《A Guild of Moonlit Shadows (A KOTLC FanFic)》A Call for Home (Oneshot)
This is set about 5 months before AAD first takes place! Don't play music till it cues!
Sophie should be peacefully asleep in her Havenfield bedroom, but instead, her mind took her elsewhere, anywhere but the calm sleep Sophie desperately needed.
It was a dream of trickery and panic. It was deception and deceit, baiting Sophie in with a beginning of peace. Sophie was in a long flittering dress; it looked like deep liquid moonlight, a deep azure that filtered into a light blue at the end of the dress, so bright it seemed almost white. Her hair was in a beautifully braided coronet that didn't seem elven, something more exotic. Strands of hair framed her face, and a band of braided leather was sitting comfortably around her forehead before disappearing into her coronet. Around her hips was a belt of durable silver, along with bands of silver with runes that seemed so weirdly familiar yet indiscernible written along her wrists.
Ελάτε σπίτι, αγαπητέ μου, η ψυχή σας σας παρακαλεί να επιστρέψετε στην πόλη των ονείρων σας, στη χώρα της ελπίδας, στο σπίτι των ξεχασμένων αδελφών και αδελφών.
(Points to whoever puts this in google translate and figures it out first!)
She was in a field of long grass, wildflowers and critters running through the shrouded protection of the long weeds and turf. She was in a valley surrounded by high white-capped mountains, a beautiful sparkling ocean in the distance. The mountains curled around the sea, creating a massive bay that ships could pass through and enter the docks. nearby was a brilliant field of bright red flowers, booming and absorbing the sun, overlooking one of the bigger villages.
Behind her was an enormous city, the hum of life could be heard even as Sophie stood miles away. Across the countryside was a bunch of villages, smaller than the biggest one in the middle, but just as alive.
Even if Sophie was barefoot, she walked forward, her heartwarming at the sight of it all. It seemed so comforting, so warming and homely, even if Sophie has never been here before. She started in a small walk through the soft grasses towards the ocean, towards one of the small villages, but then she started sprinting, wildly laughing as the wind ripped at her hair and azure dress. She breached through the long grass, weaving through groves of olive and apple trees, the going farmers and civilians not minding her as she freely ran. They looked like elves, but there was something more too them. Almost like they were... older, but didn't have the pointed ears. They wore peasant wear, unlike the fancy regalia in the Lost Cities. But they didn't seem unhappy, even a few of them waving to Sophie as she darted past.
On the cobbled path, long columns decorated the sides of the road, people leaning on them and speaking in a language Sophie didn't recognize. They all wore similar outfits to Sophie, some fancier than others. She saw a few orcs and gnomes here and there, but this mysterious oasis was mostly filled with the mystery species.
Music could be heard from the village. Music! Sophie hasn't heard it's sweet caress in so long since she has lived in the Lost Cities.
But then the music stopped.
Just as she was about to run into the village, a boom shattered through the peaceful day. Sophie screeched to a stop, her feet ripping against the cobbled road, and watched in confusion as the sky darkened and turned red, almost like blood soaked the clouds.
She also panicked as people, the very same people that waved to her and were enjoying their day, started screaming and running from the central city. Sophie whirled around, gasping as the city that was formerly full of light and bustling people was set ablaze. From one of the tallest buildings in the city, a tiled roof that shone like gold, had tapestries burning from its windows. They screamed for someone; the name sounds like... Morretti? What was a Morretti? She was about to run towards the central city but ran into a solid figure, a body of solid black metal.
A man of solid black armor stood over her, glaring down at her. Sophie felt like she was a helpless little girl quivering under him. Sophie tried to get up and run, but one of his clawed gauntlets grabbed her forearm, unmoving and deadly. Sophie screamed against his grip, trying to pry his hand away. Red vapor billowed out from the cracks of his armor. Underneath his shadowed and horned helmet, Sophie swore she heard a gravelly chuckle.
"Stupid, useless girl. I'm unstoppable; he learned that the hard way." He growled.
He, who is he?
"My blade through his heart, on his knees in front of all that he worked so hard to build, all that he hoped he could give you one day." He continued, even as Sophie pried and fought against his steely unmovable grip. So fast Sophie couldn't see it, he let go of her forearm and his other hand reached out, grabbing her other hand by the wrist, pulling her up, so she met his eyes. He was so tall and massive that as Sophie finally met his eyes, her feet dangled off the ground.
"Your screams will forever plague me. Not because I regret or feel any irrational guilt, but because I want to do everything to hear those screams again. Because they are the screams of someone who failed, who lost everything, watched as the beautiful precious world they were gifted was torn apart by me." His other hand clutched Sophie's face in his palm, almost like he was trying to give a lover caress full of venom. Sophie couldn't see into his helmet, but she just felt it deep in her heart... she has seen this man before.
The grass seemed so bleak now, the flowers losing their brilliant color, the ocean no longer gentle but roaring and crashing. Where was this place, what was happening to it?
"Let me go." Sophie seethed. The Black Armored Man's talons gripped her face and wrist harder, the sharp edges cutting into her skin. Blood trickled down her cheeks and wrist, and Sophie hissed against it. Sophie set out a telepathy message, hoping Fitz or Mr. Forkle or anybody could hear her, even in her dreams.
