《A Guild of Moonlit Shadows (A KOTLC FanFic)》~10~ Our Salvation or Damnation?
Prince Cato walked into the training arena that was in the middle of the back courtyard of the castle.
"Are you okay?" Cato asked, Ruy jumping slightly at the sudden voice. Cato swallowed, the dim lights and Ruy's general tall and intimidating stature making him seem unapproachable.
"Yeah, just worried." Ruy shrugged. Cato bit his lip, trying to understand where his brother was coming from. Surprisingly, Ruy started the conversation first.
"Are they cool?" He asked smirking.
Ruy pointed his head to the pair of leathery wings on Cato's back.
"Oh, yeah. It's pretty awesome. I got my- our Father's wings. I really want mom's feathered ones, though. The updraft is much less killer on those typed wings. I'm sure you are going to get dad's leather wings when you learn to open them." Cato chuckled, awkwardly shuffling his wings.
"Yeah, I guess." Ruy shrugged.
"Do you not think you can open your wings?" Cato asked.
"No, I'm just... not that attached to opening them. This is all so new to me, and I don't really care about flying. I mean, it seems cool, but I would use it for convenience, for the practicality of having this Dunmer side of me." Ruy chuckled slightly, "Listen to me, I might have the ability to fly and have all these new abilities to help people, and I'm bitching about them. If Soph heard me saying this, she would smack me. She can't stay out of the sky, she is always on Ricin, riding as far as the horizon can take her and exploring new areas. That is one thing I think I could use the Dunmer side for, seeing new places, exploring areas never before seen." Ruy admitted. Cato sat down on Ruy's bed, opening up a box of candies he had on his desk. Ruy didn't even know they existed until Cato started snacking on them.
"Tell me about them." Cato smiled.
"Your family? What are they like?" Cato asked, sitting forward in his seat. Ruy puckered out his lip in thought.
"Well, there is Maria and Filomena, they are Sophie's aunts, and Alexios's mothers. Filomena has a tendency to be a bit overbearing. Still, she is the kindest soul you have ever met, and she makes killer pastries. Maria is a bit of a fanatic; if she finished one thing, she is starting another. She runs a fashion line, holds down one of the main Cyevan spy bases in Renisanca, is the head technopath of the guild, and is a popular socialite. If she isn't inventing some new weapon, she is hosting a gala." Ruy smiled.
"Then there is Alvar and Mansi. Alvar is an elf, who stumbled across Inalia years ago, and has been a part of it for years. He is actually one of the voices of reason among the inner circle, but he always somehow gets over his head. Mansi is an extremely powerful pyrokinetic Vatarian from Wamponoug; she joined the Cyevan guild years ago after she escaped a slave trader dealio with Nour and Sophie. She is somewhat hot-headed and loud, but she is awesome to hang out with, and one of the strongest fighters I have ever seen. She and Alvar recently got engaged, actually!" Ruy explained.
"Really? Are they doing an Elven wedding or a Vatarian one?" Cato asked.
"No clue. They haven't had much time to talk about it, things have been a bit crazy ever since they got engaged, with the whole, protecting the world, working in the shadows, the whole deal." Ruy noted.
"Then there is Maha, the hopeless romantic spy who, I swear to the gods, has saved our asses so many times. She has secret identities all over the place, even snuck into the Elven Council as an elf. She is bubbly and light-hearted, but she knows how to be serious when it matters. Then there is Nour, who is honestly the exact opposite of Maha. He is quiet and stern, loves quiet calculation. But once he is around those he trusts, he loosens up a lot, and trust me; he knows how to party. He and Soph are pretty close." Ruy laughed.
"And then, Alexios. He always comes off as this intimidating hulking guy, even a renowned lady killer. In all reality, though, he is a huge dork. He loves astrology and reading, also an amazing trainer for the newcomers. Better then Soph, she just scares the crap out of the newbies. But, he does have a history of, uh, sleeping around a little bit. He hangs out with his sisters, Sophie and Lilac, all the time. They do a bunch together, from planning revolutions to helping with the dishes. But Sophie and Alexios tend to butt heads a lot; I think it is because they are so close together in age." Ruy smiled.
"And... Mentore Morretti? What about her?" Cato coughed. Ruy smiled, nudging his brother a little bit.
"You seem awfully interested in my gorgeous-badass-warrior best friend." Ruy chuckled. Cato laughed, not wanting to admit that he has starting to get feelings for her. Just little a crush, and Cato knew she was too old for him. He barely even knew her.
