《I struck a deal with the Devil》Chapter 20 - The chase is never ending✔
In the cold winter night, the air inside the big airport hall was starting to become more than suffocating as six teenagers walked through the crowd of unstable and very dull humans.
Violets heels clicked as they made contact with the tiled floor. Her eyes were focused on the blue haired girl who was shaking in the snow filled night outside. Her brown orbs were glowing as she smiled at the few boys lingering and waiting around.
"My your attracting attention as always." Mina giggled.
"Well somebody's gotta do it."
Violet walked next to Luca with a big smile on her face. She was emitting such a happy go lucky aura that it made Andrew gag.
"Someone's happy." Diana said, as the teens walked out.
"How couldn't I be? If you did your job right I shall be bursting of joy in about three hours!" Violet answered.
Diana rolled her eyes and started walking towards a big black van.
"What's up with the black vans?" Violet asked.
"You just noticed it?" Andrew asked, narrowing his eyes.
Violet just sticked her tongue out at him. They all shuffled inside and Diana drove them off to their permanent home.
The van pulled up in front of a smaller building. As everyone got out they followed Diana inside. As they walked in they found out that this is a five story building, and three levels were theirs. They walked through the entrance and Mina almost jumped when she saw their first door neighbor.
"Why are you so jumpy?" Bogdan asked.
"N-No reason, let's just go." The white haired girl pushed him up the stairs.
"Welcome to your new home." Diana opened the door.
Violet was struck with awe seeing the beautiful living area in front of her.
It was big enough to fit three storage houses. The walls were a deep sea green, with beautiful flower vine motives. The furniture in the room was white as snow, with beautiful green accessories. A big fire place was placed on the big wall. The kitchen was an open concept one and in the far right corner of the living space white marble stairs glowed.
Violet smiled and walked up the stairs.
"Violet, the girls rooms are on the second floor." Diana said.
Violet nodded and headed up. When she, Mina and Masha made it up the stairs to the second floor, they decided to play rock, paper, scissors for their rooms.
Masha got the twilight colored room, that consisted of a queen sized bed, an en suit and a walk in closet.
Mina got the same type of room, but the walls were a deep pink.
Violet's room was a bit different. Her walls were a deep wine red color, with black roses and crows as the motives. The bed was a king size and it was placed in the right corner under the window. She had an en suite and a walk in closet, but also there was one more door in her room. Violet placed her things by the bed and went over to the mystery door.
She open it and a small stair case was in front of her. She slowly walked up and her eyes glittered in joy. The mystery door led to her own personal library, filled with books. She walked inside mesmerized by the variety of books. Her eyes scanned every sheet carefully, until her eyes spotted a black envelope on the small table in the middle of the room.
Walking over and getting the envelope in between her fingers, Violet felt a burning sensation at the tips of her fingers as she opened it. Inside a white paper was neatly folded. Violet's eyes flew over it as she read the beautiful hand writing.
Dear Violet,
I am really sorry for hurting your feelings last time you came. It was not my intention. I was just afraid that you'd end up like me. I don't want you to be an emotionless person and push all the people you care for away.
Even if you are a demon, a dweller of the night, most of us become emotionless because of the revenge we seek. I shall not stop you, but I will warn you to keep in mind what I wrote here.
So I am gifting you this library and Dracul, so they can help you on this journey you have decided to take, but be careful, the girl you are after has shown sights of a seer, and she is ready for you.
Please be careful,
Love, Lucifer.
Only in that moment Violet saw the small dragon sleeping on the red victorian sofa. She was gripping the letter with great force, but decided to place it back in the envelope and in a book near her.
She placed the book on the shelf and looked at Dracul. She heaved a sigh and picked up the small dragon. She walked out the library, closing and locking the door behind her. She laid down on her bed and closed her eyes.
Sleep was slowly taking over her, and before she even knew it, she was on her way to visit Lucifer in Hell.
Violet woke up to a beautiful howl in the distant night. She was still sleepy but for some reason cold.
She forced the sleep out of her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows. For some reason she did not see Lucifer anywhere. She was in his room or so she thought.
Violet got off the bed and decided to search for the young man. She decided to start from his bathroom, but found nothing.
His bathroom was quite big, with black and white tiles, and a really big bathtub.
"It is still funny every time I think about it." Violet said, with a faint smile on her face.
She heaved a sigh and decided to walk around the castle. Checking the garden, Lucifer's study, even the dinning hall; Violet only found the castle empty.
"Why would he call me here, if he's not even around?" Violet mumbled to herself.
"And how do you expect us to advance in this situation?"
Violet heard the one voice of the man she was desperately looking for. It was coming from the door on her left. She peeked through the crack to see Lucifer's horns and a weird looking human in front of him.
"My king, I mean no harm, it is my duty as a sin eater to kill them." The human spoke.
"In which perspective have you got the right to attack a Hell hound?"
