《A Baby For The Beast》19. Royal Emperor and Dark Pasts


“Milord, I sent the message. Lady Ava would be here in a few minutes.”

Jaskier, my personal guard said with a bow.

“Okay thanks.”

I said, sitting down in deep thoughts as he left through the door, closing it behind him.

Why won’t she accept to be my concubine?

Why doesn’t she want me to protect her anymore? Why is she so stubborn?

With these thoughts, I stood up pacing back and forth in my chambers.

“I want mate.”

“I miss her sweet scent and want to hold her in my hands.”

My beast grumbled, threatening to take over.

“Quiet, would you? Can’t you see I summoned her already?”

He won’t rest until our mate was safe with us. Until she was protected from the games.

Not that I couldn’t forcefully take her. But doing that, would send some dung flies around.

Father would awake from the sea, and come to create chaos. Even though he wasn’t the King, he had so much power. Thanks to his evil deeds of eliminating the Dragon Emperor of the Sea, he claimed the crown long time ago.

“Make it snappy!”

I ignored him, still pacing and thinking.

I didn’t want to put Ava at risk. That was why I let her go for now. Till I figured out another plan to protect her, except making her my concubine.

“The damn prophecy, of a chosen one ending an oncoming war between districts.”

I wondered what that was about and why she in it?

Something distracted my thoughts that instant. My wolf suddenly began to smell Sea water. I crunched my nose at the smell, which was backed up with a powerful aura.

“Royal Emperor of the Sea, Teta approaches!”

I heard Jaskier announced from outside.

I widened my eyes immediately as father barged in the door with a displeased expression on his face.

“F-father, you’re here? You didn’t tell me you were coming,”

I expressed, with a wide grin pretending to be happy at his arrival. I moved to hug him but he returned my greetings with a hand stretched out between us, preventing me from hugging him.


I knew he definitely came for war.

“What’s going on, son? I expected to see someone breeding your heir already.”

He remarked in an impatient tone.

Even though he didn’t rule this Kingdom anymore, he cared deeply for the successor that will be taking over.

“There’s no one for now.”

I stated, looking the other way and avoiding eye contact with him.

I’ve found my mate.

I didn’t say it loud, knowing the narcissist he was. He thought his strategies were the best and once he saw an obstacle, he ended it.

“Then why did I get some dung flies being sent to me? Are the rumors true then? That you’ve found your chosen mate?”

“Who told you such thing?!”

The beast in me reacted in anger, to protect his mate. Thus, making me snarl angrily, fisting my hands in irritation.

“Lower your tone, son.”

“Do not forget who you’re talking to. I could end your Kingdom in a blink of an eye.”

I batted my lashes at his words.

“Kill…kill…kill, kill…”

My beast was battling, threatening to come out to combat with this evil man in front of me.

His past deeds made me cringe.

I walked towards him, with an eye contact this time. I took in his bluish garment and salt water hair, which was turning to some parts of the sea because of his long stay in there.

“500 girls are competing to be my bride.”

“400 is dead because of you. Their blood is on your hands.”

I seethed angrily, gnashing my teeth.

“My hands?” he remarked slyly.

“Don’t forget your mother took part in this. I wasn’t the one who drugged you and took those girls in so you could mark and mate them,”

“Don’t you dare mention her for that little mistake she did!”

“There’s one thing mother wouldn’t do.” I defended. “And that’s making the girls kill off themselves.”

I couldn’t believe this asshole would compare himself to Lady Archer.

Mum always did things she thought was right for the throne. She was indeed a graceful and loving person, in spite of her flaws.


Before she died, she spent weeks apologizing for her deeds, begging me to forgive her.

But h-him?


I gritted out.

He chuckled with a sinister smile in his features.

“To think you will call me that, dear son.”

“Should I remind you of your past?”

“Those dark horrid scars you chose to forget? To hide from the fear of what people might think you to be?”

My hands trembled immediately. My mouth shook at his accusation. Him bringing something that was supposed to be hidden…What were his intentions?

I had to play along though, till I found a way to get rid of him….and stopped this insanity.

“I-I didn’t mean that--“

“Oh, what was that? You didn’t mean that?”

“But you said it anyway,” he stated.

“You’re a cursed creature, did you forget that?”

“I apologize, father.”

I said.

“Save it, I’m used to you bringing shame to us and not being capable.”

“Three months, I give you three months to get an heir.”

With that, he walked out.

The sooner he did, I was immediately drifted to what happened as a little kid.

“Please brother, I didn’t steal the biscuits…I promise.”

I remember her pleading, holding my hands in tears.

If only I listened..

If only my beast stayed intact…

“Get your hands off me! You’re a liar…a cheat!”

I said ripping my hands off her.

Why had I judged her by the crumbs on her mouth and not trusted her?

That it was a setup from the castle kids…who were envious and wanted my power?


I said weakly.

I didn’t mean for was for my paws to slash through her skin.

I remembered the vivid sight of her lying in a pool of blood. She wasn’t a werewolf or beast like me. Instead she was a human, feeble.


She had slurred trailing out.

I cried so much, holding her delicate figure in my hands.

“Mum! Dad!”

I aimed to rush to them, to save her. But written on her face was a smile. A weak but contented smile.

“H-happy…I survived this long brother.”

“Didn’t ever think I’ll make it, as the odd one out among you all.”


I recalled the look on her face. She had been dying but trusted me, who did it. She had so much faith in me, as he brother, and I ruined it.

I recalled how father had reacted.




“Calm down Teta, he’s your son.”

“My son?! Not anymore! He killed his sister!! He’s a monster, a murderer!!”

I remembered running to the basement of the empty ship, crying profusely.

“I’m not a monster.”

“I’m not a monster…”

I chanted, covering my ears so I didn’t hear the waves. And so, nobody found me.

But mum did, anyway.

“Mum?” I called out.

After staying there for days and eating the sea food only, I hoped they would forgive me.


“Do you hate me too?”

“I-I’m so sorry, baby. It wasn’t your fault.” she had said.

“Wait here, I’ll send some servants to bring some clothing and food to you.”

She said, about to walk out.

“Where are you going?”

“I want to go talk to your father; he’ll understand--”


I muttered in a scared tone, shivering from being so terrified and frightened.

“You don’t have to be scared. It’ll be quick son--”

“Please stay…don’t leave.”

I looked down muttering, with tears surrounding my eyes.

“They all want power.”

“They all want it,”

I said, referring to those kids who set my sister up.

“But they don’t have any idea of how much torture it is to have a beast in me, mum.”

“I want love. I want to recover. I want to improve... if you would give me a chance to.”

I had shuddered saying those words, trembling with tears and going sideways to hold her hands.

“Please don’t leave. Don’t hate me, like the others. Don’t be fake too?”

“Caspian dear…”

She attempted to say, but I cut her off.

“I can’t control my monster but I didn’t mean harm. I didn’t mean to hurt her, I promise.”

“Please stay.”


Mum left, promising to be back soon.

She wasn’t herself too, but that scarred me. I still had dreams of that incident, haunting me.

I mean, she was my sister. Blessed to my parents by the Moon Goddess after a curse like me was born.

Her name was Veronica and I missed her badly.

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