that bitch," You grumble, before quickly covering your mouth "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said something mean like that-"
You're cut off by a sharp laugh "Sorry? You're right. I need to do it soon, anyways. The only thing she is to me is a giant pain in my backside." He responded "She tries to get in the way of me hanging out with you and Billy but she ditches me all the time to hang with Randy or Sidney."
You nod a bit "Y-Yeah, you always talk about how she drains you a lot."
"I used to just think all women were like that; just mean, snobby, so I thought I'd just have to settle for them like that. But then I met you and now I know that not all women are bitches." He admits.
You cackle a small bit, shaking your head "Of course not all women are like that! A lot of girls at our school are really nice! You just have a thing for finding jerks."
"I think you're the nicest."
You felt your cheeks warm a bit, you shift a bit shyly in Stu's arms "I'm not, really. You guys are just really kind to me, I can be a real pain sometimes."
Stu shook his head pulling you closer to his chest "No you aren't, we've already told you, stop saying dumb stuff like that." He says patting your nose with his index finger "You stress yourself over the little things too much, (Y/n). Billy and I love you, that's that."
"You guys are too nice." You say relaxing your head into his chest "What could I do to repay you guys for all this that would ever be enough?"
"What do you mean?" He asked patting your head.
"You guys make me feel like a human being. Before I kinda felt like... a machine. I just got through day by day, and hoping- I didn't really know what for, but... then you guys started talking to me and I finally realized, this is what I was waiting for. That's why I'm so worried about Billy, I want to help you guys like you've helped me but right now he's sitting in a jail cell and I... I'm so lost..."
Stu stared at you for a moment, moving his head down to kiss your head "How about... to repay us... you start being nicer to yourself, okay?" He said quietly "Starting with getting a good night's rest. The bags under your eyes look horrible, you need to sleep."
You shake your head a bit "I can't, I'm worried abou-"
"Billy will be fine. Besides, I'll be with you all night, okay? If anything new happens, I'll wake you up. Until then, I want you to rest."
You frown a bit but you relax into his chest "You're right, Stu. Thanks..." You say resting your head on his chest, relaxing more into his body as he pets your hair.
You start to feel less nervous as you feel his fingers run through your hair, a small smile working it's way on to your face. You felt his other hand places on your back, rubbing it softly to comfort you. You listened to his breathing as he focused on getting you to relax. He seemed so calm, like he knew nothing could go wrong. That somehow, he knew Billy was going to be released and everything was going to be okay. That confidence made you feel at ease. You let your eyes close and gradually, you start to fall asleep.
You wake up to the feeling of a warmth close around you. You turn yourself around to find Stu, still with his arms around you and his body pressed against yours. You grin a bit, moving more into his side, snuggling your face into his chest. You never really understood the appeal of sleeping partner, but you never felt how good it was to wake up next to someone you really liked until now. You totally understand the hype now.
You feel fingers brush through your hair as Stu starts to wake up "Morning, dork." He says with a huge yawn. You giggle a bit, sitting up happily.
"You stayed all night?" You asked "I really assumed you'd leave in the middle of the night to harass the employees at the nearest 7 Eleven."
He chuckled "Of course I'd stay. I wouldn't have you wake up alone after everything that happened last night. Actually, I think I have some good news for you; Billy was released this morning. They traced back the phone calls and couldn't link him to the murders. He'll meet us here so we can walk to school."
You gasp turning to face him with a large grin "Really? I knew it! Those stupid cops!" You cheer jumping up from the bed "I should hurry and get dressed, then! When is Billy gonna get here?"
"Soon enough, I'm sure. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. You go ahead and do your lady things." He says yawning as he pulls himself out of the bed and walks to the bathroom down the hall. Luckily your sister was already off with your mom, probably dropping her off at school before work. You changed into a sweater and a high waisted maxi skirt, throwing your hair around until you fixed it in the way you liked.
