《A Guild of Moonlit Shadows (A KOTLC FanFic)》~16~Kynareth is Growing Impatient.
I know this chapter is super late, but I am been sick over here (NO I DON'T HAVE CORONA, JUST A COLD) and this was one of the hardest chapters for me to write. Because of that, there may be a few spelling mistakes here and there (they are always in my story) and some confusion. If there is anything you guys are really confused about because of a typo then just comment it and let me know. But since we are on the topic, I just want to everyone to know you are in my hopes and I know everyone will get through this! If you ask me, if we keep washing our hands, keeping healthy practices, and vibing away the germs, then this coward of a 'global pandemic' won't know what hit it! Remember, if you ever need to talk, my DMs are always open! Now, onto the story!
They stayed in that strategy room for hours. The letters varied when it came to responses, but they all agreed on one thing.
Changing where they would be meeting.
It was initially going to be Inalia, but since Inalia's location was compromised, they all suggested Egypinat. Sophie and a few other influential members in Vatarian society would be invited, people from different guilds, politicians, noble people, and all of the Vatarian leaders.
Including the Senate.
Everyone groaned out loud when they realized the Senate would be attending. The whole purpose of the meeting was to try to keep the Senate out of this, but the other Vatarian leaders decided it would be better to bring them in. But, that also means they would get to see what damage Maria did to Vincenzo during their fight in the town square, and everyone was itching to see the damage she left. They realized that they needed to make sure they had all updated information on all the leaders and the attending parties, along with shadowing them. Mansi volunteered to shadow the Master Cheiftan of Wampanoag, the chief elected by all of the Wampanoag to represent them all since she knew Wampanoag best and would blend in the most.
Alvar volunteered to shadow the Elven Council; he knew the Lost Cities the best, and his family could help him stay undercover. He wanted to make sure the Elves would keep their noses out of Vatarian affairs. Maha volunteered to spy on the King of Avrima, but no one volunteered to eye the Governor of Cariana. But they knew Sophie sure as hell wasn't going to do it.
Sophie tossed out Chiranu's and Egyptinat's letters onto the table.
"Arsinoe and Fang Guanyu want to meet. Privately, it seems, in the Prayer district in Egyptinat, two nights before the meeting. It seems all parties attending were expected to arrive two days in advance to make sure if there are any last minutes decisions made, they can quickly change things if need be, including us. But we need to find our own lodging, since Assassin Guilds aren't exactly legal, and not supposed to be represented at a government hosted function. At least not in the official eyes of the government and people. But we are expected to attend. Quietly."
"Psh, quietly my ass. I'm bringing my best dresses, and they aren't quiet." Mansi muttered to Maha, who giggled with her.
Sophie looked up at all of them, "Our allies Fang Guanyu of Chiranu and Queen Arsinoe of Egypinat are asking to see the Mirthless Infusing machine blueprints and the Book of Mirthless." Sophie sighed.
"Absolutely not." Alexios snapped.
"They are the only two Vatarian leaders we are generally good terms with Alexios. They only want to observe the book and blueprints and bring a better understanding of the meeting."
"Queen Arsinoe and Fang Guanyu can wait just like the others at the meeting-"
"We can trust them both, our ancestors have trusted them for years before us, and no reason not to do so."
"Amalia, Fang Guanyu is a criminal king! And Queen Arsinoe is... difficult to work with. Trust me, I would know." Nour argued, reminding her he was the leader of their Cyevan Egypinat branch.
"They are our only allies that are Vatarian leaders! The Master Chieftain of Wampanoag is a neutral party when it comes to us. But the Governor of Cariana and the King of Avrima aren't best of friends with us. We need to keep those who don't want to slit our throats close." Mansi argued back.
"Not to mention, There are going to be more than just the Vatarian leaders there. The letters state that there are going to be a few other noble families and other organizations there. We need to present a unified solid front, an untouchable organization that is better than everyone else." Sophie sighed. Biana and Keefe kept up with everyone's debating.