"It's nothing big..." Cato countered.
Ruy smirked slightly, and he sat back in his chair.
"She's relaxed and composed, and huge dork when she is around people she trusts. The fastest mind I have ever met, one of the biggest hearts aswell. She sometimes has a hard time showing it, but she cares too much about even the smallest things." Ruy smiled slightly.
"She likes to sleep with the windows open; she always trains at 8 in the morning, trains on the nearby beach. She likes adventure books, but also surprisingly enjoys a good romance book. She loves to wear her hair down but will wear it up when she is working. She loves the sky, more than anything."
Ruy droned on in a happy daze, a small smile on his lips.
"She likes red, thinks it's pretty and all, but she really loves azure, more than anything. I still don't know why. She used to like teal a lot, but she fell out of love with the color." Ruy breathed.
"You know a lot about her," Cato noted.
"We are best friends, we have both been through a lot, so it helped us get close," Ruy responded.
"Even though your mom did... you know? It seems like you two should be mortal enemies." Cato cringed. Ruy took a shaky breath.
"She never judged anyone on their parents or past mistakes. She sees them for how they treat others, how they carry themselves, how they believe the world should be." Ruy shrugged, "She surrounds herself with dreamers."
Cato looked like he wanted to say something, but Ruy's attention went elsewhere.
Ruy glanced at the stone walls surrounding the castle, and his eyes widened as he noticed the gathering crowds outside the palace walls. The Dunmer people tried to fly over the walls, but plunked against a forcefield surrounding the palace, and were forced to land. They seemed to be curious and almost worried.
"What are they doing?" Ruy asked.
"They are trying to see you," Cato explained.
"Me? Why?" Ruy asked, worried they were ready to riot.
"Everyone in any Dunmer cavern has heard of the Lost Prince. Even though nothing official has come out, it is no secret that he has come home. He is the eldest of the King's sons, and people want to see the newest member of the royal family."
"Agh, jeez. Am I going to have to, like, kiss babies and smile for pictures and stuff?" Ruy groaned.
"No, maybe a little, but nothing too bad. If you don't want to, make Kalem do it. He loves to have people kiss his boots." Cato snorted. Ruy went silent, glancing at the walls once more.
"Show me around." Ruy decided.
"What? No, we can't leave the castle-"
"What if it isn't us leaving?" Ruy proposed.
"Uh, no. You may not be recognizable yet, but I am-" Cato watched in confusion as Ruy pulled out two cloaks.
"I'm an Assassin. Let's just say sneaking in and out of places is my forte." Ruy smiled. Cato took the cloak in his hand, awkwardly shuffling it to cover his wings. Ruy pulled the hood up, and right before he left the training grounds, he closed his eyes and focused. He tried to hear if his friends was calling for him if they needed him.
But he felt no transmissions.
Ruy didn't know if he should feel relieved or more worried.
But Ruy turned to his younger brother and smiled, and Cato led them out of the castle to explore the Dunmer Kingdom.
Ruy followed Cato's lead as they snuck out of the castle through the servant's quarters. He followed as his younger brother somewhat expertly passed the guards. Ruy made a note to teach his youngest brother some Assassin techniques.
They walked down the side of the cavernous hillside, delving deeper and deeper into the city. Cato awkwardly jumped over a stone fence and into an alley, Ruy smoothly following after him. The two princes stepped out of the alleyway, and Ruy's mouth went dry. Towering stone buildings built in towers, temples, shops, everything.
There were humming crystals and glittering gold casually scattered about, almost like they had an abundance of all of these priceless commodities.
Some Dunmer were walking on the beautiful cobbled roads with their wings tucked behind them; some were casually gliding around, holding baskets or bags of their items.
It was a menagerie of horns, wings, tattoos, claws, fangs, almost everything.
In comparison to some of his people, Ruy's father was quite bland.
Cato nervously held his cloak around his shoulders, and Ruy elbowed him slightly.
"That only makes you more suspicious," Ruy whispered.
"How would you know how to blend in?" Cato snapped.
Ruy looked at him with a cocked eyebrow.
"Right, Assassin, sorry." Cato breathed. Ruy easily kept his hood up while also looking casual.
"Keep your shoulders loose; only bring your hood far enough down to cover your eyes, put your arms at your side." Ruy breathed. Cato followed Ruy's instructions, and he blended in much more.
Ruy followed as Cato guided through the intricate city, the buildings so tall they seemed to touch the top of the crystalized cavern.