Stu comes back after a moment, a grinning idiot as always. He pecks your cheek lightly "I have a feeling it's going to be a wonderful day for us, don't you?"
You nod a bit "I think I'm picking up the good vibes. Should we wait for Billy, then?"
He nods patting your head "Absolutely. Speaking of which; I think Billy and Sid might be a little bit... tense around each other, especially after the whole allegation thing. I mean, of course the relationships gotta be a little rocky after you accuse your boyfriend of murder."
You nod a bit "So I'm guessing we shouldn't push it with the group today? Especially around Sidney?"
He nods "Yep," He wraps his arms around you "Maybe Tatum, too. Not for drama reasons just because she's annoying."
You laugh a bit shaking your head "You need to break up with her at one point, idiot. You can't just avoid it forever. You'll finally get to date nice, cooler girls when you do!"
He shakes his head "I will, I'm just waiting for the right time to break it to her... Got any girls lined up for me once I'm a single man?"
You giggle shaking your head "What? You know I'm a loser! Don't really know anyone you'd probably like."
"What kinda girl do you think I'd like?" He asked pulling you back onto the bed, sitting close beside him.
"Well, you need someone who's nicer for sure, but you are a bit of a goofball sometime, so you'll need someone to balance that out, you know? Kinda like how Billy does with you, but different." You explain.
Stu grins "Really? You're pretty nice, and you balance me out a lot." He leans closer into you, his arms around your waist.
You feel a blush rise onto your face, struggling to process what that implied "Wha... What exactly are you trying to say?"
He chuckles "Nothing, I just mean, you're a really cool girl, and me and Billy really like having you around, you know. And I could always tell you've seen us as more than friends for awhile."
You blush looking down "I-I mean... I guess I have, but still, won't it make the friend group awkward if you were to break up with Tatum for me? And how would that make Billy feel? I really like Billy, I don't want to ruin things with us three."
"Well, he kinda already knows about this little idea." He says "And he doesn't really have much of a problem with it."
You feel Stu push closer against you, his breath is basically on your neck. You lean more into him, but it feels wrong to. You've wanted something like this for awhile, but was it right to betray Tatum like this? I mean, she has been really rude to him their whole relationship. And you're not sure how honest he is about the whole Billy-being-fine-with-it thing.
Stu grabs your chin turning to to face him, with a grin he leans in closer to your body, his lips almost against yours before you hear a knock on the door "T-That's probably Billy." You whispered quietly moving off the bed shyly.
You glance back and you notice the disappointed look on Stu's face. You couldn't just leave him like this. You go over and grab his hand pulling him up "S-Sorry for making this awkward, I really do like you but we should really talk this over with Billy first before we make a impulse decision that ruins our friendship."
He lightens up, pulling you close to his chest and giving you a small peck on the cheek "Alright, we'll talk it, then. All of us."
You nod a bit as you both head downstairs to let Billy in. He's standing at the door, huge bags under his eyes like he didn't sleep the entire night he spent in that jail. You quickly rush onto the porch and hug him tightly "Never scare me like that again, you idiot! I was so worried!"
Billy quickly returns the hug, burying his face deep in your hair "I missed you guys, that place is cold as fuck. Remind me to never go back?"
You giggle a bit pulling him into the house. Stu grins at him and gives him a small wink, which he returns with a small grin. You pretend not to notice it, after all; it's probably just something dumb you don't really need to worry about.
You have them follow you upstairs back to the bedroom, where you sit on the edge of your bed. Stu sits close behind you and Billy right across from you on the other corner of the bed. You both sit for a moment, Billy and Stu both focusing on you and you nervously fiddling with your fingers as you try to think of something to say.
"You should of seen her, Bill. (Y/n) was panicking when I told her, she was so worried for you." Stu said with a small chuckle "She couldn't sleep until 2 AM, she was so stressed."
Billy grins grabbing your hand, squeezing it tightly "Sorry for scaring you, I'm sure Stu tried to calm you down a lot, but I knew I was going to be fine. They have nothing on me, after all. I just showed up at the wrong time."