"Are you with the Neverseen? Are you one of their mutts?" Sophie spat. The man chuckled, slowly rising into a roaring laugh. Sophie squeaked as he finally let go of her wrist, slumping into a pile at the man's feet. He continued to roar, speaking between laughs.
"Am-AM I? One of-of their MUTTS?" He continued to howl. Sophie tried to scramble away, but he slammed his foot onto her back, shoving her into the dirt.
"The Neverseen doesn't own me- I own them!" The man chuckled. Sophie's beautiful braided hair fell out of its pleat; mud smeared on her gorgeous dress, bruises splattered her sun-kissed skin. The Man's foot remained on her back, but a hand grazed her chin. Sophie's chin was pointed upwards, and a figure of moonlight was in front of her crouched down.
It was a figure, seemed female, but it was shrouded with shadows, storms, and starlight. It was unidentifiable, but when it gentle held Sophie's chin, even as the Man still cackled with his foot holding her down, the power thrumming from this figure made Sophie want to scream and run, but also want to hug and hold her.
"Just like how I own you," A female voice whispered from the whispy and vapourous figure.
"W-Where am I? What-"
"Don't waste your breath," The female voice snapped. The screams of the innocent people and the burning of this beautiful oasis heightened in Sophie's ears.
"Please I need to help them-"
The female voice hissed at her to be quiet, the head like shape glaring at her.
"You don't need to do anything," She whispered, the man's foot pushed on Sophie further, pushing the air out of her.
What is this? What does it mean?!
The womanly figure was quiet before whispering, "Sleep well, xechasméno."
The man pushed on Sophie's back with a howling cackle, her spine cracking under his boot. The beautiful grass smoldered underneath her hands, her screams drowning out the man's laughter. Sophie couldn't move anything; the smoke was filling her lungs, the cries of this beautiful foreign land pounding in her ears.
"HELP ME!" Sophie begged to whoever could listen.
Sophie screamed awake, kicking off her sheets, her telepathy sending a pulse through the room in a panic. She sobbed slightly as she glanced around.
Her Havenfield bedroom.
The foreign land was gone, the mysterious man and woman were gone, she was safe, no one could hurt her, she was in the Lost Cities, no one got in or out of the Lost Cities, she was trapped in these elven games-
Sophie's hands shook as she got out of bed. The minute she tried to stand, her knees gave out, and she clung to the window sill.
She needed to clean herself; she needed to feel sane again-
Sophie sprinted to the bathroom, her knees wobbly, ripping open the door and heaving her stomach into the toilet. Sophie's gagging was the only sound on the quiet elven night, but she soon finished, flushing the contents away and shakily getting onto her feet. She padded over to the sink, taking her pale and shaking hands to scrub off her tongue and washing out her mouth. She looked into the mirror, her hands set on the counter on each side of her.
Damn, she looked decrepit.
Her eyes were sunken in; her whole body was shaking, her skin was pale and slick, her hair a matted mess around her head. She didn't try to fix her hair or wipe away the sweat plastered on her face. She peeled away the strands of hair stuck to her forehead, gathering everything up to a makeshift knot at the crown of her head. She took a pool of water in her hands, running it over her face.
She finally slunk out of the bathroom and into her bedroom. Her bedroom was a mess. Her sheets were completely riped off her bed, her pillows scattered around. Her telepathy knocked various objects and knick-knacks off her shelves and tables. Sophie sighed as she stepped over a shattered mug and scattered homework. She wasn't in the mood to clean up.
She was surprised no one had heard her outburst. After Sophie told Sandor she was uncomfortable with him being right outside her door every night, they both decided to give a room in Havenfield for him to stay in. The loud snoring coming from his room made it clear he wasn't getting up any time soon.
Bits and pieces of the dream flashed in Sophie's mind, and she had a sudden feeling to throw up again, the room feeling stuffy and hot. She instead quickly walked over to the window, opening it up as quietly as possible.
(start song here)
The window let shining beams of moonlight into her room, illuminating the mess even more. Sophie's hand absent-mindedly went to her amulet, grazing her hand over the familiar crevices and texture. Her hand tingled as the tips of her finger grazed the blue gem at the apex of the necklace.
This haven... full of culture and music and life. Why was it being shown to Sophie?
Sophie's hand clutched around her amulet even tighter as she glanced at the mountainside in the distance. Every time Sophie stared at the horizon, stared away from the Lost Cities, she felt something in her heart.
When she was in the Lost Cities, she was safe and at peace.
But in her soul, she didn't want that.
Whenever she looked at the horizon, she felt... home. She felt home in that adventure, in the thrill that there really may be a city of dreams across some faraway ocean and over impassible mountains. This safety and security net the council and Black Swan had draped over her wasn't keeping her safe... it was suffocating her.
But all the other elves were fine with it- thrilled even! To live under the Elven council and be able to live in the Lost Cities. So why wasn't Sophie?
She just felt off here.
Like she was forcing herself into somewhere that wasn't meant for her.