Ruy stopped by a stall, a small little thing run by a man with crooked wings. The man made small talk with Ruy as he happily looked over the trinkets. Cato was off to find some item he wanted, leaving Ruy to look around himself.
"Have you heard about the new Prince?" The man asked. Even though Ruy tried to restrain it, he flinched, but he looked at the man innocently.
"Can't say I have." Ruy sighed.
"The Lost Prince is rumored to have come home finally. A handsome one, by the reports of the maids who have glimpsed him. Powerful, too, has mastered his Vatarian soul, and is rumored to have been training with the Cyevan Assassins." The man whispered, leaning forward. Ruy spat a curse under his breath.
They shouldn't know so much about him; they shouldn't.
"What do you think about him?" Ruy whispered. The man hummed in thought, blowing out a breath as Ruy plucked up a small golden object and observed it.
"I think he is our salvation, in all honesty." The man chuckled. Ruy's blood turned to ice, and he turned to the man open-mouthed.
"You can't be serious. No offense to the Prince, but he is the bastard born half breed son the king had almost 20 years ago. What effect could he have on all of you- on us?" Ruy breathed. The man glared at Ruy and simply shook out his crooked wings.
"Say that if you will, but I was alive when that little boy came. Half Vatarian, Half Dunmer royalty. The mother was never quite... there, but the King? The King was overjoyed to have his little son! King Dorian did everything for him, and when that vile mother of his stole him from our King, he shut down. He became empty, inactive. He eventually married our wonderful Queen, had the Princes, but he was never the same after he lost Ruy." The man looked at Ruy with so much hope in his eyes, Ruy was slightly overwhelmed,
"That boy is now the age where he is intelligent enough to make his own decisions. He is half Vatarian, he could be able to be our key to flying beyond the cavern and reuniting with the Vatarians above. But our King... he is still damaged. Anyone snaps at him, and he will either explode or slink back and go quiet. Maybe the hope of his son returning can give him back his hope, his fire that the stupid mother stomped out of him when she robbed him of their son." The man slumped down.
"Does everyone think this way?" Ruy asked quietly, the sudden weight of this man's hope pressing down on his shoulders.
"No, a lot of people share my expectations of Prince Ruy, but the hope I have for the royal family and the King?" The man sighed, looking over the bustling crowds of the Dunmer citizens.
"After he lost his son, the King just... stopped operating in the way he used to. He still ran the Dunmer kingdom, but, he just lost his luster. And, since then, people have started to lose their faith in the crown." The man admitted.
"Is it-"
"What are you going to do about it?!" A voice called out. The stallkeeper and Ruy whipped their heads around, staring at a newly gathered circle.
"Is that Prince Cato?!" The stallkeep gaped, glancing at the confrontation. Ruy didn't answer, instead of pushing his way through the wings and people to the center.
In the middle, was a crowd of maybe three 17-year-old Dunmer kids, two boys, and one girl. They all hounded on Cato, who's hood was ripped off his head, revealing his face.
"Tell me, princy, what are you going to do about it?" One of them asked, holding Cato's object out of his reach. In the older boy's reach, was a carved and polished azure stone. CAaved around it, was a slender crystal dragon.
Azure, Sophie's favorite color.
Damn, Cato was head over heels for Sophie.
"Take it from me, take some action. You won't, just like your dad, you will sit on your ass and wait for it to come back to you." The boy mocked. Cato's face was one of fury, and his fist was clenched as he tried to swipe away the jewel.
"Give it back to me! I need to meet someone-"
"Is it your little girlfriend, have you finally managed to not scare away anyone? Is that why you got this little thing?" The Dunmer girl cackled, snatching it out of the hand of her friend.
"No, stop-"
"Hey!" Ruy roared. Everyone went quiet as Ruy stepped forward, watching him as he stepped in front of Cato. Cato barely moved from his spot, but Ruy noticed that his younger brother took the smallest step closer to him. The three others looked him up and down, squaring him up.
"And who are you?" One of the boys asked.
"Doesn't matter to you. But harassing him?" Ruy snatched the small jewel out of the girl's hands, her wings bristling with surprise.
"Does matter. Get lost, you act high and mighty, but you all are spoiled brats that don't know how small you are in the scale of the world." Ruy snapped. They stared blankly at him, and the girl looked him up and down, biting her lip when she spotted Ruy's pointed canines.
Ruy scoffed.
"I'm not interested, toddler. I'm into those who treat everyone with respect. Go. Home."