You nodded a bit "I-I know, I shouldn't of panicked so much. It's just... Those cops seemed to hate you so much. They just see you as some dumb kid who should rot and jail and I was so scared they were just gonna-"
Billy pulls you close against him, tightening his arms around your smaller body. He buries his face into the side of your head "Hey, don't worry, it's all okay now. I'm totally fine. I'm glad you were worried for me, it's really nice to know you care. But I don't want you to be so stressed over me..."
You push yourself more into him, wrapping your arms around him tightly "I love you guys, please don't leave me..."
You feel another pair of arms move around you, Stu pulling himself into the hug as well "Don't worry, we'd never just leave you..." Stu mumbles pecking you on the top of the head. You smile a small bit pulling both of them closer, relaxing more into them.
"Thanks, guys. You guys are so much better than anyone at that dumb ass school." You say with a grin "I love you idiots. Please don't get arrested for double homicide again?"
"No promises." Stu remarks chuckling. The two pull away to give you some space. You grin at the two, getting up from the bed "I'll make us breakfast, okay? I can make a mean egg and cheese sandwich. Do you guys like bacon?"
"I'll pass on that." Stu chuckles "But I'm sure Billy won't."
Billy nods in agreement and watches you head off to the kitchen, happily making them some good food. As you cook, they seem to be talking pretty intensely. You can really only hope that Stu didn't decide to bring up the whole dating thing directly after Billy got out of jail. They didn't seem to sound mad, just like they were debating something important.
You come back with three plates, all with sandwiches on them You sit between the two once again, munching down your sandwich quietly trying to ignore the very awkward environment the room was in once you came back.
The two besides you quietly ate their food, exchanging glances from each other than back to you. You tried to avoid eye contact, looking off in the distance at the window, the dresser- really anything that wasn't the two men besides you.
You finished up and set your plate on your nightstand to take downstairs after the other two finished. You glance back at the two, who were both looking at each other like they wanted the other to say something. You sigh a bit "Okay, I'll bite; what are you guys up to?"
"What?" Stu asked.
You roll your eyes "Don't be dumb, you guys were talking about something while I was gone and now I'm back and you guys look so... tense? Nervous? What is it?"
Billy sighs "Sometimes I really hate how you can see right through us, you know?"
"I know, that's why I try not to say something most the time. But this is really weird, weirder than normal. Stu please don't tell me you guys talked about... the thing?" You asked.
Stu laughed nervously stretching his back out "Ha... Yeah... We kinda did, sorry (Y/n). But don't worry nothing bad! Just... We were both too nervous to bring it up to you and all, it's just sorta a big deal."
You nod a bit "S-So... are you okay with it Billy? It's okay if you aren't, I wouldn't put anything above my friendship with you guys, and I'm really good at not acting on my emotions!"
Billy starts to chuckle grabbing your hand "(Y/n), sweetie, no." He pulls you to sit between Stu and him again "We were actually talking about it and... We very obviously don't feel much for our own girlfriends anymore. Tatum and Sidney are nice but... they see us more as a burden than anything else."
"Y-Yeah, I've kinda noticed that." You mumble looking down. As soon as you do, though, Billy grabs your chin using it to push your head back up to look at him.
"So me and Stu have both been talking and we both realized that you make us a lot more happy. And we seem to make you really happy, way more than Randy might, you know? And we're really close to each other, all of us. So we were kinda wondering..." As Billy spoke you felt Stu move closer behind you, playing with your hair as Billy spoke, you felt his breath on the back of your neck, and both of their eyes latched onto you.
"Would you ever maybe... you know..." Billy mumbled quietly trailing off for a moment
"B-Billy, Stu, you aren't... You don't mean you guys wanna-?" You think aloud, your cheeks felt like they were on fire. You felt like you might pass out if Billy moved any closer, if Stu moved his hand to your waist again.
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