《The Dating Pact | ✓》Chapter 15 : The Mehrotras


I shut the door as soon as she steps out.

It's been less than even two weeks that I have known her and she's on my mind twenty-four into seven.

Shravya Arora is definitely something.

Who even tells their parents they have a boyfriend when in actual fact they do not? And then have the courage to approach a completely unknown stranger and ask them if they'll be their boyfriend?

She's got guts and I like that about her.

I walk back to my kitchen. On reaching the counter I find two casseroles on the cooktop.

I open the lid of the one containing the dal fry and the smell of it hits my nostrils bringing a smile on my face.

Damn, she's a good cook too.

I quickly grab a plate and spoon and serve myself after which I carry the plate to the living room and sit on the sofa beginning to have it.

The moment the first spoonful of the rice mixed with the dal fry goes inside my mouth I smile. This is so damn good.

Within minutes I'm done with my dinner. I walk back to the kitchen and put the plate back in the sink and wash it.

When I'm done I get to my bedroom and switch on the television I have in there.

I switch the air conditioner on and get on the bed, my back resting against the headboard.

My eyes land on the wall clock.

8.10 p.m.

Shravya should have reached by now. To check if she's sent me a message or not I plug my phone out of the charging socket and unlock it.

There's no message from her. A frown forms on my face. I asked her to let me know when she reaches.

Disappointed, I called my driver who told me that he dropped her off at her complex's gate fifteen minutes back.

I hung up the call and typed a message to Shravya.

Arjun : Hey, Shravya, I asked you to text me when you reach home.???

I then keep my phone back on the nightstand and watch the news playing on the television however my thoughts drift off to Shravya again.

A picture of her when she went on that stupid blind date forms in my mind. She looked absolutely beautiful that day and I couldn't help but tell her that out loud.

I remember how I was waiting for her to enter inside the cafe before driving away but she did not go inside right away. As I was watching from inside my car it looked like she was looking for someone, it turned out she was. A couple of minutes later a guy approached her, they spoke for a couple of minutes before walking inside.

The guy trying to impress her and all that, had held the door open for her as she had entered with a big smile on her face.

I had thought he was her boyfriend. How wrong was I!


She had gone on a blind date. Why did she even go to one though?

She has me as her boyfriend right?

Pretend boyfriend whatever.

She had told me that she eventually wanted to settle down with someone and so she went on that date on her bestfriend's insistence.

I just hope whoever she settles with treats her right. She deserves to be treated right.

The ringing of my phone breaks me out of my trance and I immediately reach for it thinking it's Shravya who's calling me however the moment I look at the caller ID I'm disappointed.


[Abhi : Short form for Abhimanyu, who's Arjun's younger cousin brother.]

I received the call and put my phone to my ear.

"Hello Bhai, you're on speaker. I'm reporting from my room in MM, and with me I have Aarohi." He says.

[Aarohi : Twin sister of Aditya and cousin of Arjun]

"Hi, Bhai, I'm with this bandar, yes." Aarohi's voice says.

[Bandar : Monkey]

"And you're a bandariya." Abhi says.

[Bandariya : used to refer to a female monkey]

"Oh really, and you Abhimanyu Mehrotra are a chimpanzee." Aarohi says. I suppress the laugh which is ready to escape my lips and in a strict voice ask,

"Hey, the two of you, stop bickering and tell me how's everything at MM."

"Bhai ithe total siyappa ho raha hai [Brother there's total chaos here]." Abhi says.

"Yes, bhai, total siyappa. Everything is in a mess." Aarohi adds. [Siyappa : Chaos]

"Hain!? But why?" I ask them.

[Hain (in this context) : What!?]

"Dadi's still very angry with you. Every time her eyes land on the kitchen she remembers how you broke a rule from The MM rules." Aarohi says.

"And the worst thing is she got to know that we knew you were planning on destroying the kitchen." Abhi says.

"Destroying the kitchen?" I ask him.

"No Bhai I meant cooking in the kitchen, it's the same thing you know, you trying to cook is equivalent to you destroying the kitchen." He explains.

"Lagta hai hamare pichle boxing match ko bhool gaya tu? [Seems like you have forgotten the last boxing match between us]" I ask him.

"No, no, no Bhai. Don't even remind me about it." He says.

"Bhai, I'm not getting any pocket money for the next four weeks." Aarohi says.

"I'll give you my credit card, princess, don't worry." I tell her in a gentle voice.

"Thank you bhai, I love you!" She instantly says.

"Dadi has captured my bike for the next four weeks Bhai, does that mean I get your Supernova?" Abhi asks me in an excited tone.

[Royal Enfield Meteor 350 Supernova : Arjun's bike]

"No, you get nothing, Abhi, don't even think about touching my baby." I tell him.

"Bhai this isn't fair. This is pure injustice." He says in a disappointed voice and I can totally picture him scrunching his nose.