The moon was peaked right over the distant mountain, so the sun would be rising soon. A gentle tune rang in her mind, at the back of her mind, something that was delicate and comforting. Words swelled alongside the tune, notes Sophie tapped against the window sill.
A woman shone in Sophie's memory. A tall, beautiful woman, a slender face with a straight nose and brilliant cobalt eyes. Her hair always looked like settling embers whenever she danced in the sunlight, and her laugh was always contagious. She was cowed by no one, her word strong and true, a burning fire of love raging onto the world. Two men manifested in her mind, right next to the woman. One of jet black hair and a stern built face, steely blue eyes that were always quiet and calculating. Only if he was with his close friends would he allow that persona to melt away. He had a beautiful design under his right eye, made with a dark ink that only added to his menacing look. But he was a man of kind words and gentle hugs to those who need them, a rock that people could rely on.
The other man surprised Sophie. They looked alike, even if he light brown hair, so light it sometimes looked dirty blond, and he always had it half up, letting the rest graze at the shoulder. Sophie never knew why, but his hair was always like this. His eyes were swirling irises of ocean blue, splattered with silver and faint streaks of gold, just like the gold in Sophie's eyes. They shared the same eye shape, same lip shape, same tall posture, and proud shoulders...
This land, this golden city... it called to her. What would her friends say if she told them that she wanted to go searching for it? To weave through the emerald trees of the groves, to go swimming in the crystal ocean and lakes.
To speak with these people in their mystery language.
"We are the forgotten, we are the forlorn," Sophie straightened, as she whispered these words to herself,
"The ones who have bled, the ones who have been scorned,"
It was with these people in mind that she whispered,
"But hear me, my sisters," The woman's face smiled, a brilliant glowing smile, a burning raging fire roaring amidst her.
"Listen, O brothers," The two men's faces responded to her, the dark-haired man giving her a gentle smile while the one who looked like Sophie gave her a lopsided one, giving off his casual swaggerous pride.
Sophie looked up to the sky, determination filling her gaze. She was just speaking with what was coming to her head, even though she knew she had never seen these people before.
"One day, we'll find our way back to each other." She whispered.
Sophie clutched the amulet, the mountains whistling with the gentle wind, the sky and horizon calling to her.
"I promise I'll find a way back to each other," Sophie promised the sky, promised the imaginary people in her mind.
She promised her past she would find her way back to it.
It was funny; it was almost like the stars were quieting the world to listen to her. The wind eased away, the ocean keeping her in beat with its lapping against the Havenfield shores, the occasional bird or critter chirping melting away into a quiet night of bliss.
There had to be more than this, more than kissing the Council's boots and waiting for the Neverseen to kill them. There had to be action that could be taken. A land that welcomed her, one that she confidently called home as she fought from her own iron throne, not cowering behind the Council's crystal ones.
The moon tucked behind the mountains, the sky glowing into the warm reds and oranges of a new day. Iggy was snoring in his cage on her desk, snapping at the open curtains that were letting in beams of sunlight right onto his sleeping face. Sophie sighed, shutting the window and closing the curtains. She picked up her thrown around items, cleaning up her room a bit.
Her mind still reeled after she sent out her telepathic beg for help, and she knows that her plea was heard, she just didn't know by who. Probably Fitz or Mr. Forkle, knowing they were the ones she had the closest telepathic relationships with.
The exotic mystery haven still plagued her mind, however, even as her room now looked like no telepathic breakdown happened. It was maybe 6:30 in the morning, and her heart was finally beating at a regular heart rate.
What is this place? Is it real? Where has she seen it before?
Sophie thumped down on her bed, groaning and running her hands over her face.
Grady and Edaline were still asleep, along with Sandor. Sophie grumbled as she got up, not really knowing what she was doing but doing it anyway as she changed. It was simple, a black dark blue blouse with skin-tight leggings that crosshatched along the sides. She slipped on a pair of ankle boots and secured her hooded cloak around her shoulders, the Ruewen pin glinting in the dull light. She wrote a note, stuck it on her door, and grabbed her school bag.
"I'm going to do some extra research for a school project. I'm at Havenfield. -Sophie"
She scratched Iggy under his chin and closed the door behind her, quietly stepping down the stairs in an effort not to wake anybody up. This sneaking around, knowing which places she should step to make sure the stairs don't squeak, knowing the sleep schedules of everyone in the house. It was almost like it was something programmed in her blood like she was trained to do it out of reflex.
She snatched some weird elven fruit out of the basket on the counter before slipping out the door and trekked towards the leap master.
"Foxfire," She spoke quietly.
There were a few students here and there, and none paid her much attention. School started in about an hour anyway. She made it to the Foxfire library, and ran her fingers over the bindings of all of the books in the Locations section.
Human Cities and How They are Killing the Planet.
The Ogre Capital: Version XII
The Wanderling Woods, a Heart Ache.
None on mysterious golden cities. Sophie pulled out ogres cities, Gnome locations, Elven areas... nothing. Time passed, more students arrived. None talked to her though. Even as the bell rang for the first set of classes to begin, Sophie read, and looked for her Oasis of Dreams.
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