"Hell hound?" Violet's eyes widened. "Is he talking about MY Hell hounds?"
The human only smiled. He then took a look behind the Devil in front of him, and saw a small girl peeking through the door.
"My king, I should warn you, the riders are not satisfied with your choice for the queen."
"Is that the reason why you are rebelling and disobeying me?"
Through the whole conversation, the Devil was calm, he never once raised his voice.
"My king, we mean you no disrespect, we just have a more suitable... Queen... in mind..."
"Oh really? And what makes you think she is more suitable?" The Devil leaned forward, placing his chin atop his hands.
"Our candidate has already killed and earned her power through that death." The human smiled and looked at Violet.
The small brunette narrowed her eyes and sent a chilly glare towards him. Her eyes were changing in a different way than before.
"You are free to go." Lucifer said. "But have this in mind, I will only have one queen of my choice, not yours."
The man disappeared and Lucifer sighed. He leaned back in his throne and closed his eyes.
Violet walked into the room, and stepped in front of the young Devil. His hair was silky and his horns were beautiful. They were a dark black color, that reminded her of the midnight sky and they had the shape of a goats horns. Lucifer was wearing black leather pants, with a white dress shirt and dark brown boots. He might have worn a simple outfit, but it made Violet's heart beat in an unruly fashion.
"You sure are calm, with a bride more capable than me being offered to you on a silver plate." Violet said a bit sadly.
Lucifer opened his eyes and smiled at her. He extended his hand towards her and Violet took it without hesitation. He pulled the small girl into his lap and caressed her cheek.
"I would never change you as my bride. No woman ever will be as beautiful as you are."
Violet blushed for the first time in a long time. She looked up at Lucifer and did the same thing he did to her, which caught Lucifer by surprise.
"Thank you. For gifting me a beautiful library and letting Dracul stay with me." Violet blushed a deeper shade of red as she made her next move.
She pulled Lucifer's face closer and kissed him on the lips.
Lucifer was having one surprise after another; but they were all most welcoming.
He returned the kiss, but instead of Violet feeling hot and aroused, Lucifer was beginning to experience the effect he left on Violet. He pulled away from the kiss, giving Violet a few moments to catch her breath, but in reality he was doing the same.
"You really won't give up your revenge plan, will you?"
"I thought you said that you won't stop me." Violet pouted.
Lucifer only chuckled. He leaned his forehead on Violet's and closed his eyes.
"Yeah, I won't stop you. But only if you give me one more kiss."
Violet felt the blush creep up her ears, but nevertheless she tilted her head up and kissed him.
"I promise to be safe and take care of myself and the rest of the gang."
Lucifer smiled and continued kissing Violet senselessly.
Violet was ready for a battle, but she was not ready for a war.
After Violet finished unpacking her things, she changed into a pair of wine red jeans, black army boots and a Sabaton hooded jersey. She patted Dracul on the head and the small dragon opened his eyes.
"Viowet... Where are you going?"
"To finish this never ending cat and mouse game."
"Can I come with you?"
"Of course, let's go."
Dracul flew up onto Violet's shoulder and they went down to the living area. Luca and Mina were waiting for her, while the rest went away already.
When the two saw her, Luca picked up Violet's coat and they went out to the car outside.
"So today its a BMW?" Violet asked.
"Diana and the rest took the van." Mina shrugged.
"Come on, before the bitch changes her whereabouts." Luca said.
The doors of the car clicked as they all sat inside. Luca started the engine and drove off to their destination.
The whole ride was quiet and filled with anticipation. Violet's eyes were fixed on the passing scenery. The memories over flooded her mind for some reason. The one that stuck and didn't go away was the time when Jena and her were on a school field trip.
They spent that whole day together, and haven't slept a wink because they decided to call up the rest of their friends and sing to them. She remembered that one of those friend's commented how the movie was good and never even paid attention to their singing. That time Mia wasn't in the picture, neither was Ursula. That time it was just the two of them and no one else.
Luca pulled up at the studio where Jena had her audition for a movie or tv show. Violet wasn't sure which.
Andrew, Bogdan, Egor and Diana were waiting for them. Inside. As they met up, the deal was for Luca and Andrew to stick with Violet, while the rest were making sure no one was disturbing them.
Violet, Luca and Andrew walked to the dressing rooms and found Jena's. Violet took a deep breath.
"Stay here." She said to the boys and walked in.
Closing the door behind her she leaned on the same one. Jena was sitting in front of the mirror. She wasn't fazed or surprised by Violet's entrance.
"What took you so long? I have a life, not like you." Jena said.
"Thanks to you I don't really have parents to finance me anymore."
"Not my problem. What do you want?"
"You. Dead."
Jena started laughing. She stood up from the table and faced Violet. In a quick flash Jena tried to pin Violet to the wall, but failed. Instead Violet pinned her to the opposite wall.
"Did you really think that your little speed powers and mind control will over power me?" Violet asked.