"This is totally fair, bandar." Aarohi tells Abhi.

"Chup kar bandariya." Abhi says in response. [Keep quiet, monkey]

"Don't start again the two of you. Now tell me, should I come in and try to convince Dadi to let me back in tomorrow?" I ask them.

"Yes." Both of them answer in unison.

"Dadi nu ek hafte ke liye jitna meetha khaana hai khaane ki permission dedo bhai, pakka maan jaana hai unhe. (Allow grandmother to have as much sweets as she wants for a week, she'll definitely agree to let you back in." Abhi says.

"She's diabetic, bewakoof." I say.

[Bewakoof : Stupid]

"Absolutely right, bhai. This Abhi is so dumb." Aarohi says.

"I was only giving a suggestion. Get out of my room, if you think I'm dumb, go away." Abhi tells Aarohi.

"Yes, I'm going only. Bhai I'll call you from my phone." She says and a few seconds later I hear the door close with a bang.

"Bhai, I can convince Dadi if you give me your Supernova for the next four weeks." Abhi says as soon as Aarohi has left.

"What's your plan?" I ask him rightaway.

When he's done telling me his plan a satisfied smile forms on my lips.

"This plan is foolproof bhai, you just get ready to give the keys to your Supernova." He says.

"It better work, Abhi or else I'm going to have your bike captured for not four but eight weeks." I tell him.

"You don't worry bhai, nothing will go wrong." He tells me.

"Okay then, we'll execute it tomorrow, you just be ready." I tell him.

"Aye, aye captain." He says and I hang up.

Now I just hope this plan works. Looking at how exhausted Shravya was today, I cannot have her cook dinner for me everyday till I don't get entry into the MM. She works from morning till evening and then has to come here and cook for me.

I can't let this happen. I check my phone again but there's no response from her.

Agitated I throw my phone to one corner of the bed and grab a cushion placing it on my lap.

"Why are you getting so agitated, Arjun Mehrotra?" I ask myself loudly.

I have to stop thinking about her or waiting for a response from her. She has a life outside this pretend boyfriend thing that she has going on with me.

It's just meeting her parents once and then everything will be over between us.

Will it? Will I ever see her again?

Well, how does it even matter?

Kaun hai Shravya Arora? [Who is Shravya Arora?] She's just a random girl. I mentally tell myself.

Yes, better. Now I have to stop thinking about her and focus on the television.

Ten minutes later I switch the television off and get off the bed. This isn't working. She isn't leaving my mind and I have to do something about it.

I quickly take out a pair of jeans and a shirt from the wardrobe and change into it after which I leave to check on the new restaurant.

On reaching there the guard greets me and I greet him back before entering inside and meeting the workers.

When I'm done checking on the progress I get inside my office and check my e-mails.

Various reports from the restaurants have been mailed to me and I go through them one by one.

After checking them I made a mental note of the three meetings that I have to attend tomorrow in regards to the new restaurant.

Seems like I won't be seeing Shravya tomorrow as my entire day will be spent moving from one location to another. The thought disappoints me.

What the fuck is wrong with you, Arjun!!!

I then open the message.

Shravya : I'm sorry, it totally slipped my mind. I reached home by eight.

It slipped off her mind? Okay. Absolutely okay. I leave the message on seen and lock my phone again.

I rest my head against the chair and close my eyes, relaxing for a while.

But clearly Arjun Mehrotra cannot relax because the very next moment my phone starts ringing.

Chaachi. [Aunt]

"Hello Chaachi, how are you?" I ask her as soon as I receive the call.

"Arjun puttar [Son], I'm sad, very sad. Mummy ji is shouting at me unnecessarily these days." She says in response in a depressed voice.

[Mummy ji : referring to her Mother in law, Arjun's Dadi (grandmother)]

"Seems like I have to get back to MM soon. Everything is in a mess." I tell her.

"Of course, when are you coming back?" She asks me.

"Whenever Dadi is ready to let me back in MM." I tell her.

"I tried speaking to her a couple of times, trying to persuade her into letting you back in, even made you both's favourite butter chicken yesterday but she just doesn't agree." She tells me.

"You guys had butter chicken yesterday?" I ask her. My Chaachi makes the best butter chicken.

"Yes and I tried to secretly parcel some for you through one of the staff but Mummy ji caught me and gave me an earful." She tells me.

"Just my bad luck." I comment.

"Don't worry Arjun, the day you come back to MM, I'm going to organize a feast with all your favourite dishes." She tells me.

"Aw, I love you Chaachi." I tell her with a smile.

"Haye, mera baccha [my baby], I love you too." She says.

"Shraddha who are you talking to?" I hear Dadi's voice in the background.

"Arjun, Mummy ji is coming to my room, I'll speak to you later, okay. " She tells me in a hushed voice.

"Sure. Take care." I tell her and hang up.

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