《IT (2017)- Pennywise Vore》Richie Gets Eaten



Richie wondered through the room filled with clown dolls, which gave off a creepy vibe as he continued to desperately find a way out of the room and find Eddie. He eventually came upon a creepy doll which looked scarily similar to him. "Holy sh*t." He muttered to himself as he inspected the creepy doll version of himself before slamming the coffin shut as quickly as possible. However, Pennywise jumped out and landed on the coffin lid, nearly frightening the foul mouthed teen. "Beep beep Richie." Pennywise said before running at the boy with a growl, Richie tried to get out of the door but the crazed clown got ahold of him and slowly ate him and slurped him down his throat like noodles from a shop.



Pennywise let out a loud burp as he rested against the wall, Richie thrashed about but it only increased in pleasure as the crazed clown slowly began digesting him. "Let me out you motherf*cker!" He screamed in anger as he banged on the stomach walls. "No thanks Richie, you were very tasty that I'll let you digest inside me." Pennywise said with a giggle before he burped up Richie's glasses and cackled insanely.

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