《Invisible Thrusts | Kookv》Part:- 13 (Disappeared)


Ignore the mistakes please ........

"I love you so much and my daughter too..... I hope you'll take good care of her.... And from today I'll never bother you nor come close to you and her".

Hearing jungkook's words taehyung was more than confused. He looks up at jungkook confusingly.

"W-what do you mean?!". Taehyung asked hesitantly. "I think now I can go to hell peacefully.... Cuz now my wishes are fulfilled". Jungkook said as he chuckled seeing taehyung panicking expression.

"What are u talking about?!". Taehyung's heart started to beat at a fast pace. "I'm leaving Tae.... And from now I'll never come back again".

"A-are you kidding me". Jungkook just shook his head as 'no'. Jungkook stopped his thrusts as he stared at taehyung beautiful features for a while then leaned as he connected their lips, kissing passionately.

Taehyung closed his eyes at the feeling as he wrapped his arms around jungkook's waist.

After a couple of minutes, taehyung felt that jungkook's body is disappearing from his grip. He quickly open his eyes and his eyes got widened when he saw a half of the body of jungkook disappearing slowly.

"H-hey... W-what's going o-on?!". Taehyung started to panic as he broke the kiss. He tried to hold jungkook body but he couldn't since the other's body was disappearing.

"I love you so much taehyung".

Jungkook gives a quick peck on taehyung lips before disappearing his whole existence. Taehyung just froze on his spot as he didn't even utter any words. He looks around the room but found no one. Jungkook was already gone.

Tears started to stream down from his eyes as he place his hand over his nonstop beating heart.

"W-why d-did you do that".

Taehyung burst into tears. He felt helpless.

Finally, jungkook decided to show his existence only to disappear like an angel. And it hurt like beetch

Taehyung cry hard as he could. He called jungkook's name so many times but the other was nowhere to be found.

And taehyung recognizes that jungkook is left from him and his daughter's life.



The day passed and jungkook was nowhere to be found. When Jungkook was with Tae, he used to give hints about his existence but now there was nothing like that and tae was not getting any hint of jungkook's existence and now he understood that junhkook has left him and his baby.

Talking about taehyung, he was heartbroken because he wanted jungkook so badly. He wanted jungkook presence.


Jungkook just disappeared without any explanation.


It was evening and Eun-Jeong was sleeping on the bed and taehyung was standing near the cupboard while folding his and his baby's clothes.

Taehyung heard his baby's crying voice he quickly started to put clothes on the cupboard so that he can calm his daughter down.

"Jeannie.... Momma is coming... Don't cry my princess, please". Taehyung was almost done by placing clothes in the cupboard as he was about to go towards his daughter but .....

He froze.....

When his daughter suddenly stopped to cry. Taehyung quickly turned around as he look at his daughter who was looking up at something or more like someone.

She giggled through her teary eyes as she make a grabby hand in the air and it make taehyung heart skip.

He look around the room but there was no one. He slowly approaches his daughter. "J-jeongie.... C-can u s-see h-him". Taehyung stuttered and his daughter quickly looked at him. When Eun-Jeong saw her mother she make grabby hands toward her momma.

Now she wasn't looking anywhere except her momma. Taehyung quickly leaned as he picked his daughter up into his embrace.

He again look around the room but saw no one and even Eun-Jeong wasn't looking anywhere except him.

Taehyung walked towards the door with a heavy heart as he open the door and then come out. He closed the door after last glancing inside as he went downstairs. When he reached downstairs in the living room he saw no one there then he heard some noises from the kitchen.

He walked towards the kitchen and stood at the door while looking inside. "Oh, Tae..... I was waiting for you". Jimin spoke as he stood from the chair and then approached him with a smile. "Aww... Baby come to me please". Jimin said as he took Eun-Jeong into his embrace.

"When did you both come.. ". Taehyung questioned as he stepped inside. "Just now.... Btw.... How are you taehyung... Is everything going well?!". Yoongi questioned who was sitting opposite him, Jimin sit on the chair next to yoongi while playing with Eun-Jeong who was smiling and giggling.

Jimin and yoongi know that some invisible creature makes taehyung pregnant. After all, Jimin is taehyung bestie so how he wouldn't tell this important thing to his bestie and his surprised jimin believed him. Jimin and taehyung were so close for so long that every word of taehyung Jimin will believe blindly.