"H-How did you know?"
"How did I know about your powers? Well that was easy, I sent a spy out to follow you, so basically I stalked you. Plus you were all 'look at me I can make them do whatever I want' and so on."
Violet said disgusted. Her brown orbs were starting to get tainted red as they changed color. Violet walked closer to Jena and took her neck in her right hand.
"I thought you would put up a better fight, given all your powers." Violet pressured her neck, cutting of her air supplies. "But I guess I was wrong."
Jena was losing consciousness slowly, but Violet didn't stop there. When Jena was weak enough, Violet let her fall to the ground. She then materialized a small dagger in her hand and crouched down next to Jena.
"What should I carve into your skin? Hmm? A nice little text saying how you murdered me or maybe Satan's cross, so people think you were killed by some sect?"
Violet smiled almost sickeningly. She ripped Jena's shirt to reveal her slightly tanned skin. She started writing on her chest in Latin, making the dagger burn the skin with every movement.
Writing homicida, which means murderer, Violet proceeded to Jena's back.
She started carving the Devil's cross in her back, enjoying the screams Jena gave her. It was music to her ears. Wow, she was turning into a sick being.
Before Violet could finish cursing her, Jena mumbled out a name, making the brunette finish her sentence fast.
"H-Help me... Sin eater..." Jena said.
Violet stood up and felt someone behind her. She barely evaded the man's attack. It was the human from Lucifer's throne room.
"Your the man that was offering Lucifer a new bride." Violet said.
"And you are the disrespectful bitch that he chose as his queen."
Violet glared at the sin eater with pure hate. She was pissed beyond words and the horns that grew out her head showed it.
"You have our kings powers? What a foolish man! Giving up a fragment of his own soul to an unworthy human!"
"And what, Jena is worthy?! The bitch who killed one of her friends for who knows what reason is worthy?!!" Violet screamed at the man.
She lunged herself forward and attacked him. He evaded every attack with ease as Violet blindly began hitting everything she could. She was in a state of rage. Even Jena got a few deadly blows from the furious brunette.
The sin eater caught Jena's painful form, as the girl struggled on the floor. The curse that Violet placed upon her, burned her flesh in an sickening speed, making it rotten. The man clenched his fists in rage.
"I've had enough!" He said.
He then grabbed the enraged demon gir,l who was viciously trying to kill him and with one painful grip, started eating her sins.
Violet screamed for dear life. The process of one's sins being erased is more painful than burning in the deepest parts of Hell. Violet felt like her limbs were being ripped apart slowly, with such enjoyment she wanted to hurl.
Luca and Andrew tried to break the door down, but it was no use. The sin eater had blocked them out.
He threw Violet's weak and almost lifeless body on the floor with disgust.
"You do not deserve to be the queen of Hell. I will make sure that you never see your dear Devil again. We will meet again, lowly human!" The man spat.
He disappeared as he came, only this time taking Jena with him.
The door was finally broken down and the two boys came rushing in.
Violet was in a state of daze. Her world was becoming grey, almost black and she was on the verge of tears. She failed to kill Jena, but most importantly she failed her promise to Lucifer; to keep herself safe.
My sobs were echoing in the cold darkness around me.
I don't know for how long I was crying, but I still had tears to shed. I have failed the person who gave me another chance, I have failed life itself.
How will I face Lucifer now?
His voice called me. I didn't look up, I just moved myself into the fetal position and muffled my sobs.
Lucifer knelt beside me and touched my hand that covered my cheek.
"Violet, why are you crying, my dear?"
"How can I not cry. I failed to get my revenge and I failed my promise to you..."
I decided to stop sobbing and sat up. Lucifer sat down in front of me. He pulled me in a hug and caressed my hair.
"You did not brake our promise, in fact you helped me find out who was going to commit treason against me. So don't cry my dear."
My eyes were already puffy and red but I didn't care. I looked up at the man who helped me, who gave me a new life.
He stood up and dusted off his jeans. Jeans? The Devil is wearing jeans? I giggled. Lucifer smiled and extended his hand towards me.
"Come, let us be on our way. You'll have your chance for revenge I promise. But right now, we have to attend a coronation ceremony.... My Queen."
And you know what, I gladly took the hand; yet again.
Looks like this cat and mouse game has just begun. But I know the next time we see Jena, I will kill her.
I mean hey, I did strike a deal with the Devil.
And we have finally made it to the end of the book, I am so happy and sad at the same time (ಥ_ಥ)
I am dedicating this final chapter to @Natalie103 for the lovely comment and votes she has left. (=^_^=)
I am so glad that I made it to 1.7K! It's a great honor and I thank all the cute little readers who stopped by to read and who left beautiful comments and votes! ♥♥♥
I guess that's that...
Oh but wait, before we finish, have a look out for something special I am preparing for you ;))
Until then,
Have an awesome day!♥
Love, evil_panda22♥♥♥
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