"Sophie, a few years have passed since your... altercation with the Governor; we may not need to hold this up mirage anymore-"
"This isn't about the Governor, Maha; it is what we need to present to make sure we are taken seriously. If we change how we presented ourselves now, they will know how we were in the past was a lie, and that won't help the problem. We need to keep our allies close and our persona up. This meeting is a fragile situation, and we simply don't have the time or ability to pick and choose our allies!" Sophie snapped over the arguing table.
Everyone went quiet at Sophie snapping at all of them but realized that her point holds true.
"What is she talking about? Persona?" Keefe asked. Everyone looked aside.
"We aren't that... friendly to outsiders of our guild, it is the most efficient way to operate. To everyone else in the world, we are just a band of cold-hearted killers with an asshole witch at the head of it all, and we have been trying to keep that persona up. It helps us get taken more seriously and helps others realize that we aren't a group to be taken lightly."
"We also have... competition out there, and we need to match them," Sophie answered. Biana and Keefe blinked.
"An.... asshole witch at the head of it all?" Biana questioned, glancing at Sophie. Sophie shrugged, her face emotionless.
"I'm an excellent actress." Sophie admitted, and she glanced at the letters scattered on the massive table, "I don't care what people think of me, as long as it gets the job done." She shrugged. Sophie knew Keefe and Biana deflated as she said that, but she didn't look up from the table.
"It has been decided. Everyone will shadow their selected leaders, Fang Guanyu and Queen Arsinoe have asked to see Alexios and me. Still, I also think they may want to see Ruy due to the discussion also being about the Dunmer."
"Lia, you forgot something..." Mansi whispered. Sophie knew what she is talking about, and groaned.
"Someone else can keep an eye on the Governor, but I'm certainly not. We have a plan, and we are sticking to it." Sophie snapped. Ruy tried to meet Sophie's eyes, but she simply glared over the table.
"I'll do it. After tonight's meeting, I can shadow him." Ruy volunteered. Sophie finally looked at him, and though her emotionless calculating face didn't crack, her eyes gave a flare of warmth.
"Thank you," Sophie breathed, returning to the table. Sophie met Biana and Keefe's eyes.
"We have to bring you back today. Too much is at risk for us to have the council on our heels, and if they spin some sob story about us kidnapping one of the elves, it would be chaos." Sophie's face softened, "I'm sorry if you wanted to stay." She whispered. But Biana and Keefe nodded in understanding.
"It's fine; we want to make sure everyone stays safe. What do you want from us?" Keefe asked.
"Stay low, blend in with the elves, pretend like you never have even seen Inalia, or spent time here. They will already keep an eye on you, Biana, since Alden has recollected his memories from Inalia, and I am sure the Council has figured it out by now. They are going to keep an eye on him because of that." Mansi piped up.
"Okay... how can we get back into the Lost Cities without the Council learning where we have been?" Biana asked.
"Leave that to us. The only thing that you need to do is stay low, maybe listen to some elven gossip, keep us updated. We will keep you guys in the loop, though, don't worry, " Sophie smiled at Keefe and Biana, "I'm not deserting you guys again." She chuckled. Keefe and Biana let out a breath, and they nodded, glancing out of the strategy room and staring at the setting sun.
Sophie swallowed as she says, "We need to bring you guys back now,"
Keefe and Biana's eyes darkened, but they strained a smile. Sophie wasn't convinced. She walked over to both of them, wrapping her arms around them.
The Council glared at Alden, Della, Grady, and Edaline, the halls of Everglen silent around the confrontation.
Biana and Keefe were still in Inalia. Tam knew that. He knew that Sophie would keep them safe no matter what. She and her entire guild, because that's what they are based around—undying loyalty and protection for those who need it. But there was no word from them, no small signal to tell the awaiting elves if they were safe.
The Council demanded to know where Biana and Keefe were; they noticed they registry pendants weren't working correctly and came over quickly to investigate.
Sunset was warming the now empty Everglen estate, all of the elves safely returned to their homes. At least, the ones who weren't destroyed by the battle.
