《A Baby For The Beast》17. Finding the Key


Her crimson hair swarm widely, as she flipped some pages of her book. I inhaled nervously.

What was she doing telling me to be free?

I pressed my lips firmly, deciding to do as she said. Maybe she’ll tell me what I needed to know.


I muttered, reaching for the books in the shelf. My hands scanned through before taking one of them in my hands. I carefully observed it, as I did.

Maybe it was a hint? Or was it?

The book I took had an old brownish cover. It seemed dusty and ancient. But surprisingly, it was locked. With a padlock and it seemed like it needed a key.

“It’s locked, Lady Archer.”

“Yes dear, it is.”

“For now, though. It’s left to you to open it; I’ve played my part.”

“But I don’t have the key. How do I unlock it?” I asked frightfully.

What if the answer to everything was inside the book? What if I never open it?

“You’ve come across the key before but you don’t just know it’s the key.”

She weirdly said.

Okay…this was getting complex by the minute.

“And what does this book entail? How’s it supposed to help me?”

I breathed out, asking her.

“You asked if I thought you can be like him, right?”

I moved my chin from the book to look at her. In her face was a warm and kind smile. I nodded a ‘yes’ at her words.

“Well I do, Ava dear.”

“Now go look for the key.”

I gave her one last look, before bowing in respect to the amount of help she had just given me.

I moved to go, turning my back at her.


Her hands crept into mine, saying. I noticed her hands were extremely cold and she started to look really pale. I arched a brow at her grip on mine. She had to be really dead.


“Thank you...”

She muttered.


“Not giving up on my son. For seeing him beyond the beast he’s whispered to be.”


As I nodded a ‘yes’ once more. Her grip on my hands loosened. Suddenly, it began to feel like she was slowly fading.

“My time is up, I guess.”

She muttered. It was just like pieces being removed slowly. Starting from her hands, next to her beautiful crimson hair then her body started to slowly disfigure.

“Wait, please wait. H-how do I find the key? Where is the key!”

I asked curiously, panting a lot.

“You’re a smart one dear... the chosen one. I believe in you...”

“Just tell me! It will make things faster; the battle is in a few days!!”

I yelled at the peak of my voice this time.

“It’s not my place to tell... I already fulfilled my part in fate.”


I wasn’t even given time to finish. Suddenly, what seemed like a whirlpool surrounded me. It didn’t even give me time to think. Immediately, I was flashed back to reality.

“Just tell me!”

I screamed, only to wake up opening my eyes. I blinked a couple of times to be sure I was in reality this time. Standing up, I noticed I was in a place that looked like shelter. Wherever this place was, it was definitely not the royal castle of King Caspian.

Then, where was I?

Some sound of a kettle boiling jeered me out of my thoughts. I looked towards where it came from only to see Master Zu with a tea spoon, turning something on fire.

Seemed like he was cooking.

“I see you’re awake dear.”

He voiced out.

“Why am I here?”

I asked, rubbing the back of my head. It didn’t hurt so I figured out I had already healed. I still felt a bit light headed though.


He stretched out some towards me, as he poured for himself and drank too.

I crawled towards him taking it from him. Everywhere seemed so much cold, thanks to the snowy weather.

Thankfully, it didn’t snow much. However, little drizzles still seeped from the sky.


“You don’t have to thank me. After you passed out, I dragged you here since you were alive.”


“One in many who survived in the past.”

The minute he added that, my brows arched.

“There were others?”

“Other Avas, with different names though. Stubborn and hard-headed like you, yes there were.”

“But they all died at the spot of discovering their chakra.”

“Surprisingly, you didn’t. That’s why I interfered to help you child. Maybe you’ll put an end to all this insanity.”

I drank from the tea to clear my thoughts.

Who was this man?

Did it mean he lived for centuries too?

“All these years, how were you able to stay alive?”

I asked curiously.

“I simply reached my fighting peak and the Moon Goddess blessed me with immortality.”

“I’m not a wolf, but neither am I a human.”

He said. The tea shook stealthily in my hands, as I looked around observing the shelter. There were coats hung in animal skin, lots of small pots and fighting materials.

It didn’t seem as somewhere he lived.

Instead, it looked like somewhere he came to stay.

“So, you can feel human pain, but not die?”

I asked, drinking from the tea which tasted bland but not too bad.

Master Zu stood up that minute, using his hands to rub his beards with a stern look written on his face.

“Take one of the coats and meet me outside.”

He ordered. I moved to drop the cup, on the floor.


Surprisingly, when I looked back up, he was gone. Almost as if he had disappeared. I sighed.

Wondered how he did that effortlessly…

Hoped I learned too, anyway.

The rest of the training was at the back of his shelter, and not the battleground.

As soon I was done for today, I made my way back to the insides of the castle.

On my way in though, I crossed paths with Lady Francesca. Slowly stepping towards me in elegance,

her hair was a long and straight brunette, decorated with ancient pins and something that almost resembled a tiara.

“Look who’s still alive.” she stated mischievously.

“Look who still hasn’t bred a baby for the beast.”

I remarked slyly. “Shouldn’t you be fattening up somewhere, pregnant?”

“I mean you planned it already,”

“Ava Goodchild!!”

Her eyes widened as she called my name in anger. She looked like she was boiling. That was the purpose of my words, to humiliate her and make her angry.

“That is totally crossing the limits. You have no idea of the amount of power I--”


I caught her off immediately. “Should I be scared?”

“I’m a survivor, Francesca…clearly thought you’ll figure that out, after the assault failed.”

I stood tall in my spots, folding my arms and looking up into her eyes boldly.

Her hands trembled so did her entire body as she froze. She seemed afraid at my words. At the fact I had just uttered her secret.

“I’m still your Rook, pawn. Show some respect.”


I remarked with a sly chuckle. Wasn’t surprised she’d stoop so low to use rank, after being caught.

“That’s only for people who deserve it.”

Her hands moved to my face, giving me a sound slap. It was hard enough to contain blood in my mouth.

The minute I tested it, I spat it out at her.

“What the hell…the guts!” she exclaimed.

“I wasn’t finished yet, Francesca.”

I let out confidently, emphasizing her name.

I couldn’t be scared now.

We were the same creatures. So…what exactly should I be afraid of? Her rank?

I was offered to be a damned concubine, higher than she could ever imagine.

“Well, what do you propose now you know my secret. You must want something, right?” she let out, shamelessly raising her chin and looking at me in the eye.

“What do you want? Money? Power?”

“I want you to know that I’ll soon be coming for you.” “You’ll pay in spades. For what you did to each of those girls,”

“That I promise.”

She was mute on spot, with nothing to say. I walked away from her, feeling entirely disgusted by her actions.

Good thing I stopped myself from revealing I was turned.

She was indeed a disaster to womanhood.


Like I said, I will soon update. Hope you state your thoughts ❤️😀

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