"Don't talk to her like that!" The boy snapped. Ruy slammed the crystal in Cato's hand, closing his fingers around it.
"I will talk to her better when you all learn to act like grown adults and not bratty children." Ruy spat. He turned on his heel, placing a hand on Cato's back and leading him through the crowd.
Too many people, there were too many people looking at them.
Ruy was stewing in his anger that he didn't even hear the footsteps running up behind him.
And he couldn't react fast enough as one of the boys yanked down his hood.
Sophie would have scolded him, snapping at him to never get too lost in himself to ignore his surroundings.
Ruy cursed as everyone gasped, huddling away from him.
The Lost Prince glared daggers at the now shaking teenager.
"He looks just like the King!"
"Could it be him?"
"No, he is too young to be the king..."
"But the right age to be Prince Ruy!"
"That's him?!"
Whispers broke out among the crowd, and Ruy stepped closer to the shaking kid.
"If you make me repeat myself, I'm going to punch you so hard you are going to see stars. Leave my brother and me alone. Do I make myself clear?" Ruy seethed. They all nodded, and the whispers continued as Ruy and Cato pushed their way through the crowd.
Ruy pushed up Cato's hood, leading him by the back through the crowd and into one of the shadowed alleyways. Ruy didn't say anything, and everyone knew better than to follow them.
"I'm sorry." Cato breathed. Ruy didn't answer.
"I just wanted to get something for Amalia, to... help her alliance with the Dunmer. When someone landed, the wind they made blew up my hood for a second. They pounced the minute they saw my face." Cato explained quietly. Ruy was still deadly quiet, his eyes trained outside of the alleyway as he scanned for any more possible threats.
"I'm going to train you." Ruy finally turned back to Cato, "When we get back to the castle. You need to know what to do if that happens again."
"Dad says I'm not allowed to train until I'm older."
"Well, it's a good thing I don't give a shit what he thinks. I'm not going to let that happen again, do you understand?"
Cato nodded silently.
Ruy let out a breath.
He smiled, and his eyes glanced over the stone in Cato's hands.
"Azure, huh?" Ruy smiled. Cato nodded, holding the crystal out for Ruy to examine.
"Could you hold onto it? Until we get back?" Cato proposed. Ruy smiled, and he brushed his fingers over the crystal. He gripped it in his hand, and a sudden sensation overcame him.
"Ruy?" Cato asked as Ruy fell to his knees. Ruy coughed, watching as blood dribbled out of his mouth.
Again? Why does this keep happening?!
"Ruy!" Cato hissed as Ruy propped himself on his elbows. Cato tried to grab the crystal from Ruy's fingers, but they were gripped tightly around it.
A woman flashed in front of Ruy's eyes.
Blond hair, shaking body.
Cato tried to shake Ruy out of his trance.
She looked up, trying to look for someone.
Brown eyes.
Ruy cursed as Sophie wobbled up on her feet.
Cato's desperate words droned out as Sophie's hiccuped pants echoed in his head.
Quietly, almost silently, he whispered,
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The Cosmic Interloper
Synopsis: A cyborg transhuman escapes her corporate indenture and through unfathomably unlikely circumstances, she ends up in a fantasy world of full of unique magic, angry people with sharp implements, and the whole flavor-spectrum of divine entities. Hilarity ensues. Features: - No blue boxes or cultivation, this is not a LitRPG nor about martial arts - Hard-ish Sci-Fi meets hard-ish magic - Generally trying to keep this "rational" Rationale: My primary goal with The Cosmic Interloper is to write something that I myself would enjoy reading. Of course, that’s not the only motivation, but I think it’s the most important one for me to keep in mind, especially as the author. In fact, this whole story came about because after consuming oodles of fiction, I found myself craving a very specific type of story which I couldn’t find many examples of. Then I asked myself, “why not write it myself?” and here we are. Disclaimer: In general, while I’m not writing a comedy, I do intend for this story to be funny and a bit wacky or absurd. That said though, I am using this story as a vehicle to explore some potentially dark topics including (but not limited to) slavery, speciesism/racism, and existential questions of self, consciousness, and identity. Still, I’m going to leave the “traumatizing content” tags off, because I don’t feel that what I’ve written so far (or plan on writing) exceeds the threshold that would be necessary for me to tag it thusly. Also, [insert your favorite boilerplate “views expressed” disclaimer here]. I shouldn’t need to say this, but the main character can be wrong on occasion (gasp!) and the way she views the world is not the objective truth (if such a thing even exists).
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