"Edaline, we understand your concern, but please, we have every right to be suspicious of you all." Councilor Bronte groaned.
"Why is that?" Linh snapped.
"Well, by now Alden you have figured out your relationship with those... murdering brutes-"
"Cyevan Guild." Alden corrected, clearly not letting them insult the Vatarians wildly.
"Yes, and... you all were Sophie Foster's main team when she was undercover in our Cities. We have to remain vigilant around possible traitors."
Tam saw red when the councilors spat her name. They were acting like Sophie and the Vatarians were out to kill them, a race of evil monsters coming to destroy their perfect world. Undercover, like she was a secret spy?
"My daughter is not coming to destroy the Lost Cities; she is here to help!" Grady snapped, stepping forward
Tam was sure he wasn't the only one who heard it.
Grady called Sophie his daughter, even after all of this. He wasn't angry at her; he proudly called her his daughter.
The Council was taken aback. Councilor Oralie stepped forward, trying to diffuse the situation, but Alina stepped forward first.
"That woman isn't your daughter." Alina snapped.
Grady and Edaline clenched their jaws.
"That wasn't Sophie Foster, the girl who came from the Forbidden Cities, the precious little Moonlark-"
Edaline surged forward, "That is Amalia Hera Morretti, a powerful woman who is confident in herself and her family from both sides of her life. She has built her skills and powers specifically to help people feel safe and secure in this world. And damn it, she will ALWAYS be my daughter." Edaline lectured, her face right up in Councilor Alina's.
"She nearly killed me!"
"You slapped her brother! It was self-defense and protecting her family!" Edaline countered.
The Council went quiet.
"How did you know that he was her brother?" Councilor Darek asked, stepping forward. Edaline's eyes still blazed, but Tam didn't miss the flash of panic over her and Grady's eyes.
Did they somehow meet Sophie and her brother?
"I told them," Alden said, stepping forward.
"You told them?"
"I remembered the memories you stole from me, Councilors. I would know that man anywhere. You slapped her brother, I told everyone after the battle, and everything settled down. Besides, the man announced himself as her brother when he was... uh, lecturing you." Alden confirmed, even though he had no idea how Grady and Edaline knew.
Alina bit her cheek, glaring at Edaline and Grady, still suspicious. Her face was still somewhat red from where Sophie shoved her screeching head into the gravel, but no cuts or scratches.
"Mr. and Mrs. Vacker, I'm going to ask you one more time- where are Biana Vacker and Keefe Sencen-"
"What's going on down there?" A voice called out from the staircase. To everyone's surprise, Biana skipped down the stairs, her short flowing elven dress flittering around her. Her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, full of big bouncy curls. She looked like she never left.
Everyone's jaws dropped.
How the hell did she get here?
"We were just inquiring where you were, Ms. Vacker..." Councilor Oralie shyly admitted.
"Oh, I have been with the elves that were displaced by the battle. Down by the park?"
Councilor Alina straightened herself up, backing away from the Ruewens.
"We have come because your and Mr. Sencen's registry pendants feed has jammed, and we have come to investigate." Councilor Alina said kindly. Biana puckered out her lip, as if she had no idea what the Councilor was talking about.
"What's up, Vacker family- Woah, what happened here?!" A familiar voice called from the front doors. Everyone whipped their heads around, their jaws dropping even further when Keefe casually walked into the room.
"They-they... thought you were gone," Dex admitted, still slightly bewildered. Keefe looked confusingly at Biana, perfectly selling the illusion that they had no idea.
"Both you and Ms. Vacker's registry pendants were inactive for a while." Councilor Bronte sighed, tired of explaining it over and over
Keefe snapped his fingers, pointing them as he shuffled into his pocket.
"I've meant to ask you about that, actually!" He held out his registry pendant. It hung limply in his hands, and the crystal in the middle was cracked beyond repair.
"It got damaged in the battle when I was running into Everglen. I didn't notice it until I went home to change my clothes and check up on my dad." Keefe said plainly. That is when everyone knew he was lying, except for the Council.