About yoongi well..... At first, yoongi wasn't trusting in taehyung words but the way taehyung was explaining make him believe him.


But the only thing they don't know is that this invisible creature is "Jeon Jungkook" taehyung hasn't told anyone about jungkook yet not even his momma.



Cuz he is not ready yet to explain anything about jungkook...

"Yeah.... Everything is going well yoongi Hyung!!". Taehyung replied with a smile (not a boxy smile). "Good to hear that". Yoongi replied with a small smile as began to look at Eun-Jeong who was giggling while looking at Jimin's face who was making a cute and funny face.

Yoongi stares at her face and she seems so familiar to him. Her facial features was matching with jungkook even her smile was also bunny just like jungkook.

"Why she's looking like jungkook?!".

Yoongi just shook his head as he think that this is just an illusion or coincidence.

"Taehyung... Do you wanna drink something". Jin questions who was cooking dinner. "No momma ... I'm fine..". Taehyung replied as he stood up from the chair. "Guys I'll be back soon... And Jimin calls me if she cries". Taehyung exclaimed. "Okay, taehyung... ". Jimin said as he again look at Eun-Jeong.

Taehyung went upstairs towards his bedroom and stepped inside after closing the door. He again looks around the room but found no one. He sigh as he lay on the bed his eyes started to get teary. His throat was hurting so much from controlling himself from crying.

"I-i know t-that y-you're here". Taehyung stuttered as more tears started to pour down from his eyes. "Y-you're so s-selfish j-jungkook... Y-you, d-don't care a...bout my f-feelings... Y-you are just d....doing...... whatever y-you w-want... You ......c-came to my life on .......y-your o-own a-nd you......... just l-left from my life on y-your own .... You d-don't care a-about my f-feelings... U did w.......what u ....wanted to do ... But u n-never tried to .....listen t-to w-what I w-wanted". Taehyung took a sharp breath his throat was still hurting but it was nothing compared to his heart which was broken and hurting as hell.

They say physical pain is nothing compared to emotional.

"I-i don't w-want you n....now .... N-never come i-in my l-life .... Nor t-to my d-daughter's.... W-we hate y-you j-jungkook... I-i h-hate yo-.........". Taehyung cried out loud as he covered his face with his hand. He just curl up into the bed.

He was missing jungkook so much he want jungkook to come back. But jungkook wasn't coming back and it make taehyung sad and mad so he's trying to taking out his anger but poor taehyung couldn't even know how to take out his anger he just know how to cry.

After crying alone like this for a while taehyung felt hot breath near his nape and he felt a big arm placed on his tiny waist. Taehyung breath hitched at the sudden presence of someone. He open his eyes as he look down at his waist and then gulp when he saw big bare hands where were so many black tattoos.




She was looking so annoyed and irritated while reading my books.... And just like her mood her each comments left not so satisfying vibe.

But it's okay for me ... I'm sorry henna for fighting with you ... You were just giving me opinion about how to write book with so much sense and I just did big mistake by calling you "aunty".

I hope you'll forgive this immature girl

And thanks for your comments who said that

*ghost is reping Tae and he's so calm and not complaining about anything like being rep by ghost and giving birth to a baby is normal* 🥴🥴🥴

To be honest

I never expect anyone to read my stories so deeply that they'll say something to my characters. Means my books make some sense lol 😁😁


If u hate my book so what ... But I love my imagination...

And I don't need anyone's opinion... U cheap brain...

I'm not only talking about henna ... She's long gone... Henna you're free

I'm talking about those who leave trash on my comments section...

Okay now it's time for some motivation okay

So I wanna say that if u read someone's book in future then u think that this book doesn't make sense then just leave from there without giving any such a comment which will hurt the authors heart. Bcuz I know the effort we do while writing the books.

It's my advice..

And my lovely readers

Please never take anyone's fiction so seriously cuz it is just a fiction which authors imagine at night 🥴 lol

Some imagination will be good but it's not like every each imagination make sense....

Now after so many lecture of mine if u again say something bad about my story then the fight will be infinity.... So be a good girl okay .... (This is for my haters I mean "invisible thrusts" book's haters)

Ofc my haters after all I'm the one who wrote it.... 😒

I'm tired 😴

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