One, because those were the same clothes he had when they tried to steal the Book of Mirthless.
Two, Keefe hates his dad.
"Oh, I see..." Councilor Oralie nodded in understanding.
"Maybe that is what happened to you, Biana?" Keefe asked. Biana made the spectacular performance of taking her registry pendant off her neck and gaping at the big crack going through the crystal.
"I didn't even notice that!" Biana gasped.
The Councilors still looked suspicious. They started towards Biana, and Tam started towards her as well, trying to stop them, but a new voice cut in.
"No need Councilors, I saw them both!" Stina's voice cut in. Dex physically groaned, but Tam kicked him, shutting him up. Linh froze up when she saw Stina, flashing back to when she caught her and Jackson in the park. Tam inched towards his sister, just reminding her that he was there to help if she needed it.
"Ms. Heks, what are you doing here?" Councilor Ramira asked, stepping forward.
"I've come to tell you that I think the Neverseen broke into my family shop." Stina Heks said, checking the cuticles on her right hand.
"What?! The Neverseen broke into shops as well?!" Councilor Bronte gaped.
"Yeah, nothing was stolen. Just a couple of clothes, including my favorite blazer." Stina sighed. Keefe looked anywhere but Stina, awkwardly shuffling his feet.
Tam had a feeling Keefe was at least somewhat responsible.
"Where are your parents?" Councilor Oralie asked.
"They are at the shop."
The Councilors look over the group one last time, before excusing themselves and rushing out of Everglen. Oralie glanced at Grady and Edaline, but glanced away before anyone could say anything. Stina watched them go and then turned to everyone.
"So, Keefe, why did you break into our shop?" Stina asked nonchalantly. Everyone froze.
Keefe's eyes went wide, and he desperately looked at them for help. It clicked in everyone's mind.
She covered for Biana and Keefe in front of the Council.
No one had an answer.
"I, uh-"
"And who was the one with you? He made you look just like my dad and me?"
With that, Alden stepped forward.
"Nour? You broke into the Heks's shop with Nour?" Alden asked. Keefe sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"It is complex..." Keefe sighed. Biana came fully down the stairs, letting out the breath she was holding with the Councilors around.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait... I need some fricking details, please?! Where the heck have you guys been? When did you arrive?!" Dex called out, holding his hands up. Keefe and Biana opened their mouths to explain, but then glanced at Stina.
Stina quickly gathered that she wasn't entirely welcome, and she scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"I just came to say that I deleted the footage capturing you in my store." Stina snapped at Keefe. Everyone blinked.
"Wait. Why?" Tam asked.
Stina glared at all of them before she simply said, "I didn't like Sophie, that is no secret. But I know that all the things they are saying about her?" Stina sighed, looking away, "They are wrong. She is fighting for the little guys; the left behind." Stina looked at Dex when she said, "My father faked an ability just to be able to feel like he belonged." Stina straightened her back, the ice returning to her eyes.
"But, whatever. Don't do it again, you hear me?" Stina snapped, pointing her perfectly manicured finger at Keefe. Keefe quickly nodded. Stina's eyes glanced over Linh, who shriveled.
Stina sucked in a breath, but she rummaged in her pockets, pulling out a small folded note. Tam shuffled in front of his sister as she neared, his fists clenching.
"Calm down, loser; I'm just giving her a note." Stina snapped at Tam, holding out the note. Tam glared at her, acutely aware of Biana, who suddenly shifted next to him. But Linh sidestepped both of them, gently grasping the letter from Stina's hands. Stina didn't wait for Linh to open it, she strided out of Everglen quickly and quietly. But right as she was about to leave, she turned to all of them.
"Tell her I say thank you since nobody else will," Stina muttered before holding her home crystal to the light and disappearing in a beam of light.
Tell her I say thank you.
Tam met Biana's eyes, knowing they were thinking the same thing.
"Okay, we will talk about that later," Della looked at Keefe and Biana.
"Where have you two been?" She snapped. Biana and Keefe made eye contact as Keefe closed the doors behind Stina.
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